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<!-- Initial Contributors:
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<!DOCTYPE task
PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd">
<task id="GUID-B541BD01-29BE-4CB7-9420-ABEE0BDC9BA4" xml:lang="en"><title>Writing
a Standard Registration Resource File</title><shortdesc>For Symbian OS V9.1 and onwards, the name of the standard registration
resource file must be the same as that of the executable with <filepath>.rss</filepath> extension.
All the registration resource structure types are defined in <codeph>RegistryInfo.rh</codeph>.
This file has to be included in the registration resource file. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><taskbody>
<steps id="GUID-4DD07DEC-6017-4237-BE46-1D69E5FBD744-GENID-1-10-1-12-1-1-8-1-4-1-5-1-4-1-5-1-4-1-3-1">
<step id="GUID-9A69E5AD-E938-4092-A8C2-CB65C37C8962-GENID-1-10-1-12-1-1-8-1-4-1-5-1-4-1-5-1-4-1-3-1-1"><cmd>Define a single <codeph>REGISTRY_INFO</codeph> resource.
<step id="GUID-0711500A-DB15-4AF2-86E7-07751B7D0CE6"><cmd>Set the dll_uid
to the DLL's UID. </cmd>
<step id="GUID-73CC8347-CE83-43E4-81D2-FFB10C058E5B"><cmd>Set interfaces member
to be an array of <codeph>INTERFACE_INFO</codeph> resources. </cmd>
<info><p>Each <codeph>INTERFACE_INFO</codeph> resource defines registration
information for implementations of the interface identified by interface_uid
member. The information takes the form of an array of <codeph>IMPLEMENTATION_INFO</codeph> resources.
<step id="GUID-BB178AA4-0BE4-4DC2-9A4E-28D8AFEBA2A2"><cmd>Each <codeph>IMPLEMENTATION_INFO</codeph> resource
declares the properties of a single implementation. It has five members: </cmd>
<substeps id="GUID-D09853C8-5054-4D4D-AE76-E5787263F02B">
<substep id="GUID-5F45453F-4D21-4983-ABA8-DB2F025A9326"><cmd><codeph>implementation_uid</codeph>:
An unique identifier for the implementation. </cmd>
<info><p>For this value, use a new UID allocated by Symbian Signed. The allocated
value can be from the protected or non-protected range of UIDs. </p></info>
<substep id="GUID-2AC39D58-D817-43D4-8130-F012C7CBA9A9"><cmd><codeph>version_no</codeph>:
The version of the interface implementation. </cmd>
<substep id="GUID-4F545F1B-AD20-4EFC-B09A-6F7E19E27B75"><cmd><codeph>display_name</codeph>:
The external name of the implementation. </cmd>
<substep id="GUID-078E43CD-C238-4361-86D7-5372CA9ACD23"><cmd><codeph>default_data</codeph>:
The data identifier field used by the resolver to determine if the implementation
matches a client request. </cmd>
<substep id="GUID-CE0BE654-08E5-4693-AF25-9098080640B9"><cmd><codeph>opaque_data</codeph>:
A binary data field that can contain additional data. This additional data
can be used by the custom resolvers. </cmd>
<example><p>The following example depicts a resource registration file for
an implementation collection with two implementations.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// 10009DB1.RSS
#include "RegistryInfo.rh"
dll_uid = 0x10009DB1;
interfaces =
interface_uid = 0x10009DC0;
implementations =
implementation_uid = 0x10009DC3;
version_no = 1;
display_name = "Implementation name 1";
default_data = "text/wml";
opaque_data = "some extra data";
implementation_uid = 0x10009DC4;
version_no = 1;
display_name = "Implementation name 1";
default_data = "text/xml||Type of data handled";
opaque_data = "";
<link href="GUID-64D62DD8-3D9C-4659-9658-C0B4D74D6E69.dita"><linktext>Writing
the Version 2 Registration Resource File</linktext></link>
<link href="GUID-39186342-960A-46A4-BC35-851F53665FA8.dita"><linktext>Writing the
Version 3 Registration Resource File</linktext></link>