diff -r f345bda72bc4 -r 43e37759235e Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/taskscheduler_8cpp-source.html --- a/Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/taskscheduler_8cpp-source.html Tue Mar 30 11:56:28 2010 +0100 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,424 +0,0 @@ - - -TB10.1 Example Applications: examples/SysLibs/TaskSchedulerExample/taskscheduler.cpp Source File - - - - -


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-00002 // All rights reserved.
-00003 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-00004 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-00005 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-00006 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-00007 //
-00008 // Initial Contributors:
-00009 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-00010 //
-00011 // Contributors:
-00012 //
-00013 // Description:
-00014 // This is simple example code that demonstrates the use of task scheduler. 
-00015 // The code demonstrates how to,
-00016 // 1) Connect and register with the task scheduler
-00017 // 2) Create a persistent schedule
-00018 // 3) Add tasks to it
-00019 // 4) Execute the schedule
-00020 // 5) Delete the schedules and the tasks associated with them after
-00021 // verifying that they are the schedules created by us.
-00022 // 6) Create a transient schedule
-00023 // 7) Add task to the transient schedule, edit the schedule and execute it
-00024 //
-00031 #include "taskscheduler.h"
-00032 #include <e32std.h>
-00033 #include <schinfo.h>
-00034 #include <e32base.h>
-00036 _LIT(KTaskName,"MyTaskName\n");
-00038 _LIT(KTitle, "Task Scheduler example");
-00039 _LIT(KTextPressAKey, "\nPress any key to step through the example\n");
-00040 _LIT(KExit,"\nPress any key to exit the application");
-00041 _LIT(KPressAKey,"\nPress any key to continue\n");
-00043 _LIT(KConnect, "\nConnecting the client to the task scheduler server");
-00044 _LIT(KRegisterClient,"\nRegistering the client\n");
-00045 _LIT(KCreateSchedule,"Creating a persistent schedule\n");
-00046 _LIT(KCreateTask,"Creating task for the schedule\n");
-00048 _LIT(KPersistentWait,"Waiting for the persistent task to complete. This will take 20 seconds\n");
-00049 _LIT(KDone,"Task complete \n");
-00050 _LIT(KTransientSchedule,"A transient schedule");
-00051 _LIT(KTransientWait,"Waiting for the transient task to complete. This will take 20 seconds\n");
-00053 _LIT(KCreateTransient,"\nCreating a transient schedule with non-repeating task\n");
-00054 _LIT(KDeleteAllTasks,"\nDeleting all the persistent tasks scheduled by this exe");
-00055 _LIT(KDeleteAllSchedules,"\nDeleting all schedules created by this exe\n");
-00056 _LIT(KTask, "Number of task(s) scheduled by us is(are) %d\n");
-00057 _LIT(KExists, "The tasks scheduled exist\n");
-00058 _LIT(KOtherTask,"Error! Unexpected schedules not scheduled by this exe exist\n");
-00064 CTaskSchedule* CTaskSchedule::NewLC()
-00065         {
-00066         CTaskSchedule* schedule = new(ELeave) CTaskSchedule();
-00067         CleanupStack::PushL(schedule);
-00068         schedule->ConstructL();
-00069         return schedule;
-00070         }
-00075 CTaskSchedule::CTaskSchedule()
-00076         {
-00077         }       
-00079 void CTaskSchedule::ConstructL()
-00080         {       
-00081         iConsole = Console::NewL(KTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
-00082         iConsole->Printf (KTextPressAKey);
-00083         iConsole->Getch ();
-00084         }
-00089 CTaskSchedule::~CTaskSchedule()
-00090         {
-00091         iScheduler.Close();
-00092         iConsole->Printf(KExit);
-00093         iConsole->Getch();
-00095         delete iConsole;
-00096         }
-00104 void CTaskSchedule::ConnectAndRegisterL()
-00105         {
-00107         // Connect to the scheduler server
-00108         iConsole->Printf(KConnect);
-00109         User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.Connect());
-00111         _LIT(KTaskExec,"Taskexecutor");
-00112         TFileName filename;
-00113         filename.Append(KTaskExec);
-00115         // Register with the scheduler
-00116         iConsole->Printf(KRegisterClient);
-00118         // A priority value
-00119         const TInt priority = 3;
-00120         User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.Register(filename, priority));
-00122         }
-00130 void CTaskSchedule::PersistentScheduleL()
-00131         {
-00133         iConsole->Printf(KCreateSchedule);              
-00134         TSchedulerItemRef scheduleHandle;
-00135         TTime time;
-00136         time.UniversalTime();
-00138         // Assign an offset of 20 seconds. TTimeIntervalMinutes, 
-00139         // TTimeIntervalHours etc can be used for longer offsets.
