diff -r 89d6a7a84779 -r 25a17d01db0c Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/console_8cpp-source.html --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/console_8cpp-source.html Fri Jan 22 18:26:19 2010 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,522 @@ + + +TB10.1 Example Applications: examples/Bluetooth/BTExample1/src/console.cpp Source File + + + + +


00001 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+00002 // All rights reserved.
+00003 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+00004 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+00005 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+00006 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+00007 //
+00008 // Initial Contributors:
+00009 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+00010 //
+00011 // Contributors:
+00012 //
+00013 // Description:
+00014 //
+00018 #include <e32base.h>
+00019 #include <e32cons.h>
+00020 #include <bttypes.h>
+00021 #include <btextnotifiers.h>
+00022 #include <btsdp.h>
+00024 #include "console.h"
+00025 #include "panconnection.h"
+00026 #include "dealer.h"
+00027 #include "player.h"
+00033 void Panic(TInt aPanicCode)
+00034         {
+00035         User::Panic(_L("PanConnConsole Panic: "), aPanicCode);
+00036         }
+00042 CActiveConsole::CActiveConsole(CConsoleBase* aConsole) 
+00043         : CActive(EPriorityNormal),
+00044           iConsole(aConsole)     
+00045         {       
+00046         }
+00051 CActiveConsole* CActiveConsole::NewLC(CConsoleBase* aConsole)
+00052     {
+00053     CActiveConsole* self = new (ELeave) CActiveConsole(aConsole);
+00054         CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+00055         self->ConstructL(aConsole);
+00056     return self;
+00057     }
+00063 void CActiveConsole::ConstructL (CConsoleBase* aConsole)
+00064     { 
+00065     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+00066     iPanConnection = CPanConnections::NewL(*aConsole);
+00067     }
+00074 CActiveConsole::~CActiveConsole()
+00075         {
+00076         Cancel();// Cancel Active Object
+00077         delete iPanConnection;
+00078         }
+00083 void CActiveConsole::RequestCharacterL()
+00084     {
+00086         iConsole->ClearScreen();
+00087         if (iPanConnection->iIapStarted && iPlayerRole == EPlayer)
+00088                 {
+00089                 iMode = EScabbyQueen;
+00090                 }
+00092         if (iMode == EPan)
+00093                 {
+00094                 // Mode is PAN Profile, at this stage devices withh need to connect using Bluetooth     
+00095         iPanConnection->PrintConns();
+00096         MenuLine();
+00097                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*****************PAN Profile menu*****************\n"));
+00098                 MenuLine();
+00099                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*   n - Invite a new player (Dealer Only)        *\n"));
+00100         //      iConsole->Printf(_L("*   N - Open new connection using PAN notifier   *\n"));
+00101                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*   c - Remove current active player             *\n"));
+00102         //      iConsole->Printf(_L("*   L - Start listening (for player or dealer)   *\n"));
+00103                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*   Y - Be a Player                              *\n"));
+00104                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*   Z - Be a Dealer                              *\n"));
+00105                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*   b - Start Game (Dealer Only)                 *\n"));
+00106                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*   s - Stop Game                                *\n"));
+00107         //      iConsole->Printf(_L("*   x - Switch to TCP/IP                         *\n"));
+00108                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*   1..7 - Select current active player          *\n"));           
+00109                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*   Esc Escape                                   *\n"));
+00110                 MenuLine();
+00111                 }
+00112         else if (iMode == EScabbyQueen)
+00113                 {
+00114                 if (iPlayerRole == EDealer)
+00115                         {
+00116                         // Dealer will already be created
+00117                         MenuLine();
+00118                 iConsole->Printf(_L("******************* Dealer Menu ******************\n"));
+00119                 MenuLine();
+00120                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*             a - Deal                           *\n"));
+00121                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*             b - Show Deck                      *\n"));
+00122                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*             x - Exit Game                      *\n"));
+00123                 MenuLine();
+00124                         }
+00125                 else
+00126                         {
+00127                         if (!iPlayer)
+00128                                 {
+00129                                 iPlayer = CScabbyQueenPlayer::NewL(*iConsole, iPanConnection->GetSocket());
+00130                                 }
+00131                         iConsole->Printf(_L("%dPlayer Number: %d\n\n"),iPlayer->iPlayerNum(),iPlayer->iPlayerNum());
+00133                 MenuLine();
+00134                 iConsole->Printf(_L("******************* Player Menu ******************\n"));
