author Dominic Pinkman <>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 11:11:55 +0100
changeset 7 51a74ef9ed63
parent 5 f345bda72bc4
child 14 578be2adaf3e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Week 12 contribution of API Specs and fix SDK submission

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    Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
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<concept id="GUID-65448364-0EE6-5903-B2C0-28F49DD2BEA6" xml:lang="en"><title>Using
the LBS Administration API</title><shortdesc>This document explains how to get and set LBS Administration settings
at runtime. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<section><title>Purpose</title> <p>This document describes how to use the
LBS administration service via the LBS Administration API. </p> </section>
<section><title>Required background</title> <p><xref href="GUID-9348D79B-D4BF-50B0-B787-DDA2765CE058.dita">LBS
Administration Service Overview</xref> describes the LBS administration service
and the LBS Administration API. </p> </section>
<section><title>Introduction</title> <p>Client applications use the LBS Administration
API in two ways: </p> <ul>
<li id="GUID-216C30CC-9B78-5DDD-84F0-7DF5970DAE74"><p><xref href="GUID-65448364-0EE6-5903-B2C0-28F49DD2BEA6.dita#GUID-65448364-0EE6-5903-B2C0-28F49DD2BEA6/GUID-8C0486E7-CED1-5902-ADC8-742C3A166C6B">Accessing LBS administration settings</xref> </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-CFAC089A-F282-5AA3-9C8F-AA6551AE3AE8"><p><xref href="GUID-65448364-0EE6-5903-B2C0-28F49DD2BEA6.dita#GUID-65448364-0EE6-5903-B2C0-28F49DD2BEA6/GUID-E9801842-4844-51BA-97D3-5073926E3EDA">Receiving notifications of LBS administration settings changes</xref>  </p> </li>
</ul> <p>The LBS Administration API is packaged in <filepath>lbsadmin.dll</filepath>.
Client applications include <filepath>lbsadmin.h</filepath> and link against <filepath>lbsadmin.lib</filepath>.
To set administration settings, an application must have the capability <i>WriteDeviceData</i>.
No capabilities are required to read administration settings. </p> </section>
<section id="GUID-8C0486E7-CED1-5902-ADC8-742C3A166C6B"><title>Accessing LBS
administration settings</title> <p>This section describes how client applications
use the LBS Administration API to get and set LBS administration settings.
Examples are given for the different types of administration settings categories. </p> <p><b>Location request settings </b> </p> <p>These setting are used to turn
location requests on and off. Settings exist for Mobile Originated Location
Requests (MO-LR), Mobile Terminated Location Requests (MT-LR) and Transfer
Location to 3rd Party Requests (X3P). The code example below shows how to: </p> <ol id="GUID-4035F478-DF5C-51E2-BE62-DF61BE39F235">
<li id="GUID-F14D1F81-10B9-5BAA-8E7E-56FD57034A71"><p>Turn on MO-LR (self
locate) in the home network and when roaming. </p> <p> <xref href="GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945.dita#GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945/GUID-F3E58804-AAEE-32A6-A3C8-9868C9C8283C"><apiname>CLbsAdmin::TSelfLocateService</apiname></xref> defines
the constants used to configure MO-LR. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-B0DD1766-92DA-5E9D-90A3-2B25892B9C29" xml:space="preserve">#include &lt;lbsadmin.h&gt;


CLbsAdmin* admin = CLbsAdmin::NewL();

TInt err = KErrNone;

// Turn on MO-LR in home network &amp; when roaming.
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingHomeSelfLocate, CLbsAdmin::ESelfLocateOn);
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingRoamingSelfLocate, CLbsAdmin::ESelfLocateOn);

if (err != KErrNone) 
 // Handle error


</codeblock> </li>
<li id="GUID-33536D62-BE7E-5A90-BC8A-61E8369F8A8E"><p>Turn on MT-LR (external
locate) in the home network and off when roaming. <i>Note that Emergency MT-LR
is unaffected and is always on.</i> </p> <p> <xref href="GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945.dita#GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945/GUID-74AF5A08-F6D9-36F7-A904-710C18248569"><apiname>CLbsAdmin::TExternalLocateService</apiname></xref> defines
the constants used to configure MT-LR. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-72B95EC8-68A4-5C17-B0D3-02C9F6F1785A" xml:space="preserve">

