author Dominic Pinkman <>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 11:11:55 +0100
changeset 7 51a74ef9ed63
parent 5 f345bda72bc4
child 14 578be2adaf3e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Week 12 contribution of API Specs and fix SDK submission

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<concept id="GUID-AC53C0A0-6990-4BF8-91E9-9AE14169A7BC" xml:lang="en"><title>Creating
a Privacy Verification Notifier</title><shortdesc>To use the LBS Privacy Notifiers for privacy verification and privacy
notification a licensee must implement a Privacy Verification Notifier that
extends from the Extended Notifier Framework base class <codeph>MEikSrvNotifierBase2</codeph>.
The licensee must override the asynchronous <codeph>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::StartL()</codeph> method
so that the LBS subsystem can receive a privacy response from the user via
the notifier. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<p>This topic describes how to implement a Privacy Verification Notifier.
The notifier is used to handle privacy verification requests.   </p>
<p>A dialog is shown to the user when verification of a privacy request is
required. The example shown here uses a CEikDialog derived class, although
licensees will most probably want to use a dialog class specific to their
own UI framework. Implementation of the notifier can be described in the following
<li><p>Define a notifier that derives from the Extended Notifier Framework
base class <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2</apiname></xref>.</p></li>
<li><p>Define a dialog class that derives from <codeph>CEikDialog</codeph> (or
some licensee UI framework-specific subclass). </p></li>
<li><p>Override the necessary virtual methods of the licensee notifier and
dialog to handle privacy requests and send the appropriate response when the
user dismisses the dialog. </p></li>
<section id="GUID-0BA4DF3B-7363-4353-9A99-E7272500967B">       <title>Defining the Privacy Verification Notifier</title> 
     <p>The code below shows a definition of a Privacy Verification Notifier
class.     </p><p>The notifier owns a <xref href="GUID-BFDCA64A-1F55-34E8-8C4D-B0EABBE3A17C.dita"><apiname>CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog</apiname></xref> dialog
class to show details of the privacy request to the end user and to obtain
the response.  </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">/*
 Name		 : MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.h
 Description : This file defines a LBS Privacy Verification Notifier


// Default location for dialog GUI resources
#define VERIFY_RESOURCE_PATH    "\\private\\10003a4a\\"

// Compiled dialog resource file name
#define VERIFY_RESOURCE 		"MyLBSPrivacyDialogs.rsc"

//  Include Files
#include &lt;e32base.h&gt;
#include &lt;eiknotapi.h&gt;
#include &lt;eikdialg.h&gt;
#include "lbsprivacyextnotifiers.h" // Defines privacy data types
#include "MyLBSNotifiersChannel.h" // Defines notifier channel

// Dialog forward declaration for notifier
class CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog;

//  Privacy verification notifier class definition
class CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier : public CBase, public MEikSrvNotifierBase2
  static CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* NewL();
  // Called when the dialog is hidden
  void DialogDismissed();

private: // From MEikSrvNotifierBase2

  // Asynchronous StartL is used for privacy verification
  // a response is required
  void StartL(const TDesC8&amp; aBuffer, TInt aReplySlot,
              const RMessagePtr2&amp; aMessage); 
  // Synchronous StartL is not used for privacy verification
  TPtrC8 StartL(const TDesC8&amp; aBuffer);
  // Not implemented for LBS privacy notifiers
  TPtrC8 UpdateL(const TDesC8&amp; aBuffer);
  TNotifierInfo RegisterL();
  TNotifierInfo Info() const;
  void Cancel();
  void Release();
  // Set the response parameters based on the user response
  void SetResponseParams(TLbsPrivacyResponseParams params);

  void ConstructL();

  // Data members
  TNotifierInfo iInfo;
  RMessagePtr2 iMessage;
  TInt iReplySlot;
  // From lbsprivacyextnotifiers.h - request parameters
  TLbsPrivacyNotifierParams iRequestParams;
  // From lbsprivacyextnotifiers.h - response parameters
  TLbsPrivacyResponseParams iResponseParams;

