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<concept id="GUID-A70A01D2-467E-5BA8-A01D-6182558F3F52" xml:lang="en"><title>Boot
Time Initialisation Implementation</title><shortdesc>How to write an initialisation function, implemented by the Media
driver and called by the kernel at boot time. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<p>You use the <xref href="GUID-7964FC46-4641-3BDD-92C9-50FA22C3321A.dita"><apiname>DECLARE_STANDARD_EXTENSION()</apiname></xref> macro as a
wrapper around the code that does this. There are at two important things
to do at this stage: </p>
<li id="GUID-21EA5C7E-7147-596E-A340-1D6FED0328CE"><p>attach a DFC queue,
if the underlying media driver supports asynchronous creation </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-4E9CD255-B954-5B75-B639-2AC494296AA4"><p>register the media driver
with the local media system. </p> </li>
<section id="GUID-43EB0EC7-AAA3-5FFC-8724-E938F6BFB158"><title>Asynchronous
creation of the media driver</title> <p>If the underlying media driver supports
asynchronous creation, then a DFC queue <i>must</i> be attached at this stage.
However, media drivers that interface to the Peripheral Bus Controller should
create a new <xref href="GUID-B4E66372-2654-3434-AFB7-844B0B8D2FC9.dita"><apiname>DPBusPrimaryMedia</apiname></xref> object, as shown in the
code above, but should not allocate a DFC for asynchronous creation; this
is handled by the Peripheral Bus Controller. </p> <p>See also <xref href="GUID-A6D14A03-ADBF-570D-8AC7-E8BC2700F930.dita#GUID-A6D14A03-ADBF-570D-8AC7-E8BC2700F930/GUID-32B157E9-0F71-5C1B-A0FA-08D5B1ACA700">Create() - create the media driver object</xref>. </p> </section>
<section id="GUID-4A8DEEAB-32C4-5431-8226-5623E2BD9098"><title>Register the
media driver with the local media system</title> <p>The media driver must
be registered with the Local Media Subsystem; this provides information such
as the number of supported drives, partitions, names and drive numbers. This
is done by calling <xref href="GUID-9E60E8D9-619E-3A76-BAC8-93A60D62C7DF.dita#GUID-9E60E8D9-619E-3A76-BAC8-93A60D62C7DF/GUID-647D0858-FE04-3A4F-99CE-81CD0B34CE7B"><apiname>LocDrv::RegisterMediaDevice()</apiname></xref>, and passing
appropriate values. </p> <p>The media device type can be any of the <xref href="GUID-0FE5A5FE-5D38-3620-8674-2B770CB9D049.dita"><apiname>TMediaDevice</apiname></xref> enumerated
values provide that a given value is only used once. This value may sometimes
be referred to as the media ID. </p> <p>The values passed to this function
are highly dependent on the target hardware platform, and it is common practice
to define them in a file contained within the Variant directory, instead of
hard-coding them into generic Symbian platform code. For example, Variant
A may provide two PC Card slots, while Variant B may provide 4. </p> <p>The
port for the template reference board has the header file <filepath>...\template_variant\inc\variantmediadef.h</filepath>,
which defines constants that are used when registering a media driver for
that specific hardware. </p> <p>Your code may find it convenient to use the
struct <xref href="GUID-FC0F974E-9ABB-348B-9AE9-778B3A1F413A.dita"><apiname>SMediaDeviceInfo</apiname></xref> to capture this information. </p> </section>
<example><p>The following code is used: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-2A3ADFBB-C2D4-51DD-AE3E-21C5C34554D9" xml:space="preserve">DECLARE_STANDARD_EXTENSION()
TInt r=KErrNoMemory;
DPrimaryMediaBase* pM=new DPrimaryMediaBase;
if (pM)
//…Required here for Asynchronous creation (if supported)
pM->iDfcQ = &MyDfcQ;
//…Perform registration here
r = LocDrv::RegisterMediaDevice(MEDIA_DEVICE_TYPE,
</codeblock> <p>You can also do any further initialisation that is appropriate
to your driver. </p></example>