Week 12 contribution of PDK documentation_content. See release notes for details. Fixes Bug 2054, Bug 1583, Bug 381, Bug 390, Bug 463, Bug 1897, Bug 344, Bug 1319, Bug 394, Bug 1520, Bug 1522, Bug 1892"
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<concept id="GUID-006C503D-1E52-450D-A4DA-8C19B141E09F" xml:lang="en"><title>Introduction
to Intermixing C and C++</title><shortdesc>When porting an open source application or any C (or C++) applications
on top of Symbian/S60 using P.I.P.S., the developer will come across situations
where C and C++ (and Symbian C++ as well) codes will be used together. The
open source community implements a vast number of libraries that export C
APIs to the user of such libraries.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<section id="GUID-88635D46-AEF6-4E8E-969D-D3E56941F289-GENID-1-10-1-12-1-1-5-1-3-1-7-1-4-1-4-1-3-1"> <title>When
and why to use C linkage</title> <p>While porting such applications,
if developers have to intermix C and C++ code, they then have to depend on
C++ language features like extern "C" for giving C linkage to some set of
APIs. This is required because C and C++ compilers handle function prototype
in a different way. C++ compilers use name mangling, (or name decoration)
to generate unique names for identifiers in a program. It is because of this
technique, in C++, that it is possible to overload any functions (this requires
that all the overloaded functions should have a different argument list).
The C++ mangled name for any identifier contains all the necessary information
that may be needed by the linker, such as linkage type, scope, calling convention,
and others.</p><p>All identifiers (function names or variable names) declared
or defined in C++ source or headers are subject to name mangling. When it
comes to C, however, there is nothing called name mangling or overloading.
It applies when the developer tries to use C APIs by including corresponding
headers. To avoid name mangling, the developer should mention explicitly that
those APIs are C APIs, by using the extern "C" keyword. </p> </section>
<section id="GUID-88635D46-AEF6-4E8E-969D-D3E56941F289-GENID-1-10-1-12-1-1-5-1-3-1-7-1-4-1-4-1-3-2"> <title>Syntax
of extern C</title> <p>The syntax of extern "C" is shown below: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">extern "C" declaration ;
</codeblock><p>The declaration (or definition) that immediately follows extern
"C" has the C linkage. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">extern "C" {
declaration ;
declaration ;
}</codeblock><p>Everything between the curly braces has C linkage, unless
declared otherwise. </p> </section>
<section id="GUID-88635D46-AEF6-4E8E-969D-D3E56941F289-GENID-1-10-1-12-1-1-5-1-3-1-7-1-4-1-4-1-3-3"> <title>How
to use extern C</title> <p>While writing header files with C functions
which will be included by both C and C++ source files, the user must use extern
"C" properly. See the example below: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">/*File: GoodCHeader.h */
/* Can be used by C/C++ header and source files directly */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Write C function declarations here */
void Function1(int, int);
char* Function3(char*, int);
int Function2(int);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
</codeblock><p>Using <codeph>ifdef __cplusplus</codeph> is required since
C does not support or recognize the <codeph>extern</codeph> keyword. It is
C++ that provides the mechanisms for mixing C and C++ codes in the same program.
To be precise, C++ supports mixing codes that are compiled by C and C++ compatible
compilers in the same program.</p><p>If the C header is already defined and
it does not have all the APIs defined under extern "C", then while including
such a header in C++ source or header files, extern "C" should be used as
in the example below: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">*File: PureCHeader.h */
/* If C++ header/source files need to include this header, extern "C" should be used*/
/* Define all C APIs here*/
void Function1(int, int);
char* Function3(char*, int);
int Function2(int);
//File: CSource.cpp
// C++ source file using PureCHeader.h
extern "C" {
#include "PureCHeader.h"
void Foo() {
// use those C APIs here
int ret = Function2(10);
</codeblock> </section>
<section id="GUID-88635D46-AEF6-4E8E-969D-D3E56941F289-GENID-1-10-1-12-1-1-5-1-3-1-7-1-4-1-4-1-3-4"> <title>Mixing
C and C++ features using extern "C"</title> <p>The developer
can use all the features of C++ except templates within C by giving those
functions extern "C" linkage. See the example below:</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
extern "C" {
//Can give C linkage to this class!!
class Sample{
Sample(int a = 10) : iMem(a) { }
void Display() { cout<<"iMem is : "<<iMemend1; }
int iMem;
//Can not give C linkage to template!!
//If we uncomment this code, then it will give a compilation error.
template<class DataType> void Foo(DataType data) {
}</codeblock> </section>
<section id="GUID-9AC33F43-5B75-4994-899F-02CD3CE43E5C"><title>Extending C
codes with C++ Codes</title><p>Using C linkage, C codes like structures and
functions that manipulate those structures can be extended efficiently in
a C++ source file as in the example below: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">/* File: CHeader.h */
typedef struct{
char* name;
int id;
float price;
} Item;
int Push(Item* item);
int Pop(Item* item);
/* File: CppHeader.h */
//Give external linkage to C structure
extern "C" {
# include "CHeader.h"
class MyStack : public Item {
MyStack(char* aName, int aId, float aPrice) : name(aName), id(aId), price(aPrice) { }
int PushOnToStack() { return Push(this);}
int PopFromStack() { return Pop(this); }