Week 12 contribution of PDK documentation_content. See release notes for details. Fixes Bug 2054, Bug 1583, Bug 381, Bug 390, Bug 463, Bug 1897, Bug 344, Bug 1319, Bug 394, Bug 1520, Bug 1522, Bug 1892"
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<!DOCTYPE concept
PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<concept id="GUID-64E8B920-CD45-4AFF-BD5B-8A7F70F0D59E" xml:lang="en"><title>Responding
to Requests and Cancelling Requests</title><shortdesc>As shown in the previous Privacy Controller API code examples,
a Privacy Controller has a pointer to a <codeph>CLbsPrivacyController</codeph> class.
The Privacy Controller uses this pointer to respond to privacy requests and
to cancel them. The simple outline code in this section shows how a Privacy
Controller calls these functions. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<section id="GUID-0254EF2E-6719-421C-8877-47D5A69D0D52"> <title>Responding to a request</title> <p>The code below
shows how the observer class can respond to privacy requests by calling <xref href="GUID-DA9AD188-944E-36C0-98A6-4F9B6FB2A091.dita#GUID-DA9AD188-944E-36C0-98A6-4F9B6FB2A091/GUID-D3C37C92-5609-31F1-82AB-01AEC99671BB"><apiname>CLbsPrivacyController::RespondNetworkLocationRequest()</apiname></xref>. </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Send a privacy response to the LBS subsystem
void CMyLbsPrivacyControllerObserver::SendResponse(TUint aRequestId,
CLbsPrivacyController::TRequestVerificationResult aResult)
// aRequestId is the ID of a privacy request that was previously received
iController->RespondNetworkLocationRequest(aRequestId, aResult);
}</codeblock> </section>
<section id="GUID-B78E8723-7FD3-4ECD-842E-ACA59B40C69E"><title>Cancelling a privacy verification request </title><p>The code
below shows how the observer class can cancel privacy verification requests
by calling <xref href="GUID-DA9AD188-944E-36C0-98A6-4F9B6FB2A091.dita#GUID-DA9AD188-944E-36C0-98A6-4F9B6FB2A091/GUID-C2FC9C84-DB18-3741-BD2F-AC214D679A13"><apiname>CLbsPrivacyController::CancelNetworkLocationRequest()</apiname></xref>.</p><p>There
is no guarantee that a privacy request will be cancelled by calling <xref href="GUID-DA9AD188-944E-36C0-98A6-4F9B6FB2A091.dita#GUID-DA9AD188-944E-36C0-98A6-4F9B6FB2A091/GUID-C2FC9C84-DB18-3741-BD2F-AC214D679A13"><apiname>CLbsPrivacyController::CancelNetworkLocationRequest()</apiname></xref>.
If a privacy request was first accepted and then later cancelled by a Privacy
Controller, the network may accept the request before the cancel message is
processed. The sequence diagrams in LBS <xref href="GUID-D857413A-D5A1-5F9F-A780-C980A9E0BEE0.dita">Privacy
Controller</xref>r describe this situation in more detail.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Cancel a privacy response
void CMyLbsPrivacyControllerObserver::CancelRequest(TUint aRequestId)
// aRequestId is the ID of a privacy request that was previously received