diff -r 48780e181b38 -r 578be2adaf3e Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-B7B7F611-BCA0-498F-BEC1-16B276F680D5.dita
--- a/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-B7B7F611-BCA0-498F-BEC1-16B276F680D5.dita Tue Jul 20 12:00:49 2010 +0100
+++ b/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-B7B7F611-BCA0-498F-BEC1-16B276F680D5.dita Fri Aug 13 16:47:46 2010 +0100
@@ -1,200 +1,200 @@
-Symbian Asynchronous APIs in Applications
-When porting an P.I.P.S.-based C or C++ application on top of Symbian C++,
-the developer may need to make use of Symbian asynchronous APIs. If asynchronous
-APIs are made use of in an P.I.P.S. application, the application needs to
-wait for the completion of the asynchronous API. This can be done in two ways:
-Wait for the asynchronous request to complete. This can be achieved
-by making use of User::WaitForRequest(iStatus); where iStatus is
-the TRequestSemaphore used by the asynchronous API.
-Call the asynchronous API in an active object, run an active scheduler,
-and let the active scheduler wait for the asynchronous operation to complete.
-The problems with these approaches are:
-The open source application would get blocked till the asynchronous operation
-completes in the first approach. In the second approach, the active scheduler
-would be running in a wait loop, checking for asynchronous API completion.
-Even in this case, the P.I.P.S. application would not be able to perform any
-other operations outside the active scheduler framework.
-The asynchronous APIs could be called in a separate process, and the P.I.P.S.
-application could communicate with this process by making use of the client/server
-framework of Symbian or by making use of other P.I.P.S. IPC mechanisms. However,
-making a different process for calling asynchronous APIs might pose a performance
-One of the ways to solve these problems is to call the asynchronous APIs
-in a separate thread.
-class CActiveThread: public CActive
- enum TState
- {
- EInitialized = 0x0,
- EDoFirst = 0x1,
- EDoSecond = 0x2,
- EDoThird = 0x4,
- ECompleted = 0x8
- };
- // thread startup routine
- static int StartMyThread(void* thisptr);
- // leaving variant of the thread startup routine
- static int StartMyThreadL(void* thisptr);
- // Helper function to start the thread
- void StartThread();
- // Do Function
- void DoFunction(TState aState );
- // CActive Functions
- void RunL();
- void DoCancel();
- // Constructors and destructor
- static CActiveThread* NewL();
- CActiveThread ();
- void ConstructL();
- ~ CActiveThread();
- // Active Scheduler
- CActiveSchedulerWait *iWait;
- // Command/State
- TInt iState;
- TRequestStatus iThreadExitWait;
- // my thread handle
- RThread iActiveThread;
- sem_t iSem;
-The StartThread member function of CActiveThread creates
-the thread which runs the active scheduler. StartMyThread is
-the entry point function for the new thread that starts an active scheduler
-and sets up the clean up stack. To call an asynchronous function, DoFunction() needs
-to be called with the corresponding state. The parent thread signals the child
-thread using the child thread’s thread request semaphore. When the thread
-request semaphore is signaled, the child thread wakes up, calls the corresponding
-asynchronous API in RunL() based on the iState and
-again goes back to the active scheduler wait loop.
-To synchronize between the parent thread and the child thread, a semaphore
-can be used as shown in the following code snippet.
-CActiveThread* CActiveThread::NewL()
-CActiveThread* self = new (ELeave) CActiveThread();
-return self;
-void CActiveThread::ConstructL()
-// semaphore for Synching
-void CActiveThread::StartThread()
-//Create Thread
-TInt err = iActiveThread.Create( KThreadName(),&CActiveThread::StartMyThread, KDefaultStackSize, NULL, (TAny*)this );
-iActiveThread.Logon( iThreadExitWait );
-sem_wait(&iSem );
-int CActiveThread::StartMyThread( void* ptr )
-CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler();
-CTrapCleanup* pCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
-TRAPD(err, StartMyThreadL(ptr));
-int CActiveThread::StartMyThreadL( void* ptr )
-CActiveThread *thisptr = (CActiveThread*)ptr;
-thisptr->iWait = new (ELeave) CActiveSchedulerWait();
-thisptr->iState = EInitialized;
-thisptr->iStatus = KRequestPending;
-sem_post( &(thisptr->iSem ));
- void CActiveThread::RunL()
- {
- switch ( iState )
- {
- case EDoFirst:
- // Call 1st asynchronous function
- break;
- case EDoSecond:
- // Call 2nd asynchronous function
- break;
- case EDoThird:
- // Call 3rd asynchronous function
- break;
- case ECompleted:
- iWait->AsyncStop();
- return;
- }
-iStatus = KRequestPending;
-// wake up the waiting thread
-void CActiveThread::DoCancel()
-void CActiveThread::DoFunction(TState aState )
-iState = aState;
-TRequestStatus *reqPtr = &iStatus;
-iActiveThread.RequestComplete( reqPtr, KErrNone );
-if ( iState != EInitialized )
- {
- iState = ECompleted;
- TRequestStatus *reqPtr = &iStatus;
- iActiveThread.RequestComplete( reqPtr, KErrNone );
- User::WaitForRequest( iThreadExitWait);
- }
-Using CActiveThread:
-iMyAsyncIf = CActiveThread::NewL();
-In this approach, only the parent thread communicates with the child thread.
