author Dominic Pinkman <>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 11:11:55 +0100
changeset 7 51a74ef9ed63
parent 5 f345bda72bc4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Week 12 contribution of API Specs and fix SDK submission

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<concept id="GUID-6025A68F-625B-570A-87D7-2C11E66044D4" xml:lang="en"><title>Build
<p>This page gives some quick answers to problems and issues you may encounter
when building code. </p>
<p><b>Why do applications build to the Symbian Emulator's Z: drive? </b> </p>
<p>The build tools were originally designed for building ROM-based applications,
and so assume that applications should be placed in the emulated ROM area
(i.e. <filepath>epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\ or urel\</filepath>). Third party
applications intended to loaded on disk are also built to this location, but
this doesn't mean they can only be installed in ROM or have any other impact
on them. (Note that your code should not assume that it will be installed
on any particular drive, as this is choice is best left to the user). </p>
<p><b>Why does abld makefile give a WARNING: Can't find following headers
in System Include Path message, even though I export the header(s) in my bld.inf? </b> </p>
<p>You can specify that headers from your project should be copied into the
system headers directory, <filepath>epoc32\include</filepath>, by using a <xref href="GUID-3A05CD69-0AB6-5549-B18A-842F49C06874.dita">prj_exports</xref> statement
in the <filepath>bld.inf</filepath> file. The header is not actually copied
though until an <systemoutput>abld export</systemoutput> command, or a command
that calls this, such as <systemoutput>abld   build</systemoutput> is executed.
The solution is to call <systemoutput>abld  export</systemoutput> before <codeph>abld
makefile</codeph>. </p>
<p><b>What Symbian platform tools can I cause to be invoked through a project
file keywords? </b> </p>
<p>The chief purpose of a project (<filepath>.mmp</filepath>) file is to specify
the source files and options to pass to the appropriate compiler toolchain
for the platform. In many cases though, you will want to create a number of
additional, Symbian platform-specific, support files as part of the project
build. You can invoke the tools to create such files by specifying a number
of project file keywords: </p>
<li id="GUID-333315F5-A398-558A-AA84-9D4DBAE692E7"><p><xref href="GUID-5280EC0E-1A1F-5777-ACB1-CF4791EE2147.dita">start
resource</xref> to compile resource files </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-D5B552A6-7FA8-5355-BEA5-1292982FD8F2"><p><xref href="GUID-B707887A-E0FA-5DF6-A906-A91E31E17321.dita">start
bitmap</xref> to compile multi-bitmap files. </p> </li>
<p>Of the other commonly used Symbian platform tools, the project file does
not specify keywords that invoke the: </p>
<li id="GUID-9F52256D-11AD-5074-8F33-F3570E32686A"><p><xref href="GUID-4BDC9F63-83A1-53A5-91A0-B092AA821755.dita">Installation
File Generator</xref> (<filepath>makesis</filepath>) </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-905AD8FA-29DE-5DE1-85FA-D22C64658C5A"><p><xref href="GUID-3170F958-137A-5DD5-A6DD-D5474ABECD22.dita">Certification
Generator</xref> (<filepath>makekeys</filepath>) </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-DB06BD93-6521-5B4F-BFEB-72235B396200"><p><b>Context
Sensitive Help Compiler</b> (<filepath>cshlpcmp</filepath>)</p></li>
<p>Note though you can invoke these, and any other tools, through <xref href="GUID-60B98AFE-6DE6-5086-B70C-F377562E60D9.dita">extension
makefiles</xref>. </p>
<p><b>What are edll.obj and eexe.obj? </b> </p>
<p>The build process builds into each <filepath>.exe</filepath> file a small
object file, <filepath>eexe.lib</filepath>, which contains a small amount
of code to manage process startup. Similiarly, each DLL has an object file <filepath>edll.lib</filepath> built
into it. </p>
<p><b>Why does the build give a message diff: &lt;file-path-and-name&gt;: No
such file or directory? </b> </p>
<p>This message appears when building a project's resource or multi-bitmap
file for the first time. It can be ignored. </p>
<p><b>Why do I get a LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __chkstk error? </b> </p>
<p>The program exceeds the stack space available, e.g. by creating a large <codeph>TBuf</codeph> on
the stack. The solution is to reduce the use of stack space by using the heap
appropriately. </p>
<p><b>How can I change the libraries for a project open in an IDE? </b> </p>
<p>To change a project's libraries, you should edit the <filepath>.mmp</filepath> file's <xref href="GUID-36AA53D2-A117-5D80-A5B4-67EF865DC40E.dita">library</xref> statement
as normal, and then regenerate the IDE workspace using <systemoutput>abld
makefile</systemoutput>. </p>
<p><b>Where are the .lib files for ARM debug builds? </b> </p>
<p>The <filepath>.lib</filepath> files required for ARM debug builds are identical
to those for release builds, so the build tools use a single copy of the libs
in the <filepath>urel</filepath> directory. </p>
<p><b>Why do I get an error from petran when I build for ARM, when the WINS/WINSCW
build is fine? </b> </p>
<p> <filepath>petran</filepath> is a tool that is invoked only at the final
stage of the build process for ARM targets. It will give an error if you build
a DLL that contains writeable static data. See <xref href="GUID-5BDE6462-E6CA-5738-A587-C7D875574789.dita">Static
data</xref> for more information. </p>