-00140         time += TTimeIntervalSeconds(20);// 20 secs in future
-00142         TTsTime time2 (time, ETrue);
-00144         iConsole->Printf(KCreateTask);
-00145         CreatePersistentScheduleL(scheduleHandle,time2);
-00147         // Create the task to be scheduled
-00148         TTaskInfo taskInfo;
-00150         const TInt priority = 2; 
-00151         const TInt numberOfRepeats = 2;
-00152         // Name of the task
-00153         taskInfo.iName = KTaskName;
-00155         // Task priority set by the client. 
-00156         // If the client has two tasks with different priorities, 
-00157         // the task with the higher priority will be executed first.
-00158         taskInfo.iPriority = priority;
-00160         // Task repeats twice
-00161         taskInfo.iRepeat = numberOfRepeats;
-00163         _LIT(KScheduleType," persistent schedule");
-00164         const TDesC* persistent = &KScheduleType;
-00165         HBufC* data = persistent->AllocLC();
-00167         // Add the task
-00168         User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.ScheduleTask(taskInfo, *data, scheduleHandle.iHandle));
-00170         // Wait for the entry to fire
-00171         iConsole->Printf(KPersistentWait);
-00172         const TInt twentySecs = 20000000;
-00173         User::After(twentySecs); // pause for 20 seconds
-00175         // Delete all the persistent schedules created
-00176         DeleteSchedulesL(scheduleHandle, EAllSchedules);
-00178         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // data
-00180         }
-00197 void CTaskSchedule::CreatePersistentScheduleL(TSchedulerItemRef& aRef, const TTsTime& aStartTime)
-00198         {
-00199         CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>* cSchEntryInfoArray; 
-00200         cSchEntryInfoArray = new CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>(1);
-00201         CleanupStack::PushL(cSchEntryInfoArray);
-00203         // Create an hourly schedule with StartTime of aStartTime
-00204         TScheduleEntryInfo2 entry1;
-00206         // Set the first instance when the entry will 
-00207         // cause the execution of tasks. 
-00208         entry1.SetStartTime(aStartTime);
-00210         // Set the type of interval used between due times 
-00211         // for the scheduled entry
-00212         entry1.SetIntervalType(TIntervalType(EHourly));
-00214         // Set the period for which the entry is valid. After 8 hours the 
-00215         // tasks associated with the entry will not be eligible for execution.
-00216         const TInt eightHours = 480; // in minutes 
-00217         entry1.SetValidityPeriod(TTimeIntervalMinutes (eightHours));
-00219         // Set the interval between execution of tasks
-00220         // Here the interval is 1 hour because the interval type is hourly.
-00221         const TInt interval = 1;
-00222         entry1.SetInterval(interval);
-00224         cSchEntryInfoArray->AppendL(entry1);
-00226         User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.CreatePersistentSchedule(aRef, *cSchEntryInfoArray));
-00227         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cSchEntryInfoArray);
-00229         }
-00240 void CTaskSchedule::CreateTransientScheduleL()
-00241         {
-00242         iConsole->ClearScreen();
-00244         TSchedulerItemRef ref;
-00245         CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>* cSchEntryInfoArray;
-00246         cSchEntryInfoArray = new CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>(1);
-00248         CleanupStack::PushL(cSchEntryInfoArray);
-00249         ref.iName = KTransientSchedule;
-00250         iConsole->Printf(KCreateTransient);
-00252         // Create a schedule entry
-00253         TScheduleEntryInfo2 entry;      
-00254         TTime now;
-00256         //      Set the date and time of this TTime to the universal time. 
