author Dominic Pinkman <>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 11:11:55 +0100
changeset 7 51a74ef9ed63
parent 5 f345bda72bc4
child 9 59758314f811
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Week 12 contribution of API Specs and fix SDK submission

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<concept id="GUID-314FAEB5-946C-4090-B6AA-1BEEC9BE8EFB" xml:lang="en"><title>Common
Error Patterns - Case Studies</title><shortdesc>Describes a few common error patterns that were found while testing
code designed for use in an SMP environment.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<p>During development and testing, a number of areas of code have been identified
that demonstrate some of the SMP common error patterns. These case studies
are described below to illustrate how these errors can be identified and typical
code fixes.</p>
<section id="C"><title>Relying on linear execution</title><p>The ETEL client
API makes use of an unusual implementation class called <codeph>CPtrHolder</codeph>.
Each ETEL client sub-session (derived from <codeph>RTelSubSessionBase</codeph>)
owns a <codeph>CPtrHolder</codeph>. This class stores a dynamic array of descriptors,
each of which corresponds to the IPC data used for a specific subset of ETEL
client/server messages. This allows the server to read/write data from/to
valid client descriptors when there are multiple outstanding messages from
a particular client sub-session. </p> <p>A problem occurred when the same
client sub-session sent two asynchronous messages of the same type (therefore
using the same <codeph>CPtrHolder</codeph> descriptor) to the ETEL server
in a short space of time. The problem did not manifest itself in a single
core environment because the ETEL server always ran at a higher priority than
the ETEL client, and so the first message was always completed before the
client sent the second message. However, in an SMP environment, the server
runs on a different CPU to the client and had not started processing the first
message by the time the client sent the second message. The <codeph>CPtrHolder</codeph> descriptor
was updated with data from the second message but the server was still expecting
to read data from the first message. As a result, the first message was completed
by the server with a <codeph>KErrCorrupt</codeph> error code. </p> <p>The
solution was to identify which messages could suffer from this problem and
send a synchronous <codeph>EEtelFlushInterfaceQueue</codeph> message to the
server immediately after the asynchronous request. This guaranteed that the
server would have read the data from the first asynchronous message by the
time the second asynchronous message was sent. </p></section>
<section id="D"><title>Relying on thread suspension when making asynchronous
calls</title><p>In a way, the "Non-synchronized IPC calls" category is a subset
of this category. Whenever code makes assumptions about which order threads
are executed based on thread priority, there is a potential problem. In most
cases, it is best to think of thread priority as nothing more than a hint
to the scheduler. In an environment where multiple processors are being activated
and deactivated dynamically it is not safe to make any assumptions concerning
which threads will run at a given time. </p><p>Consider the case below where
a mutex is acquired by two threads with different priorities: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// High priority thread (T1)    

// Low priority thread (T2)
iMutex.Signal();</codeblock><p>Even on a single processor system it is unwise
to assume that T1 would acquire the lock before T2. For example, T1 could
be suspended because of a page fault. While it is suspended, the scheduler
could run T2, causing it to acquire the lock and execute <codeph>DoSecondThing()</codeph>,
which is not the desired behaviour. In an SMP context both threads could be
running concurrently, making it even harder to predict which thread will acquire
the lock first. While a mutex may be used to prevent concurrent access to
a shared resource, it cannot be used to force two threads to perform actions
in a certain sequence. The solution is to use an <xref href="GUID-AED27A76-3645-3A04-B80D-10473D9C5A27.dita"><apiname>RSemaphore</apiname></xref> initialised
with a value of 0, allowing one thread to suspend until another thread signals
that it is safe to proceed. We would use this in the above example as follows: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// T1 

// T2
</codeblock><p>Now, T2 waits for explicit notification from T1. We are completely
agnostic about the relative thread priorities. Should T2 execute first, the
semaphore would be decremented and the thread blocked before executing <codeph>DoSecondThing()</codeph>.
