author Dominic Pinkman <>
Wed, 16 Jun 2010 10:24:13 +0100
changeset 10 d4524d6a4472
parent 5 f345bda72bc4
child 14 578be2adaf3e
permissions -rw-r--r--
removal of PIPS 'antiword' example pending a decision on its license

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
and is available at the URL "". -->
<!-- Initial Contributors:
    Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
<!DOCTYPE concept
  PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<concept id="GUID-A87D9280-B61A-49BA-A9AF-178DB9BAECBC" xml:lang="en"><title>Reading and Writing</title><shortdesc>This document describes how device drivers should open, read from
and write to shared chunks.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<p>Both user-side code and drivers can read and write to shared chunks. Once
the chunk is created, opened, and memory committed to it, data can be written
and read to the shared chunk using the base address. </p>
<section id="GUID-4CF7C47A-24D2-4D6D-B577-F0351178CA38"><title>Opening</title> <p>If a shared chunk has already been created
by a driver, then another driver can access that shared chunk through its
handle by using one of the following functions: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-EB073A6D-5DC3-5572-BD7C-E96F63BB8DCF" xml:space="preserve">DChunk* Kern::OpenSharedChunk(DThread* aThread, TInt aChunkHandle,
                    TBool aWrite);

DChunk* Kern::OpenSharedChunk(DThread *aThread, 
                    const TAny *aAddress, TBool aWrite, 
                    TInt &amp;aOffset);
<section id="GUID-95D166D2-C6BE-45F5-84E7-6F5ACB1BFA38"><title>User-side access</title> <p> <xref href="GUID-326A2F4D-0E99-31C0-A35D-E8BF45913F07.dita"><apiname>RChunk</apiname></xref> is
the user side representation of a shared chunk. The user gets a shared chunk
handle from a driver, and initialises the <codeph>RChunk</codeph> object with
it using <codeph>RChunk::SetHandle(TInt aHandle)</codeph>. </p> <p>The user
can now obtain the base address of the chunk by calling <xref href="GUID-326A2F4D-0E99-31C0-A35D-E8BF45913F07.dita#GUID-326A2F4D-0E99-31C0-A35D-E8BF45913F07/GUID-D19E68E8-3C5F-3F97-80F2-B2F80A814A80"><apiname>RChunk::Base()</apiname></xref>.
Data can be read or written to this memory location, in same way as any other
memory. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-E0F57FBB-1F43-564F-8350-A49B6AFEE3F1" xml:space="preserve">// User side chunk object.     
 RChunk chunkTx; 
// Get the handle to the chunk. A driver creates the chunk and
// returns the handle to the user to access it. The handle is  
// assigned to the user side chunk object using RChunk::SetHandle(). 
// (here done in the GetTxChunkHandle function). The handle has to be a positive 
// value. It can be obtained using RChunk::Handle(), if required.
// Create a constant descriptor with test data
_LIT8(KTestSendData,"&lt;&lt; TEST DATA FOR TUTORIAL DRIVER EXAMPLE &gt;&gt;");
TUint8* chunkbase;
// Retrieve the base address of the chunk. Using this address, the user 
// can access the shared chunk just like any memory pointer. 
// RChunk::Base() returns the linear address of the shared chunk.
// Write the data to the shared chunk, using the chunk base address.
// Note here we do not need to send data to the driver. We just write to 
// the buffer and the driver directly accesses the chunk from the kernel side.
TPtr8 inbuf(chunkbase,KTestSendData().Size());
inbuf = KTestSendData;

// Call the LDD interface TransmitData(). There is no need to send the 
// data, instead we send only a TRequestStatus object (as it's an  
// asynchronous function), and buffer size. If required, an offset in the shared chunk 
// can be passed to the driver.
r = ldd.TransmitData(txStatus,inbuf.Size());
 test(r==KErrNone);</codeblock> </section>
<section id="GUID-5524489D-37FB-41CF-BC87-540569FF943F"><title>Kernel-side access</title> <p>On the kernel side, a chunk
is represented by a <xref href="GUID-85454082-6734-3F1D-983F-734D4C2AB12D.dita"><apiname>DChunk</apiname></xref> object. A chunk is created,
mapped, or opened as shown in earlier sections. The linear and physical addresses
of the chunk are returned when this is done. At a later stage in the driver,
use <xref href="GUID-C6946ECB-775F-3EC2-A56F-78F25B9FBE3D.dita#GUID-C6946ECB-775F-3EC2-A56F-78F25B9FBE3D/GUID-626CCD99-63D8-322A-A807-9DB96523C82D"><apiname>Kern::ChunkAddress()</apiname></xref> and <xref href="GUID-C6946ECB-775F-3EC2-A56F-78F25B9FBE3D.dita#GUID-C6946ECB-775F-3EC2-A56F-78F25B9FBE3D/GUID-79F110C1-2764-34B5-857B-6C0012D2049D"><apiname>Kern::ChunkPhysicalAddress()</apiname></xref> to
get the linear and physical addresses respectively. A chunk is read or written
to using this address pointer and an offset. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-1E341298-F67A-5A21-8C21-405E1BB97946" xml:space="preserve">// Note: Following lines of code are located in different 
// functions and different files. Here they are shown together for 
// easy comprehension.

// Linear address of the Rx Shared chunk
TLinAddr iRxChunkKernAddr;

// iRxChunkKernAddr returns the linear address of the Rx chunk
TInt r=Kern::ChunkCreate(info,chunk,iRxChunkKernAddr, mapAttr);

// iRxBufPhysAddr returns the physical address of the Rx chunk
r=Kern::ChunkCommitContiguous(chunk, bufoffset, size, iRxBufPhysAddr);

// Here we are directly using the linear address of the shared 
// chunk, and so can get rid of any buffer copies. If the DMA 
// port supports physical address, then the physical address can be
// used instead of a linear address.
TInt retval = iRxDmaRequest-&gt;Fragment(
            TUint32)(iUartComm-&gt;iRxChunkKernAddr), aCount, 
            KDmaMemDest|KDmaIncDest, 0 /* no HW Flags*/);</codeblock> <p>Synchronization
between user access and kernel access to a shared chunk is handled by the
shared chunk API. </p></section>