diff -r f345bda72bc4 -r 43e37759235e Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/_range_checking_8cpp-source.html --- a/Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/_range_checking_8cpp-source.html Tue Mar 30 11:56:28 2010 +0100 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,255 +0,0 @@ - - -TB10.1 Example Applications: examples/Base/ArraysAndLists/FixedArrays/RangeChecking.cpp Source File - - - - -


00001 // Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-00002 // All rights reserved.
-00003 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-00004 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-00005 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-00006 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-00007 //
-00008 // Initial Contributors:
-00009 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-00010 //
-00011 // Contributors:
-00012 //
-00013 // Description:
-00014 // Code to demonstrate the range checking wrapper class
-00015 // for C++ arrays; i.e. the TFixedArray<class T,TInt S>.
-00016 //
-00018 #include "CommonFramework.h"
-00020 //
-00021 // Definition of the TTest class
-00022 //
-00023 class TTest
-00024         {       
-00025 public:
-00026         TTest();
-00027         TTest(TInt aValue);
-00028         void SetValue(TInt aValue);
-00029         TInt GetValue() const;
-00030 private :
-00031         TInt     iX;
-00032         TBuf<8>  iPadding; // never used in this example
-00033         };
-00035 TTest::TTest()
-00036         : iX(1)
-00037         {}
-00039 TTest::TTest(TInt aValue)
-00040         : iX(aValue)
-00041         {}
-00043 TInt TTest::GetValue() const
-00044         {
-00045         return iX;
-00046         }
-00048 void TTest::SetValue(TInt aValue)
-00049         {
-00050         iX = aValue;
-00051         }
-00053 //
-00054 // Definition of the CTest class
-00055 //
-00056 class CTest : public CBase 
-00057         {       
-00058 public:
-00059         static CTest* NewL(const TDesC& aText);
-00060         ~CTest();
-00061         void ConstructL(const TDesC& aText);
-00062 private :
-00063         HBufC*   iSomeText;
-00064         };      
-00066 CTest* CTest::NewL(const TDesC& aText)
-00067         {
-00068         CTest* self=new (ELeave) CTest;
-00069         CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-00070         self->ConstructL(aText);
-00071         CleanupStack::Pop();
-00072         return self;
-00073         }
-00075 void CTest::ConstructL(const TDesC& aText)
-00076         {
-00077         iSomeText = aText.AllocL();
-00078         }
-00080 CTest::~CTest()
-00081         {
-00082         delete iSomeText;
-00083         }
-00087 // Some source data
-00088 const TTest data[] = {TTest(1),TTest(2),TTest(3),TTest(4)};
-00090 //
-00091 // main body of the example
-00092 //
-00093 static void doExampleL()
-00094     {
-00096         // A C++ array of 4 elements of type class TTest.
-00097         //
-00098         // Effectively the same as if we had explicitly
-00099         // declared: TTest array[4];
-00100         //
-00101         TFixedArray<TTest,4> array;
-00104         //
-00105         // Copy 4 elements into the array.
-00106         //
-00107         // We could have constructed the array by:
-00108         // TFixedArray<TTest,4> array(&data[0],4);
-00109         array.Copy(&data[0],4);
-00111         //
-00112         // Trying to execute the following call would result
-00113         // in a USER 133 panic in a debug build. The range checking
-00114         // stops us from trying to write to a 5th element which 
-00115         // does not (legitimately) exist.
-00116         //
-00117         //array.Copy(&array[0],5);
-00119         //
-00120         // Count() should return the number of array elements, i.e. 4
-00121         //
-00122         _LIT(KTxtFormat1,"Array size is %d\n");
-00123         console->Printf(KTxtFormat1,array.Count());
-00125         //
-00126         // Length() should return the size of an array element; here
-00127         // that should be the size of a TTest object.
-00128         //
-00129         _LIT(KTxtFormat2,"Length of an array element is %d\n\n");
-00130         console->Printf(KTxtFormat2,array.Length());
-00132         //
-00133         // Pointers to the beginning and end of the array
-00134         //
-00135         _LIT(KTxtFormat3,"Array ends   at ---> 0x%x\n      starts at ---> 0x%x\n");
-00136         _LIT(KTxtFormat4,"Difference is decimal %d bytes (hopefully 4 times the size of TTest)\n\n");
-00137         console->Printf(KTxtFormat3,array.End(),array.Begin());
-00138         console->Printf(KTxtFormat4,((TUint8*)array.End() - (TUint8*)array.Begin()));
-00140         //
-00141         // Access the second element of the array and change it
-00142         // using At().