+00135                 MenuLine();
+00136                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*          a - Show Cards                        *\n"));
+00137                 if (iPlayer->iCurrentPlayer)
+00138                         {
+00139                         iConsole->Printf(_L("*          b - Take card from right              *\n"));
+00140                         }
+00141                 iConsole->Printf(_L("*          x - Exit Game                         *\n"));
+00142                 MenuLine();
+00144                 if (iPlayer->iCurrentPlayer)
+00145                         {
+00146                         iConsole->Printf(_L("\nYou need to select a card from the other player\n"));
+00147                         }
+00148                         }
+00149                 }
+00151     iConsole->Read(iStatus);// Read the key press, RunL will be called when iStatus completes 
+00152     SetActive();
+00154     }
+00162 void  CActiveConsole::DoCancel()
+00163     {
+00164     iConsole->ReadCancel();
+00165     }
+00172 void CActiveConsole::MenuLine()
+00173         {
+00174         iConsole->Printf(_L("**************************************************\n"));
+00175         }
+00181 void  CActiveConsole::RunL()
+00182     {
+00183         TRAPD(err,ProcessKeyPressL(TChar(iConsole->KeyCode())));
+00184         if(err != KErrNone)
+00185                 {
+00186                 iConsole->Printf(_L("Failed. Error: %d\r\n"),err);
+00187                 RequestCharacterL();
+00188                 }       
+00189     }
+00197 void CActiveConsole::ProcessKeyPressL(TChar aChar)
+00198     {
+00199     TInt rerr = KErrNone;
+00200         TBool redraw = ETrue;
+00204     if (iMode == EPan)
+00205         {
+00207                 TBTDevAddr devAddr;
+00208 //      TBTDevAddr devAddr(MAKE_TINT64(0x0002, 0x5b019a2c));
+00209         if (aChar == EKeyEscape)
+00210                         {
+00211                         CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+00212                         return;
+00213                         }
+00214                 else
+00215                         {
+00216                         switch(aChar)
+00217                                 {
+00218                                 case 'n':
+00219                                         {
+00220                                         iMode = EPan;
+00221                                         //Ask user which device address we should connect to...
+00222                                         RNotifier notify;
+00223                                         User::LeaveIfError(notify.Connect());
+00224                                         TBTDeviceSelectionParamsPckg pckg;
+00225                                         TBTDeviceResponseParamsPckg resPckg;
+00226                                         TRequestStatus stat;
+00227                                         notify.StartNotifierAndGetResponse(stat, KDeviceSelectionNotifierUid, pckg, resPckg);
+00228                                         User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+00229                                         notify.CancelNotifier(KDeviceSelectionNotifierUid);
+00230                                         notify.Close();
+00231                                         User::LeaveIfError(stat.Int());
+00232                                                 {
+00233                                         devAddr = resPckg().BDAddr();
+00234                                                 }       
+00235                                         rerr = iPanConnection->StartConnection(&devAddr, EFalse, EFalse);       
+00236                                         }
+00237                                 break;
+00239                 //              case 'N':
+00240                 //                      {       
+00241                 //                      // Need to open connection with pan profile here
+00242                 //                      iMode = EPan;
+00243                 //                      rerr = iPanConnection->StartConnection(&devAddr, ETrue, EFalse);
+00244                 //                      }
+00245                 //              break;
+00247                 //              case 'l':
+00248                 //              case 'L':
+00249                 //                      rerr = StartListening();
+00250                 //              break;
+00252                                 case 'y':
+00253                                 case 'Y':
+00254                                         // User will be a player, get them to enter IP address,
+00255                                         // Local and peer role will be changed here, and the remote address
+00256                                         // of the dealer will be set.
+00257                                         iMode = EPan;
+00258                                         iPlayerRole = EPlayer;
+00259                                         iConsole->Printf(_L("\nEnter your IP address (11.11.11.XXX): "));
+00260                                         TRAP(rerr, PlayerProcessL());
+00261                                         iPanConnection->SetRemoteIpAddr(KDealerIpAddr);
+00262                                         rerr = StartListening();
+00263                                 break;
+00265                                 case 'z':
+00266                                 case 'Z':
+00267                                         // User will be a dealer, set the local and peer role,
+00268                                         // and the local IP address. 
