Week 12 contribution of PDK documentation_content. See release notes for details. Fixes Bug 2054, Bug 1583, Bug 381, Bug 390, Bug 463, Bug 1897, Bug 344, Bug 1319, Bug 394, Bug 1520, Bug 1522, Bug 1892"
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<concept id="GUID-0C19D3F1-CF60-4760-8A77-242E14647738" xml:lang="en"><title>Touch
UI observer interfaces</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<p>To support the touch functionality in the UI components, following observer
interfaces are provided:</p>
<li><p><b>Navigation decorator observer</b> (<codeph>MAknNaviDecoratorObserver</codeph>)-
It is used in the navigation pane. The interface receives an event indicating
that the decorator’s right or left arrow has been tapped (or the navi label).
Based on the event received, the observer implementation performs an action
(for example, raise the volume or change focus to the next tab). This observer
is useful when custom controls needs to be implemented in the navigation
control. The observer can be set using <codeph>CAknNavigationDecorator::SetNaviDecoratorObserver()</codeph>.</p> <p/> </li>
<li><p><b>Long tap detector</b> (<codeph>CAknLongTapDetector</codeph>) - It
is an AVKON component that an application or control can use to receive long
tap events.</p><p>The long tap handler must inherit from <codeph>MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack</codeph> and
implement the <codeph>HandleLongTapEventL()</codeph> call back function for
long tap events.</p> <p>When the stylus/finger is held down in the same position,
an animation starts in about 0.15 s to show that the long tap functionality
has started. Animation is provided by AVKON and cannot be changed by the application
or control. However, animation can be turned off using the class <codeph>CAknLongTapDetector</codeph> in
the Touch UI utilities API.</p> <p>For implementation information, see the <xref href="GUID-92018B6B-3CBB-434D-9E61-F271C67E98E3.dita">Touch UI utilities API specification</xref>.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Double-click support in lists</b> - To receive double-click events
from a list or grid, the object that needs to be informed must implement and
register the <codeph>MEikListBoxObserver</codeph> interface via <codeph>CEikListBox::SetListBoxObserver()</codeph>. </p>After
registering, handle the <codeph>EEventItemDoubleClicked</codeph> event in<codeph>HandleListBoxEventL()</codeph> method. <p>If
single click is enabled, <codeph>EEventItemSingleClicked</codeph> event should
be handled instead.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Title pane touch observer</b> - The title pane touch observer enables
you to provide functionality for title pane touch events. For implementation
information, see the <xref format="html" href="specs/guides/Title_Pane_Touch_Observer_API_Specification/Title_Pane_Touch_Observer_API_Specification.html" scope="peer">Title pane touch observer API specification</xref>.</p></li>