  // Verification Dialog
  CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog* iDlg;

#endif  // __MYLBSPRIVACYNOTIFIER_H__</codeblock>     </section>
<section id="GUID-807AAC06-8975-41C8-8D4C-CF6103D0678D"><title>Defining the Privacy Verification Dialog </title><p>The following
is the definition of the dialog used by the example Privacy Verification Notifier:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">/*
 Name		: MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.cpp
 Description : Source for LBS privacy verification notifier and dialog

// System headers
#include &lt;eikdialg.h&gt;
#include &lt;eikmfne.h&gt;
#include &lt;eikenv.h&gt;
#include &lt;bautils.h&gt;
#include &lt;eikappui.h&gt;
#include &lt;e32cmn.h&gt;

// Console for debugging
#include &lt;e32cons.h&gt;		

// LBS headers
#include &lt;lbsprivacyextnotifiers.h&gt;

// project headers
#include &lt;MyLBSPrivacyDialogs.rsg&gt;
#include "MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.hrh"
#include "MyLBSDialogs.hrh"
#include "MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.h"

/* CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog
   The resource for this dialog defines it as a sleeping dialog
   Resources are allocated when the owning notifier is created by ECom

class CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog : public CEikDialog
  static CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog* NewLD(
                               CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* aNotifier,
                               TLbsPrivacyResponseParams&amp; aResponseParams);

  void ShowDialog(TLbsExternalRequestInfo&amp; aInfo);
  void HideDialog();

public: // from CEikDialog
  TBool OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId);
  void PreLayoutDynInitL();

  CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog(CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* aNotifier,
                              TLbsPrivacyResponseParams&amp; aResponseParams);
  void LoadResourceL();
  void FreeResource();
  void ConstructL();


  // The notifier that calls this dialog
  CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* iNotifier;
  // Library resource containing dialog resources
  TInt  iResourceFile;
  // The privacy requester info - contains requester id and name
  TLbsExternalRequestInfo iInfo;

  // The privacy response parameters reference
  // to iResponseParams in parent notifier
  TLbsPrivacyResponseParams&amp; iResponseParams;
	 };</codeblock><p>The dialog contains a <xref href="GUID-C5EE0092-6EAB-32AA-A58D-A81A883DFEBF.dita"><apiname>CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier</apiname></xref> pointer
through which it can set the privacy response chosen by the user.     </p><p>This
example defines a simple dialog resource file <filepath>MyLbsPrivacyDialogs.rsg</filepath>.
The source of this file contains definitions for a simple dialog that shows
the client name of the user making the privacy request and <uicontrol>Accept</uicontrol> and <uicontrol>Reject</uicontrol> buttons
to allow the user to accept or reject the request. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// MyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog.RSS

#include &lt;eikon.rh&gt;
#include &lt;eikon.rsg&gt;
#include &lt;techviewctl.rh&gt;
#include &lt;eikcoctl.rsg&gt;
#include "MyLBSDialogs.hrh"



RESOURCE TBUF { buf=""; }

RESOURCE DLG_BUTTONS r_privacy_request_buttons
buttons = 
		id = EPrivacyRequestAccept;
		button = CMBUT {txt = "Accept";};
		id = EPrivacyRequestReject;
		button = CMBUT {txt = "Reject";};

RESOURCE DIALOG r_lbs_verify_dialog
	title = "Privacy Verification Dialog";
	flags = EEikDialogFlagNotifyEsc;
	buttons = r_privacy_request_buttons;
	items = 
		    type = EEikCtLabel;
		    control = LABEL
		    	standard_font = EEikLabelFontAnnotation;
		    	txt = "Location Request received from :";
		    type = EEikCtEdwin;
		    id = EPrivacyClientName;
		    control = EDWIN
		    	width = 10;
		    	maxlength = 25;
	}</codeblock><p><codeph>KScreenOutputChannel</codeph> is a common channel
used by both a Privacy Verification Notifier and a Location Notification Notifier.
The real value of the channel is a licensee-specific value. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">#ifndef __MYLBSNOTIFIERSCHANNEL_H_

const TUid KScreenOutputChannel={0x1000ABEF};

