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<concept id="GUID-AB08BEE8-BCD8-511F-B89D-13A0638C05A7" xml:lang="en"><title>Secure
Software Install Device Tools Overview</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<p>The Secure Software Install Device Tools component comprises of the following
tools: </p>
<li id="GUID-F88142E0-F3F6-50BC-B17D-EBFC9F0D144A"><p> <b> Secure Software
Install Certificate Store tool</b> (<i>swicertstoretool</i>) - The swicertstoretool
is used to create the <filepath>swicertstore.dat</filepath> file that contains
certificates and their capabilities. SWI uses <filepath>Swicertstore.dat</filepath> file
to verify the SIS files being installed and do a capability check. </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-FBE52F5E-1D5A-5D66-9441-714375B42A8C"><p> <b> Console based SWI
tool</b> - Is a tool that allows software to be installed, uninstalled or
upgraded on the device using an EShell interface. </p> </li>
<section><title>Key concepts and terms</title> <dl>
<dt>Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)</dt>
<dd><p>DER is a method for encoding any ASN.1 structure, such as an X.509
certificate, as binary data. </p> </dd>
</dl> <dl>
<dt>Distinguished Encoding Rules (PEM )</dt>
<dd><p>PEM is a method for encoding a data object, such as an X.509 certificate,
to be digitally signed or to have its signature verified. PEM is just base64-encoded
DER, plus a header and footer. </p> </dd>
</dl> </section>
<section><title>Required background</title> <p>Before you start, you must
be familiar with the following: </p> <ul>
<li id="GUID-5ED39FAE-C09E-5FCD-8C54-F056BB0D9178"><p><xref href="GUID-827AFAA3-75A4-5F08-8F83-1E36DAD8533D.dita">Secure
Software Install</xref> </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-7B8B8B18-0364-534D-B41C-66AFC72AC977"><p><xref href="GUID-4BFEDD79-9502-526A-BA7B-97550A6F0601.dita">Platform
Security</xref> </p> </li>
</ul> </section>
<section><title>Typical uses</title><p><b> Creating swicertstore.dat file</b></p> <p>The
swicertstore tool creates the <filepath>swicertstore.dat</filepath> file.
This file contains certificates and their capabilities which SWI uses to validate
the SIS files being installed on the device. For more information on creating <filepath>swicertstore.dat</filepath> file,
see <xref href="GUID-CF0D81FC-B28C-5AB1-BF99-A1247E31ACBF.dita">Creating swicertstore.dat
file</xref>. </p><p><b>Using console-based SWI</b> </p> <p>Native software
can be installed on the device using a console-based tool. This tool can be
used from EShell to install, uninstall or upgrade native software on the device.
For more information on using this tool, see <xref href="GUID-DA8908E9-28C7-5200-A5B2-EC1ED60ABE90.dita">Using
Console-based SWI</xref>. </p> </section>
<link href="GUID-0EB0DF36-9880-5489-AEBD-E6AAF8FCCDDC.dita"><linktext>Secure Software
Install Device Tools Tutorials</linktext></link>