It can only proceed once T1 has executed <codeph>DoFirstThing()</codeph> and
signalled the semaphore. </p><p><b>Case study: Thread <codeph>EwSrv.exe</codeph> panics
with <codeph>E32USER-CBase 46</codeph> on H4. </b></p><p>This is another case
of a bad assumption about thread priorities but with a different result. The
problem manifested itself on an SMP environment when pressing keys a lot within
an edit window. The edit window cursor is an animation that periodically generates
redraw events within the window server. The scheduling of these redraw events
was altered by the events generated by the key presses, which led to a stray
event panic (<codeph>E32USER-CBase 46</codeph>) in the window server main
thread. As this is a critical thread, the kernel then faulted. Like many stray
event panics, this problem was difficult to diagnose but easy to fix. </p><p>The
window server has a mechanism for redrawing animations involving a separate
low-priority thread (called the kickback thread) encapsulated within an active
object that controls that thread, called <codeph>CKickBack</codeph>. Kickbacks
from the window server main thread are executed through this function: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CKickBack::RequestKickBack()
    if (!IsActive())
        TRequestStatus * status = &amp;idleStatus;
        iIdleThread.RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
        iStatus = KRequestPending;
</codeblock><p>The kickback thread is signalled using a handle to that thread
(<codeph>iIdleThread</codeph>) and the <codeph>iIdleStatus</codeph> semaphore.
The <codeph>CKickBack</codeph> active object is then set active and waits
for the kickback thread to signal back to the main thread using the <codeph>iStatus</codeph> semaphore. </p><p>After
construction, the kickback thread spends its whole time in an endless loop,
waiting for <codeph>iIdleStatus</codeph> to be signalled from the window server
main thread: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CKickBack::Loop()
        TRequestStatus * status = &amp;iStatus;
</codeblock><p>Once <codeph>iIdleStatus</codeph> is completed, the kickback
thread resumes execution, immediately signals completion of the <codeph>iStatus</codeph> semaphore
back to the window server main thread (via the <codeph>iWservThread RThread</codeph> handle),
then waits for the next kickback. </p><p>Back in the window server thread,
the <codeph>CKickBack</codeph> active object is run, which simply calls back
a function that was supplied at construction time: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CKickBack::RunL()
</codeblock><p>The time between the initial <codeph>RequestKickBack()</codeph> and <codeph>CKickBack::RunL()</codeph> should
be very short but there is an opportunity for higher priority threads (or
active objects in the window server) to get some CPU time in-between. </p><p>The
problem occurs after the call to <codeph>RequestComplete()</codeph> in <codeph>RequestKickBack()</codeph>.
On a single core environment, the subsequent assignment <codeph>iStatus=KRequestPending</codeph> will
always happen before the kickback thread can resume execution (because the
main thread has a higher priority than the kickback thread). On an SMP environment
however, the kickback thread can resume execution in parallel with the main
thread, on a different CPU. It's possible for the<codeph> RequestComplete()</codeph> on <codeph>iStatus</codeph> in
the <codeph>Loop()</codeph> function of the kickback thread to occur before
the<codeph> iStatus=KRequestPending </codeph>assigment in the main thread.
If this happens then the <codeph>KErrNone</codeph> value of <codeph>iStatus</codeph> will
be overwritten by <codeph>KRequestPending</codeph>, and the <codeph>CKickBack</codeph> active
object will end up being active but with an <codeph>iStatus</codeph> of <codeph>KRequestPending</codeph>.
The active scheduler will then receive the signal from the kickback thread
and iterate through its active objects, looking for the one that is active
but not pending. It will get to the end of the list without finding a valid
active object, causing a stray event panic. </p><p>The simple solution is
to bring forward the assignment of <codeph>iStatus</codeph> in <codeph>RequestKickBack()</codeph> to
before the call to <codeph>RequestComplete()</codeph>. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CKickBack::RequestKickBack()
    if (!IsActive())
        iStatus = KRequestPending;
        TRequestStatus * status = &amp;idleStatus;
        iIdleThread.RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
</codeblock><p>Stray event panics can be particularly difficult to track down
because the call stack at the point it panics does not show the root cause
of the problem. </p></section>
<section id="GUID-A959F5DF-74C9-4F7B-B549-A971684E056E"><title>Unsafe assumption
of Publish and Subscribe message ordering</title><p>The Publish and Subscribe
mechanism is one of the standard IPC mechanisms available in Symbian platform.