#endif /*MYLBSNOTIFIERSCHANNEL_H_*/</codeblock></section>
<section id="GUID-877CB502-8329-4441-8B1A-D8F85C932A38"><title>Creating the notifier </title><p>The most important thing
to consider when creating a notifier object is if the dialog resources should
also be created at the same time.     </p><p>The ECOM framework calls the
notifier's <codeph>NewL()</codeph> when the notifier server starts up. Privacy
requests and location requests may need to be handled in low memory conditions
(where licensees and operators need to support emergency location requests).
If this is the case it is prudent to use sleeping dialogs which are created
in the notifier's <codeph>ConstructL()</codeph>. All resources for the dialog
are allocated when the notifier is loaded by ECOM and showing a dialog should
not fail if there are low-memory conditions at runtime when an emergency location
request is received.  </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::NewL()
  CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* self = new (ELeave) CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier();	
  return self;	

// Construct the dialog - it is a sleeping dialog 
// i.e. resources are allocated on construction
// This is a good idea for LBS privacy requests which must be handled
// in low memory conditions
void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::ConstructL()
  iDlg = CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::NewLD(this, iResponseParams);
<section id="GUID-02E6910A-662A-4663-A3AA-AA3D9EBB449D"><title>Registering the notifier </title><p><xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-7863DC49-9664-390C-AAE1-B3BE043CA108"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::RegisterL()</apiname></xref> and <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-EC4180F5-AB27-3744-8755-BA59B3BCE19C"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::Info()</apiname></xref> are standard notifier methods that can be implemented as shown below: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Called by notifier framework once to register the notifier with ECOM
MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::RegisterL()
  iInfo.iUid = KLbsExtLocationRequestVerifyUid;
  iInfo.iChannel = KScreenOutputChannel;

  // High priority privacy request
  iInfo.iPriority = ENotifierPriorityVHigh;
  return iInfo;

MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::Info() const
  return iInfo;
  }</codeblock><note>The value <codeph>KLbsExtLocationRequestVerifyUid</codeph> as
defined in <filepath>lbsextprivacynotifiers.h</filepath> must be used for
the notifier registration. The choice of notifier priority is a licensee decision,
but a high priority is recommended because a user response is required. </note></section>
<section id="GUID-C1D1F5AA-9C94-43F1-9A14-003A42B7FDF1"><title>Starting the notifier </title><p>A Privacy Verification Notifier
must implement the asynchronous form of <xref href="GUID-650E29C8-3B2B-3B77-A4E5-766DED0F83F0.dita#GUID-650E29C8-3B2B-3B77-A4E5-766DED0F83F0/GUID-93746BF4-4F20-304A-BC72-2CE0C776D001"><apiname>MEikSrvNortifierBase2::StartL()</apiname></xref>.
The code example below shows how to do this. The LBS subsystem sends a <codeph>TLbsPrivacyNotifierParamsPckg</codeph> object
to the notifier from which the <codeph>TLbsExternalRequestInfo</codeph> can
be extracted. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Asynchronous StartL is used for privacy verification because a response is required
void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::StartL(const TDesC8&amp; aBuffer,
                                   TInt aReplySlot,
                                   const RMessagePtr2&amp; aMessage)
  // Copy aMessage and aReplySlot to reply to the request at a later time
  iMessage = aMessage;
  iReplySlot = aReplySlot;
  TBuf8&lt;KLbsMaxClientNameSize&gt; clientName;
  TBuf8&lt;KLbsMaxRequesterIdSize&gt; requesterId;
  TLbsPrivacyNotifierParamsPckg pckg;
  TLbsPrivacyNotifierParams params = pckg();
  TLbsExternalRequestInfo info;
  // Show the dialog with the requester details
  }</codeblock><note>A Privacy Verification Notifier need only implement an
empty implementation of the synchronous <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-5DC8D35F-FFA5-3CE8-A06D-303A7E3ECC9B"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::StartL()</apiname></xref> method.
<section id="GUID-7CB6FB2E-6C29-40E1-97FF-2F7F79DA5237"><title>Getting the privacy response parameters </title><p>The example
notifier has a method called <codeph>DialogDismissed()</codeph> which is called
by the verification dialog when it is closed (either by pressing <uicontrol>Accept</uicontrol> or <uicontrol>Cancel</uicontrol>).
The method implementation below shows how to package up the privacy response
into a <codeph>TLbsPrivacyReponseParamsPckg</codeph>, complete the message
and cancel the notifier. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Called when dialog is dismissed
void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::DialogDismissed()
  // Set the response on the basis of the response params
  if (!iMessage.IsNull())
    // The dialog has already updated iResponseParams by reference
    // Create package buf to send parameters to the calling client
    TLbsPrivacyResponseParamsPckg pckg(iResponseParams);
    iMessage.WriteL(iReplySlot, pckg);