// Turn on external locate in home network. Turn off when roaming.
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingHomeExternalLocate, CLbsAdmin::EExternalLocateOn);
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingRoamingExternalLocate, CLbsAdmin::EExternalLocateOff);

if (err != KErrNone) 
 // Handle error


</codeblock> </li>
<li id="GUID-59F1B3AE-BB7F-5928-AEF8-BC15E3603E2C"><p>Turn on X3P (transfer
to third party) in the home network and off when roaming. </p> <p> <xref href="GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945.dita#GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945/GUID-9FF8B24A-5254-34A3-8626-9BFCF5440158"><apiname>CLbsAdmin::TTransmitLocateService</apiname></xref> defines
the constants used to configure X3P. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-DE2B5662-2B10-5C21-AA78-242EB6B15EDD" xml:space="preserve">

// Turn on transfer to 3rd party locate. Turn off when roaming.
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingHomeTransmitLocate, CLbsAdmin::ETransmitLocateOn);
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingRoamingTransmitLocate, CLbsAdmin::ETransmitLocateOff);

if (err != KErrNone) 
 // Handle error


</codeblock> </li>
<li id="GUID-74EB2EBF-1C1A-5824-B63B-5CE15962ABDC"><p>Get the location request
settings </p> <codeblock id="GUID-20528E10-900C-5EB2-8329-C784024F1D18" xml:space="preserve">

// Get some settings...
CLbsAdmin::TSelfLocateService selfLocate;
CLbsAdmin::TExternalLocateService externalLocate;
CLbsAdmin::TTransmitLocateService transmitLocate;

err = admin-&gt;Get(KLbsSettingHomeSelfLocate, selfLocate);
err = admin-&gt;Get(KLbsSettingHomeExternalLocate, externalLocate);
err = admin-&gt;Get(KLbsSettingHomeTransmitLocate, transmitLocate);

if (err != KErrNone) 
 // Handle error


</codeblock> </li>
</ol> <p><b>Quality profile settings </b> </p> <p>Quality profiles define the quality
of position required by a LBS location request. They are used when a client
makes a LBS location request without specifying any position quality criteria. </p> <p>Quality
profiles are defined in the file <filepath>lbsprofile.ini</filepath>. The
file is located at <filepath>&lt;rom_drive&gt;:\private\10282253\lbs\lbsprofile.ini</filepath> or <filepath>&lt;system_drive&gt;:\private\10282253\lbs\lbsprofile.ini</filepath> (the file location is dependent on the licensee OS build and configuration
process). </p> <p>An example quality profile file is shown below in which
two quality profiles defined. Each quality profile has a unique ID defined
by the value <codeph>ProfileID</codeph>. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-2BA6B674-48F4-5AE5-A925-7FEDD2C52365" xml:space="preserve">
# lbsprofile.ini
# Quality Profiles for LBS services

ProfileID= 0
MaxTime= 130
HorizontalAccuracy= 50
VerticalAccuracy= 1000
ProfileID= 1
MaxTime= 120
HorizontalAccuracy= 20
VerticalAccuracy= 1000
</codeblock> <p>The default quality profiles for use by MO-LR, MT-LR and X3P
are defined in the LBS administration repository initialisation file. </p> <p>The
code example below shows how to use the LBS Administration API to change the
quality profile for MO-LR. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-69A28FAF-0157-5685-A8B5-D37230930897" xml:space="preserve">
#include &lt;lbsadmin.h&gt;


CLbsAdmin* admin = CLbsAdmin::NewL();

TLbsQualityProfileId selfProfileId;
TLbsQualityProfileId newProfileId = 1;

TInt err = KErrNone;

