diff -r f345bda72bc4 -r 43e37759235e Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/mtpdataproviderpluginexample_8cpp_source.html --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/mtpdataproviderpluginexample_8cpp_source.html Tue Mar 30 16:16:55 2010 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ + + + + +TB9.2 Example Applications: examples/RemoteConn/MtpDataProviderExample/src/mtpdataproviderpluginexample.cpp Source File + + + + + +


00001 // Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+00002 // All rights reserved.
+00003 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+00004 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+00005 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+00006 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+00007 //
+00008 // Initial Contributors:
+00009 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+00010 //
+00011 // Contributors:
+00012 //
+00013 // Description:
+00014 //
+00016 #include <bautils.h>
+00017 #include <mtp/mmtpconnection.h>
+00018 #include <mtp/mtpprotocolconstants.h>
+00019 #include <mtp/mmtpdataproviderframework.h>
+00020 #include <mtp/mmtpstoragemgr.h>
+00021 #include <mtp/cmtpobjectmetadata.h>
+00022 #include <mtp/mmtpobjectmgr.h>
+00024 #include "mtpdataproviderpluginexample.h"
+00026 #include "mtpexamplerequestprocessor.h"
+00027 #include "cmtpexampledprequestprocessor.h"
+00029 #include "cmtpexampledpconst.h"
+00032 // Class constants.
+00034 static const TInt KMTPExampleDpSessionGranualrity = 3;
+00041 TAny* CMTPExampleDataProvider::NewL(TAny* aParams)
+00042         {
+00043         CMTPExampleDataProvider* self = new (ELeave) CMTPExampleDataProvider(aParams);
+00044         CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+00045         self->ConstructL();
+00046         CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+00047         return self;
+00048         }
+00054 CMTPExampleDataProvider::CMTPExampleDataProvider(TAny* aParams)
+00055         :CMTPDataProviderPlugin(aParams),
+00056         iActiveProcessors(KMTPExampleDpSessionGranualrity),
+00057     iActiveProcessor(-1)
+00058         {
+00060         }
+00065 CMTPExampleDataProvider::~CMTPExampleDataProvider()
+00066         {
+00067     TUint count(iActiveProcessors.Count());
+00068     while (count--)
+00069         {
+00070         iActiveProcessors[count]->Release();
+00071         }
+00072     iActiveProcessors.Close();
+00073         }
+00076 void CMTPExampleDataProvider::Cancel()
+00077         {
+00078         }
+00085 void CMTPExampleDataProvider::Supported(TMTPSupportCategory aCategory, RArray<TUint>& aArray) const
+00086     {
+00087     switch (aCategory) 
+00088         {        
+00089         case EEvents:
+00090             break;
+00091         case EObjectPlaybackFormats:
+00092         case EObjectCaptureFormats:
+00093             break;
+00094         case EObjectProperties:
+00095             break; 
+00097         case EOperations:
+00098             {
+00099             TInt count(sizeof(KMTPExampleDpSupportedOperations) / sizeof(KMTPExampleDpSupportedOperations[0]));
+00100             for (TInt i(0); (i < count); i++)
+00101                 {
+00102                 aArray.Append(KMTPExampleDpSupportedOperations[i]);
+00103                 }   
+00104             }
+00105             break;  
+00107         default:   
+00108             break;
+00109         }
+00110     }
+00117 void CMTPExampleDataProvider::SupportedL(TMTPSupportCategory aCategory, CDesCArray& /*aStrings*/) const
+00118         {
+00119         switch (aCategory) 
+00120         {
+00121         case EFolderExclusionSets:
+00122             break;
+00123         case EFormatExtensionSets:
+00124             break;
+00125         default:
+00126             break;
+00127         }
+00128         }
+00133 void CMTPExampleDataProvider::StartObjectEnumerationL(TUint32 aStorageId)
+00134     {
+00135     Framework().ObjectEnumerationCompleteL(aStorageId);
+00137     }
+00142 void CMTPExampleDataProvider::StartStorageEnumerationL()
+00143     {
+00144     Framework().StorageEnumerationCompleteL();
+00145     }
+00152 void CMTPExampleDataProvider::ProcessEventL(const TMTPTypeEvent& aEvent, MMTPConnection& aConnection)   
+00153         {
+00154     TInt idx = LocateRequestProcessorL(aEvent, aConnection);
+00156     if (idx != KErrNotFound)
+00157         {
+00158         iActiveProcessors[idx]->HandleEventL(aEvent);
+00159         }
+00160         }
+00167 void CMTPExampleDataProvider::ProcessNotificationL(TMTPNotification aNotification, const TAny* aParams)
+00168     {
+00169     switch (aNotification)
+00170         {
+00171     case EMTPSessionClosed:
+00172         SessionClosedL(*reinterpret_cast<const TMTPNotificationParamsSessionChange*>(aParams));
+00173         break;
+00175     case EMTPSessionOpened:
+00176         SessionOpenedL(*reinterpret_cast<const TMTPNotificationParamsSessionChange*>(aParams));
+00177         break;
+00179     default:
+00180         // Ignore all other notifications.