+00269                                         iMode = EPan;
+00270                                         iPlayerRole = EDealer;
+00271                                         iPanConnection->SetLocalIpAddrL(KDealerIpAddr);
+00272                                         iPanConnection->SetFixedRoleL(ELocalRole, KPanGnUUID);
+00273                                         iPanConnection->SetFixedRoleL(EPeerRole, KPanUUUID);
+00274                                         rerr = KErrNone;
+00275                                 break;
+00277                         //      case 'h':
+00278                         //      rerr = iPanConnection->UdpBind();
+00279                         //      break;
+00281                                 case 'c':
+00282                                 case 'C':
+00283                                         iMode = EPan;
+00284                                         // close current connection
+00285                                         rerr = iPanConnection->StopConnection();
+00286                                 break;
+00288                                 case 's':
+00289                                 case 'S':
+00290                                         iMode = EPan;
+00291                                         //stop iap
+00292                                         iPanConnection->StopIAP();
+00293                                 break;
+00296                         //      case 'x':
+00297                         //      case 'X':
+00298                                         // Switch to the TCP, will allow for players to join game
+00299                                         // and for the dealer to host.
+00300                         //              iMode = ETcpIp;
+00301                         //              rerr = StartTcpMenu();
+00302                         //      break;  
+00304                                 case 'b':
+00305                                 case 'B':
+00306                                         if (iPlayerRole == EDealer)
+00307                                                 {
+00308                                                 iMode = EScabbyQueen;
+00309                                                 iPanConnection->CancelRecvFrom();
+00310                                                 if (!iDealer)
+00311                                                         {
+00312                                                         TRAP (rerr,iDealer = CScabbyQueenDealer::NewL(*iConsole, iPanConnection->RemoteNames(), iPanConnection->GetSocket()));
+00313                                                         }
+00314                                                         iDealer->SendPlayerNumbers();
+00315                                                 }
+00316                                         else
+00317                                                 {
+00318                                                 rerr = KErrNone;
+00319                                                 }
+00320                                 break;
+00322                                 case '0':
+00323                                 case '1':
+00324                                 case '2':
+00325                                 case '3':
+00326                                 case '4':
+00327                                 case '5':
+00328                                 case '6':
+00329                                 case '7':
+00330                                         if (iPanConnection->iIapStarted)
+00331                                                 rerr = iPanConnection->SetActivePanConn(aChar.GetNumericValue());
+00332                                         else
+00333                                                 rerr = KErrNone;
+00334                                 break;          
+00336                         default:
+00337                                 break; 
+00339                                 }
+00340                         }
+00341                 }
+00342      else if (iMode == EScabbyQueen)
+00343         {
+00344         if (iPlayerRole == EDealer)
+00345                 {
+00346                 switch(aChar)
+00347                         {
+00348                         case 'a':
+00349                                 // Dealing the deck will initiate the game.
+00351                                 TRAP(rerr, iDealer->DealDeckL());
+00352                                 if (rerr != KErrNone)
+00353                                         {
+00354                                         iConsole->Printf(_L("\nFailed to deal deck"));
+00355                                         }
+00356                                 else
+00357                                         {
+00358                                         iDealer->StartTheGame();
+00359                                         }
+00360                         break;
+00362                         case 'b':
+00363                                 TRAP(rerr, iDealer->ShowDeckL());
+00364                         break;
+00366                         case 'x':
+00367                                 iMode = EPan;
+00368                                 iDealer->BaseCancelAll();
+00369                         break;
+00370                         default:
+00371                         break;
+00372                         }
+00373                 }
+00374         else if (iPlayerRole == EPlayer)
+00375                 {
+00376                 switch(aChar)
+00377                         {
+00378                         case 'a':
+00379                                 TRAP(rerr, iPlayer->ShowHandL());
+00380                         break;
+00382                         case 'b':
+00383                                 {
+00384                                 iPlayer->GetRightHandPlayerCard();
