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<reference xml:lang="en" id="GUID-ABD45929-DEA1-5500-B64A-B32F623B6A06"><title>DumpSWIRegistryTool</title><shortdesc> <codeph>DumpSWIRegistryTool</codeph> interprets the software install registry entry (<filepath>.reg</filepath> file) and displays its content. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><refbody><refsyn><title>Syntax</title> <p><userinput>dumpswiregistrytool <parmname>[OPTIONS]</parmname> <cmdname>
<ARGS></cmdname> </userinput> </p> <p>The following table lists all the options supported by <codeph>DumpSWIRegistryTool</codeph>. </p> <table id="GUID-F66CFDF9-0C3F-5ED0-B271-C3EC7D7E41D9"><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/><colspec colname="col2"/><thead><row><entry> Options</entry> <entry>Description</entry> <entry>Usage</entry> </row> </thead> <tbody><row><entry><p> <varname>-v</varname> </p> </entry> <entry><p>Displays version of the tool. </p> </entry> <entry><p><userinput>dumpswiregistrytool -v</userinput> </p> </entry> </row> <row><entry><p> <varname>-h</varname> </p> </entry> <entry><p>Displays help message </p> </entry> <entry><p><userinput>dumpswiregistrytool -h</userinput> </p> </entry> </row> <row><entry><p> <varname>-p</varname> </p> </entry> <entry><p>Displays all the registry entries for a package file along with package information such as package name, package uid, vendor name and so on. </p> </entry> <entry><p><userinput>dumpswiregistrytool [RegistryPath] [-p PackageUid]</userinput> </p> </entry> </row> <row><entry><p> <varname>-r</varname> </p> </entry> <entry><p>Displays controller information about a package for a specified registry entry. </p> <p>The registry entry is recognized based on package uid, package name and vendor name. </p> </entry> <entry><p><userinput>dumpswiregistrytool [RegistryPath] [-r PackageUid PackageName VendorName]</userinput> </p> </entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </table> <p>The following table lists the arguments to be specified with <codeph>DumpSWIRegistryTool</codeph>. </p> <table id="GUID-D28532B7-5069-518E-B4F2-9F399806B3B6"><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/><thead><row><entry> Arguments</entry> <entry> Description</entry> </row> </thead> <tbody><row><entry><p> <varname>RegistryPath</varname> </p> </entry> <entry><p>Specifies the software installation registry path. This overwrites the default PATH provided in environment variable. </p> <p> <b>Note:</b> The default path specified by <codeph>DUMPSWIREGISTRY</codeph> environment variable is <filepath>\epoc32\<platform>\c\sys\install\sisregistry\</filepath>. </p> </entry> </row> <row><entry><p> <varname>PackageUID</varname> </p> </entry> <entry><p>Specifies the UID of the package. </p> </entry> </row> <row><entry><p> <varname>PackageName</varname> </p> </entry> <entry><p>Specifies the name of the package. </p> <p>Can be obtained using the <varname>-p</varname> option. </p> </entry> </row> <row><entry><p> <varname>VendorName</varname> </p> </entry> <entry><p>Specifies the name of the vendor. </p> <p>Can be obtained using the <varname>-p</varname> option. </p> </entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </table> </refsyn> <example id="GUID-AE23E1B6-6816-5413-ACD1-0489E5030570"><title>Examples</title> <p>The following examples illustrates the usage of <codeph>DumpSWIRegistryTool</codeph>: </p> <ul><li id="GUID-E2F0001E-DDA5-51CD-B1DA-540D171DCA74"><p>To retrieve package level information </p> <p><userinput>dumpswiregistrytool -p 101f7989</userinput> </p> <p>This command displays information about all the registry entries of the specified package. In addition to this, it also displays package information such as packageuid, package name, vendor name, number of executables and so on, as shown in the following sample output: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-50992BB5-2979-5B7E-8D33-E0E27AC30F3B" xml:space="preserve">Package Information:
Registry File :C:\sisregistry\101f7989\00000000.reg
Package UID :0x101f7989
Package Name :c32exe
Vendor :symbianfoundation
Package Index :0
Drives :2000000
No of executables :0
Package Version :1.2.3
Languages :English
Selected Drive :No Drive Selected
File Major Version :5
File Minor Version :3
Package Vendor Localized Name :symbianfoundation
Package Install Type :Installation
Is Package in ROM :Yes
Package Preinstalled :No
Is Package Signed :No
Package Trust :SisPackageBuiltIntoRom
</codeblock> </li> <li id="GUID-15734E5D-940D-5431-A798-4A04227B17D2"><p>To retrieve controller information for a package when a registry entry (<filepath>.reg</filepath> file) is specified. </p> <p><userinput>dumpswiregistrytool -r 101f7989 c32exe symbianfoundation</userinput> </p> <p>This command displays the controller information at the command prompt as shown in the following sample output: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-DD752B72-2CC2-5CB2-89D8-6C10407B7F9E" xml:space="preserve">Registry Controller Information:
Registry Entry :\sisregistry\101f7989\00000000.reg
Package UID :0x101f7989
Package Name :c32exe
Vendor :symbianfoundation
Package Index :0
Controller1 Version :1.2.3
Controller1 Algorithm :SHA1
Number of Dependencies : 0
Number of Embedded Packages : 0
SISProperty Count:0
Number Of File Descriptions :1
SIS File Description:
File Operation Type :Install
File Operation Options Type :VerifyOnRestore
Algorithm :SHA1
SID :0x0
Validation Status : PackageInRom
Revocation Status : OcspNotPerformed
</codeblock> </li> </ul> </example> </refbody></reference>