author Dominic Pinkman <>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 11:11:55 +0100
changeset 7 51a74ef9ed63
parent 5 f345bda72bc4
child 14 578be2adaf3e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Week 12 contribution of API Specs and fix SDK submission

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<!-- Initial Contributors:
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<concept id="GUID-E3BE62B2-9625-5F79-84A4-0248A3F36225" xml:lang="en"><title>Central
Repository Access Guide</title><shortdesc>This section describes how to make an application read and modify
a repository at runtime from function calls in its application code. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<section id="GUID-02A4A2D8-4167-4AB3-B6B5-8C017D37CC1C"><title>Runtime operations </title> <p><b>Opening
and closing a repository </b> </p> <p>You open a repository by creating a <codeph>CRepository</codeph> object
in your code: there is no Open() function. To open several repositories you
must create one <codeph>CRepository</codeph> object for each of them. These
objects encapsulate client views of the Central Repository: data integrity
is maintained by server classes which are not part of the exposed API. You
read and modify the data in the repository using <codeph>CRepository</codeph> functions
such as <codeph>Get()</codeph> and <codeph>Set()</codeph>. In order to prevent
different clients corrupting the repository data with concurrent write operations,
these operations are wrapped in sequences called transactions. Transactions
will be explained in the next section. You close a repository by deleting
the <codeph>CRepository</codeph> object: there is no Close() function. </p> <p>The
keys are used in the initialization file to identify data items as we saw
above. They are also used as parameters of the API functions which are used
to get, set, create, delete, reset and find settings. </p> <p><b>Reading data
from a repository </b> </p> <p>Various functions of a CRepository object read
the values of the repository settings. These functions all return an error
message (KErrNone on success). The data requested by a function is returned
as the value of a parameter of the function, and the data type of the parameter
must match the data returned. </p> <p>The Get() functions of a CRepository
object take individual keys as parameters and retrieve the corresponding values.
You cannot directly retrieve values by specifying a range of keys: you must
convert a range to a list of individual keys and pass those keys to a Get()
function. </p> <p>The Find() functions of a CRepository object convert a range
of keys into a list of individual keys. The input parameters are a partial
key and a key mask, defining the range: the list of keys is returned as the
value of another parameter. The list may contain all the keys in the range,
or may be restricted to keys with specified values. The restricted Find()
functions take the value of a setting as an input parameter and return variously
those keys in the range whose values are equal to the parameter or those which
are not equal to it. </p> <p>The GetMeta() function of a CRepository object
reads the metadata value assigned to a key. A metadata value is a 32 bit hexadecimal
number of which the most significant 8 bits are reserved. The reserved bits
should normally be masked out so that they cannot be used. To do this you
use a constant defined for the purpose, KMetaUnreserved, with logical AND.
A metadata value AND KMetaUnreserved has the reserved bits set to 1. </p> <p><b>Writing
data to a repository </b> </p> <p>The Set() functions of a CRepository object
write the values of a setting to a repository where the key already exists. </p> <p>To
create a new key and write its value, use the Create() functions of a CRepository
object. </p> <p>To delete a key and its value, use the Delete() functions.
You can delete a group of keys using the partial key and key mask mechanism. </p> <p>To
restore the default value of a setting, use the Reset() functions of a CRepository
object. The default value of a setting is the most recent value which was
explicitly assigned to it, or else the value assigned in the initialization
file. If no value was ever assigned, a call to Reset() deletes the setting. </p> <p><b>Changing
permissions on a setting </b> </p> <p>An access policy cannot be changed at
run time. The permissions created on an area of keyspace are static: that
area always has those permissions. However, it is possible to modify access
to a setting at runtime by moving it from one area of keyspace to another
area with different permissions. You do this by calling the Move() function
of the CRepository class. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-C2BB8268-58B4-5492-A953-E7B99793CC80" xml:space="preserve">TInt CRepository::Move (TUint32 aSourcePartialKey, TUint32
          aTargetPartialKey, TUint32 aMask, TUint32 &amp;aErrorKey) 
        </codeblock> <p>The parameters <codeph>aSourcePartialKey</codeph> and <codeph>aMask</codeph> define
one range of keys, the source, and the parameters <codeph>aTargetPartialKey</codeph> and <codeph>aMask</codeph> define
another, the target. The effect of calling the function is to cause the values
formerly accessed using the source keys to be accessed using the target keys.
If the target keys have different permissions from the source, those permissions
will in future govern access to the values concerned. </p> <p><b>Notification
of changes </b> </p> <p>It will often be the case that your application accesses
a repository in order to read data written by a separate application. If so,
your application must request to be notified whenever the other application
modifies the relevant settings. To request notification of changes to a setting
or group of settings you use the <codeph>RequestNotify()</codeph> functions
of a CRepository object with a <xref href="GUID-E0B34F3E-D4C4-3232-B8B1-7DB35B454646.dita"><apiname>TRequestStatus</apiname></xref> object as
parameter. The value of this parameter changes when the notification server
detects a change to the repository. If a single setting has changed, the parameter
takes the value of that setting: if more than one setting has changed, the
parameter takes the value <codeph>KUnspecifiedKey</codeph>. To receive notification
of changes, your code must periodically poll this key. It must also renew
the <codeph>RequestNotify()</codeph> call before reading the setting which
has changed. This is important because several changes may occur in quick
succession and you want to read the latest state of the repository. </p> <p>You
cancel notifications about specific settings or groups of settings using <codeph>NotifyCancel()</codeph>,
and you cancel all notifications using <codeph>NotifyCancelAll()</codeph>. </p> </section>
<section id="GUID-F82316AE-2BC2-4CDD-A1B2-67BE1506F4EE"><title>Error handling</title> <p>Two
classes of error can occur when a keyspace is installed, upgraded or uninstalled.
One is installation of a corrupt repository (one which does not conform to
the specified text or binary format). If the central repository detects corrupt
repositories, it deletes them. It is preferable to install a repository in
binary format as corrupt files will then be detected at build time. </p> <p>The
other class of possible error is system failures such as insufficient memory.
These prevent the keyspaces from merging and the result is loss of synchronization
between applications and their repositories. The remedy for errors of this
kind is to maintain versioning information within the repositories, so that
the version of a repository can be checked when it is opened and validated
against the version expected by the client. </p> </section>
<link href="GUID-CBC57511-7F28-596A-9763-5674EB41BCAC.dita"><linktext>Central Repository
<link href="GUID-36539894-580E-5774-AA79-7F640E8C59E1.dita"><linktext>Central Repository
Initialization Files Guide</linktext></link>
<link href="GUID-53E5C9EA-0A38-54A1-AE24-95B71BFFB4B5.dita"><linktext>CenRep Converter
Tool Tutorial</linktext></link>