+00385                                 iCardNum = GetCardNumber();
+00386                                 rerr = iPlayer->SendCardNum(iCardNum);
+00387                                 }
+00388                         break;
+00392                         case 'x':
+00393                                 iMode = EPan;
+00394                                 iPlayer->BaseCancelAll();
+00395                                 break;
+00397                         default:
+00398                         break;
+00399                         }
+00400                 }
+00402         }       
+00404         if(redraw && rerr == KErrNone)
+00405                 {
+00406                 RequestCharacterL();
+00407                 }
+00409     }
+00415 CConsoleBase* CActiveConsole::Console()
+00416         {
+00417         return iConsole;
+00418         }
+00420 void CActiveConsole::PlayerProcessL()
+00421         {
+00422         iPanConnection->SetLocalIpAddrL(GetIpAddress());
+00423         iPanConnection->SetFixedRoleL(ELocalRole, KPanUUUID);
+00424         iPanConnection->SetFixedRoleL(EPeerRole, KPanGnUUID);
+00425         }
+00431 TUint32 CActiveConsole::GetIpAddress()
+00432         {
+00433         TBuf<KMaxBufferSize> buf;
+00434         TKeyCode key;
+00436         while((key=iConsole->Getch())!=EKeyEnter)
+00437                 {
+00438                 buf.Append(key);
+00439                 iConsole->Printf(_L("%c"),key);
+00440                 }
+00441         TInetAddr addr;
+00442         addr.Input(buf);
+00443         return addr.Address();
+00444         }
+00449 TInt CActiveConsole::GetCardNumber()
+00450         {
+00451         TBuf<KMaxBufferSize> buf;
+00452         TKeyCode key;
+00453         while((key=iConsole->Getch())!=EKeyEnter)
+00454                 {
+00455                 TChar test = key;
+00456                 if (test.IsDigit())
+00457                         {       
+00458                         buf.Append(key);        
+00459                         iConsole->Printf(_L("%c"),key);
+00460                         }
+00461                 }
+00462         // Convert Desc into a TInt
+00463         TLex16 lex;
+00464         lex.Assign(buf);
+00465         TInt val;
+00466         lex.Val(val);
+00467         val = 2*val;
+00468         return val;
+00469         }
+00475 TInt CActiveConsole::StartListening()
+00476         {
+00477         TInt rerr = KErrNone;
+00478         if(iPanConnection->iListening)
+00479                 {
+00480                 __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iPanConnection->iIapStarted || iPanConnection->iIapLoading, Panic(EListeningWithoutIAP));
+00481                 iConsole->Printf(_L("Listening Connection already exists."));
+00482                 rerr = KErrAlreadyExists;
+00483                 }
+00484         else
+00485                 {
+00486                 if(iPanConnection->iIapStarted || iPanConnection->iIapLoading)
+00487                         {
+00488                         iConsole->Printf(_L("Non listening connection already exists."));
+00489                         rerr = KErrAlreadyExists;
+00490                         }
+00491                 }
+00492         iPanConnection->iListening = ETrue;     
+00493         rerr = iPanConnection->StartConnection(NULL, EFalse, EFalse);// Call to start the listen
+00494         return rerr;
+00495         }
+00500 TInt CActiveConsole::CheckBtConnectionL()
+00501         {
+00502         _LIT(BtSearch, "Checking Bluetooth Connectivity\n");
+00503         iConsole->Printf(BtSearch);
+00504         RSocketServ iSocketServ; 
+00505         User::LeaveIfError(iSocketServ.Connect());
+00506         // Create and initialise an RHostResolver
+00507         RHostResolver hr;
+00508         if (KErrNone != hr.Open(iSocketServ, KBTAddrFamily, KBTLinkManager))
+00509         {
+00510         // if not success, this means bluetooth is not on
+00511         _LIT(KBtOff, "Bluetooth is not on\n");
+00512         iConsole->Printf(KBtOff);
+00514         _LIT(KPressAnyKey, "Press any key to exit the application");
+00515         iConsole->Printf(KPressAnyKey);
+00516         iConsole->Getch();
+00517         iSocketServ.Close();
+00518         hr.Close();
+00519         return EFalse;
+00520         }
+00521         iSocketServ.Close();
+00522         hr.Close();
+00523         return ETrue;
+00524         }
+00534 void RunAppL(void)
+00535         {
+00536         CActiveScheduler *myScheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler();
+00537         CleanupStack::PushL(myScheduler);
+00538         CActiveScheduler::Install(myScheduler); 
+00539         CConsoleBase* console =         
+00540         Console::NewL(_L("PAN Profile Example Application"),TSize(KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen));
+00541         CleanupStack::PushL(console);
+00542         CActiveConsole* my_console = CActiveConsole::NewLC(console);// New active console
+00543         if(my_console->CheckBtConnectionL()!= EFalse)
+00544         {
+00545         my_console->RequestCharacterL();
+00546         CActiveScheduler::Start();
+00547         }
+00548         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); 
+00549         }
+00557 TInt E32Main()
+00558         {
+00559         __UHEAP_MARK;
+00560         CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New(); // get clean-up stack
+00561         TRAPD(error,RunAppL()); // more initialization, then do example
+00562         __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!error,User::Panic(_L("PAN Profile Example Application"),error));
+00563         delete cleanup; // destroy clean-up stack
+00564         __UHEAP_MARKEND;
+00566         return 0; // and return
+00567         }

Generated on Thu Jan 21 10:32:57 2010 for TB10.1 Example Applications by  + +doxygen 1.5.3
+ +