-00143         //
-00144         array.At(1).SetValue(100);
-00146         //
-00147         // Access the second element of the array and change it
-00148         // using the [] operator.
-00149         //
-00150         array[1].SetValue(99);
-00152         // The following call using At() will panic in both a
-00153         // release and a debug build.
-00154         //array.At(4).SetValue(100);
-00156         // The following call using the [] operator will only panic
-00157         // in a debug build. In a release build, this  code
-00158         // will go undetected and cause damage.
-00159         //array[4].SetValue(99);
-00161         // In this example we can also replace an entire element;
-00162         // here we replace the third element.
-00163         // In more complex cases, the TTest class could have 
-00164         // a suitable operator= defined 
-00165         _LIT(KTxtFormat5,"The new 3rd element has value %d\n\n");
-00166         TTest x(256);
-00167         array.At(2) = x; 
-00168         console->Printf(KTxtFormat5,array.At(2).GetValue());
-00170         //
-00171         // Construct a generic array.
-00172         //
-00173         // Once done, we can use the standard TArray functions
-00174         // Count() and operator[]
-00175         // Remember that a TArray cannot be used to change data in the
-00176         // original array.
-00177         //
-00178         TArray<TTest> generic = array.Array();
-00180         _LIT(KTxtFormat6,"Array size as reported by TArray's Count() is %d\n\n");
-00181         console->Printf(KTxtFormat6,generic.Count());
-00183         // The value contained in the 2nd TTest element of the array
-00184         // using the generic array's operator[]
-00185         _LIT(KTxtFormat7,"Value contained in the 2nd TTest element of\nthe array using TArray's operator[] is %d\n\n");
-00186         console->Printf(KTxtFormat7,generic[1].GetValue());
-00188         // the following line will NOT compile
-00189         //generic[1].SetValue(101);
-00192         // This is A C++ array of 4 elements to contain
-00193         // pointers to CTest type objects.
-00194         // This is equivalent to
-00195         // the naked declaration:
-00196         // CTest* ptrarray[4];
-00197         // 
-00198         //
-00199         TFixedArray<CTest*,4> ptrarray;
-00202         // Allocate 4 CTest objects and put their pointers
-00203         // into the array.
-00204         //
-00205         // We ignore cleanup issues arising from possible
-00206         // failure of 'new'; this would need to be
-00207         // considered in a real application.
-00209         _LIT(KTxtDefault,"Default text");
-00210         _LIT(KTxtState1,"The 4 elements are:     ");
-00211         _LIT(KTxtState2,"After Reset() they are: ");
-00212         _LIT(KTxtNewLine,"\n");
-00213         _LIT(KTxtFormat8,"0x%08x ");
-00215         CTest* ptr;
-00216         TInt   ix;
-00217         for (ix = 0; ix<4; ix++)
-00218                 {
-00219                 ptr = CTest::NewL(KTxtDefault);
-00220                 ptrarray.At(ix) = ptr;
-00221                 }
-00223         console->Printf(KTxtState1);
-00224         for (ix = 0; ix<4; ix++)
-00225                 {
-00226                 console->Printf(KTxtFormat8,ptrarray[ix]);
-00227                 }
-00228         console->Printf(KTxtNewLine);
-00230         // Now delete all the CTest objects
-00231         ptrarray.DeleteAll();
-00233         // Set the array's data members to NULL 
-00234         ptrarray.Reset();
-00236         console->Printf(KTxtState2);
-00237         for (ix = 0; ix<4; ix++)
-00238                 {
-00239                 console->Printf(KTxtFormat8,ptrarray[ix]);
-00240                 }
-00241         console->Printf(KTxtNewLine);
-00243         }

Generated on Thu Jan 21 10:32:55 2010 for TB10.1 Example Applications by  - -doxygen 1.5.3
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