changeset 2 932c358ece3e
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:82f11024044a 2:932c358ece3e
     1 """
     2 Created on Feb 25, 2010
     4 @author: p2ross
     7 Take as inmput the toc. Read for
     8 <topicref format="ditamap" href="GUID-F59DFBA0-B60B-334A-9B18-4B4E1E756DFA.ditamap" navtitle="camera" />
    10 Create in output dir 
    12 out/dot_comp/camera_GUID-F59DFBA0-B60B-334A-9B18-4B4E1E756DFA/
    14 As the DOT target.
    15 Run DOT as a sub-process.
    16 Then copy all of the contents except the index.html into:
    18 out/dot_src/
    20 Els stuff with ditamaps to dot_src/...
    22 Then run DOT on input:
    23 out/dot_src/<toc>.ditamap
    25 Output:
    26 out/dot_tgt/
    27 """
    29 import os
    30 import sys
    31 from optparse import OptionParser, check_choice
    32 import subprocess
    33 import multiprocessing
    34 try:
    35     from xml.etree import cElementTree as etree
    36 except ImportError:
    37     from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree
    39 import logging
    40 #import pprint
    41 import random
    42 import time
    43 import shutil
    44 import unittest
    45 #import xml
    46 from cStringIO import StringIO
    48 __version__ = '0.1.3'
    50 """
    51 Nokia XHTML conversion:
    52 $> ant ... -Dargs.input=INPUT_DITAMAP
    53 Nokia Eclipse Help conversion:
    54 $> ant ... -Dargs.eclipse.version=VERSION -Dargs.eclipse.provider="Nokia Corporation" -Dargs.input=INPUT_DITAMAP
    55 """
    58 CMD_BASE            = "ant -logger org.dita.dost.log.DITAOTBuildLogger -Doutercontrol=quiet"
    59 CMD_PREFIX_INPUT    = "-Dargs.input="
    60 CMD_PREFIX_OUTPUT   = "-Doutput.dir="
    61 CMD_PREFIX_TEMP     = "-Ddita.temp.dir="
    62 CMD_PREFIX_NERVOUS  = "echo"
    63 #CMD_PREFIX_XSL      = "/xsl:plugins/cxxapiref/xsl/ "
    65 DIR_DOT_COMPONENT   = 'dot_comp'
    66 DIR_DOT_SOURCE      = 'dot_src'
    67 DIR_TOC_TMP         = 'dot_toc_tmp'
    68 DIR_DOT_TOC         = 'dot_toc'
    71 def invokeDot(theDitaMapPath, theDirOut, argList, isNervous):
    72     myCmdList = []
    73     if isNervous:
    74         myCmdList.append(CMD_PREFIX_NERVOUS)
    75         time.sleep(0.25 * random.random())
    76     # Randomise the start time so that DOT does not create
    77     # duplicate temp directories (0.001 sec name resolution).
    78     time.sleep(1.0 * random.random())
    79     myCmdList.append(CMD_BASE)
    80     myCmdList.append('%s"%s"' % (CMD_PREFIX_INPUT, theDitaMapPath))
    81     myCmdList.append('%s"%s"' % (CMD_PREFIX_OUTPUT, theDirOut))
    82     myCmdList.append('%s"%s"' % (CMD_PREFIX_TEMP, 'temp/%s' % os.path.basename(theDirOut)))
    83     myCmdList.extend(['-D%s' % a for a in argList])
    84     myCmd = ' '.join(myCmdList).replace('\\', '/')
    85     if not os.path.exists(theDirOut):
    86         os.makedirs(theDirOut)
    87     print 'invokeDot: "%s"' % myCmd
    88     p = subprocess.Popen(
    89         myCmd,
    90         shell=True,
    91         bufsize=-1,
    92         # Direct stdout/stderr to a PIPE then forget them
    93         stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
    94         stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
    95         #close_fds=True,
    96         )
    97     (stdOut, stdErr) = p.communicate()
    98     if len(stdErr) > 0:
    99         print 'stdErr for: %s -> %s' % (theDitaMapPath, theDirOut)
   100         print stdErr
   101     return p.returncode, theDirOut
   103 def genCompMapNames(theToc):
   104     for ev, el in etree.iterparse(theToc):
   105         if el.tag == 'topicref':
   106             myRef = el.get('href', None)
   107             if myRef is not None and myRef.endswith('.ditamap'):
   108                 logging.debug('genCompMapNames(): %s -> %s' % (myRef, el.get('navtitle')))
   109                 yield myRef, el.get('navtitle')
   111 def _copyDir(s, d, depth=0):
   112     """Recursive copy of all but the top level index.html."""
