author Dominic Pinkman <>
Tue, 30 Mar 2010 11:56:28 +0100
changeset 5 f345bda72bc4
parent 3 46218c8b8afa
child 14 578be2adaf3e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Week 12 contribution of PDK documentation_content. See release notes for details. Fixes Bug 2054, Bug 1583, Bug 381, Bug 390, Bug 463, Bug 1897, Bug 344, Bug 1319, Bug 394, Bug 1520, Bug 1522, Bug 1892"

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<task id="GUID-6526C440-34EA-50C2-B550-2C655DCC2ED8" xml:lang="en"><title>Network
Privacy API Tutorial</title><shortdesc>This document describes how to use the Network Privacy API. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><taskbody>
<prereq><p>The reader must be familiar with the Privacy Protocol Module and
the Network Privacy API. </p> </prereq>
<context><p>When LBS is configured to load the Privacy Protocol Module, it
handles only privacy requests and does not calculate position fixes. It is
the responsibility of licensee domestic OS components to obtain the device's
position. The <xref href="GUID-B3000A78-3BE5-5E0A-A718-87BC9BA03726.dita">Network
Privacy API</xref> provides the means to send privacy requests into the LBS
subsystem. </p> <p>To use the Network Privacy API a licensee must create a
client component that runs in the licensee domestic OS. This component receives
privacy and location requests from the network and forwards them to the LBS
subsystem via the Network Privacy API. </p> <p>The Network Privacy API is
only available with the Privacy Protocol Module. The first privacy request
sent via the Network Privacy API causes the LBS subsystem components to be
started. </p> <p>Many of the implementation details of creating a Network
Privacy API client are device creator specific (such as how to connect to
a network).</p> </context>
<steps id="GUID-3EF2F3E8-48AF-534D-BE16-B6D78A349007">
<step id="GUID-267A5A69-D06F-5236-A905-595F81689FCB"><cmd/>
<info>Listen for privacy and location requests received from the network. </info>
<step id="GUID-99086B43-517E-5044-9732-A0E66836B9EA"><cmd/>
<info>Use the Network Privacy API to forward privacy requests to the LBS subsystem. </info>
<step id="GUID-F95C9B65-7CF7-50F7-ACEF-F337EAD9F5DF"><cmd/>
<info>Receive responses to privacy requests from the LBS subsystem via the
Network Privacy API and return them to the network. </info>
<step id="GUID-53AD01C6-87BE-58D0-9875-5D45FAC6FF76"><cmd/>
<info>If a privacy request is accepted, forward the subsequent location request
to a component in the licensee domestic OS so that a position fix can be obtained. </info>
<step id="GUID-50B398C7-DC81-5BDA-B631-DE32E497A597"><cmd>To use the Network
Privacy API create a Network Privacy API Client. </cmd>

<substeps id="GUID-ACC2FFC4-815E-506B-A141-6F8A73D897EC">
<substep id="GUID-0300AD43-69EE-5193-B260-31A9C31658E1"><cmd/>
<stepxmp>Define a Network Privacy API <xref href="GUID-9A3406EF-3FEF-3F6F-9CB1-DFC1D09782B6.dita"><apiname>MPosVerificationObserver</apiname></xref> subclass </stepxmp>
<info>The code example below shows a simple implementation of an <xref href="GUID-9A3406EF-3FEF-3F6F-9CB1-DFC1D09782B6.dita"><apiname>MPosVerificationObserver</apiname></xref> subclass
that uses the Network Privacy API. Such a class could be the basis of an observer
class in a licensee client application. </info>
<stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-1DFD707A-9701-533A-B85F-318F458660BD" xml:space="preserve">#ifndef CMYNETWORKLISTENER_H_