There are unique SMP error patterns associated with its use. </p><p><b>Case
study: <codeph>t_InitialiseLocale</codeph> fails on X86 SMP Hardware </b></p><p>The
Generic OS Services utility, <filepath>initialiselocale.exe</filepath> uses
a Publish and Subscribe property to indicate to subscribers that locale initialisation
is complete. It also uses the Rendezvous mechanism to synchronise with threads
that are waiting for <filepath>initialiselocale.exe</filepath> to start. The
problem manifested itself in the test program <filepath>t_initialiselocale.exe</filepath>,
which first rendezvous with <filepath>initialiseLocale.exe</filepath> and
then checks whether it has initialised using the P&amp;S property. Here are
the respective code fragments: </p><p>From <filepath>os/ossrv/lowlevellibsandfws/apputils/initlocale/src/initialiselocale.cpp</filepath>:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CExtendedLocaleManager::ConstructL()
    TUid LocalePropertyUid;
    LocalePropertyUid.iUid = KUidLocalePersistProperties ;
    //now call RProcess::Rendezvous to indicate initialiseLocale is completed with no error

    // Set property to indicate initialisation complete
    User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(LocalePropertyUid, EInitialisationState, ELocaleInitialisationComplete));

    // All ready to go! Start the active sheduler.
</codeblock><p>From <filepath>os/ossrv/lowlevellibsandfws/apputils/initlocale/test/t_initialiselocale.cpp</filepath>:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void TestLocaleChanges()
    RProcess process;
    TInt r = process.Create(KInitialiseLocaleExeName, KNullDesC);
    if(r == KErrNone)
        TRequestStatus stat;
        process.Resume(); // Start the process going
        //wait for the locale initialisation to complete first before testing
        TInt flag;
        TUid initLocaleUid=TUid::Uid(KUidLocalePersistProperties);
        //check for the P&amp;S flag that indicates localeinitialisation complete
        TEST2(flag,ELocaleInitialisationComplete); //!!! Test failed !!!
</codeblock><p>The problem manifested itself in an SMP environment because
the <codeph>t_initialiselocale</codeph> main thread reached the test marked
"Test failed" before the setting of this property in the <codeph>InitialiseLocale</codeph> main
thread was published. Therefore, the test failed. The solution was to simply
move the setting of the <codeph>KUidLocalePersistProperties</codeph> property
in <codeph>InitialiseLocale</codeph> to before the call to <codeph>Rendezvous()</codeph>.
It could then be guaranteed that the property would be published by the time <codeph>t_initialiselocale</codeph> had
rendezvoused with <codeph>InitialiseLocale</codeph>. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CExtendedLocaleManager::ConstructL()
    TUid LocalePropertyUid;
    LocalePropertyUid.iUid = KUidLocalePersistProperties ;
    // Set property to indicate initialisation complete
    User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(LocalePropertyUid, EInitialisationState, ELocaleInitialisationComplete));
    //now call RProcess::Rendezvous to indicate initialiseLocale is completed with no error
    // All ready to go! Start the active sheduler.
<section id="E"><title>Relying on thread priority for execution order</title><p><b>Case
study: Priority dependence in the file server in <codeph>T_CFSSIMPLE</codeph> </b></p><p>The
file server has a main thread, a thread for each drive and a disconnect thread
(plus some other ones not relevant to this discussion). All requests are received
by the main thread and each drive has a lock associated with it. </p><p>When
an <codeph>RFs</codeph> session is closed, the main thread passes the request
to the disconnect thread, and the disconnect thread eventually ends up running <codeph>TFsSessionDisconnect::DoRequestL()</codeph>.
Closing the session is asynchronous within the file server even though it
appears to be synchronous to the client. There may be outstanding requests
on any number of drives so every drive thread needs to be told to cancel any
pending requests before the session can be entirely deleted by the file server. </p><p>Before
the fix,<codeph> TFsSessionDisconnect::DoRequestL</codeph>() looped over the
drive array and did the following for each drive: </p><ol>
<li id="F"><p>Lock the drive.</p></li>
<li id="G"><p>Check whether the drive exists.</p></li>
<li id="H"><p>If it does exist, send a request to the drive thread to clean
up any pending requests that are were going to be handled for the session
being closed.</p></li>
<li id="I"><p>Unlock the drive.</p></li>
<li id="J"><p>Wait for the cleanup request to complete. </p></li>
<li id="K"><p>Check whether write caching is enabled on that drive.</p></li>
<li id="L"><p>If it is enabled, send a request to the drive thread to flush
any dirty data.</p></li>
<li id="M"><p>Wait for the flush request to complete.</p></li>
</ol><p>The problem occurred when the <codeph>T_CFSSIMPLE</codeph> test application
(after performing its tests) unmounted a drive just before closing its <codeph>RFs</codeph> session.