// Set quality profile for MO-LR
err = admin-&gt;Get(KLbsSettingQualityProfileSelfLocate, selfProfileId);
if (err != KErrNone)
 // Handle error

if (selfProfileId != 1)
 err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingQualityProfileSelfLocate, newProfileId);
 if (err != KErrNone)
  // Handle error

</codeblock> <p><b>GPS operation mode settings </b> </p> <p>These settings configure the
mode of operation of GPS in the home network and when roaming. </p> <p> <xref href="GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945.dita#GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945/GUID-9F902F01-29A3-3929-B045-83C72DB96E39"><apiname>CLbsAdmin::TGpsMode</apiname></xref> defines
the constants used to configure GPS. </p> <p>The code example below shows
how to use the LBS Administration API to configure GPS to calculate position
using assistance data from the network. LBS tries to get assistance data from
the network to calculate the location, but if this data is not available then
LBS attempts to get a GPS fix without it. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-C86B287A-BE20-5EAC-87A1-DD43C3B22235" xml:space="preserve">
#include &lt;lbsadmin.h&gt;


CLbsAdmin* admin = CLbsAdmin::NewL();

TInt err = KErrNone;

// 1. Use assisted mode GPS in home network and when roaming
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingHomeGpsMode, CLbsAdmin::EGpsPreferTerminalBased);
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingRoamingGpsMode, CLbsAdmin::EGpsPreferTerminalBased);

// 2. Get home GPS mode setting
CLbsAdmin::TGpsMode gpsMode;
err = admin-&gt;Get(KLbsSettingHomeGpsMode, gpsMode);

if (err != KErrNone) 
 // Handle error


</codeblock> <p><b>Network protocol module setting </b> </p> <p>This setting gets and sets
the UID of the network protocol module that is used in both the home network
and when roaming. </p> <p>Note that the value of the UID must be that of the
ECom protocol module implementation as defined by <codeph>implementation_uid</codeph> in
the ECom resource file. </p> <p>The code example below shows how to use the
LBS Administration API to set the network protocol module. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-E27A8EB5-73BF-5C06-AFB1-124BA213ED8E" xml:space="preserve">
#include &lt;lbsadmin.h&gt;


CLbsAdmin* admin = CLbsAdmin::NewL();

TInt err = KErrNone;
TUid modUid;

// Get the UID of licensee network protocol module ECom plug-in

// Set the network protocol module
err= admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingHomeProtocolModule, modUid);

if (err != KErrNone) 
 // Handle error


</codeblock> <p> <i>Note that changing the KLbsSettingHomeProtocolModule setting
requires a restart of the LBS subsystem. This may require a reboot of the
mobile device for the change to take effect, but not if the LBS subsystem
is configured to start in transient mode, as is the case in Standalone Privacy
Mode.</i>  </p> <p><b>Privacy notifier settings </b> </p> <p>These settings are used to: </p> <ul>
<li id="GUID-DE62EDC7-9838-5E1C-A7E1-5EFABA73CFC0"><p>Configure LBS to use
a privacy controller or privacy notifiers </p> <p> <xref href="GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945.dita#GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945/GUID-E10A0475-7286-3AC1-9131-DEC07BA5B75B"><apiname>CLbsAdmin::TPrivacyHandler</apiname></xref> defines
the constants that configure LBS to use a privacy controller or privacy notifiers. </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-0EC51415-C82A-5745-8D92-02308F2157C0"><p>Set the action to take
on timeout of a MT-LR privacy request </p> <p> <xref href="GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945.dita#GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945/GUID-F063FE21-9996-3F0E-9BE2-95067EF5B5E6"><apiname>CLbsAdmin::TPrivacyTimeoutAction</apiname></xref> defines
the constants that configure the action to take on timeout. <i/>  </p> <p> <i>Note
that setting this to reject MT-LR does not reject Emergency MT-LR.</i>  </p> </li>
</ul> <p>The code example below shows how to use the LBS Administration API
to configure LBS to use privacy notifiers and to reject privacy requests on
timeout. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-10647598-E6E6-5AC6-B8B9-A9821A6A102B" xml:space="preserve">
#include &lt;lbsadmin.h&gt;