#include &lt;EPos_MPosVerificationObserver.h&gt;
#include &lt;EPos_CPosNetworkPrivacy.h&gt;
#include &lt;EPos_CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo.h&gt;

class CMyNetworkObserver : public MPosVerificationObserver

    static CMyNetworkObserver* NewL();

    virtual ~CMyNetworkObserver();

    void GSMVerifyPrivacyRequestL(const TDesC* aLCSClient, const TDesC* aRequestor,
                               CPosNetworkPrivacy::TRequestDecision aTimeoutAction);
    void CancelPrivacyRequestL(TInt aRequestId, CPosNetworkPrivacy::TCancelReason aCancelReason);
    void GSMNotifyLocationRequestL(TDesC* aLCSClient, TDesC* aRequestor);
    void GSMTimeoutPrivacyRequestL(const TDesC* aLCSClient, const TDesC* aRequestor, 
                                 TInt aRequestId, CPosNetworkPrivacy::TRequestDecision aTimeoutAction);

    // Method from MPosVerificationObserver
    void HandleVerifyComplete(TInt aRequestId, TInt aCompletionCode);
    CPosNetworkPrivacy* iPrivacy;
    TInt iRequestId; // This demo client just stores a single request ID
    void ConstructL();


</codeblock> </stepxmp>
<substep id="GUID-9418AB61-9C1B-5398-9CFA-E57BBE5AB204"><cmd/>
<stepxmp>Create an instance of CPosNetworkPrivacy in the client constructor </stepxmp>
<info>The code below shows the creation of a <xref href="GUID-F5E959D8-3457-3385-9978-96FDD917D767.dita"><apiname>CPosNetworkPrivacy</apiname></xref> object
in the second phase constructor of the observer. Note that in the Standalone
Privacy Mode configuration the LBS subsystem is transient, and creating an
instance of this class does not cause the LBS subsystem to be started. </info>
<stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-E786D160-E0C7-5071-8443-A24BF4C59828" xml:space="preserve">
CMyNetworkObserver* CMyNetworkObserver::NewL()
    CMyNetworkObserver* listener = new (ELeave) CMyNetworkObserver();
    return listener;

void CMyNetworkObserver::ConstructL()
    iPrivacy = CPosNetworkPrivacy::NewL();
</codeblock> </stepxmp>
<step id="GUID-E8E50631-18C4-5891-8323-D450D65A2C0C"><cmd>Write code to send
a privacy verification request. </cmd>
<info>The licensee client receives a privacy verification request from the
network. The privacy request requires user verification. The following describes
the steps the licensee client application performs for a privacy verification
request: </info>

<substeps id="GUID-097A1946-E3C7-55F8-B9CC-9CCFEFCA86BD">
<substep id="GUID-9545A3E4-5B95-53B4-8DDD-7A06943DD02A"><cmd/>
<info>The client creates an instance of <xref href="GUID-32DA9EFC-D11D-3A56-A70E-045F7F0E849A.dita"><apiname>CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo</apiname></xref> or <xref href="GUID-1C0102CD-2F1C-3E8C-9357-06CFED618936.dita"><apiname>CPosSUPLPrivacyRequestInfo</apiname></xref>.
The class of object that the client creates depends on whether the privacy
request was received from the network via GSM or via SUPL. </info>
<substep id="GUID-BB1AB089-99F5-5897-8AED-4AB30216B7C6"><cmd/>
<info>The client calls <xref href="GUID-F5E959D8-3457-3385-9978-96FDD917D767.dita#GUID-F5E959D8-3457-3385-9978-96FDD917D767/GUID-E90DFB64-8087-3039-805D-F556F9E60B57"><apiname>CPosNetworkPrivacy::VerifyPrivacyRequest()</apiname></xref>.
This method is asynchronous and non-blocking. The client can process multiple
privacy requests by calling <codeph>VerifyPrivacyRequest()</codeph> multiple
times. Each request is identified by a unique request ID. The LBS subsystem
is started if it is not running when a request is made. </info>
<substep id="GUID-22B92688-D233-5EE6-97B8-E4BF330147E7"><cmd/>
<info>When the privacy request is completed, the method <xref href="GUID-9A3406EF-3FEF-3F6F-9CB1-DFC1D09782B6.dita#GUID-9A3406EF-3FEF-3F6F-9CB1-DFC1D09782B6/GUID-D1BDF319-CCFD-33CB-8779-CF56849BAA5B"><apiname>MPosVerificationObserver::HandleVerifyComplete()</apiname></xref> is
called on the client observer. The client sends the privacy response to the
network. </info>
<info>The following code example demonstrates how to use the Network Privacy
API to verify a privacy request received over a GSM network. </info>
<stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-745D5AF8-8B3A-5DBC-BC51-23434FF9EE5B" xml:space="preserve">
// Send a privacy request to LBS
void CMyNetworkObserver::GSMVerifyPrivacyRequestL(const TDesC* aLCSClient, const TDesC* aRequestor,
                                                  CPosNetworkPrivacy::TRequestDecision aTimeoutAction)

