author Dominic Pinkman <>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 11:11:55 +0100
changeset 7 51a74ef9ed63
parent 5 f345bda72bc4
child 14 578be2adaf3e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Week 12 contribution of API Specs and fix SDK submission

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
and is available at the URL "". -->
<!-- Initial Contributors:
    Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
<!DOCTYPE concept
  PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<concept id="GUID-0E12D791-D9AC-5F7E-9AB7-363D706BC516" xml:lang="en"><title>Category:
<p>W32 is a synchronous interface onto the window server that user code can
include, link to and invoke instead of sending low level client-server requests
to the window server. Some errors can be detected before they are sent to
the server and are raised as panics from W32. Code in the W32 synchronous
interface runs in the client’s thread, so it raises panics in situations it
can understand on the current thread via <xref href="GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D.dita#GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D/GUID-D64BDAEB-AB87-37ED-9F4C-99516B40FFB8"><apiname>User::Panic()</apiname></xref>.
These panics have a category of W32. </p>
<p>To minimise strain on the system, W32 can cache several requests in order
in a buffer and send them as a group to the server. This means that a panic
might not be caused by a bug in the last client-side code to run, but by an
earlier line that does not get its request serviced until later. To debug
such a panic it is often useful to turn on auto flushing. </p>
<p>Window server synchronous interface (W32) panics are raised by the synchronous
interface onto the window server when it realises a client has attempted an
action the interface can’t legally pass on to the window server thread. Because
the interface is synchronous, the current thread is panicked, and the request
is never sent to the window server. </p>
<p>These panics are defined in the enumeration <codeph>TW32Panic</codeph> in
the <filepath>w32cmd.h</filepath> file. </p>
<p>Note that some panics are raised in debug builds only. </p>
<table id="GUID-A07B38D4-A8C0-5300-8B6A-CC293B4B8561">
<tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/>
<entry><p>0</p> </entry>
<entry><p>An attempt was made to reconnect to the window server using <xref href="GUID-643DDA78-C7A7-386D-AB3F-8710141DDDA9.dita#GUID-643DDA78-C7A7-386D-AB3F-8710141DDDA9/GUID-6CA684BC-746E-3357-90A0-E5105DDC4E01"><apiname>RWsSession::Connect()</apiname></xref>.
It is only possible to reconnect if the current session has been closed. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>1</p> </entry>
<entry><p>Not used. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>2</p> </entry>
<entry><p>Not used. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>3</p> </entry>
<entry><p>Not used. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>4</p> </entry>
<entry><p>Raised by <xref href="GUID-0AEE5955-C530-35F1-A904-69183331B294.dita#GUID-0AEE5955-C530-35F1-A904-69183331B294/GUID-16D0746A-B05E-3BB6-AD6F-45D22F3CE0CE"><apiname>CWindowGc::MapColors()</apiname></xref> when its <codeph>aNumPairs</codeph> argument
has a value greater than 16. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>5</p> </entry>
<entry><p>Data is too long to fit into the window server's client side buffer,
see <xref href="GUID-E5CDDA05-CD86-5C44-B9DA-3249D9C14396.dita">Client-side buffer</xref>. </p> <p>Introduced
in v6.0. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>6</p> </entry>
<entry><p> <codeph>CWsScreenDevice::SetCustomPalette()</codeph> was called
with a NULL pointer. </p> <p>Introduced in v7.0. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>7</p> </entry>
<entry><p> <xref href="GUID-30479BE3-296E-3B4D-914D-B080ABD733E4.dita#GUID-30479BE3-296E-3B4D-914D-B080ABD733E4/GUID-A61D694F-FDC7-369A-947C-7AD8A340768A"><apiname>CWsScreenDevice::SetPalette()</apiname></xref> failed, but no
error code could be returned. Debug builds for the emulator only. </p> <p>Introduced
in v7.0. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>8</p> </entry>
<entry><p>A direct screen access function was called out of turn. </p> <p>Introduced
in v7.0. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>9</p> </entry>
<entry><p>An attempt was made to pass an invalid region to the window server.