CLbsAdmin* admin = CLbsAdmin::NewL();

TInt err = KErrNone;

// Set LBS to use privacy notifiers
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingPrivacyHandler, CLbsAdmin::EPrivacyHandleByNotifier);

// Set LBS to reject privacy requests on timeout
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingPrivacyTimeoutAction, CLbsAdmin::EPrivacyTimeoutReject);

if (err != KErrNone) 
 // Handle error


</codeblock> <p> <i>Note that changing the KLbsSettingPrivacyHandler setting
requires a restart of the LBS subsystem. This may require a reboot of the
mobile device for the change to take effect, but not if the LBS subsystem
is configured to start in transient mode, as is the case in Standalone Privacy
Mode.</i>  </p> <p><b>GPS set clock module settings </b> </p> <p>These settings are used to: </p> <ol id="GUID-C7318704-53F4-5924-90BA-3C21E4124D97">
<li id="GUID-3BE29F03-BBB8-5BB5-A0FC-A91A7B1B244B"><p>Configure LBS to allow
the system clock to be synchronised with GPS </p> <p> <xref href="GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945.dita#GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945/GUID-43E5D177-778D-304C-BE11-18FBABE66E28"><apiname>CLbsAdmin::TClockAdjust</apiname></xref> defines
the constants that configure system clock synchronisation. </p> <p>LBS can
be configured to allow fully automatic system clock synchronisation. This
means the system clock is synchronised with GPS at regular intervals. </p> <p>The
code example below shows how to turn on automatic clock adjustment. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-4363CC8B-5B5C-5B67-AAF1-6A9C7BEF8924" xml:space="preserve">#include &lt;lbsadmin.h&gt;


TInt err = KErrNone;

CLbsAdmin* admin = CLbsAdmin::NewL();

// Configure LBS to allow automatic clock synchronisation 
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingClockAdjust, CLbsAdmin::EClockAdjustOn);

if (err != KErrNone) 
 // Handle error


</codeblock> </li>
<li id="GUID-08EAB46C-E380-5894-A5DC-EFB772C38FDA"><p>Specify the UID of the
GPS set clock plug-in </p> <p>A GPS set clock plug-in is an ECom plug-in that
allows LBS to set the system time on the mobile device. </p> <p>LBS contains
a default implementation of a set clock plug-in that sets the system time
by calling <xref href="GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D.dita#GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D/GUID-145F52E6-2A29-3FF1-8AD1-7009BE0074D7"><apiname>User::SetUTCTime()</apiname></xref>. It is only necessary to
change the <codeph>KLbsSettingSetClockModule</codeph> setting if a licensee
wishes to use some other means to set the system time. Setting <codeph>KLbsSettingSetClockModule</codeph> to
0 specifies that LBS will use the default plug-in. </p> <p>If <codeph>KLbsSettingSetClockModule</codeph> is
set to some value other than 0, it must be set to the UID of a licensee set
clock plug-in. The UID must be that of the ECom implementation as defined
by <codeph>implementation_uid</codeph> in the ECom resource file. </p> <p>The
code example below shows setting the clock module to a licensee set clock
plug-in UID. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-E8C94942-D695-5C21-A481-BFAD90EA5C27" xml:space="preserve">

TUid KLicenseeClockModule;

// Get the licensee clock module ID 
// (only if licensee uses a module other than the default)


// Set UID of GPS Clock module
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingSetClockModule, KLicenseeClockModule);

if (err != KErrNone) 
 // Handle error


</codeblock> <p> <i>Note that changing the KLbsSettingSetClockModule setting
requires a reboot of the mobile device for the change to take effect.</i>  </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-86074A94-591E-5492-9C1C-85556DE9E8A9"><p>Set the clock adjustment
interval </p> <p>This is the time in milliseconds between system clock updates.
This setting is only used if LBS is configured to allow automatic system clock
adjustment (see 1 above). </p> <codeblock id="GUID-2D92311E-85BF-5C4A-8431-134A3FB4DA9C" xml:space="preserve">

