changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:42188c7ea2d9
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2007 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  */
    15 #include "inputstrlist.h"
    16 #include "helplabel.h"
    17 #include "doxywizard.h"
    18 #include "config.h"
    20 #include <QtGui>
    22 InputStrList::InputStrList( QGridLayout *layout,int &row,
    23                             const QString & id, 
    24                             const QStringList &sl, ListMode lm,
    25                             const QString & docs)
    26   : m_default(sl), m_strList(sl), m_docs(docs), m_id(id)
    27 {
    28   m_lab = new HelpLabel( id );
    30   m_le  = new QLineEdit;
    31   m_le->clear();
    33   QToolBar *toolBar = new QToolBar;
    34   toolBar->setIconSize(QSize(24,24));
    35   m_add = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(QString::fromAscii(":/images/add.png")),QString(),
    36                              this,SLOT(addString()));
    37   m_add->setToolTip(tr("Add item"));
    38   m_del = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(QString::fromAscii(":/images/del.png")),QString(),
    39                              this,SLOT(delString()));
    40   m_del->setToolTip(tr("Delete selected item"));
    41   m_upd = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(QString::fromAscii(":/images/refresh.png")),QString(),
    42                              this,SLOT(updateString()));
    43   m_upd->setToolTip(tr("Update selected item"));
    45   m_lb  = new QListWidget;
    46   //m_lb->setMinimumSize(400,100);
    47   foreach (QString s, m_strList) m_lb->addItem(s);
    49   m_brFile=0;
    50   m_brDir=0;
    51   if (lm!=ListString)
    52   {
    53     if (lm&ListFile)
    54     {
    55       m_brFile = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(QString::fromAscii(":/images/file.png")),QString(),
    56                                     this,SLOT(browseFiles()));
    57       m_brFile->setToolTip(tr("Browse to a file"));
    58     } 
    59     if (lm&ListDir)
    60     {
    61       m_brDir = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(QString::fromAscii(":/images/folder.png")),QString(),
    62                                    this,SLOT(browseDir()));
    63       m_brDir->setToolTip(tr("Browse to a folder"));
    64     }
    65   }
    66   QHBoxLayout *rowLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
    67   rowLayout->addWidget( m_le );
    68   rowLayout->addWidget( toolBar );
    69   layout->addWidget( m_lab,      row,0 );
    70   layout->addLayout( rowLayout,  row,1,1,2 );
    71   layout->addWidget( m_lb,       row+1,1,1,2 );
    72   row+=2;
    74   m_value = m_strList;
    76   connect(m_le,   SIGNAL(returnPressed()), 
    77           this, SLOT(addString()) );
    78   connect(m_lb,   SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(const QString &)), 
    79           this, SLOT(selectText(const QString &)));
    80   connect( m_lab, SIGNAL(enter()), SLOT(help()) );
    81   connect( m_lab, SIGNAL(reset()), SLOT(reset()) );
    82 }
    84 void InputStrList::help()
    85 {
    86   showHelp(this);
    87 }
    90 void InputStrList::addString()
    91 {
    92   if (!m_le->text().isEmpty())
    93   {
    94     m_lb->addItem(m_le->text());
    95     m_strList.append(m_le->text());
    96     m_value = m_strList;
    97     updateDefault();
    98     emit changed();
    99     m_le->clear();
   100   }
   101 }
   103 void InputStrList::delString()
   104 {
   105   if (m_lb->currentRow()!=-1)
   106   {
   107     int itemIndex = m_lb->currentRow();
   108     delete m_lb->currentItem();
   109     m_strList.removeAt(itemIndex);
   110     m_value = m_strList;
   111     updateDefault();
   112     emit changed();
   113   }
   114 }