-00257         now.UniversalTime();
-00259         // Assign an offset of 15 seconds. TTimeIntervalMinutes, 
-00260         // TTimeIntervalHours etc can be used for longer offsets.
-00261         TInt offset = 15;
-00262         now += TTimeIntervalSeconds(offset);
-00264         // Constructs a TTsTime with a TTime object. 
-00265         // ETrue indicates that TTsTime is UTC based time
-00266         TTsTime time (now, ETrue);
-00268         // Set the above time as the first time at which 
-00269         // the entry will cause execution of tasks. 
-00270         entry.SetStartTime(time);
-00272         // Set the type of interval used between due times for scheduled entry
-00273         entry.SetIntervalType(TIntervalType(EHourly));
-00275         // Set the period for which the entry is valid. 
-00276         // After 2 hours the tasks associated with the entry will not be eligible for execution 
-00277         TInt validity = 120;
-00278         entry.SetValidityPeriod(TTimeIntervalMinutes (validity));
-00280         // Set the interval between execution of tasks
-00281         // Here the interval is 1 hour because the interval type is hourly.
-00282         entry.SetInterval(1);
-00283         cSchEntryInfoArray->AppendL(entry);
-00285         // Create a transient task to be scheduled
-00286         TTaskInfo taskInfo;
-00287         // Name of the task
-00288         taskInfo.iName = KTransientSchedule;
-00289         // Task id
-00290         const TInt tId = 0;
-00291         taskInfo.iTaskId = tId;
-00293         // The task repeats just once
-00294         const TInt numberOfRepeats = 1;
-00295         taskInfo.iRepeat = numberOfRepeats;
-00297         // Task priority set by the client. 
-00298         // Where a client has two tasks with different priorities, 
-00299         // the task with the higher priority will be executed first.
-00300         const TInt priority = 2; 
-00301         taskInfo.iPriority = priority;
-00303         _LIT(KScheduleType," transient schedule");
-00304         const TDesC* transient = &KScheduleType;
-00305         HBufC* data = transient->AllocLC();
-00307         // Schedule the item
-00308         User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.ScheduleTask(taskInfo, *data, ref, *cSchEntryInfoArray));
-00310         // Change the start time and validity duration for the schedule
-00311         offset = 19; // 19 seconds in future
-00312         now += TTimeIntervalSeconds(offset);
-00313         TTsTime newTime (now, ETrue);
-00314         entry.SetStartTime(newTime);
-00315         validity = 300;
-00316         entry.SetValidityPeriod(TTimeIntervalMinutes (validity));
-00317         cSchEntryInfoArray->AppendL(entry);
-00319         // Change the transient time based schedule
-00320     User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.EditSchedule(ref.iHandle, *cSchEntryInfoArray));
-00322         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // data, CSchEntryInfoArray
-00324         // Check if the tasks scheduled exist
-00325         TBool exists;
-00326         DoesScheduledItemExistL(ref, exists);
-00327         if(!exists)
-00328                 {
-00329                 User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
-00330                 }
-00331         // Wait for the task to fire and complete
-00332         iConsole->Printf(KTransientWait);
-00333         const TInt twentySecs = 20000000;
-00334         User::After(twentySecs); // pause for 20 seconds
-00336         iConsole->Printf(KDone);        
-00338         // Transient schedules are deleted automatically once they are executed
-00339         // i.e check for count to be zero in the function being called
-00340         DoesScheduledItemExistL(ref, exists);
-00341         if(exists)
-00342                 {
-00343                 User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
-00344                 }
-00345         }
-00353  void CTaskSchedule::DoesScheduledItemExistL(TSchedulerItemRef &aRef, TBool& aExists)
-00354         // Extract schedule references from the schedule server based on a filter.
