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<concept id="GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51" xml:lang="en"><title>Environment
Slots</title><shortdesc>Up to 16 separate pieces of information can be passed to a process
on creation using Environment Slots. These include handles and binary data.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<p>Handles and binary data can be passed to a process at process creation
time using environment slots. This topic describes this concept, and explains
how to use the process APIs for environment slots. </p>
<li id="GUID-1D2A9BFD-FAE6-55F0-9A54-58BA4165B1F0"><p> <xref href="GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51.dita#GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51/GUID-FCF8DC31-9D90-53C8-BE30-76D6CD0243BC">Overview</xref> </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-E2F77CE5-E856-582C-BF4F-0EF13E6A40D1"><p> <xref href="GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51.dita#GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51/GUID-D84521B5-4C3B-538C-946A-88EAA3713A8D">The APIs</xref> </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-8C3631E9-D240-5C72-A6E0-EF255A3C8D17"><p> <xref href="GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51.dita#GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51/GUID-7F6B118C-0911-5979-8420-475985DB884B">Passing a file handle and a subsession</xref> </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-3DDB166F-E949-5B0A-B4B9-FC6EE580ECCE"><p> <xref href="GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51.dita#GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51/GUID-19964DED-E6AD-59B4-BEDB-2A40864FBD29">Passing a general handle, derived from RHandleBase</xref> </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-D6A9288F-5B22-56B8-8F8E-738F7B38BD1E"><p> <xref href="GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51.dita#GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51/GUID-AAB81C64-A515-50E5-BF80-1D625AF1251C">Passing descriptor data</xref> </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-502C284C-3B56-5B6E-AEB5-F1E9DB513CA6"><p> <xref href="GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51.dita#GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51/GUID-D2F661C6-21EB-50A6-A475-2A4A775A9F4D">Passing an integer</xref> </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-E5B29175-9647-5F88-961C-47CD20DF2238"><p> <xref href="GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51.dita#GUID-AD2BD987-E097-5E1F-A914-B91CFB706D51/GUID-02AD23DF-7D54-5178-AA5B-050333CD2609">Error handling issues</xref> </p> </li>
<section id="GUID-FCF8DC31-9D90-53C8-BE30-76D6CD0243BC"><title>Overview</title> <p>Handles
and binary data, in the form of descriptors or integer values, can be passed
to a process at process creation time, using what are called environment slots. </p> <p>Up
to 16 separate pieces of information can be passed to a process on creation.
For this purpose, a process has 16 environment slots that can contain the
information passed to it by the launching process. </p> <p>Slot 0 is reserved
and is never available for general purpose information passing. </p> <p>The
parent (launching) process can only pass information to the child (created)
process after the child process has been created. However, it should be done
before the child process is resumed; it is an error to try and set environment
data in a child process that has been resumed. </p> <p>A child process can
only extract the information from its environment slots once. Extracting information
from a slot causes that information to be deleted from the slot. </p> <p>It
is a matter of convention between the parent and child process as to the meaning
to be applied to a slot, and the type of data that it is to contain. </p> </section>
<section id="GUID-D84521B5-4C3B-538C-946A-88EAA3713A8D"><title>The APIs</title> <p>To
pass, a handle, a client server subsession, or binary data to a child process,
the parent process calls <codeph>RProcess::SetParameter()</codeph>, where
the <xref href="GUID-9DD1EA2B-DC59-315C-8E9C-CE6D9461B695.dita"><apiname>RProcess</apiname></xref> object represents the newly created child
process. There are five overloaded variants of <codeph>SetParameter()</codeph> used
for passing: </p> <table id="GUID-5BEA9FCB-68E8-56DD-BA60-71372984AA38">
<tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/>
<entry><p>handle: </p> </entry>
<entry><codeblock id="GUID-EA9128DD-3694-5A2B-AB86-78BA81B43F5A" xml:space="preserve">TInt RProcess::SetParameter(TInt aSlot, RHandleBase aHandle);</codeblock> </entry>
<entry><p>client server subsession: </p> </entry>
<entry><codeblock id="GUID-D7FFAA04-44E4-5C4C-8B3B-4628AB965B58" xml:space="preserve">TInt RProcess::SetParameter(TInt aSlot, const RSubSessionBase& aSession);</codeblock> </entry>
<entry><p>8-bit descriptor: </p> </entry>
<entry><codeblock id="GUID-32499AC5-3C9F-5927-A797-24A0367E22A7" xml:space="preserve">TInt RProcess::SetParameter(TInt aSlot, const TDesC8& aDes);</codeblock> </entry>
<entry><p>16-bit descriptor: </p> </entry>
<entry><codeblock id="GUID-1997FC14-79C7-5DEC-9647-9FA14CB8EE84" xml:space="preserve">TInt RProcess::SetParameter(TInt aSlot, const TDesC16& aDes);</codeblock> </entry>
<entry><p>integer: </p> </entry>
