diff -r f345bda72bc4 -r 43e37759235e Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/_compound_class_8cpp-source.html --- a/Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/_compound_class_8cpp-source.html Tue Mar 30 11:56:28 2010 +0100 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,356 +0,0 @@ - - -TB10.1 Example Applications: examples/SysLibs/Streaming/CompoundClass/CompoundClass.cpp Source File - - - - -


00001 // Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-00002 // All rights reserved.
-00003 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-00004 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-00005 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-00006 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-00007 //
-00008 // Initial Contributors:
-00009 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-00010 //
-00011 // Contributors:
-00012 //
-00013 // Description:
-00014 // Example to demonstrate the streaming of a compound object to
-00015 // a single stream.
-00016 //
-00019 #include "CommonStreamStore.h"
-00020 #include <s32file.h>
-00022                                 // Constructs a CCompound object and externalizes
-00023                                 // it to a single stream.
-00024 LOCAL_C void doMakeAndExternalizeL(const TDesC& aName);
-00026                                 // Internalizes a CCompound object from
-00027                                 // the stream
-00028 LOCAL_C void doInternalizeL(const TDesC& aName);
-00030                                 // Displays content of a CCompound object
-00031 class CCompound;
-00032 LOCAL_C void doShow(const TDesC& aHeading,const CCompound& theSimple);
-00034                                 // Defintion of classes used by the example
-00035 class CClassA
-00036         {
-00037 public :
-00038         void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
-00039         void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
-00040 public :
-00041         TBuf<32> iBufferA;
-00042         TInt     iXA;
-00043         TUint    iYA;
-00044         };
-00047 class CClassB
-00048         {
-00049 public :
-00050         void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
-00051         void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
-00052 public :
-00053         TBuf<32> iBufferB;
-00054         };
-00057 class TClassC
-00058         {
-00059 public :
-00060         void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
-00061         void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
-00062 public :
-00063         TReal iZC;
-00064         };
-00067 class CCompound : public CBase
-00068         {
-00069 public :
-00070         ~CCompound();
-00071         static          CCompound* NewLC();
-00072         static          CCompound* NewLC(CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId anId);
-00073         static          CCompound* NewL(CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId anId);
-00074         TStreamId       StoreL(CStreamStore& store);
-00075         void            RestoreL(CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId anId);
-00076         void            InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
-00077         void            ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
-00078 private:
-00079     void                ConstructL();
-00080         void            ConstructL(CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId anId);
-00081 public :
-00082         CClassA* iCa;
-00083         CClassB* iCb;
-00084         TClassC  iTc;
-00085         };
-00087 // The file name, extension and path for the file store
-00088         _LIT(KFullNameOfFileStore,"\\epoc32ex\\data\\stcompnd.dat");
-00091 // Do the example
-00092 LOCAL_C void doExampleL()
-00093     {
-00094                                             // make sure directory exists
-00095         fsSession.MkDirAll(KFullNameOfFileStore);
-00096         doMakeAndExternalizeL(KFullNameOfFileStore);
-00097         doInternalizeL(KFullNameOfFileStore);
-00098         }
-00100 LOCAL_C void doMakeAndExternalizeL(const TDesC& aName)
-00101         {
-00102         TParse  filestorename;
-00104         fsSession.Parse(aName,filestorename);
-00105                                 // construct file store object - the file to contain the
-00106                                 // the store replaces any existing file of the same name.
-00107         CFileStore* store = CDirectFileStore::ReplaceLC(fsSession,filestorename.FullName(),EFileWrite);
-00109                                 // Must say what kind of file store
-00110     store->SetTypeL(KDirectFileStoreLayoutUid);
-00112                                 // Construct an object of type CCompound 
-00113                                 // and put some data into it.