+00181         break;
+00182         }
+00183     }
+00191 void CMTPExampleDataProvider::ProcessRequestPhaseL(TMTPTransactionPhase aPhase, const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection)
+00192         {
+00193     //Check if the request is handled.
+00194     TInt idx(LocateRequestProcessorL(aRequest, aConnection));
+00195     MMTPExampleDpRequestProcessor* processor(iActiveProcessors[idx]);
+00196     //Handle the request
+00197     TBool result(processor->HandleRequestL(aRequest, aPhase));
+00198     if (result)    //destroy the processor
+00199         {
+00200         processor->Release();
+00201         iActiveProcessors.Remove(idx);
+00202         }
+00203         }
+00210 void CMTPExampleDataProvider::SessionClosedL(const TMTPNotificationParamsSessionChange& aSession)       
+00211         {
+00212     TInt count = iActiveProcessors.Count();
+00213     while(count--)
+00214         {
+00215         MMTPExampleDpRequestProcessor* processor = iActiveProcessors[count];
+00216         TUint32 sessionId = processor->SessionId();
+00217         if((sessionId == aSession.iMTPId) && (processor->Connection().ConnectionId() == aSession.iConnection.ConnectionId()))
+00218             {
+00219             iActiveProcessors.Remove(count);
+00220             if (count == iActiveProcessor)
+00221                 {
+00222                 iActiveProcessorRemoved = ETrue;
+00223                 }
+00224             else
+00225                 {
+00226                 processor->Release();
+00227                 }
+00228             }
+00229         } 
+00230         }
+00237 void CMTPExampleDataProvider::SessionOpenedL(const TMTPNotificationParamsSessionChange& /*aSession*/)   
+00238         {
+00239         }
+00246 TAny* CMTPExampleDataProvider::GetExtendedInterface(TUid /*aInterfaceUid*/)     
+00247         {
+00248         return NULL;
+00249         }
+00254 void CMTPExampleDataProvider::ConstructL()      
+00255         {
+00258         }
+00267 TInt CMTPExampleDataProvider::LocateRequestProcessorL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection)
+00268         {
+00269     TInt idx(KErrNotFound);
+00270     //Get the Count of the request supported.
+00271     TInt count(iActiveProcessors.Count());
+00272     //Not found create and then append to the array.
+00273     if (idx == KErrNotFound)
+00274         {
+00275         MMTPExampleDpRequestProcessor* processor = MTPExampleDpProcessor::CreateL
+00276                                                  (Framework(), aRequest, aConnection);
+00277         CleanupReleasePushL(*processor);
+00278         iActiveProcessors.AppendL(processor);
+00279         CleanupStack::Pop(processor);
+00280         idx = count;
+00281         }
+00282     return idx;
+00283         }
+00293 TInt CMTPExampleDataProvider::LocateRequestProcessorL(const TMTPTypeEvent& aEvent, MMTPConnection& aConnection)
+00294         {
+00295     TInt idx(KErrNotFound);
+00296     TInt count(iActiveProcessors.Count());
+00297     for (TInt i(0); (i < count); i++)
+00298         {
+00299         if (iActiveProcessors[i]->Match(aEvent, aConnection))
+00300             {
+00301             idx = i;
+00302             break;
+00303             }
+00304         }    
+00305     return idx;   
+00306         }
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