<entry><codeblock id="GUID-0F865FC0-C2D7-55A5-B90A-17F88958F6D9" xml:space="preserve">TInt RProcess::SetParameter(TInt aSlot, TInt aData);</codeblock> </entry>
</table> <p>To extract, a handle, or a client server subsession, a child process
can use the <codeph>Open()</codeph> function called on the relevant <xref href="GUID-727D2B62-09A9-3CBC-AB6F-591E52EC68EB.dita"><apiname>RHandleBase</apiname></xref> derived
type: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-244AB92B-34FD-5B45-B0AA-1679D3DD9761" xml:space="preserve">TInt RSemaphore ::Open(TInt aArgumentIndex, TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess);
TInt RBusLogicalChannel::Open(TInt aArgumentIndex, TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess);
TInt RMsgQueueBase::Open(TInt aArgumentIndex, TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess);
TInt RMutex::Open(TInt aArgumentIndex, TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess);
TInt RChunk::Open(TInt aArgumentIndex, TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess);
TInt RSessionBase::Open(TInt aArgumentIndex, TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess);
</codeblock> <p>To extract descriptor data, or integer data, a child process
can use the <xref href="GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D.dita"><apiname>User</apiname></xref> class functions: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-CC129A19-0FF6-58C6-B11C-564D816BF845" xml:space="preserve">static TInt User::ParameterLength(TInt aSlot);
static TInt User::GetTIntParameter(TInt aSlot, TInt& aData);
static TInt User::GetDesParameter(TInt aSlot, TDes8& aDes);
static TInt User::GetDesParameter(TInt aSlot, TDes16& aDes);
</codeblock> <fig id="GUID-D9CD78E1-6813-5F68-9883-F1F6DC04C92A">
<title>Environment slots</title>
<image href="GUID-ABE7BC1A-C51B-5ADD-8568-87A81423B648_d0e307282_href.png" placement="inline"/>
</fig> </section>
<section id="GUID-7F6B118C-0911-5979-8420-475985DB884B"><title> Passing a
file handle and a subsession</title> <p>File server session handles and file
handles can both be passed to a child process. </p> <p>The child process adopts
the file handle, and must not be closed by the parent. To use a file handle,
the session handle must also be passed. </p> <p>For <i>security reasons</i>,
when sharing a file handle, the parent process should create a separate file
server session for the specific purpose of sharing the file handle. If the
parent process has other files open with this file server session, the child
process can gain access to those files by iterating through all the possible
values for the file handle and attempting to <codeph>Adopt()</codeph> each
one. For the same reason, the child process should only use this session for
sharing the file; it should not access other files through this session. </p> <p>The
following two code fragments show code in the parent process and corresponding
code in the child process. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-202421E4-5ADA-50A8-AE75-32F1071C64B0" xml:space="preserve">//Code in the parent (launching) process
RProcess p;
p.Create(KProcName, KNullDesC); //create “child” process
RFile file;
RFs session;
session.Connect(); //connect to file server
file.Create(iSession, KFileName, EFileStreamText|EFileWrite|EFileShareAny);
file.Write(0, KTestData);
p.SetParameter(5, session); //session handle passed in slot 5
p.SetParameter(6, file); //file handle passed in slot 6
</codeblock> <p> <codeph>KProcName</codeph> is the full path name of the
executable associated with the child process, and <codeph>KFilename</codeph> is
the file name. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-AE2354AA-D95A-5291-BFC4-1EDF470D65AE" xml:space="preserve">//Code in the child (launched) process
RFs session;
session.Open(5); //obtain session handle from slot 5
RFile file;
TInt handle;
ret = User::GetTIntParameter(8, handle);//get file handle from slot 8
file.Adopt(session, handle); //adopt the handle
TBuf8<100> rbuf; //use the file
ret = file.Read(0, rbuf);
</codeblock> </section>
<section id="GUID-19964DED-E6AD-59B4-BEDB-2A40864FBD29"><title> Passing a
general handle, derived from RHandleBase</title> <p>General handles derived
from <xref href="GUID-727D2B62-09A9-3CBC-AB6F-591E52EC68EB.dita"><apiname>RHandleBase</apiname></xref> can be passed to a child process. </p> <p>The
handle is duplicated when it is stored in the child process’s environment.
The parent can close the handle immediately after calling <codeph>SetParameter()</codeph>,
or continue to use the handle and close it later. </p> <p>The following two
code fragments show code in the parent process and corresponding code in the
child process. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-591C111A-05B8-5247-84C1-411650AA1FB0" xml:space="preserve">//Code in the parent (launching) process,
//passing handles to a mutex and a semaphore.
RMutex mutex;
RSemaphore sem;
RProcess p;
p.Create(KProcName, KNullDesC);
mutex.CreateGlobal(KMutexName); //create the mutex
sem.CreateGlobal(KSemName,0); //create the semaphore
p.SetParameter(3, mutex); //put mutex handle into child process env' slot 3
p.SetParameter(4, sem); //put semaphore handle into child process env' slot 4
p.Resume(); //resume the child process
</codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-78E31AB6-4900-5AE8-9755-8ACDD8265235" xml:space="preserve">//Code in the child (launched) process retrieving the handles.