TUint KClockInterval(604800000); // 7 days in milliseconds

// Set the clock adjustment interval
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingClockAdjustInterval, KClockInterval);

if (err != KErrNone) 
 // Handle error


</codeblock> </li>
<li id="GUID-9175992C-AAD5-500F-A49D-C09F5B18F0CB"><p>Set the clock adjustment
threshold </p> <p>This is a time in milliseconds. The system clock is adjusted
if the time difference between it and the GPS clock is greater than this threshold
time. This setting is only used if LBS is configured to allow automatic system
clock adjustment (see 1 above). </p> <codeblock id="GUID-9B34634C-D30F-5568-ABAC-60A721FDECBA" xml:space="preserve">

TUint KClockThreshold(1000); // 1 second 
err = admin-&gt;Set(KLbsSettingClockAdjustThreshold, KClockInterval);

if (err != KErrNone) 
 // Handle error


</codeblock> </li>
</ol> </section>
<section id="GUID-56DA510B-4BBE-57B6-B616-888845435276"><title>Resetting the
administration settings</title> <p>An application can reset administration
settings to the defaults specified in the administration settings initialisation
file by calling <xref href="GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945.dita#GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945/GUID-42D1B1DF-A5BD-3143-BBC3-EDFC1151356D"><apiname>CLbsAdmin::ResetToDefault()</apiname></xref>. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-1666A431-4F00-5907-A713-93AD12E0ED9D" xml:space="preserve">#include &lt;lbsadmin.h&gt;


TInt err = KErrNone;

CLbsAdmin* admin = CLbsAdmin::NewL();

err = admin-&gt;ResetToDefault();

if (err != KErrNone) 
 // Handle error


</codeblock> </section>
<section id="GUID-E9801842-4844-51BA-97D3-5073926E3EDA"><title>Receiving notifications
of LBS administration settings           changes</title> <p>Applications can
register to receive notifications of changes to LBS administration settings.
To create a class to receive notifications of LBS administration settings
changes, a developer: </p> <ol id="GUID-54DA2B43-59FB-5D1A-8378-E5997544C86E">
<li id="GUID-78B58802-F98E-5ADB-8346-5C4365AD0C6A"><p>Defines an observer
class derived from <xref href="GUID-800E7AE0-0115-3483-A010-933C05759532.dita"><apiname>MLbsAdminObserver</apiname></xref>  </p> <codeblock id="GUID-3224D2FA-B7D0-5B6A-8D86-A370460D6B06" xml:space="preserve">
#include &lt;lbsadmin.h&gt;

class CLbsAdminObserver : public MLbsAdminObserver
 static CLbsAdminObserver* NewL();

 // From MLbsAdminObserver
 void OnSettingUpdateEvent(TInt aError, const TLbsAdminSetting&amp; aSetting);

 void ConstructL();