-There is no way for the child thread to communicate with the parent thread.
+Symbian Asynchronous APIs in Applications
+When porting an P.I.P.S.-based C or C++ application on top of Symbian C++,
+the developer may need to make use of Symbian asynchronous APIs. If asynchronous
+APIs are made use of in an P.I.P.S. application, the application needs to
+wait for the completion of the asynchronous API. This can be done in two ways:
+Wait for the asynchronous request to complete. This can be achieved
+by making use of User::WaitForRequest(iStatus); where iStatus is
+the TRequestSemaphore used by the asynchronous API.
+Call the asynchronous API in an active object, run an active scheduler,
+and let the active scheduler wait for the asynchronous operation to complete.
+The problems with these approaches are:
+The open source application would get blocked till the asynchronous operation
+completes in the first approach. In the second approach, the active scheduler
+would be running in a wait loop, checking for asynchronous API completion.
+Even in this case, the P.I.P.S. application would not be able to perform any
+other operations outside the active scheduler framework.
+The asynchronous APIs could be called in a separate process, and the P.I.P.S.
+application could communicate with this process by making use of the client/server
+framework of Symbian or by making use of other P.I.P.S. IPC mechanisms. However,
+making a different process for calling asynchronous APIs might pose a performance
+One of the ways to solve these problems is to call the asynchronous APIs
+in a separate thread.
+class CActiveThread: public CActive
+ enum TState
+ {
+ EInitialized = 0x0,
+ EDoFirst = 0x1,
+ EDoSecond = 0x2,
+ EDoThird = 0x4,
+ ECompleted = 0x8
+ };
+ // thread startup routine
+ static int StartMyThread(void* thisptr);
+ // leaving variant of the thread startup routine
+ static int StartMyThreadL(void* thisptr);
+ // Helper function to start the thread
+ void StartThread();
+ // Do Function
+ void DoFunction(TState aState );
+ // CActive Functions
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ // Constructors and destructor
+ static CActiveThread* NewL();
+ CActiveThread ();
+ void ConstructL();
+ ~ CActiveThread();
+ // Active Scheduler
+ CActiveSchedulerWait *iWait;
+ // Command/State
+ TInt iState;
+ TRequestStatus iThreadExitWait;
+ // my thread handle
+ RThread iActiveThread;
+ sem_t iSem;
+The StartThread member function of CActiveThread creates
+the thread which runs the active scheduler. StartMyThread is
+the entry point function for the new thread that starts an active scheduler
+and sets up the clean up stack. To call an asynchronous function, DoFunction() needs
+to be called with the corresponding state. The parent thread signals the child
+thread using the child thread’s thread request semaphore. When the thread
+request semaphore is signaled, the child thread wakes up, calls the corresponding
+asynchronous API in RunL() based on the iState and
+again goes back to the active scheduler wait loop.
+To synchronize between the parent thread and the child thread, a semaphore
+can be used as shown in the following code snippet.
+CActiveThread* CActiveThread::NewL()
+CActiveThread* self = new (ELeave) CActiveThread();
+return self;
+void CActiveThread::ConstructL()
+// semaphore for Synching
+void CActiveThread::StartThread()
+//Create Thread
+TInt err = iActiveThread.Create( KThreadName(),&CActiveThread::StartMyThread, KDefaultStackSize, NULL, (TAny*)this );
+iActiveThread.Logon( iThreadExitWait );
+sem_wait(&iSem );
+int CActiveThread::StartMyThread( void* ptr )
+CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler();
+CTrapCleanup* pCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+TRAPD(err, StartMyThreadL(ptr));
+int CActiveThread::StartMyThreadL( void* ptr )
+CActiveThread *thisptr = (CActiveThread*)ptr;
+thisptr->iWait = new (ELeave) CActiveSchedulerWait();
+thisptr->iState = EInitialized;
+thisptr->iStatus = KRequestPending;
+sem_post( &(thisptr->iSem ));
+ void CActiveThread::RunL()
+ {
+ switch ( iState )
+ {
+ case EDoFirst:
+ // Call 1st asynchronous function
+ break;
+ case EDoSecond:
+ // Call 2nd asynchronous function
+ break;
+ case EDoThird:
+ // Call 3rd asynchronous function
+ break;
+ case ECompleted:
+ iWait->AsyncStop();
+ return;
+ }
+iStatus = KRequestPending;
+// wake up the waiting thread
+void CActiveThread::DoCancel()
+void CActiveThread::DoFunction(TState aState )
+iState = aState;
+TRequestStatus *reqPtr = &iStatus;
+iActiveThread.RequestComplete( reqPtr, KErrNone );
+if ( iState != EInitialized )
+ {
+ iState = ECompleted;
+ TRequestStatus *reqPtr = &iStatus;
+ iActiveThread.RequestComplete( reqPtr, KErrNone );
+ User::WaitForRequest( iThreadExitWait);
+ }
+Using CActiveThread:
+iMyAsyncIf = CActiveThread::NewL();
+In this approach, only the parent thread communicates with the child thread.
+There is no way for the child thread to communicate with the parent thread.
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