diff -r f345bda72bc4 -r 43e37759235e Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/_fibonacci1_8cpp_source.html --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/_fibonacci1_8cpp_source.html Tue Mar 30 16:16:55 2010 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,411 @@ + + + + +TB9.2 Example Applications: examples/Base/IPC/Async/Fibonacci1/Fibonacci1.cpp Source File + + + + + +


00001 // Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+00002 // All rights reserved.
+00003 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+00004 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+00005 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+00006 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+00007 //
+00008 // Initial Contributors:
+00009 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+00010 //
+00011 // Contributors:
+00012 //
+00013 // Description:
+00014 // Example wraps a console in an active object.
+00015 // Calculates Fibonacci number as chosen by the user. Note that, in this
+00016 // example, the calculation is done as part of the console active object's 
+00017 // RunL() and can take a long time to complete. It also means that nothing
+00018 // else can happen (including responding to keyboard events) until the 
+00019 // calculation is complete. 
+00020 //
+00024 #include <e32base.h>
+00025 #include <e32cons.h>
+00026 #include <e32std.h>
+00029 LOCAL_D CConsoleBase* console;
+00031 _LIT(KTxtMainInstructions,"\n\nPress 'F' to start\n      'ESC' to exit.\n");
+00034 //
+00035 // -----> CActiveConsole (definition)
+00036 //
+00037 // An abstract class which provides the facility to issue key requests. 
+00038 //
+00041 class CActiveConsole : public CActive
+00042         {
+00043 public:
+00044           // Construction
+00045         CActiveConsole(CConsoleBase* aConsole);
+00046         void ConstructL();
+00048           // Destruction
+00049         ~CActiveConsole();
+00051           // Issue request
+00052         void RequestCharacter();
+00054           // Cancel request.
+00055           // Defined as pure virtual by CActive;
+00056           // implementation provided by this class.
+00057         void DoCancel();
+00059           // Service completed request.
+00060           // Defined as pure virtual by CActive;
+00061           // implementation provided by this class,
+00062         void RunL();
+00064           // Called from RunL() - an implementation must be provided
+00065           // by derived classes to handle the completed request
+00066         virtual void ProcessKeyPress(TChar aChar) = 0; 
+00068 protected:
+00069           // Data members defined by this class
+00070         CConsoleBase* iConsole; // A console for reading from
+00071         };
+00075 //
+00076 // -----> CExampleScheduler (definition)
+00077 //
+00080 class CExampleScheduler : public CActiveScheduler
+00081         {
+00082 public:
+00083         void Error (TInt aError) const;
+00084         void WaitForAnyRequest();
+00085         void SetActiveObject(CActiveConsole* aActiveConsole);
+00086 private:
+00087           // data members defined for this class
+00088         CActiveConsole* iActiveConsole;
+00089         };
+00093 //
+00094 // -----> TFibonacciEngine (definition)
+00095 //
+00096 // This class provides the fibonacci calculation engine
+00097 //
+00100 class TFibonacciEngine
+00101         {
+00102 public:
+00103         void Calculate (TInt aTerms) ;
+00105         TInt iResult ;
+00106         } ;
+00110 //
+00111 // -----> CFibonacciApplication (definition)
+00112 //
+00113 // This class encapsulates the fibonacci calculation engine
+00114 //
+00117 class CFibonacciApplication : public CActiveConsole
+00118         {
+00119 public:
+00120         CFibonacciApplication(CConsoleBase* aConsole) ;
+00121         void ConstructL();
+00123           // Static construction
+00124         static CFibonacciApplication* NewLC(CConsoleBase* aConsole) ;
+00126           // service request
+00127         void ProcessKeyPress(TChar aChar) ;
+00129 private:
+00130         CConsoleBase* iConsole ;
+00131         TFibonacciEngine iFibonacciEngine ;
+00132         };
+00136 //
+00137 // -----> CActiveConsole (implementation)
+00138 //
+00141 CActiveConsole::CActiveConsole( CConsoleBase* aConsole) 
+00142         : CActive(CActive::EPriorityUserInput)
+00143           // Construct high-priority active object
+00144         {
+00145         iConsole = aConsole;
+00146         __DECLARE_NAME(_S("CActiveConsole"));
+00148         }
+00150 void CActiveConsole::ConstructL()
+00151         {
+00152           // Add to active scheduler
+00153         CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+00154         }
+00156 CActiveConsole::~CActiveConsole()
+00157         {
+00158         // Make sure we're cancelled
+00159         Cancel();
+00160         }
+00162 void  CActiveConsole::DoCancel()
+00163         {
+00164         iConsole->ReadCancel();
+00165         }
+00167 void  CActiveConsole::RunL()
+00168         {
+00169           // Handle completed request
+00170         ProcessKeyPress(TChar(iConsole->KeyCode()));
+00171         }
+00173 void CActiveConsole::RequestCharacter()
+00174         {
+00175           // A request is issued to the CConsoleBase to accept a
+00176           // character from the keyboard.