   116 void InputStrList::updateString()
   117 {
   118   if (m_lb->currentRow()!=-1 && !m_le->text().isEmpty())
   119   {
   120     m_lb->currentItem()->setText(m_le->text());
   121     m_strList.insert(m_lb->currentRow(),m_le->text());
   122     m_strList.removeAt(m_lb->currentRow()+1);
   123     m_value = m_strList;
   124     updateDefault();
   125     emit changed();
   126   }
   127 }
   129 void InputStrList::selectText(const QString &s)
   130 {
   131   m_le->setText(s);
   132 }
   134 void InputStrList::setEnabled(bool state)
   135 {
   136   m_lab->setEnabled(state);
   137   m_le->setEnabled(state);
   138   m_add->setEnabled(state);
   139   m_del->setEnabled(state);
   140   m_upd->setEnabled(state);
   141   m_lb->setEnabled(state);
   142   if (m_brFile) m_brFile->setEnabled(state);
   143   if (m_brDir)  m_brDir->setEnabled(state);
   144 }
   146 void InputStrList::browseFiles()
   147 {
   148   QString path = QFileInfo(MainWindow::instance().configFileName()).path();
   149   QStringList fileNames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames();	
   151   if (!fileNames.isEmpty()) 
   152   {
   153     QStringList::Iterator it;
   154     for ( it= fileNames.begin(); it != fileNames.end(); ++it )
   155     {
   156       QString fileName;
   157       QDir dir(path);
   158       if (!MainWindow::instance().configFileName().isEmpty() && dir.exists())
   159       {
   160         fileName = dir.relativeFilePath(*it);
   161       }
   162       if (fileName.isEmpty())
   163       {
   164         fileName = *it;
   165       }
   166       m_lb->addItem(fileName);
   167       m_strList.append(fileName);
   168       m_value = m_strList;
   169       updateDefault();
   170       emit changed();
   171     }
   172     m_le->setText(m_strList[0]);
   173   }
   174 }
   176 void InputStrList::browseDir()
   177 {	
   178   QString path = QFileInfo(MainWindow::instance().configFileName()).path();
   179   QString dirName = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory();	
   181   if (!dirName.isNull()) 
   182   {
   183     QDir dir(path);
   184     if (!MainWindow::instance().configFileName().isEmpty() && dir.exists())
   185     {
   186       dirName = dir.relativeFilePath(dirName);
   187     }
   188     if (dirName.isEmpty())
   189     {
   190       dirName=QString::fromAscii(".");
   191     }
   192     m_lb->addItem(dirName);
   193     m_strList.append(dirName);
   194     m_value = m_strList;
   195     updateDefault();
   196     emit changed();
   197     m_le->setText(dirName);
   198   }
   199 }
   201 void InputStrList::setValue(const QStringList &sl)
   202 {
   203   m_le->clear();
   204   m_lb->clear();
   205   m_strList = sl;
   206   for (int i=0;i<m_strList.size();i++)
   207   {
   208     m_lb->addItem(m_strList[i].trimmed());
   209   }
   210   updateDefault();
   211 }
   213 QVariant &InputStrList::value()
   214 {
   215   return m_value;
   216 }
   218 void InputStrList::update()
   219 {
   220   setValue(m_value.toStringList());
   221 }
   223 void InputStrList::updateDefault()
   224 {
   225   if (m_strList==m_default)
   226   {
   227     m_lab->setText(QString::fromAscii("<qt>")+m_id+QString::fromAscii("</qt"));
   228   }
   229   else
   230   {
   231     m_lab->setText(QString::fromAscii("<qt><font color='red'>")+m_id+QString::fromAscii("</font></qt>"));
   232   }
   233 }
   235 void InputStrList::reset()
   236 {
   237   setValue(m_default);
   238 }
   240 void InputStrList::writeValue(QTextStream &t,QTextCodec *codec)
   241 {
   242   bool first=TRUE;
   243   foreach (QString s, m_strList) 
   244   {
   245     if (!first) 
   246     {
   247       t << " \\" << endl;
   248       t << "                         ";
   249     }
   250     first=FALSE;
   251     writeStringValue(t,codec,s);
   252   }
   253 }