-00114         CCompound* thecompound = CCompound::NewLC();
-00116         _LIT(KTxtClassAText,"CClassA text");
-00117         _LIT(KTxtClassBText,"CClassB text");
-00119         thecompound->iCa->iBufferA = KTxtClassAText;
-00120         thecompound->iCa->iXA      = -1;
-00121         thecompound->iCa->iYA      = 2;
-00122         thecompound->iCb->iBufferB = KTxtClassBText;
-00123         thecompound->iTc.iZC       = 3.456;
-00125                                 // Show contents of the CCompound object (and its
-00126                                 // components)
-00127         _LIT(KTxtInitialContent,"... Initial content of CCompound");
-00128         doShow(KTxtInitialContent,*thecompound);
-00130                                 // Store the compound object to a single stream
-00131                                 // and save the stream id as the root id. 
-00132         TStreamId  id = thecompound->StoreL(*store);
-00134                                 // Set the stream id as the root
-00135         store->SetRootL(id);
-00137                                 // Commit changes to the store
-00138         store->CommitL();
-00140                                 // Destroy:
-00141                                 // 1. the CCompound object
-00142                                 // 2. the store object (this also closes 
-00143                                 //    the file containing the store)
-00144                                 // Remove both from the cleanup stack
-00145         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
-00146         }
-00148 LOCAL_C void doInternalizeL(const TDesC& aName)
-00149         {
-00150         TParse  filestorename;
-00152         fsSession.Parse(aName,filestorename);
-00153                                 // construct file store object - specifying the file
-00154                                 // containing the store.
-00155         CFileStore* store = CDirectFileStore::OpenLC(fsSession,filestorename.FullName(),EFileRead);
-00157                                 // Construct a CCompound object  
-00158                                 // from the root stream created earlier.
-00159         CCompound* thecompound = CCompound::NewL(*store,store->Root());
-00161                                 // Show contents of the CCompound object (and its
-00162                                 // components)
-00163         _LIT(KTxtRestoredContent,"... Restored CCompound content.");
-00164         doShow(KTxtRestoredContent,*thecompound);
-00166                                 // destroy the store object (this also closes the file
-00167                                 // containing the store) 
-00168         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
-00170                                 // Now destroy the CCompound object
-00171         delete thecompound;
-00172         }
-00174 _LIT(KTxtNewLine,"\n");
-00175 _LIT(KFormatType1,"\n%d");
-00176 _LIT(KFormatType2,"\n%S");
-00177 _LIT(KFormatType3,"\n%u");
-00178 _LIT(KFormatType4,"\n%f");
-00180 LOCAL_C void doShow(const TDesC& aHeading,const CCompound& aCompound)
-00181         {
-00182         console->Printf(KTxtNewLine);
-00183         console->Printf(aHeading);
-00184         console->Printf(KFormatType2,&aCompound.iCa->iBufferA);
-00185         console->Printf(KFormatType1,aCompound.iCa->iXA);
-00186         console->Printf(KFormatType3,aCompound.iCa->iYA);
-00187         console->Printf(KFormatType2,&aCompound.iCb->iBufferB);
-00188         console->Printf(KFormatType4,aCompound.iTc.iZC);
-00189         console->Printf(KTxtNewLine);
-00190         }
-00192 //***************************************************************
-00193 //***************************************************************
-00195                                 // The CCompound destructor
-00196 CCompound::~CCompound()
-00197         {
-00198         delete iCa;
-00199         delete iCb;
-00200         }
-00202                                 // Construct a new plain CCompound object and
-00203                                 // place on the cleanup stack.
-00204 CCompound* CCompound::NewLC()
-00205         {
-00206         CCompound* self=new (ELeave) CCompound;
-00207         CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-00208         self->ConstructL();
-00209         return self;
-00210         }
-00212                                 // Complete the construction of the 
-00213                                 // plain CCompound object
-00214 void CCompound::ConstructL()
-00215         {
-00216         iCa = new (ELeave) CClassA;
-00217         iCb = new (ELeave) CClassB;
-00218         }
-00220                                 // Construct a new CCompound object from 
-00221                                 // the input stream.