+00177         iConsole->Read(iStatus); 
+00178         SetActive();
+00179         }
+00183 //
+00184 // -----> CExampleScheduler (implementation)
+00185 //
+00188 void CExampleScheduler::Error(TInt aError) const
+00189         {
+00190         _LIT(KTxtSchedulerError,"CExampleScheduler - error");
+00191         User::Panic(KTxtSchedulerError,aError);
+00192         }
+00194 void CExampleScheduler::WaitForAnyRequest()
+00195         {
+00196         if (!(iActiveConsole->IsActive()))
+00197                 iActiveConsole->RequestCharacter();     
+00198         CActiveScheduler::WaitForAnyRequest();
+00199         }
+00201 void CExampleScheduler::SetActiveObject(CActiveConsole* aActiveConsole)
+00202         {
+00203         iActiveConsole = aActiveConsole;
+00204         }
+00208 // CFibonacciApplication support routine
+00209 //   uses up arrow & down arrow to change number, Enter to select
+00212 TInt GetValueFromKeyboard (TInt aInitial, TInt aStep, TInt lowerLimit, TInt upperLimit, const TDesC& aPrompt, CConsoleBase* aConsole)
+00213         {
+00214         TChar input ;
+00215         TInt value = aInitial ;
+00217         aConsole->Printf(aPrompt) ;
+00218         do
+00219                 {
+00220                 aConsole->SetPos(0);
+00221                 _LIT(KFormat1,"%d  ");
+00222                 aConsole->Printf(KFormat1, value);
+00223                 input = aConsole->Getch() ;
+00224                 if (input == EKeyUpArrow && value < upperLimit) value = value + aStep ;
+00225                 if (input == EKeyDownArrow && value > lowerLimit) value = value - aStep ;
+00226                 if (input == 'c') value = -1;
+00227                 }
+00228         while (input != EKeyEnter && input != 'c') ;
+00230         return value ;
+00231         }
+00235 //
+00236 // -----> CFibonacciApplication (implementation)
+00237 //
+00240 CFibonacciApplication::CFibonacciApplication(CConsoleBase* aConsole )
+00241         : CActiveConsole(aConsole)
+00242           // construct zero-priority active object
+00243         {
+00244         iConsole = aConsole ;
+00245         __DECLARE_NAME(_S("CFibonacciApplication"));
+00246         } 
+00249 CFibonacciApplication* CFibonacciApplication::NewLC(CConsoleBase* aConsole )
+00250         {
+00251         CFibonacciApplication* self=new (ELeave) CFibonacciApplication(aConsole);
+00252         CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+00253         self->ConstructL();
+00254         return self;
+00255         }
+00258 void CFibonacciApplication::ConstructL()
+00259         {
+00260           // Add to active scheduler
+00261         CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+00262           // Make this the active object
+00263         ((CExampleScheduler*)(CActiveScheduler::Current()))->SetActiveObject(this);
+00264         }
+00267 void CFibonacciApplication::ProcessKeyPress(TChar aChar)
+00268         {
+00269           // if key is ESC 
+00270           //   cancel any outstanding request
+00271           //   stop the scheduler
+00272         if (aChar == EKeyEscape)
+00273                 {
+00274                 CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+00275                 return;
+00276                 }
+00278           // If key is "f" or "F"
+00279           //   cancel any outstanding request
+00280           //   issue a fibonacci request.
+00281         if (aChar == 'f' || aChar == 'F') 
+00282                 {
+00283                 _LIT(KTxtStartingFibonacci,"\nStarting Fibonacci....  \n");
+00284                 _LIT(KTxtReturnTermNumber,"\nENTER selects number, and starts calculation\nUP    arrow increases num\nDOWN  arrow decreases num\nC     cancels\n\n");
+00285                 _LIT(KTxtCalculating,"\nCalculating...\n");
+00286                 _LIT(KFormat2,"\nResult : %u \n");
+00287                 _LIT(KTxtCancelled,"Cancelled");
+00289                 iConsole->Printf(KTxtStartingFibonacci);
+00291                 TInt iterations = GetValueFromKeyboard(5,1,2,46, KTxtReturnTermNumber, iConsole) ;
+00292                 if (iterations == -1)  // convenient if awkward but allows us to indicate a request to cancel.