-00355         {
-00356         aExists = EFalse;
-00357         CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>* CSchItemRefArray;
-00359         CSchItemRefArray = new CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>(3);
-00360         CleanupStack::PushL(CSchItemRefArray);
-00362         User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.GetScheduleRefsL(*CSchItemRefArray, EAllSchedules));
-00364         TInt count = CSchItemRefArray->Count();
-00365         for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
-00366                 {
-00367                 // Get a list of schedules created by this executable
-00368                 if(aRef.iHandle == (*CSchItemRefArray)[i].iHandle)
-00369                         {
-00370                         aExists = ETrue;
-00371                         iConsole->Printf(KExists);
-00372                         iConsole->Printf(KTask, count);
-00373                         }
-00374                 else
-00375                         {
-00376                         iConsole->Printf(KOtherTask);
-00377                         }
-00378                 }
-00380         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // CSchItemRefArray
-00382         }
-00395 void CTaskSchedule::DeleteSchedulesL(TSchedulerItemRef &aRef, TScheduleFilter aFilter)
-00396         {
-00397         CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>* CSchItemRefArray;
-00399         CSchItemRefArray = new CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>(3);
-00400         CleanupStack::PushL(CSchItemRefArray);
-00402         User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.GetScheduleRefsL(*CSchItemRefArray, aFilter));
-00404         TInt count = CSchItemRefArray->Count();
-00405         iConsole->Printf(KTask, count);
-00407         for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
-00408                 {
-00409                 // Check if the schedules are created by this exe or
-00410                 // some other exe
-00411                 if(aRef.iHandle == (*CSchItemRefArray)[i].iHandle)
-00412                         {       
-00413                         // Delete the tasks scheduled by us (this exe)
-00414                         iConsole->Printf(KDeleteAllTasks);
-00415                         User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.DeleteTask(aRef.iHandle));
-00416                         // Delete the schedules created by us (this exe)
-00417                         iConsole->Printf(KDeleteAllSchedules);
-00418                         User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.DeleteSchedule(aRef.iHandle));
-00420                         iConsole->Printf(KPressAKey);
-00421                         iConsole->Getch();
-00423                         }
-00424                 else
-00425                         {
-00426                         // Not deleting the tasks or schedules as,
-00427                         // they are not created by this exe
-00428                         iConsole->Printf(KOtherTask);
-00429                         }
-00430                 }
-00431         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // CSchItemRefArray
-00433         }
-00435 void MainL()
-00436         {
-00437         // Create an Active Scheduler to handle asychronous calls
-00438         CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
-00439         CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
-00441         // Install the active scheduler
-00442         CActiveScheduler::Install( scheduler );
-00443         CTaskSchedule* app = CTaskSchedule::NewLC();
-00445         // Connect and register with the task scheduler
-00446         app->ConnectAndRegisterL();
-00448         // Create a persistent schedule and add tasks to it
-00449         app->PersistentScheduleL();
-00451         // Create a transient schedule and add tasks to it
-00452         app->CreateTransientScheduleL();
-00454         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // app, scheduler
-00456         }
-00458 TInt E32Main()
-00459         {
-00460     __UHEAP_MARK;
-00461     CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
-00462     if(cleanup == NULL)
-00463         {
-00464         return KErrNoMemory;
-00465         }
-00467     TRAPD(err, MainL());
-00468         if(err != KErrNone)
-00469                 {
-00470                 User::Panic(_L("Failed to complete"),err);
-00471                 }
-00472     delete cleanup;
-00474     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
-00475     return KErrNone;
-00476         }

Generated on Thu Jan 21 10:33:01 2010 for TB10.1 Example Applications by  - -doxygen 1.5.3
- -