author Dominic Pinkman <>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 11:11:55 +0100
changeset 7 51a74ef9ed63
parent 5 f345bda72bc4
child 14 578be2adaf3e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Week 12 contribution of API Specs and fix SDK submission

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<!DOCTYPE concept
  PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<concept id="GUID-28C7424E-2B32-53F2-8A31-8FB6815B4148" xml:lang="en"><title>How
to format currency values</title><shortdesc>Describes how to format currency values for current locale.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<section id="GUID-D09EB90D-6A64-46C8-A47D-1D122307AD4D"><title>From 6.1 onward</title> <p>From 6.1, the <xref href="GUID-53299759-C2DD-3ABC-A055-9AFE7C5081C6.dita"><apiname>TLocale</apiname></xref> class
provides the <codeph>FormatCurrency()</codeph> functions that can format currency
values into a descriptor. The functions can handle both small and large values.
They render the currency amount as text, using the current locale's formatting
requirements. These include items such as:</p> <ul>
<li id="GUID-DC19903D-A39D-52D1-B1F7-06373F96F7CD"><p> the appropriate currency
symbol</p> </li>
<li id="GUID-518DBCEB-70B0-5E53-AB13-245403BF98C3"><p> whether the currency
symbol is placed before or after the currency amount</p> </li>
<li id="GUID-6BF3E2BC-1327-52FE-955D-E7D5BAF3CD8B"><p>whether there is space
between the currency amount and the currency symbol</p> </li>
<li id="GUID-340BC8A9-A189-56A2-9041-D3711041E436"><p>the number of decimal
places</p> </li>
<li id="GUID-9A7E86A9-6C2A-561A-AED0-BD513D128C54"><p>the way a negative currency
value is rendered.</p> </li>
</ul> <p>There are four overloaded variants of <codeph>FormatCurrency()</codeph>,
two of which are suitable for rendering currency values that fit into a <xref href="GUID-7A2A43EC-6125-3BFE-834B-23C37F7B40D5.dita"><apiname>TInt</apiname></xref> type,
and the other two of which are suitable for rendering very large currency
values that fit into a <xref href="GUID-AAE85115-A8AA-3F6C-BA8C-69F5A23B0D90.dita"><apiname>TInt64</apiname></xref> type.</p> <p>Both pairs of
functions behave in the same way, and the following code fragments will also
apply to the <codeph>TInt64</codeph> variants.</p> <p>The first code fragment
uses the <codeph>void FormatCurrency(TDes&amp;,TInt);</codeph> variant.</p> <codeblock id="GUID-537D91F4-9F9C-5466-8001-AEB490544E71" xml:space="preserve">...
TLocale locale;

TInt amount;
TBuf&lt;64&gt; buffer;

</codeblock> <p>On return, the descriptor buffer contains the currency value
formatted as text using the currency symbol and formatting appropriate to
the current locale. Note, however, that the caller is responsible for ensuring
that the descriptor buffer is large enough. Too small a buffer results in
a <codeph>USER 11</codeph> panic.</p> <p>The second code fragment uses the <codeph>void
FormatCurrency(TDes&amp;,TDesOverflow&amp;,TInt);</codeph> variant.</p> <codeblock id="GUID-1E2BD59A-DD14-5E6A-87FB-E4DA19AA5813" xml:space="preserve">
class TestOverflow : public TDesOverflow
    void Overflow(TDes&amp; aBufferThatOverflowed);

void TestOverflow::Overflow(TDes&amp; aBufferThatOverflowed)
    aBufferThatOverflowed = KTextOverflow;

TLocale locale;
TestOverflow ovfl;

TInt amount;
HBufC* bufPtr;

bufPtr = HBufC::NewL(10);