+00293                         {
+00294                         iConsole->Printf(KTxtCancelled);
+00295                         iConsole->Printf(KTxtMainInstructions);
+00296                         return;
+00297                         }
+00299                 iConsole->Printf(KTxtCalculating);
+00300                 iFibonacciEngine.Calculate(iterations);
+00302                 iConsole->Printf(KFormat2, iFibonacciEngine.iResult) ;
+00303                 iConsole->Printf(KTxtMainInstructions);
+00304                 return;
+00305                 }
+00307        // any other key ignore
+00308         _LIT(KTxtNotRecognised,"\nUnwanted key pressed");
+00309         iConsole->Printf(KTxtNotRecognised);
+00310         iConsole->Printf(KTxtMainInstructions);
+00311         }
+00314 //
+00315 // -----> TFibonacciEngine (implementation)
+00316 //
+00319 void TFibonacciEngine::Calculate (TInt aTerms) 
+00320         {
+00321         TInt iterations = aTerms ;
+00323         TInt currentTotal = 1 ;
+00324         TInt previousTotal = 0 ;
+00325         _LIT(KTxtTooManyIterations,"Too many iterations");
+00326         __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iterations<47,User::Panic(KTxtTooManyIterations,iterations));
+00328         // if limit not yet reached
+00329         while (iterations-- > 0)        
+00330                 {
+00331                 // calculate next number in series
+00332                 TInt newTotal = currentTotal + previousTotal ;
+00334                 // update variables
+00335                 previousTotal = currentTotal ;
+00336                 currentTotal = newTotal ;
+00338                 // introduce a delay
+00339                 User::After(1000000) ;
+00340                 }  
+00342         iResult = currentTotal ;
+00344         } 
+00348 // This section deals with initialisation and ensuring we have a console active
+00351 void doExampleL () ;
+00353 void SetupConsoleL();
+00355 GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()                          // main function called by E32
+00356     {
+00357         CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();              // get clean-up stack
+00358         TRAPD(error,SetupConsoleL());                                   // more initialization, then do example
+00359         _LIT(KTxtFibonacciExampleError,"Fibonacci example error");
+00360         __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!error,User::Panic(KTxtFibonacciExampleError,error));
+00361         delete cleanup;                                                                 // destroy clean-up stack
+00362         return 0;                                                                               // and return
+00363     }
+00365 void SetupConsoleL()                             // initialize and call example code under cleanup stack
+00366     {
+00367         _LIT(KTxtFibSingActObj,"Single Active Object");
+00368         console=Console::NewL(KTxtFibSingActObj, TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
+00369         CleanupStack::PushL(console);
+00371         console->Printf(KTxtMainInstructions) ;
+00372         TRAPD(error, doExampleL());                                         // perform example function
+00373         if (error)
+00374                 {
+00375                 _LIT(KFormat3,"failed: leave code=%d");
+00376                 console->Printf(KFormat3, error);
+00377                 }
+00378         _LIT(KTxtPressAnyKey,"[Press any key to exit]");
+00379         console->Printf(KTxtPressAnyKey);
+00380         console->Getch();                                                               // get and ignore character
+00381         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();                                  // close console
+00382     }
+00386 //
+00387 // Do the example
+00388 //
+00390 void doExampleL()
+00391     {
+00392           // Construct and install the active scheduler
+00393         CExampleScheduler*  exampleScheduler = new (ELeave) CExampleScheduler;
+00395           // Push onto the cleanup stack
+00396         CleanupStack::PushL(exampleScheduler);
+00398           // Install as the active scheduler
+00399         CActiveScheduler::Install(exampleScheduler);
+00401           // Create CFibonacciApplication active object.
+00402         CFibonacciApplication* fibonacci = CFibonacciApplication::NewLC(console);
+00404           // issue initial request
+00405         fibonacci->RequestCharacter() ;
+00407         // Main part of the program:
+00408         //    wait loop that cycles until ActiveScheduler::Stop called
+00409         CActiveScheduler::Start();
+00411         // Remove from the cleanup stack and destroy:
+00412         // 1. the CFibonacciApplication active object.
+00413         // 2. exampleScheduler
+00414         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); 
+00415         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); 
+00416         }
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