    // Create a new CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo object
    CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo* info = CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo::NewLC();
    // In this example, aLCSClientName is a proper name and aRequestor is a phone number
    info-&gt;SetLCSClientL(*aLCSClient, CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo::EIdTypeLogicalName);
    info-&gt;SetRequestorL(*aRequestor, CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo::EIdTypeMSISDN);
    // In this example set the request type to single shot
    // Client has an iRequestId member variable (a production client may need an array to track multiple requests)
    //iRequestId is set when VerifyLocationRequestL is called
    iPrivacy-&gt;VerifyLocationRequestL(*info, iRequestId, *this, aTimeoutAction);
          </codeblock> </stepxmp>
<step id="GUID-F5BADBBF-0B90-5388-BF34-95D8EC936F52"><cmd>Write code to send
a privacy notification request. </cmd>
<info>The licensee client receives a privacy request from the network. The
privacy request does not require verification. The following describes the
steps the licensee client application performs for a privacy notification
request: </info>

<substeps id="GUID-1ECCD9AA-EFE0-5B68-A9D1-DF25FE675EB4">
<substep id="GUID-02C81461-9F94-56EA-8B26-C4514004E603"><cmd/>
<info>The client creates an instance of <xref href="GUID-32DA9EFC-D11D-3A56-A70E-045F7F0E849A.dita"><apiname>CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo</apiname></xref> or <xref href="GUID-1C0102CD-2F1C-3E8C-9357-06CFED618936.dita"><apiname>CPosSUPLPrivacyRequestInfo</apiname></xref>.
The class of object that the client creates depends on whether the privacy
request was received from the network via GSM or via SUPL. </info>
<substep id="GUID-80934AC7-05ED-5BCB-A1B2-1B50E1E954F2"><cmd/>
<info>The client calls <xref href="GUID-F5E959D8-3457-3385-9978-96FDD917D767.dita#GUID-F5E959D8-3457-3385-9978-96FDD917D767/GUID-A387994C-49AD-36A2-9C17-78425AF3E124"><apiname>CPosNetworkPrivacy::NotifyLocationRequest()</apiname></xref>.
This method is asynchronous and non-blocking. The client can process multiple
requests by calling <codeph>NotifyLocationRequest()</codeph> multiple times.
Multiple requests are queued within the LBS subsystem. Each request is identified
by a unique request ID. The LBS subsystem is started if it is not running
when a request is made. </info>
<info>The following code example demonstrates how to use the Network Privacy
API to notify LBS of a location request received over a GSM network. </info>
<stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-E801B01E-DA61-5B7D-884C-BF59071ADC29" xml:space="preserve">
// Notify LBS of a location request
void CMyNetworkObserver::GSMNotifyLocationRequestL(TDesC* aLCSClient, TDesC* aRequestor)
    // Create a new CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo object
    CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo* info = CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo::NewLC();

    // In this example, aLCSClientName is a proper name and aRequestor is a phone number
    info-&gt;SetLCSClientL(*aLCSClient, CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo::EIdTypeLogicalName);
    info-&gt;SetRequestorL(*aRequestor, CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo::EIdTypeMSISDN);

    // In this example set the request type to single shot
    // Client has an iRequestId member variable (a production client may need an array to track multiple requests)
    //iRequestId is set when NotifyLocationRequestL is called
    iPrivacy-&gt;NotifyLocationRequestL(*info, iRequestId);
</codeblock> </stepxmp>
<step id="GUID-0D76D936-0105-5A42-983D-EE8ACA54FB06"><cmd>Write code to cancel
a pending privacy verification request. </cmd>
<info>The code example below shows how a client can cancel an outstanding
request by calling <xref href="GUID-F5E959D8-3457-3385-9978-96FDD917D767.dita#GUID-F5E959D8-3457-3385-9978-96FDD917D767/GUID-BA814E0E-5397-3583-9030-C7234C549594"><apiname>CPosNetworkPrivacy::CancelRequest()</apiname></xref>. </info>
<stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-FE23688D-33B2-5D85-9181-30C3E4EFBC74" xml:space="preserve">
// Cancel an outstanding request
void CMyNetworkObserver::CancelPrivacyRequestL(TInt aRequestId, CPosNetworkPrivacy::TCancelReason aCancelReason)
    // TCancelReason may be e.g. CPosNetworkPrivacy::ECancelReasonTimeout

