changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:42188c7ea2d9
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2007 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  */
    15 #include "inputstring.h"
    16 #include "helplabel.h"
    17 #include "doxywizard.h"
    18 #include "config.h"
    20 #include <QtGui>
    22 InputString::InputString( QGridLayout *layout,int &row,
    23                           const QString & id, const QString &s, 
    24                           StringMode m, const QString &docs,
    25                           const QString &absPath )
    26   : m_default(s), m_sm(m), m_index(0), m_docs(docs), m_id(id),
    27     m_absPath(absPath==QString::fromAscii("1"))
    28 {
    29   m_lab = new HelpLabel(id);
    30   if (m==StringFixed)
    31   {
    32     layout->addWidget( m_lab, row, 0 );
    33     m_com = new QComboBox; 
    34     layout->addWidget( m_com, row, 1, 1, 3, Qt::AlignLeft );
    35     m_le=0;
    36     m_br=0;
    37     row++;
    38   }
    39   else
    40   {
    41     layout->addWidget( m_lab, row, 0 );
    42     m_le = new QLineEdit;
    43     m_le->setText( s );
    44     //layout->setColumnMinimumWidth(2,150);
    45     if (m==StringFile || m==StringDir)
    46     {
    47       layout->addWidget( m_le, row, 1 );
    48       m_br = new QToolBar;
    49       m_br->setIconSize(QSize(24,24));
    50       if (m==StringFile) 
    51       {
    52         QAction *file = m_br->addAction(QIcon(QString::fromAscii(":/images/file.png")),QString(),this,SLOT(browse()));
    53         file->setToolTip(tr("Browse to a file"));
    54       }
    55       else 
    56       {
    57         QAction *dir = m_br->addAction(QIcon(QString::fromAscii(":/images/folder.png")),QString(),this,SLOT(browse()));
    58         dir->setToolTip(tr("Browse to a folder"));
    59       }
    60       layout->addWidget( m_br,row,2 );
    61     }
    62     else
    63     {
    64       layout->addWidget( m_le, row, 1, 1, 2 );
    65       m_br=0;
    66     }
    67     m_com=0;
    68     row++;
    69   }
    71   if (m_le)  connect( m_le,   SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), 
    72                       this,   SLOT(setValue(const QString&)) );
    73   if (m_com) connect( m_com,  SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), 
    74                       this,   SLOT(setValue(const QString &)) );
    75   m_str = s+QChar::fromAscii('!'); // force update
    76   setValue(s);
    77   connect( m_lab, SIGNAL(enter()), SLOT(help()) );
    78   connect( m_lab, SIGNAL(reset()), SLOT(reset()) );
    79 }
    81 void InputString::help()
    82 {
    83   showHelp(this);
    84 }
    87 InputString::~InputString()
    88 {
    89 }
    92 void InputString::setValue(const QString &s)
    93 {
    94   if (m_str!=s)
    95   {
    96     m_str = s;
    97     m_value = m_str;
    98     if (m_str==m_default)
    99     {
   100       m_lab->setText(QString::fromAscii("<qt>")+m_id+QString::fromAscii("</qt"));
   101     }
   102     else
   103     {
   104       m_lab->setText(QString::fromAscii("<qt><font color='red'>")+m_id+QString::fromAscii("</font></qt>"));
   105     }
   106     if (m_le && m_le->text()!=m_str) m_le->setText( m_str );
   107     emit changed();
   108   }
   109 }
   111 void InputString::setEnabled(bool state)
   112 {
   113   m_lab->setEnabled(state);
   114   if (m_le)  m_le->setEnabled(state);
   115   if (m_br)  m_br->setEnabled(state);
   116   if (m_com) m_com->setEnabled(state);
   117 }
   119 void InputString::browse()
   120 {
   121   QString path = QFileInfo(MainWindow::instance().configFileName()).path();
   122   if (m_sm==StringFile)
   123   {
   124     QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(&MainWindow::instance(),
   125         tr("Select file"),path);
   126     if (!fileName.isNull()) 
   127     {
   128       QDir dir(path);
   129       if (!MainWindow::instance().configFileName().isEmpty() && dir.exists())
   130       {
   131         fileName = m_absPath ? fileName : dir.relativeFilePath(fileName);
   132       }
   133       setValue(fileName);
   134     }
   135   }
   136   else // sm==StringDir
   137   {
   138     QString dirName = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(&MainWindow::instance(),
   139         tr("Select directory"),path);
   140     if (!dirName.isNull())
   141     {
   142       QDir dir(path);
   143       if (!MainWindow::instance().configFileName().isEmpty() && dir.exists())
   144       {
   145         dirName = m_absPath ? dirName : dir.relativeFilePath(dirName);
   146       }
   147       setValue(dirName);
   148     }
   149   }
   150 }
   152 void InputString::clear()
   153 {
   154   setValue(QString());
   155 }
   157 void InputString::addValue(QString s)
   158 {
   159   if (m_sm==StringFixed)
   160   {
   161     m_values.append(s);
   162     m_com->addItem(s);
   163   }
   164 }
   166 void InputString::setDefault()
   167 {
   168   int index = m_values.indexOf(m_str);
   169   if (index!=-1 && m_com) m_com->setCurrentIndex(index);
   170 }
   172 QVariant &InputString::value() 
   173 {
   174   return m_value;
   175 }
   177 void InputString::update()
   178 {
   179   setValue(m_value.toString().trimmed());
   180   setDefault();
   181 }
   183 void InputString::reset()
   184 {
   185   setValue(m_default);
   186   setDefault();
   187 }
   189 void InputString::writeValue(QTextStream &t,QTextCodec *codec)
   190 {
   191   writeStringValue(t,codec,m_str);
   192 }