diff -r f345bda72bc4 -r 43e37759235e Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/producerconsumer_8mmp_source.html --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/producerconsumer_8mmp_source.html Tue Mar 30 16:16:55 2010 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ + + + + +TB9.2 Example Applications: examples/PIPS/opencproducerconsumerex/group/producerconsumer.mmp Source File + + + + + +


00001 /*
+00002 * ==============================================================================
+00003 *  Name        : ProducerConsumer.mmp
+00004 *  Part of     : Open C / ProducerConsumer
+00005 *
+00006 *  Description : ProducerConsumer Problem solution
+00007 *  Version:   0.1
+00008 *
+00009 *  Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation.
+00010 *  This material, including documentation and any related
+00011 *  computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by
+00012 *  Nokia Corporation.
+00013 *
+00014 * ============================================================================
+00015 */
+00017 TARGET          OpenCProducerConsumerEx.exe
+00018 TARGETTYPE      EXE
+00019 UID             0x100039CE 0xA0001318
+00022 SOURCEPATH      ..\data
+00023 START RESOURCE  OpenCProducerConsumerEx_reg.rss
+00024 #ifdef WINSCW
+00025 TARGETPATH          \private\10003a3f\apps
+00026 #else
+00027 TARGETPATH          \private\10003a3f\import\apps
+00028 #endif
+00032 VENDORID        0
+00034 SOURCEPATH      ..\src
+00035 SOURCE          ProducerConsumer.c
+00036 SOURCE          Producer.c
+00037 SOURCE          Consumer.c
+00038 SOURCE          Observer.cpp
+00039 SOURCE          Stack.cpp
+00041 USERINCLUDE     ..\inc 
+00043 SYSTEMINCLUDE   \epoc32\include 
+00045 // These are needed for including Open C headers
+00046 // NOTE! When part of SDK, path will differ
+00048 SYSTEMINCLUDE   \epoc32\include\stdapis
+00050 // Using main() as entry point
+00051 STATICLIBRARY       libcrt0.lib
+00052 LIBRARY                 euser.lib
+00053 LIBRARY                 efsrv.lib
+00054 LIBRARY                 libc.lib
+00055 LIBRARY                 libpthread.lib
+00058 LANG            SC
+00060 // End of File
Generated by  + +doxygen 1.6.2
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