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<!DOCTYPE concept+ −
PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">+ −
<concept xml:lang="en" id="GUID-B861091F-DFD7-5BDD-B73C-52833F972CBD"><title>Porting Notifiers to Secure Platform</title><shortdesc>This page describes how to migrate notifiers to Symbian OS v9.1. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody><section id="GUID-EC370F04-02A3-57D6-8B5A-C085950FAFCD"><title>Introduction</title> <p>Notifier plug-in DLLs ("notifiers") allow components with no direct UI linkage to interact with the user through a UI element; for example, a dialog box. </p> <p>You can migrate notifiers to Symbian OS v9.1 without major changes. Any notifier classes derived from <codeph>MEikSrvNotifierBase</codeph> must now derive from <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2</apiname></xref>. An enumeration is used to define an ECom-based notifier plug-in interface. This acts as a primary key to separate ECom-based notifier plug-ins from other types. </p> <p> <b> Note:</b> The Symbian platform architecture still supports old-style (non-ECom-based) plug-ins. </p> <p>Notifiers have the following features: </p> <ul><li id="GUID-FC1E274F-203B-5DE9-A382-762C3C97BFE3"><p>They can be installed in ROM (<filepath>Z:</filepath>), RAM (<filepath>C:</filepath>), or on a memory card (for example, <filepath>E:</filepath>). </p> </li> <li id="GUID-E36D43EE-B2EC-5219-B969-FC2CCEE50868"><p>They can be installed and un-installed using SIS files. </p> </li> <li id="GUID-784483E3-D297-5228-8BDA-0C93018DD640"><p>A single plug-in DLL can provide multiple notifiers. The plug-in DLL returns an array of <xref href="GUID-DE445C4B-22EF-3A1F-8A69-57CB703BFAD0.dita"><apiname>MEikSrvNotifierBase2</apiname></xref> class pointers through ECom. </p> </li> <li id="GUID-D9D6A40E-D26F-5448-9E50-6D81544B9F7D"><p>Each notifier can have multiple implementations. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section id="GUID-A53A1B64-4250-53B9-BD0F-32AFE2F34E5F"><title>Notifier source code example</title> <p>ECom defines standard framework functions that plug-ins implement. Here is an example of the required notifier source code: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-CD591744-90C4-57B5-918B-ABE3B41CBA00" xml:space="preserve">EXPORT_C CArrayPtr<MEikSrvNotifierBase2>* NotifierArray1()+ −
// Lib main entry point+ −
{...}+ −
+ −
EXPORT_C CArrayPtr<MEikSrvNotifierBase2>* NotifierArray2()+ −
// Lib main entry point+ −
{...}+ −
+ −
// Adding ECom support+ −
#include <ImplementationProxy.h>+ −
const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =+ −
{+ −
IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(0x10022238,NotifierArray1),+ −
IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(0x10022237,NotifierArray2)+ −
}; + −
EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt& aTableCount)+ −
{+ −
aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable)/sizeof(TImplementationProxy);+ −
return ImplementationTable;+ −
}</codeblock> </section> <section id="GUID-3F83B740-F999-55F1-A244-83C97F240883"><title>Resource file example</title> <p>ECom uses resource files to define the main elements of application GUIs. Resource file names must have the format: <filepath><dll_uid>.rss</filepath>. </p> <p>The following UIDs may appear in the resource file. </p> <table id="GUID-8A60EEFE-E0FB-559C-B864-CB37EC324AD4"><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/><tbody><row><entry><p> <b>UID Name</b> </p> </entry> <entry><p> <b>Description</b> </p> </entry> </row> <row><entry><p> <codeph>dll_uid</codeph> </p> </entry> <entry><p>The UID of the notifier plug-in DLL. </p> </entry> </row> <row><entry><p> <codeph> interface_uid</codeph> </p> </entry> <entry><p>The interface UID for all notifiers, which is defined in <filepath>uikon.hrh</filepath> as: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-E664FEB0-AD66-5598-BD88-C72F068372C6" xml:space="preserve">#define KUikonUidpluginInterfaceNotifiers 0x101fdfae.</codeblock> </entry> </row> <row><entry><p> <codeph> implementation_uid</codeph> </p> </entry> <entry><p>This is implementation-specific. </p> </entry> </row> <row><entry><p>plug-in_UID </p> </entry> <entry><p>The notifier’s UID. </p> </entry> </row> <row><entry><p>channel_UID </p> </entry> <entry><p>The channel for a notifier (for example, a screen or LED). </p> </entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </table> <p>Together, the <codeph>plug-in_UID</codeph> and <codeph>channel_UID</codeph> uniquely identify the notifier plug-in. </p> <p>The following resource file corresponds to the C++ <xref href="GUID-B861091F-DFD7-5BDD-B73C-52833F972CBD.dita#GUID-B861091F-DFD7-5BDD-B73C-52833F972CBD/GUID-A53A1B64-4250-53B9-BD0F-32AFE2F34E5F">Source code</xref>, above. It defines two implementations of the notifier interface. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-D0D2F679-5196-5150-988E-ED5EB30668E2" xml:space="preserve">// 10021239.rss+ −
//+ −
+ −
#include "RegistryInfo.rh"+ −
#include "Uikon.hrh"+ −
+ −
{+ −
dll_uid = 0x10021239;+ −
interfaces =+ −
{+ −
{+ −
interface_uid = KUikonUidPluginInterfaceNotifiers;+ −
implementations =+ −
{+ −
{+ −
implementation_uid = 0x10022237;+ −
version_no = 1;+ −
display_name = "TTNOTIFY2V2 Plugin 1";+ −
default_data = "TTNOTIFY2V2";+ −
opaque_data = "0";+ −
},+ −
{+ −
implementation_uid = 0x10022238;+ −
version_no = 1;+ −
display_name = "TTNOTIFY2V2 Plugin 2";+ −
default_data = "TTNOTIFY2V2";+ −
opaque_data = "0";+ −
}+ −
};+ −
}+ −
};+ −
}</codeblock> </section> <section id="GUID-8E585844-E5B3-5909-9B48-A288D89E621F"><title>MMP file example</title> <p>This is an example project specification (<filepath>.mmp</filepath>) file for the notifier: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-2316985A-2B7D-5255-ACD0-1A4E72026232" xml:space="preserve">+ −
targettype PLUGIN + −
capability TrustedUI ProtServ + −
UID 0x10009D8D 0x10021239 + −
sourcepath ...+ −
userinclude ... + −
systeminclude \epoc32\include \epoc32\include\techview + −
lang SC + −
+ −
start resource 10021239.rss + −
target TESTNOTIFIER.rsc + −
+ −
start resource TNOTDIAL.RSS + −
targetpath \private\10003a4a + −
header + −
end + −
source filename.cpp + −
library ECOM.LIB</codeblock> </section> </conbody><related-links><link href="GUID-E049772D-A96F-592F-AF59-C9B69E8D24C1-GENID-1-10-1-3-1-1-11-1-4-1.dita"><linktext>Using the extended notifier+ −
framework</linktext> </link> </related-links></concept>+ −