-00222 CCompound* CCompound::NewL(CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId anId)
-00223         {
-00224         CCompound* self=CCompound::NewLC(aStore,anId);
-00225         CleanupStack::Pop();
-00226         return self;
-00227         }
-00229                                 // Construct a new CCompound object from 
-00230                                 // the root stream of the store and 
-00231                                 // place on the cleanup stack.
-00232 CCompound* CCompound::NewLC(CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId anId)
-00233         {
-00234         CCompound* self=new (ELeave) CCompound;
-00235         CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-00236         self->ConstructL(aStore,anId);
-00237         return self;
-00238         }
-00240                                 // Complete the construction of the 
-00241                                 // CCompound object
-00242 void CCompound::ConstructL(CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId anId)
-00243         {
-00244         iCa = new (ELeave) CClassA;
-00245         iCb = new (ELeave) CClassB;
-00246         RestoreL(aStore,anId);
-00247         }
-00249 void CCompound::RestoreL(CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId anId)
-00250         {
-00251         RStoreReadStream instream;
-00252         instream.OpenLC(aStore,anId);
-00253         InternalizeL(instream);
-00254                                         // Cleanup the stream object.
-00255         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();                  
-00256         }
-00258                                 // Read the components and data members 
-00259                                 // of the CCompound object from the stream.
-00260 void CCompound::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
-00261         {
-00262         aStream >> *iCa;        
-00263         aStream >> *iCb;
-00264         aStream >> iTc;
-00265         }
-00267 TStreamId CCompound::StoreL(CStreamStore& aStore)
-00268         {
-00269         RStoreWriteStream outstream;
-00270         TStreamId id = outstream.CreateLC(aStore);
-00271                                 // Stream out this CCompound object
-00272         ExternalizeL(outstream);
-00273                                 // Commit changes to the stream
-00274         outstream.CommitL();
-00275                                 // Cleanup the stream object.
-00276         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
-00277         return id;
-00278         }
-00279                                 // Write the components and data members 
-00280                                 // of the CCompound object to the stream
-00281 void CCompound::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
-00282         {
-00283         aStream << *iCa;
-00284         aStream << *iCb;
-00285         aStream << iTc;
-00286         }
-00288 //***************************************************************
-00289 //***************************************************************
-00291                                 // Read the data members of the CClassA 
-00292                                 // object from the stream.
-00293 void CClassA::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
-00294         {
-00295         aStream >> iBufferA;
-00296         iXA = aStream.ReadInt32L();
-00297         iYA = aStream.ReadUint32L();
-00298         }  
-00299                                 // Write the data members of the CClassA 
-00300                                 // object to the stream.
-00301 void CClassA::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream)const
-00302         {
-00303         aStream << iBufferA;
-00304         aStream.WriteInt32L(iXA);
-00305         aStream.WriteUint32L(iYA);
-00306         }  
-00308 //***************************************************************
-00309 //***************************************************************
-00311                                 // Read the data member(s) of the CClassB 
-00312                                 // object from the stream.
-00313 void CClassB::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
-00314         {
-00315         aStream >> iBufferB;
-00316         }
-00317                                 // Write the data member(s) of the CClassB 
-00318                                 // object to the stream.
-00319 void CClassB::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
-00320         {
-00321         aStream << iBufferB;
-00322         }  
-00324 //***************************************************************
-00325 //***************************************************************
-00327                                 // Write the data member(s) of the TClassC 
-00328                                 // object to the stream.
-00329 void TClassC::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
-00330         {
-00331         aStream.WriteReal64L(iZC);
-00332         }  
-00333                                 // Read the data member(s) of the TClassC 
-00334                                 // object from the stream.
-00335 void TClassC::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
-00336         {
-00337         iZC = aStream.ReadReal64L();
-00338         }  

Generated on Thu Jan 21 10:33:01 2010 for TB10.1 Example Applications by  - -doxygen 1.5.3
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