...</codeblock> <p>In this fragment, if the formatted text cannot fit into
the buffer, <codeph>*bufPtr</codeph>, then <codeph>TestOverflow::Overflow()</codeph> is
called which simply sets the text "Overflowed" into the buffer. In practice,
application code would probably perform more sophisticated recovery which
might include re-allocating the buffer and re-trying the <codeph>FormatCurrency()</codeph> operation.</p> </section>
<section id="GUID-F82759A3-E704-474C-8A4D-3E2FB9F451BD"><title>Before 6.1</title> <p>Before 6.1, the <codeph>FormatCurrency()</codeph> function
is not available and the procedure for formatting a currency value needs more
code and explicitly uses more of the functionality of the <codeph>TLocale</codeph> class.</p> <p>In
the following example code fragments, the formatting is done by a function
called <codeph>foo()</codeph>. This function takes a descriptor that, on return,
holds the formatted currency value. The function assumes that the descriptor
is big enough to hold the formatted text. The example holds the currency value
as a <xref href="GUID-2D851BBB-15A1-309A-813D-E397D55A6431.dita"><apiname>TReal</apiname></xref> value.</p> <p><codeph>foo()</codeph> uses the <codeph>AppendNum()</codeph> and <codeph>Append()</codeph> descriptor
functions to format and append the currency value and symbol to <codeph>aBuffer</codeph> using
an object of class <xref href="GUID-28F1EA9D-9F02-3E8C-A07F-4D65C955860C.dita"><apiname>TRealFormat</apiname></xref> to determine the character
representation of the currency value.</p> <p>The code formats the following
locale-dependent aspects of currency information: </p> <ul>
<li id="GUID-3C344A41-3AA2-57A2-89F2-779D26FB37CE"><p>the number of decimal
places</p> </li>
<li id="GUID-1862BBE9-D48E-52AB-B8A8-4D0DF4F0C94D"><p>the decimal and thousands
separators (<codeph>iPoint</codeph> and <codeph>iTriad</codeph>) </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-E44611AA-8BC5-5907-9A71-D1375F68C5B5"><p>whether <keyword>triads</keyword> are
allowed or not (<codeph>iTriLen</codeph>)</p> </li>
<li id="GUID-A0713C22-602A-5FC2-9505-414DA4F4CFE9"><p>An <codeph>iTriLen</codeph> value
of 1 signifies that triads are allowed throughout the currency amount. A value
of zero means that no triads are allowed.</p> </li>
</ul> <codeblock id="GUID-B557FADA-0BBC-55EC-945D-38B503F173D5" xml:space="preserve">void foo(TDes&amp; aBuffer, TReal aCurrencyAmount)
            // get system locale settings
    TLocale locale; 
    TRealFormat realFormat; 

            // convert number to the general form "nnn.ddd" where
            // "n" is the integer and "d" is the decimal portion.
            // iWidth is the maximum number of characters allowed to represent the number
    realFormat.iTriLen=(locale.CurrencyTriadsAllowed() ? 1 : 0);
    ...</codeblock> <p>Note the following points:</p> <ul>
<li id="GUID-E12C4EB4-F3E7-5262-BA23-EE1B83011624"><p>Use <codeph>CurrencySymbolPosition()</codeph> and <codeph>CurrencySpaceBetween()</codeph> to
decide whether the currency symbol should be placed before or after the currency
amount and whether or not to insert a space between the symbol and the amount.</p> </li>
<li id="GUID-1F1A8FAD-E5AB-5570-B72E-9FECF0716B0A"><p>Use <codeph>CurrencyNegativeInBrackets()</codeph> to
decide whether or not negative currency amounts should be enclosed in brackets.
If this is the case, and the value is negative, an open bracket is appended
and any minus sign is removed by appending the currency value to the buffer
as a negative value.</p> </li>
<li id="GUID-ABEABD32-AF6C-5265-BB39-D7BB075D2190"><p>Use <codeph>CurrencySpaceBetween()</codeph> to
decide whether or not to insert a space between the currency symbol and the
currency value.</p> </li>
</ul> <codeblock id="GUID-87F2B73E-7E6C-5423-A08A-7C66443D11F1" xml:space="preserve">... 
_LIT(KTxtSpace," ");
TCurrencySymbol symbol;

    // Get system wide currency symbol setting

    // Append an open bracket, if the amount is negative and the locale demands it. 
if ((aCurrencyAmount&lt;0) &amp;&amp; (locale.CurrencyNegativeInBrackets()))

    // Position the currency symbol before the currency value, and insert space between the
    // symbol and the amount if the locale demands them.
if (locale.CurrencySymbolPosition() == ELocaleBefore)
    if (locale.CurrencySpaceBetween())

    // Append negative currency value and remove the sign if the locale demands
    // negative values in brackets
if ((locale.CurrencyNegativeInBrackets()) &amp;&amp; (aCurrencyAmount&lt;0))

    // Position the currency symbol after the currency value, and insert space between the
    // amount and the symbol if the locale demands them.
if (locale.CurrencySymbolPosition() == ELocaleAfter)
    if (locale.CurrencySpaceBetween())

    // Finally, append the closing bracket, if the value is negative and
    // the locale demands brackets around negative values.
if ((aCurrencyAmount&lt;0) &amp;&amp; (locale.CurrencyNegativeInBrackets()))
}</codeblock> <p>Note that the currency symbol cannot be set using the <codeph>TLocale</codeph> class.
Use <xref href="GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D.dita#GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D/GUID-1CBBEEF4-0E5A-33AB-833F-6AF14BA57793"><apiname>User::SetCurrencySymbol()</apiname></xref> to do this.</p> </section>