    // Cancel the notifier
<section id="GUID-23311FBA-CC3B-4F85-8796-0EEB75C8E6F8"><title>Cancelling the notifier </title><p>The LBS subsystem has a
timeout for Privacy Notifiers that calls the <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-D53FC05F-B90A-3CB6-874E-39C4709310C9"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::Cancel()</apiname></xref> method. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Called to cancel the notification (for example for a request timeout)
// The LBS subsystem sets the timeout for privacy notifiers
void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::Cancel()
  if (!iMessage.IsNull())
<section id="GUID-E5FEA4BE-C9C2-4017-85CD-D1078DE08DD2"><title>Releasing the notifier </title><p>The ECOM release method
just calls delete on the notifier.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Just delete the notifier
void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::Release()
  delete this;
<section id="GUID-EE7AF256-6146-4176-AA26-AE6C2A4D46FA"><title>Notifier destructor </title><p>The destructor method just
deletes the dialog object that was created in the notifier's <codeph>ConstructL()</codeph>. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier::~CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier()
  if (iDlg)
    // Delete the dialog
    delete iDlg;
<section id="GUID-C0E3B59D-BDD1-4838-B592-CB924866690A"><title>Constructing the dialog </title><p>These methods show how
the dialog is constructed. A reference to the response parameters object owned
by the parent notifier is passed by reference in the <codeph>NewLD()</codeph> method.
This is written to when the user chooses to accept or reject the privacy request. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Static function to create new dialog
// Response parameters passed by reference
// They are written when the dialog closes
CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog* CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::NewLD(
                                CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* aNotifier,
                                TLbsPrivacyResponseParams&amp; aResponseParams)
  CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog* self
= new (ELeave) CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog(aNotifier, aResponseParams);

  return self;

// Private dialog constructor 
// Set the notifier to be the observer 
// and pass a reference to response parameters
CMyLBSPrivacyVerifier* aNotifier, 
TLbsPrivacyResponseParams&amp; aResponseParams) : 
iNotifier(aNotifier), iResponseParams(aResponseParams)

// Second stage constructor - load dialog resources
void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::ConstructL()
<section id="GUID-4D973BCC-62F4-416A-B6E4-E0A4B5AC94CC"><title>Loading dialog resources </title><p>For the example shown,
the dialog resources are loaded when it is constructed (a sleeping dialog).
This is a good design decision for dialogs that must be shown in low memory
conditions, which is the case for the LBS dialogs that must notify of emergency
location requests. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Load resources for the dialog
void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::LoadResourceL()
  // Notifiers can be loaded from ROM or RAM
  // resource location is not hard-coded
  TFileName fileName;

  // force arg evaluation before calling _LIT
  #define _LIT1(k,s) _LIT(k,s) 
  // Values defined in MyLBSPrivacyVerifier.h
  // Dialog resources