Debug builds only. </p> <p>Introduced in v7.0s. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>10 </p> </entry>
<entry><p>Raised when the client is trying to use a wrong IpcSlot. The first
slot if raised by <xref href="GUID-4180CDBA-E9A5-3A4B-9778-26D172FAFD10.dita#GUID-4180CDBA-E9A5-3A4B-9778-26D172FAFD10/GUID-682EB86C-BD43-3CAD-8A29-1F1DBBFC0C8D"><apiname>RAnim::CommandReply()</apiname></xref> or <xref href="GUID-800B3667-F45F-391F-A8A9-F876FB4ABC34.dita#GUID-800B3667-F45F-391F-A8A9-F876FB4ABC34/GUID-6B0A3E62-E1F8-35D8-8C44-7EA01AE9FEDD"><apiname>RAnimDll::Construct()</apiname></xref>.
Either the first or the second if raised by <xref href="GUID-4180CDBA-E9A5-3A4B-9778-26D172FAFD10.dita#GUID-4180CDBA-E9A5-3A4B-9778-26D172FAFD10/GUID-601E27D2-88BC-361F-9308-A5F85842B6CB"><apiname>RAnim::AsyncCommandReply()</apiname></xref>. </p> <p>Introduced
in v7.0s. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>11 </p> </entry>
<entry><p>A function has been called with a <codeph>NULL</codeph> array pointer
when it should not be. </p> <p>Introduced in v8.1. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>12 </p> </entry>
<entry><p>Not used. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>13 </p> </entry>
<entry><p>The <xref href="GUID-924312A8-C5C6-3A0A-8DB4-0381693AE3FD.dita#GUID-924312A8-C5C6-3A0A-8DB4-0381693AE3FD/GUID-421EAB75-3457-3F49-9D82-472CE0B4C2CB"><apiname>CWsGraphic::CManager</apiname></xref>'s <xref href="GUID-631D81BD-C05C-3802-9224-BD1D5F4F7358.dita"><apiname>RPointerArray&lt;CWsGraphic&gt;</apiname></xref> still
has pointers to <codeph>CWsGraphic</codeph> left inside when it should be
empty. </p> <p>Introduced in v9.2. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>14 </p> </entry>
<entry><p>Raised when one of the <codeph>CWsGraphic::CManager()</codeph>'s
members has an inconsistent value (i.e. <codeph>NULL</codeph> when it should
not be and vice-versa). </p> <p>Introduced in v9.2. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>15 </p> </entry>
<entry><p>Raised if <xref href="GUID-35FABDFE-4C10-3BBF-B6C5-660082840620.dita"><apiname>RWsGraphicMsgBuf</apiname></xref> has been passed an
out of bounds index or an incorrect type message. </p> <p>Introduced in v9.2. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>16 </p> </entry>
<entry><p>Raised when trying to send an empty <xref href="GUID-EEFAEF17-4CE6-3113-87D6-7A2FF27773C3.dita"><apiname>TWsClCmdGdSendMessage</apiname></xref>. </p> <p>Introduced
in v9.2. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>17 </p> </entry>
<entry><p>Not used. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>18 </p> </entry>
<entry><p>Raised when an invalid parameter is passed to a function. </p> <p>Introduced
in v9.4. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>19 </p> </entry>
<entry><p>Raised when <codeph>Construct()</codeph> is called on an already
constructed client-side object. </p> <p>Introduced in v9.5. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>20 </p> </entry>
<entry><p>Debug: Raised when trying to use an interface that is not initialised. </p> <p>Introduced
in v9.5. </p> </entry>
<entry><p>21 </p> </entry>
<entry><p>Debug: Raised when returned data does not match expected sizes or
granularity. </p> <p>Introduced in v9.5. </p> </entry>