  CLbsAdmin* iLbsAdmin;
  TLbsAdminSettingGroup iGroup; 
 </codeblock> </li>
<li id="GUID-E85A37EC-5134-569A-89CD-43948A90B80D"><p>Defines the types of
administration settings changes of interest to the observer by creating a <xref href="GUID-CB92B5FC-CD68-34F8-A866-BED0686C08B5.dita"><apiname>TLbsAdminSettingGroup</apiname></xref> bitmask. </p> <p>The
code example below shows the observer class constructor in which a <codeph>TLbsAdminSettingGroup</codeph> bitmask
is defined. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-BDF1E269-AC43-5875-9BD6-E2C2CB75564E" xml:space="preserve">
  iGroup = KLbsSettingHomeSelfLocate | KLbsSettingRoamingSelfLocate | KLbsSettingHomeExternalLocate |
           KLbsSettingRoamingExternalLocate |  KLbsSettingHomeTransmitLocate |
</codeblock> </li>
<li id="GUID-B2DE2F36-64E1-5BD3-B6AE-4080CBEA0345"><p>Writes an implementation
of the <xref href="GUID-800E7AE0-0115-3483-A010-933C05759532.dita#GUID-800E7AE0-0115-3483-A010-933C05759532/GUID-8CAC965D-6CC3-325C-AFB2-4471F27D9CC1"><apiname>MLbsAdminObserver::OnSettingUpdateEvent()</apiname></xref> method.
This method is called when there is a change in one of the administration
settings defined in the bitmask (see point 2 above). </p> <p>The code example
below shows a partial method implementation in which the value of the <codeph>aSetting</codeph> parameter
value is checked. Once the value of <codeph>aSetting</codeph> is known, the
value of the setting is obtained by calling <xref href="GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945.dita#GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945/GUID-299B1851-2DE9-3BDF-8DA0-E11E50101466"><apiname>CLbsAdmin::Get()</apiname></xref> with
the appropriate parameters. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-BBDD9AEE-C1D1-500D-A969-101851BAB6C7" xml:space="preserve">
void CLbsAdminObserver::OnSettingUpdateEvent(TInt aError, const TLbsAdminSetting&amp; aSetting)

  if (aSetting == KLbsSettingHomeSelfLocate)
   // Setting for MO-LR in home network has changed
   // Get the new setting

   TInt err;
   CLbsAdmin::TSelfLocateService selfLocate;
   err = iLbsAdmin-&gt;Get(KLbsSettingHomeSelfLocate, selfLocate);

   if (err != KErrNone) 
    // Handle error



   // And similar for other TLbsAdminSetting types in the TLbsAdminSetting bitmask

</codeblock> </li>
<li id="GUID-3E1C9550-DEFA-5383-9DA9-0E22799AA275"><p>Registers an observer
object to receive notification of status change events by calling <xref href="GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945.dita#GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945/GUID-297BD9C9-36E3-38C5-BB79-35A785B49744"><apiname>CLbsAdmin::NewL()</apiname></xref> with
the observer object and a <xref href="GUID-CB92B5FC-CD68-34F8-A866-BED0686C08B5.dita"><apiname>TLbsAdminSettingGroup</apiname></xref> bitmask
as parameters. The code example below shows this in the NewL() method of the
observer class. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-9F8D7AE4-77A0-5D39-A831-CEF1E5E790B9" xml:space="preserve">
CLbsAdminObserver* CLbsAdminObserver::NewL()
 CLbsAdminObserver* self = new(ELeave)CLbsAdminObserver();
 return self;

void CLbsAdminObserver::ConstructL()
 iLbsAdmin = CLbsAdmin::NewL(*this, const_cast&lt;TLbsAdminSettingGroup&amp;&gt;(iGroup));
</codeblock> </li>
</ol> <p>An application can stop receiving notification of administration
settings changes by calling <xref href="GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945.dita#GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945/GUID-2CAC0F41-B58B-30D6-8742-23B38338ED1A"><apiname>CLbsAdmin::ClearNotificationMask()</apiname></xref>. </p> <p>An
application can change the administration settings changes for which it receives
notification by calling <xref href="GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945.dita#GUID-E8B4B321-6B45-3764-ADD2-CD05A5533945/GUID-C04ED964-9259-3B96-8144-0A022C3D26BA"><apiname>CLbsAdmin::SetNotificationMaskL()</apiname></xref>. </p> <p>The
code example below shows the use of these methods to receive notification
of GPS mode settings changes. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-5EB78AAE-375B-5102-9D07-BDFDD587F1D8" xml:space="preserve">

// Change the notification mask to get changes to GPS mode
iGroup = KLbsSettingHomeGpsMode |  KLbsSettingRoamingGpsMode;

</codeblock> </section>
<link href="GUID-852E58C1-EA5C-5B46-9020-4463D3FA06AD.dita"><linktext>The LBS Administration
Repository Initialisation File</linktext></link>
<link href="GUID-9348D79B-D4BF-50B0-B787-DDA2765CE058.dita"><linktext>LBS  Administration
Service Overview</linktext></link>