Unmounting a drive is also asynchronous from the file server's perspective
- the main thread has to send a request to the drive thread so that it shuts
itself down cleanly. While unmounting a drive, the drive is locked. </p><p>The
disconnect thread is normally the highest priority thread in the file server,
even higher than the main thread, so usually nothing else gets to issue any
new requests while this is happening. However, in an SMP environment (or when
the crazy scheduler is being used), it's possible for an unmount request to
happen at the same time as a session disconnect. </p><p>If one of the drives
is unmounted at the same time as the session disconnect, then the unmount
sets the drive as not present and kills the associated thread. Step 3 above
is safe because it acquires the lock on the drive before modifying it. The
disconnect thread may get there first and send the cleanup request; then the
drive thread unmounts itself (since the lock is released) and the cleanup
request completes with <codeph>KErrNotReady</codeph> (which is ignored by
the code). Alternatively, the unmount request may get there first; then the
disconnect thread never thinks the drive is there in the first place so does
not issue the cleanup request. </p><p>The problem was in step 7 - this part
of the code didn't lock the drive or check whether it existed. It assumed
that because the drive existed earlier in the loop it still continued to exist.
Since step 4 unlocked the drive, this was not necessarily true - there was
an opportunity for it to be unmounted and a flush request sent to a non-existent
drive, resulting in a panic. </p><p>The solution was to protect step 7 with
a lock and a "check whether drive exists" operation like in step 3. Here is
the actual code change: </p><p>Before: </p><p>From <filepath>os/kernelhwsrv/userlibandfileserver/fileserver/sfile/sf_ses.cpp</filepath></p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">if (TFileCacheSettings::Flags(i) &amp; (EFileCacheWriteEnabled | EFileCacheWriteOn))
    // Flush dirty data pR-&gt;Set(FlushDirtyDataOp,aRequest-&gt;Session());
    User::WaitForRequest(pR-&gt;Status()); // check request completed or cancelled (by file system dismount)
__THRD_PRINT2(_L("Flush dirty data on drive %d r=%d"),i,pR-&gt;Status().Int());
</codeblock><p>After: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">if (TFileCacheSettings::Flags(i) &amp; (EFileCacheWriteEnabled | EFileCacheWriteOn))
    // Flush dirty data
// check request completed or cancelled (by file system dismount which completes requests with KErrNotReady)
__THRD_PRINT2(_L("Flush dirty data on drive %d r=%d"),i,pR-&gt;Status().Int());
</codeblock><p><b>Case study: Unexpected running of low priority active object</b> </p><p>There
is a common pattern used in test code (and possibly also production code)
where: </p><ol>
<li id="N"><p>A low priority active object is used and immediately set "ready
to run". (Typically <xref href="GUID-619AF4A9-4DAF-3FA4-A704-717DB30B5389.dita"><apiname>CAsyncOneShot</apiname></xref> is used for the active
<li id="O"><p>The active scheduler is nested.</p></li>
<li id="P"><p>One or more high priority active objects are started (probably
several times), which all make requests on a server. </p></li>
<li id="Q-GENID-1-9-1-1-5-1-6-1-3-5-19-4"><p>The high priority active object(s) are serviced and immediately
restarted. This continues until there is no more work for the high priority
active object(s) to do.</p></li>
<li id="Q-GENID-1-9-1-1-5-1-6-1-3-5-19-5"><p>The low priority active object runs and un-nests the active
</ol><p>In a single core environment, the server always processes the client
requests before the client can run any other code (because the server runs
in a higher priority thread). When the client thread runs, the high priority
active objects are already "ready to run" and get serviced before the low
priority active object. </p><p>This pattern breaks under SMP conditions because
the client thread can continue to run on a different CPU at the same time
that the server is processing the client requests. At this point, the only
active object in the client thread that is "ready to run" is the low priority
active object. This object gets serviced and the active scheduler is stopped
earlier than expected. </p><p>For example, the window server test code function <codeph>WaitForRedrawsToFinish()</codeph> suffered
from the problem described above: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">EXPORT_C void WaitForRedrawsToFinish()
    CStopTheScheduler* ps=new CStopTheScheduler(ETlibRedrawActivePriority-1);