    iPrivacy-&gt;CancelVerifyLocationRequest(aRequestId, aCancelReason);
</codeblock> </stepxmp>
<step id="GUID-619AA8B0-69B9-51F0-887B-E3CDA6EB6F6E"><cmd>Write code to send
a timeout notification to LBS. </cmd>
<info>The code example below shows how a request can be timed out. The network
can timeout the request and the client forwards this to the LBS subsystem
by calling <xref href="GUID-F5E959D8-3457-3385-9978-96FDD917D767.dita#GUID-F5E959D8-3457-3385-9978-96FDD917D767/GUID-E0A6F960-2EBD-3BBA-95B8-AA3203D250B5"><apiname>CPosNetworkPrivacy::NotifyVerificationTimeoutL()</apiname></xref>. </info>
<stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-2CC875F4-8489-5D66-BD49-C7CEAB170859" xml:space="preserve">// Notify LBS that a completed privacy request has timed out
void CMyNetworkObserver::GSMTimeoutPrivacyRequestL(const TDesC* aLCSClient, const TDesC* aRequestor,
                                                  TInt aRequestId, CPosNetworkPrivacy::TRequestDecision aTimeoutAction)
    // Create a new CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo object    
    CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo* info = CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo::NewLC();

    // In this example, aLCSClientName is a proper name and aRequestor is a phone number
    info-&gt;SetLCSClientL(*aLCSClient, CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo::EIdTypeLogicalName);
    info-&gt;SetRequestorL(*aRequestor, CPosGSMPrivacyRequestInfo::EIdTypeMSISDN);

    iPrivacy-&gt;NotifyVerificationTimeoutL(*info, aRequestId, aTimeoutAction);
</codeblock> </stepxmp>
<stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-B6107B5B-329D-5A7A-8AE2-BB9835827593" xml:space="preserve">
// Handle verify complete messages from LBS
void CMyNetworkObserver::HandleVerifyComplete(TInt aRequestId, TInt aCompleteCode)
    // The privacy request identified by aRequestId is complete
    // Inform the network...

</codeblock> </stepxmp>
<step id="GUID-4144B5F1-9F86-5D7C-949B-10A5C151A8E5"><cmd>Define client capabilities </cmd>
<info>The following is a simple MMP file for the client. The header files
for the Network Privacy API are located at <filepath>\epoc32\include\lbs</filepath> and
the client links to <filepath>eposnwprv.lib</filepath>. A client requires
the capabilities <codeph>Location</codeph>, <codeph>NetworkServices</codeph> and <codeph>ReadDeviceData</codeph>. </info>
<stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-DCAA7242-6F9E-55A5-8BCD-40E8C809BFCC" xml:space="preserve">/*
 Name        : NetworkPrivacyAPI_Example.mmp
 Author      : 
 Copyright   :
 Description : 

TARGET          NetworkPrivacyAPI_Example.exe
UID             0 0xE3DC328A

USERINCLUDE     ..\inc
SYSTEMINCLUDE   \epoc32\include \epoc32\include\lbs

SOURCEPATH      ..\src
SOURCE          NetworkPrivacyAPI_Example.cpp CMyNetworkListener.cpp

LIBRARY         euser.lib eposnwprv.lib

CAPABILITY Location NetworkServices ReadDeviceData</codeblock> </stepxmp>
<link href="GUID-B3000A78-3BE5-5E0A-A718-87BC9BA03726.dita"><linktext>Network Privacy
<link href="GUID-746866CE-809A-5598-BA60-2947763E5EE9.dita"><linktext>Network Privacy
API Reference</linktext></link>