Week 12 contribution of PDK documentation_content. See release notes for details. Fixes Bug 2054, Bug 1583, Bug 381, Bug 390, Bug 463, Bug 1897, Bug 344, Bug 1319, Bug 394, Bug 1520, Bug 1522, Bug 1892"
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<task id="GUID-092F414B-2279-4ADB-970F-75DAB8A80BD7" xml:lang="en"><title>Testing
the Port</title><shortdesc>How to run unit tests of the SDIO platform-specific layer.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><taskbody>
<prereq id="GUID-A029444C-0BF1-4D78-88EF-48AFBC35606B"> <p>Before running
this test, you must do the following:<ul>
<li><p>Port the SDIO Controller for your platform (see <xref href="GUID-9BBDFF77-5E2C-4E13-BEB3-716CC80B3375.dita">SDIO
Implementation Overview</xref>)</p></li>
<li><p>Build the test ROM (see <xref href="GUID-2234BCF5-41CC-457A-BF1B-C4AB47931DB8.dita">SDIO
Testing Overview</xref>)</p></li>
<li><p>Boot the device with the test ROM.</p></li>
</ul></p> </prereq>
<context id="GUID-88D222F5-0078-42E9-B1AF-67C32056EDBE"> <p>The SDIOTest utility
is not an automated test: it performs various unitary operations , which can
be used to validate the behaviour of the SDIO Controller. First, you request
an operation by pressing the corresponding key on the command line. Then,
you compare the resulting display with the data expected from the card. </p><p>The
following steps provide an example of how to test your port.</p> </context>
<steps id="GUID-4DD07DEC-6017-4237-BE46-1D69E5FBD744-GENID-1-10-1-15-1-1-7-1-1-6-1-8-1-4-1-3-3">
<step id="GUID-A295D44C-B646-4C27-842F-E11828BD2C6B"><cmd>Run the SDIOTest application.</cmd>
<step id="GUID-9A69E5AD-E938-4092-A8C2-CB65C37C8962-GENID-1-10-1-15-1-1-7-1-1-6-1-8-1-4-1-3-3-2"><cmd>Power up the stack
by pressing the <userinput>P</userinput> key.</cmd>
<stepresult><p>The stack must report that no card is present.</p></stepresult>
<step id="GUID-7F13CFE3-7B78-42EF-8BEA-682435B5F228"><cmd>Insert a card and power it up.</cmd>
<stepresult><p>The stack must report that a card is present. </p></stepresult>
<step id="GUID-5FB0E930-1590-44FF-8C44-4DD842065C5E"><cmd>Read the card information by pressing the <userinput>I</userinput> key.</cmd>
<stepresult><p>The data returned by the stack must match the data sheet you
have for the card.</p></stepresult>
<step id="GUID-6798C237-7567-4BC8-9D69-358871167864"><cmd>Read the common control registers by pressing the <userinput>R</userinput> key.</cmd>
<stepresult><p>The values must match the expected card data.</p></stepresult>
<step id="GUID-39001CA5-47E5-4340-B70C-13C4AD2A0266"><cmd>Read the common configuration by pressing the <userinput>C</userinput> key.</cmd>
<stepresult><p>The values must match the expected card data.</p></stepresult>
<step id="GUID-CF489FD9-D291-4FFB-9FC7-F1EB5C80416F"><cmd>Read information about the I/O function by pressing the <userinput>F</userinput> key.</cmd>
<stepresult><p>The data returned by the stack must match the I/O specifications
of the card.</p></stepresult>
<step id="GUID-EB45AEEA-6EEA-4B9E-B0C4-A2BF66252812"><cmd>Quit the test by pressing the <userinput>Q</userinput> key.</cmd>