        delete ps;
</codeblock><p>This creates a low priority active object and then nests the
active scheduler. The low priority active object used was defined like this: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">class CStopTheScheduler : public CAsyncOneShot
    CStopTheScheduler(TInt aPriority); //Pure virtual function from CActive void RunL();

CStopTheScheduler::CStopTheScheduler(TInt aPriority) : CAsyncOneShot(aPriority)

void CStopTheScheduler::RunL()
</codeblock><p>This just un-nests the active scheduler when it runs. Before <codeph>WaitForRedrawsToFinish()</codeph> is
called, there is already an outstanding request on the window server for it
to notify the test thread that there is a redraw event ready. If there is
a redraw ready, then a high priority active object called <codeph>CTRedraw</codeph> is
serviced, which processes the redraw event and immediately requests notification
of the next redraw from the server. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">EXPORT_C void CTRedraw::RunL()
    TWsRedrawEvent redraw;
    if (redraw.Handle()!=0 &amp;&amp; redraw.Handle()!=ENullWsHandle)
</codeblock><p>This is a simplified version of the code.</p><p>The intention
was that <codeph>CTRedraw::RunL()</codeph> would run many times, as long as
there were outstanding redraw events, before <codeph>CStopTheScheduler::RunL()</codeph> was
able to run. When there were no more outstanding events, <codeph>CStopTheScheduler::RunL()</codeph>would
run, which then allowed the code after <codeph>WaitForRedrawsToFinish()</codeph> to
run. </p><p>In an SMP environment though, every time <xref href="GUID-62F4FF8B-5E02-3312-8DB8-F8B2D2E7FC47.dita"><apiname>WaitForRedrawsToFinish()</apiname></xref> was
called, only one window was redrawn, even though redraw events for several
windows were waiting. <xref href="GUID-869360A0-8C14-3AB3-8FC8-94E12E7F21D7.dita#GUID-869360A0-8C14-3AB3-8FC8-94E12E7F21D7/GUID-7F533463-F972-3B53-9AAD-061EF10DCD20"><apiname>CTRedraw::RunL()</apiname></xref> only ran once before <xref href="GUID-B394E21C-942B-3A5D-AA57-1CE892826911.dita#GUID-B394E21C-942B-3A5D-AA57-1CE892826911/GUID-53EA2F9F-9730-3A8A-B206-96D1223D2FA6"><apiname>CStopTheScheduler::RunL()</apiname></xref> managed
to run. </p><p>There are at least two ways to fix this problem: </p><ol>
<li id="S"><p>After the call to <xref href="GUID-E3F0CB70-58E4-32FD-9828-71DF2F9976D3.dita"><apiname>RedrawReady()</apiname></xref>, add another
synchronous call to the window server. This solution is undesirable as the
additional IPC compromises the speed of the test code.</p></li>
<li id="T"><p>Modify the class <codeph>CStopTheScheduler</codeph> so that
in its<codeph> RunL()</codeph> it does: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CStopTheScheduler::RunL()
    //Here a synchronous call to WSERV is made to make sure the asynchronous call has finished being processed
    if (iClient-&gt;RedrawHandler()-&gt;iStatus==KRequestPending)    //Check to see if the redraw active object is now ready to run
        CActiveScheduler::Stop();    //If it is not ready to run un-nest the active scheduler
        Call(); //If it is ready to run set this active object ready to run again
</codeblock><p>This was the solution that was chosen. </p></li>
<section id="W"><title>Premature recreation of named objects</title><p>This
category of problems relates to the asynchronous cleanup of objects owned
by the kernel. On the user-side this involves classes derived from <codeph>RHandleBase</codeph>,
corresponding to a <codeph>DObject</codeph> in the kernel. These problems
take the following form: </p><ul>
<li><p>1a. An <codeph>RHandleBase</codeph> derived object is created user-side.</p></li>
<li><p>1b. A corresponding <codeph>DObject</codeph> is created kernel-side.</p></li>
<li><p>2. Something is done with that object.</p></li>
<li><p>3a. All user-side handles to that object are destroyed.</p></li>
<li><p>3b. Deletion of the corresponding <codeph>DObject</codeph> is initiated.</p></li>
<li><p>4a. A second <codeph>RHandleBase</codeph> derived object with the same
name is created user-side.</p></li>
<li><p>4b. A second corresponding <codeph>DObject</codeph> with the same name
is created kernel-side.</p></li>
</ul><p>The problem is that all <codeph>DObject</codeph> names must be unique
and 3b is not guaranteed to complete before 4b starts, therefore 4b (and 4a) <i>may</i> fail
with <codeph>KErrAlreadyExists</codeph>. </p><p>This most commonly manifests
itself during thread cleanup and so this case warrants more detailed discussion.
