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<task id="GUID-504EB40B-AC98-5AB2-9263-185887C29A7E" xml:lang="en"><title>Searching
for an IAP Record by Name and Loading the Associated Service and the Bearer
Table: Tutorial</title><shortdesc>This tutorial shows you how to search for a Symbian platform defined
Internet Access Points Configuration (IAP) record by name. The tutorial, then
shows you how load the connected service and the bearer table. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><taskbody>
<prereq id="GUID-8F09964A-B8AC-5601-817C-B1C243B1CB92"><p>Before you start,
you must understand: </p> <ul>
<li id="GUID-95E91894-42A9-569A-BCBD-D9CAE502B289"><p>the general concept
of the Comms Database </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-127FB886-98D0-5F17-997F-CD1134BA7F57"><p>the specific concept
of fields, records, links and tables </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-8AF15E7D-44F0-5F28-94A1-C4A6E6DE3B93"><p>how to write and build
application code to run on Symbian platform </p> </li>
</ul> </prereq>
<context id="GUID-37F9160E-EAE2-5975-B064-255EA353CB72"><p>This tutorial shows
you: </p> <ul>
<li id="GUID-84E5F473-8F05-5FDD-B1BB-ED301420CD89"><p>how to search the <i>Internet
Access Points Configuration</i> table for a record defined by name. This table
is also called the IAP table </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-08BA5682-4AF9-526B-9CD2-48BFDEE7E162"><p>how to load the connected
service. </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-545EC3CC-F771-50AF-8388-CA0AC4B84B10"><p>how to load the connected
bearer table. </p> </li>
</ul> <p>The principles that apply here also apply to the other Symbian platform
defined tables. </p> </context>
<steps id="GUID-6A94C40E-59E3-5F22-A778-0734773900C4">
<step id="GUID-FFA9D8F4-6683-52EC-B9F7-7D1AAB904D48"><cmd>Make sure that you
have created a session. </cmd>
<step id="GUID-D00E9CCC-8046-5E43-9D8E-CCA971C79ED2"><cmd>Create an empty
IAP record in the tool or application process. </cmd>
<info>You create a <xref href="GUID-1CDD0B97-8B00-3373-9908-512C9BC1CF51.dita"><apiname>CMDBRecordSet</apiname></xref> <codeph><T></codeph> object
and specify <xref href="GUID-1CDD0B97-8B00-3373-9908-512C9BC1CF51.dita"><apiname>CCDIAPRecord</apiname></xref> as the template
parameter. </info>
<info>Symbian platform defines the <codeph>CCDIAPRecord</codeph> class to
represent a IAP record. The class is a schema for the record. The class defines
the fields and links that make a IAP record. </info>
<info>Symbian platform defines <xref href="GUID-32E556BC-55C3-5FBD-9A60-9708139C20D6.dita">unique
numeric Id</xref> s for Symbian platform defined tables. The symbol <xref href="GUID-1CDD0B97-8B00-3373-9908-512C9BC1CF51.dita"><apiname>KCDTIdIAPRecord</apiname></xref> also defines the value of this
Id for records in the IAP table. The Id allows the CommsDat API to get the
record from the Comms Database. </info>
<info>To work with other Symbian platform defined tables, use the correct
class name and the correct unique numeric Id values. The <xref href="GUID-58089281-9DD0-502D-8DFD-831E7BAA931E.dita">Reference</xref> section
contains a list of all Symbian platform defined tables. </info>
<stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-629FD205-82F8-5383-AEC8-1645309B994B" xml:space="preserve">...
// This code fragment assumes that a session with the Comms Database has been created.
// iDb is a pointer to a CMDBSession object
// When we search by Name or Id, there can be only one record to be returned
// Create an empty IAP record.
// Note:
// 1. the template parameter CCDIAPRecord defines
// the "IAP" record type.
// 2. to create a record, you use a factory function and pass the unique
// numeric Id KCDTIdIAPRecord as a parameter to the constructor.
CCDIAPRecord* ptrIAPRecord =
static_cast<CCDIAPRecord *>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdIAPRecord));
...</codeblock> </stepxmp>
<step id="GUID-82296CE1-8682-56E6-8847-FB6A2348479A"><cmd>Define the name
of the IAP record to be found and set the name in IAP record. Do the search
for the record in the Comms Database. </cmd>
<info>In this tutorial, the name of the IAP record is NTRas with Null Modem. </info>
<info>Use the assignment operator to add the data to a field. A field that
has type <codeph>T</codeph> accepts a type T item as the right-hand argument
of an assignment call. </info>
<info>A descriptor field needs an additional call to set the size of the descriptor.
Call <codeph>SetMaxLengthL()</codeph> to set the size of the descriptor. This
function is a member of the field class <xref href="GUID-1CDD0B97-8B00-3373-9908-512C9BC1CF51.dita"><apiname>CMDBField</apiname></xref> <codeph><TDesC></codeph>.
Internally, the function causes the allocation of a descriptor. You must set
the size of the descriptor before you assign the data. You can also use the <codeph>SetL()</codeph> function.
This function sets the length and assigns the data. The function is a member
of the field class <xref href="GUID-1CDD0B97-8B00-3373-9908-512C9BC1CF51.dita"><apiname>CMDBField</apiname></xref> <codeph><TDesC></codeph>. </info>
<stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-8427EB95-2BE7-59C7-9A21-DF9DDB3607AF" xml:space="preserve">...
// Define the name of the IAP record.
_LIT(KMyIap, "NTRas with Null Modem");
// Either
ptrIAPRecord->iRecordName = KMyIap;
// Or
// Search the Comms Database
// Found a matching record
...</codeblock> </stepxmp>
<step id="GUID-119EC7CA-0E0E-5062-BC7D-FC023205FA1A"><cmd>Load the NTRas with
Null Modem service and the associated bearer table. </cmd>
<stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-C3994C1F-61BD-5BCC-9E29-FACAEE5C198C" xml:space="preserve">...
// Search the Comms Database
// Found a matching record
// Now load the the associated service and bearer tables,
// The variables iService,iBearer, etc
// are links that point to other records. These links have a "Value" and
// "iLinkedRecord".
// The "Value" represent the id of the target field,and gets initialized along with the
// parent record(ptrIAPRecord). When we explictly call load on these LinkedFields,
// the "iLinkedRecord" pointer points to the appropriate object.
// The "iLinkedRecord" pointer is owned by the parent record and gets
// deleted along with it.THis means that it must be set to NULL
// if the user wants to take ownership.
// Take ownership of the loaded service record cache
CCDServiceRecordBase* ptrService =
static_cast< CCDServiceRecordBase *> (ptrIAPRecord->iService.iLinkedRecord);
(ptrIAPRecord->iService).iLinkedRecord = NULL;
// Deleting ptrIAPRecord also deletes all the loaded iLinkedRecord
// pointers it owns unless set to null.
delete ptrIAPRecord;
//delete the service view.
delete ptrService;
...</codeblock> </stepxmp>
<link href="GUID-1AFDDD6F-CB99-587D-A0B5-D3F5B27F7135.dita"><linktext>Comms Database