  // Load the dialog resources
  iEikonEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
  TInt offset = iEikonEnv-&gt;AddLibraryL(&amp;fileName);
  TRAPD(err, ConstructSleepingDialogL(R_LBS_VERIFY_DIALOG));
<section id="GUID-9ADFD48F-E51E-41D5-A292-CC3663A215A0"><title>Showing the dialog </title><p>The method <codeph>ShowDialog()</codeph> is
called by the notifier when it is started by a call to <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita#GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0/GUID-5DC8D35F-FFA5-3CE8-A06D-303A7E3ECC9B"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2::StartL()</apiname></xref>.
In this example, all dialog resources were allocated at start-up so it is
only necessary to show it. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::ShowDialog(TLbsExternalRequestInfo&amp; aInfo)
  iInfo = aInfo;
  }</codeblock><p>The dialog method <xref href="GUID-DC21E927-18B3-3BBF-9B67-496F2D158B03.dita#GUID-DC21E927-18B3-3BBF-9B67-496F2D158B03/GUID-AD6F7AE7-FCB8-38F0-9B6B-9FF24F2863AC"><apiname>CEikDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL()</apiname></xref> is
implemented to show the client name from <codeph>TLbsExternalRequestInfo</codeph> before
the dialog is shown to the user. This method could also show the other data
fields held in <codeph>TLbsExternalRequestInfo</codeph>. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Populate the privacy verification dialog with the user identity
void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL()
  TBuf8&lt;KLbsMaxClientNameSize&gt; clientName;
  TBuf8&lt;KLbsMaxRequesterIdSize&gt; requesterId;
  TBuf8&lt;KLbsMaxClientExternalIdSize&gt; externalId;
  // Show the client name
  // Expand() only works for converting from ASCII
  // encoded buffer to Unicode
  // You may need to use CCnvCharacterSetConverter in your implementation

  CEikEdwin* edwin = STATIC_CAST(CEikEdwin*, 
  edwin -&gt;SetTextL(&amp;clientName.Expand());
  // Could also show the requesterId and externalId in the dialog...
<section id="GUID-A68D683A-89AE-4D97-AE69-787ABFB21D5B"><title>Making a privacy response </title><p>The dialog's <xref href="GUID-DC21E927-18B3-3BBF-9B67-496F2D158B03.dita#GUID-DC21E927-18B3-3BBF-9B67-496F2D158B03/GUID-6AFDB981-BBA2-3A5E-A7A5-BA6B39BC4CE9"><apiname>CEikDialog::OkToExitL()</apiname></xref> method
is called when the user selects <uicontrol>Accept</uicontrol> or <uicontrol>Cancel</uicontrol>.
This method is implemented to set the <codeph>TLbsPrivacyResponseParameters</codeph> in
the parent notifier with the user response, which is either to accept or reject
the privacy request.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// From CEikDialog - called when a dialog button is pressed
TBool CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId)
  // Set the notifier response parameters based on user response
  // Member variable iResponse is reference
  // to notifier TLbsPrivacyResponseParams
  // Get the value of the pressed button
  if (aButtonId == EPrivacyRequestAccept)
  else // Privacy request rejected 

  // Inform the notifier that this dialog is exiting
  // so that it can inform the notifier manager
  return ETrue;
<section id="GUID-E9090E47-1FBC-434B-8FB1-BF8AD4D7FBA3"><title>Hiding the dialog and freeing resources</title><p>The dialog's <codeph>HideDialog()</codeph> method
is called by the notifier when LBS cancels the notifier, for example if a
timeout occurs or another privacy request is sent (a new privacy request cancels
any outstanding privacy request). In this example, the dialog resources are
not freed because the dialog is a sleeping dialog. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Hide the dialog and report to the notifier
void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::HideDialog()
  // Using a sleeping dialog

// Destructor frees dialog resources

// Free dialog resources
void CMyLBSPrivacyVerifierDialog::FreeResource()
  if (iResourceFile)
		  iResourceFile = 0;