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<concept id="GUID-9540A82E-F83D-55F5-B441-868CF77468E9" xml:lang="en"><title>Media
Driver Overview</title><shortdesc>Describes the media drivers used in Symbian platform. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<section id="GUID-507A567D-6AD4-4340-9A3F-35A5751D07F0"><title>Purpose</title> <p id="GUID-CFED15B1-E768-534E-9043-7AADE45EE9AF"> Provides an interface between
the peripherals and the kernel. </p> </section>
<section id="GUID-1CA022A4-BA5B-4B57-9245-712CA3868E22"><title>Required background</title> <p>This
section discusses what you need to do to write or port a media driver. It
assumes that you are familiar with the Symbian platform device driver model. </p> </section>
<section id="GUID-095C852B-8AF7-4035-A078-ACA2CFF3B7BC"><title>Key concepts
and terms</title> <dl>
<dt>Physical Device Driver (PDD)</dt>
<dd><p>Physical Device Driver is a driver that is specific to one type of
a device. </p> </dd>
<dd><p>NAND is a device that contains NAND flash memory or NAND flash controller. </p> </dd>
<dt>MultimediaCard (MMC)</dt>
<dd><p>The MultiMediaCard (MMC) is a flash memory card standard. </p> </dd>
</dl> </section>
<section id="GUID-4F50C492-1FA4-475F-B896-050B158E347E"><title>Architecture</title> <p>The
media driver is a special form of physical device driver. The class <xref href="GUID-A0D4EB25-0BA4-39EE-874B-465EB9628DCC.dita"><apiname>DMediaDriver</apiname></xref> is
the abstract base class from which all the media drivers are derived. These
media drivers have associated libraries that manage storage media hardware.
Some media drivers have platform specific layers that a base port can implement
for particular type of storage hardware. The media drivers are loaded and
used by file server. </p> </section>
<section id="GUID-8DC5D361-7A97-4493-B25E-126BC3EE34D6"><title>Media Drivers
Summary</title> <p>Media drivers provides the following physical device drivers
for the user: </p> <ul>
<li id="GUID-7DE4C0BD-3C5F-56A2-9F25-862BCF48C956"><p> <b>Internal RAM Drive
Media Driver</b> </p> <p> <filepath>medint.pdd</filepath> </p> <p>Internal
Ram Drive media driver is a physical device driver meant for growing and shrinking
the RAM drive. </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-D9930EA1-CC68-58E6-8B48-722AFC0750D7"><p> <b>ATA Card Media Driver</b> </p> <p> <filepath>medata.pdd</filepath> </p> <p>ATA
Card media driver is a physical driver to access ATA cards. </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-3607FA5E-AC5C-5716-867B-B665872DA047"><p> <b>MultiMediaCard Media
Driver</b> </p> <p> <filepath>medmmc.pdd</filepath> </p> <p>MultiMediaCard
media driver is a physical driver which requests services from the MultiMediaCard
controller. </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-0304B5F7-7256-5160-9F52-C97FE8B6C2D4"><p> <b>Nand Media Driver</b> </p> <p> <filepath>mednand.pdd</filepath> </p> <p>NAND
media driver is a physical device driver to access the NAND device. </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-8F6BB0BC-CEBB-5807-B481-253C50750328"><p> <b>LFS Media Driver</b> </p> <p> <filepath>medlfs.pdd</filepath> </p> <p>The
LFS media driver is a physical device driver that reads and writes to NOR
type flash memory. </p> </li>
</ul> </section>
<link href="GUID-E21C4AF8-852A-5BBD-A92A-5473D1DFFBB1.dita"><linktext>Media Driver