When a thread either exits or is killed externally, the thread itself runs
an exit handler inside the kernel. This runs at a slightly higher priority
than normal application threads and does part of the cleanup, including completing
log-ons. The last thing the exit handler does is to queue a DFC which gets
executed by the supervisor thread inside the kernel. This completes the cleanup,
including freeing the thread stacks and closing the <codeph>DThread</codeph> object
itself. If no other threads or processes have open handles on the <codeph>DThread</codeph>,
it is completely deleted at this point. </p><p>On a single processor system,
the following code would always work provided that the thread running it has
a lower priority than the supervisor thread and there are no undertakers in
the system (which is true for a lot of test code): </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">RThread t;
TInt r = t.Create(KName, ...);
TRequestStatus s;
// read exit information for thread and do something with it
t.Close(); // thread actually disappears here
r = t.Create(KName,...); // recreate with same name
</codeblock><p>The exit handler and supervisor would both run ahead of the
calling thread, so by the time the <codeph>t.Close()</codeph> line is executed
there would only be one handle remaining on the <codeph>DThread</codeph>.
If there are undertakers in the system, the supervisor thread exit handler
would open a handle on the exiting thread for each undertaker. The thread
would not then go away until all those handles were closed and the code above
would potentially fail. </p><p>On an SMP system the code above would clearly
fail, since regardless of thread priorities or undertakers, the supervisor
thread could run on a separate CPU from the thread calling <codeph>Close()</codeph> and
there is no guarantee that on return from <codeph>Close()</codeph> the thread
would have been destroyed. </p><p>A similar issue exists where, instead of
recreating the thread with the same name, a kernel heap check is performed
to ensure all kernel memory has been cleaned up. </p><p>There are three possibilities
to fix this problem: </p><ol>
<li id="X"><p>Recreate the thread with a different name.</p></li>
<li id="Y-GENID-1-9-1-1-5-1-6-1-3-6-12-2"><p>Wait a "little bit" before recreating the thread (or performing
the heap check). </p><p>This is almost always a bad idea as there is no way
of knowing how long to wait and this may be different on any future system.</p></li>
<li id="Y-GENID-1-9-1-1-5-1-6-1-3-6-12-3"><p>Wait for the object concerned to be completely destroyed.</p></li>
</ol><p>In general, option 1 is preferred. For code that is likely to encounter
the problem in practice, APIs should be provided to aid with creating objects
with a unique name. For example, the <codeph>TDynamicDfcQue</codeph> and <codeph>Kern::DynamicDfcQCreate</codeph> APIs
are provided to help with creating DFC threads with unique names. </p><p>Using
a different name is easy in the above code example but it's not possible when
checking for kernel memory leaks (as in a lot of test code). In this case,
solution 3 can be employed, with the aid of <codeph>RHandleBase::NotifyDestruction </codeph>(in <filepath>e32cmn.h</filepath>)
and <codeph>CLOSE_AND_WAIT</codeph> (in <filepath>e32test.h</filepath>). This
solution is acceptable in a closed system, where there is control over all
handles to the object being recreated but in general there is no way of knowing
whether some component has an open handle to a thread (or what component it
might be). Any component can open a thread by name and hold the handle forever,
jamming the system while it waits for the handle to be closed. Therefore,
in practice you should always attempt to recreate it with a different name
(option 1). </p><p><b>Case study: <codeph>t_NamedPlugins</codeph> fails on
X86 SMP Hardware</b> </p><p>This is a classic example of the thread recreation
problem, with solution 3 employed as the fix.</p><p>From <filepath>os/ossrv/lowlevellibsandfws/apputils/tsrc/t_namedplugins.cpp</filepath>:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">LOCAL_C void NamedPluginsPanicConditionsThread()
    _LIT(KName, "NamedPlugins_Panic_Thread");
    RThread thread;
    // Test EBafPanicBadResourceFileFormat
    TInt rc = thread.Create(KName,...);
    // Test EBafPanicBadArrayPosition
    rc = thread.Create(KName,...);
    TEST(rc==KErrNone); //!!! Test failed !!!
</codeblock><p>The simple solution was to change the <codeph>thread.Close()</codeph> call
to <codeph>CLOSE_AND_WAIT(thread)</codeph> instead. This is acceptable for
test code because it is known that there will be no other threads holding
on to a handle to the <codeph>NamedPlugins</codeph> thread. </p></section>
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