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<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
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<!-- Initial Contributors:
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<!DOCTYPE concept
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<concept id="GUID-5857377F-B90D-5149-9485-5919C12B8F13" xml:lang="en"><title>How
to use a rule-based selector</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<p>The following example demonstrates the use of the rule selector and the
inclusion of a selection rule to retrieve the characteristics of a symmetric
cipher object. </p>
<codeblock id="GUID-827D423E-4E63-563F-8D00-C3C906A3E20C" xml:space="preserve">#include <ruleselector.h>
#include <cryptosymmetriccipherapi.h>
#include <cryptospistateapi.h>
#include <cryptospidef.h>
#include <keys.h>
using namespace CryptoSpi;
// Create a CSelectionRules collection object which is used to store the rules
// that influence the choice of plug-in implementation selected
CSelectionRules* rules = CSelectionRules::NewL();
// Add a selection rule selecting symmetric ciphers with a key length of 64 bytes
TInt ruleValue = 64;
// Create and initialise one or more crypto parameters
// to store the contents of the rule value
CCryptoParam* ruleValueParam = CCryptoIntParam::NewL(ruleValue,KMaximumKeyLengthTypeUid);
// Create a selection rule for each crypto parameter (CSelectionRuleContent
// takes ownership of the crypto parameter), by passing in the following parameters:
// *InterfaceScope The Interface scope of which the rule should be applied
// *AlgorithmScope The Algorithm scope of which the rule should be applied
// *CharacteristicValue The parameter type and value of the rule
// *Operator The operator of the rule
// *IsOptional Whether this rule is optional (ETrue) or mandatory (EFalse)
CSelectionRuleContent* rule = CSelectionRuleContent::NewL(KSymmetricCipherInterfaceUid,
// Add the newly created selection rule to the CSelectionRules collection by calling
// the 'AddSelectionRuleL' method and passing in a pointer to the constructed rule.
// AddSelectionRuleL() checks that the type of the crypto parameters is correct and
// leaves with KErrNotSupported if not. For instance, a creator name parameter must
// be stored using a CCryptoDesC16Param.
// Create an instance of the rule selector, passing in the selection rules
// object previously instantiated
CRuleSelector* ruleSelector = CRuleSelector::NewL(rules);
// Ownership of the rule collection object is passed to the rule selector, therefore
// the CSelectionRules object needs to be popped off the cleanup stack before pushing on
// the rule selector
// The legacy selector is set within the framework by default. In order to set the rule
// selector, the 'SetSelector' method of CryptoSpiStateApi needs to be called,
//passing a pointer to the initialized rule selector
// Create a new CryptoParams object to encapsulate the secret key string for the
// Symmetric Cipher implementation
CCryptoParams* keyParams = CCryptoParams::NewLC();
// Add the secret key to the CCryptoParams object by calling the AddL method, passing in
// the key string and appropriate key parameter UID
keyParams->AddL(_L8("12345678"), KSymmetricKeyParameterUid);
// Create a CKey object by passing in an instance of TKeyProperty and the previously
// created CCryptoParams object containing the secret key
TKeyProperty keyProperty;
CKey* key=CKey::NewL(keyProperty,*keyParams);
// Create and initialise a pointer for the Symmetric Cipher implementation object
CSymmetricCipher* symmetricCipherImpl = NULL;
// If successful, the 'CreateSymmetricCipherL' method returns KErrNone and the framework
// creates an instance of the selected Symmetric Cipher implementation, as chosen by the
// rule selector. The CSymmetricCipher pointer is passed by reference and set to point to
// the new symmetric cipher object
// Having successfully constructed the symmetric cipher implementation object, it is
// possible to retrieve the plug-in characteristics associated with it
if (symmetricCipherImpl && (err == KErrNone))
// Use cipher
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, keyParams); //key, keyParams
// Unselect rule selector before destruction. This causes CryptoSPI to use the
// legacy selector again. After calling SetSelector(), the caller
// keeps ownership of the selector, so after calling UnsetSelector(), the
// caller needs to delete the selector
// Pop and destroy the rule selector