RMutex mutex;
mutex.Open(3, EOwnerThread); //get mutex handle
RSemaphore sem;
sem.Open(4, EOwnerThread); //get semaphore handle
//use the semaphore and mutex
</codeblock> </section>
<section id="GUID-AAB81C64-A515-50E5-BF80-1D625AF1251C"><title> Passing descriptor
data</title> <p>Both 8-bit and 16-bit descriptor data can be passed from a
parent to a child process. </p> <p>Internally, an <xref href="GUID-5BEA9976-B969-3949-B855-E657FFF38EE2.dita"><apiname>HBuf</apiname></xref> descriptor
is created containing the passed descriptor data, and a pointer to this descriptor
is passed in the relevant slot. </p> <p>The child process retrieves the descriptor
data by calling <xref href="GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D.dita#GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D/GUID-54C7406E-C498-3BE7-BB2C-1C5BA902A4D7"><apiname>User::GetDesParameter()</apiname></xref>. It can get the
length of the data by calling <xref href="GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D.dita#GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D/GUID-ABD3F4AE-C226-3AF1-AD25-7A45B186385C"><apiname>User::ParameterLength()</apiname></xref>. </p> <p>The
following two code fragments show code in the parent process and corresponding
code in the child process. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-57FFCAC9-CA4E-50B7-843A-0523243F5B1E" xml:space="preserve">//Code in the parent (launching) process, passing 8 and sixteen bit data
RProcess p;
p.Create(KProcName, KNullDesC);
p.SetParameter(2, KSixteenBitDes);
p.SetParameter(3, KEightBitDes);
</codeblock> <p>where <codeph>KSixteenBitDes</codeph> is a 16-descriptor,
and <codeph>KEightBitDes</codeph> is an 8-bit descriptor. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-8B442CA2-0A6A-546C-805B-99C306891B40" xml:space="preserve">//Code in the child (launched) process retrieving 8 and sixteen bit data
TInt len;
TInt ret;
TBuf16<40> buf;
len = User::ParameterLength(2); //parameter length is the size in bytes
ret = User::GetDesParameter(2, buf);
//buf.Length() should have the value of len/2;
TBuf8<40> buf8;
len = User::ParameterLength(3);
ret = User::GetDesParameter(3, buf8);
//buf.Length() should be the same as len
</codeblock> <p>Note that the descriptors, <codeph>buf</codeph>, and <codeph>buf8</codeph> used
in the child process must have sufficiently large maximum lengths to accomodate
the data. </p> </section>
<section id="GUID-D2F661C6-21EB-50A6-A475-2A4A775A9F4D"><title>Passing an
integer</title> <p>An integer can be passed from a parent to a child process. </p> <p>The
following two code fragments show code in the parent process and corresponding
code in the child process. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-AA845210-E551-50B3-9E1F-CD6F8C37D13B" xml:space="preserve">//Code in the parent (launching) process
RProcess p;
TInt ret;
ret = p.Create(KProcName, KNullDesC);
p.SetParameter(12, 1234); // Using slot 12
</codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-D5E4CFA8-15DA-543F-9616-7F075FBBCDC1" xml:space="preserve">//Code in the child (launched) process, retrieving the integer.
TInt val;
TInt ret;
ret = User::GetTIntParameter(12, val);
</codeblock> </section>
<section id="GUID-02AD23DF-7D54-5178-AA5B-050333CD2609"><title>Error handling
issues</title> <p>The parent process is panicked when calling <codeph>SetParameter()</codeph> with
a handle if: </p> <ul>
<li id="GUID-1BDFA3C0-0E69-5B0C-A27F-D2DEFC0B2C0F"><p>the parent process is
not the creator of the child process </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-1DF3C097-73AC-54B8-9654-435C6F163E95"><p>the slot number is out
of range, i.e. is not in the range 0 to 15 </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-B02324A1-D241-5103-A2EC-297474EF65E1"><p>the slot is in use </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-6014D837-107F-536C-8947-74C5967D2264"><p>the handle is local. </p> </li>
</ul> <p>The parent process is panicked when calling <codeph>SetParameter()</codeph> with
a descriptor or integer if: </p> <ul>
<li id="GUID-2FAF76CC-2569-5E2E-ADBA-AFA124F11C84"><p>the parent process is
not the creator of the child process </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-C23722B2-4EEB-5050-B82E-F58F450F088F"><p>the slot number is out
of range, i.e. is not in the range 0 to 15 </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-9ADA7D18-B084-509C-8F4A-66E885F61D0A"><p>the slot is in use </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-32B64BAC-F13E-5029-93ED-642994E35886"><p>the length of the data
is negative. </p> </li>
</ul> <p>The child process is panicked if the slot number is out of range. </p> <p>The
API functions that extract data from the process environment return <xref href="GUID-0BEA3647-7888-3612-A2D3-7E27AC405E29.dita"><apiname>KErrArgument</apiname></xref> if
a slot contains the incorrect data type, or the length is incorrect. They
return <xref href="GUID-5E653C17-372C-32E1-A1B2-9E69A9991C40.dita"><apiname>KErrNotFound</apiname></xref> if a slot is empty. </p> </section>