   113     assert(os.path.isdir(s))
   114     assert(os.path.isdir(d))
   115     for n in os.listdir(s):
   116         pS = os.path.join(s, n)
   117         pD = os.path.join(d, n)
   118         if os.path.isfile(pS) \
   119         and (depth > 1 or n.lower() != 'index.html'):
   120             try:
   121                 shutil.copy(pS, pD)
   122             except (WindowsError, IOError), err:
   123                 logging.error('_copyDirs(): %s' % err)
   124         elif os.path.isdir(pS):
   125             if not os.path.exists(pD):
   126                 os.makedirs(pD)
   127             _copyDir(pS, pD, depth=depth+1)
   129 def copyDirs(theResults, theOutDir):
   130     if not os.path.exists(theOutDir):
   131         os.makedirs(theOutDir)
   132     for c, d in theResults:
   133         if c == 0:
   134             print 'copyDirs(): "%s" to "%s"' % (os.path.basename(d), theOutDir)
   135             if not os.path.isdir(d):
   136                 logging.error('copyDirs(): not a directory: %s' % d)
   137             elif not os.path.isdir(theOutDir):
   138                 logging.error('copyDirs(): not a directory: %s' % theOutDir)
   139             else:
   140                 _copyDir(d, theOutDir)
   141         else:
   142             logging.error('Not copying. Results code %d directory: %s' % (c, d))
   144 def execute(inToc, outDir, argList, numJobs=0, nervous=False):
   145     inDir = os.path.dirname(inToc)
   146     outDirCmpDot = os.path.join(outDir, DIR_DOT_COMPONENT)
   147     if not os.path.exists(outDirCmpDot):
   148         os.makedirs(outDirCmpDot)
   149     if numJobs >= 1:
   150         myPool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=numJobs)
   151     else:
   152'Setting jobs to %d' % multiprocessing.cpu_count())
   153         myPool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
   154     myTaskS = [
   155         (
   156             os.path.join(inDir, t[0]),
   157             os.path.join(outDirCmpDot, '%s_%s' % (t[1], t[0])),
   158             argList,
   159             nervous,
   160         )
   161         for t in genCompMapNames(inToc)
   162     ]
   163     myResults = [r.get() for r in [myPool.apply_async(invokeDot, t) for t in myTaskS]]
   164     copyDirs(myResults, os.path.join(outDir, DIR_DOT_SOURCE))
   165     return myResults
   167 class DitamapLinkConverterError(Exception):
   168     """ Raised if an invalid toc is input """
   170 class DitamapLinkConverter():
   172     def __init__(self, toc_path, out_dir):
   173         self.out_dir = os.path.abspath(out_dir)
   174         self.toc_path = os.path.abspath(toc_path)
   175         self.toc_dir = os.path.dirname(self.toc_path)
   176         if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
   177             os.makedirs(self.out_dir)
   179     def _convert_link_to_html(self, link):
   180         if link.attrib["href"].endswith(".xml"):
   181             link.attrib["href"] = link.attrib["href"].replace(".xml", ".html")
   182             link.attrib["scope"] = "peer"
   183             link.attrib["format"] = "html"
   184         return link
   186     def _convert_links(self, tree):
   187         for element in tree.getiterator():
   188             if element.attrib.get("href") != None:
   189                 element = self._convert_link_to_html(element)
   190         return tree
   192     def _handle_map(self, ditamap):
   193         try:
   194             root = etree.parse(ditamap).getroot()
   195         except IOError, e:
   196             logging.error("Component map \"%s\" does not exist" % ditamap)
   197             return
   198         except Exception, e:
   199             logging.error("%s could not be parsed: %s\n" % (ditamap, str(e)))
   200             return        
   201         root = self._convert_links(root)
   202         self._write_file(root, os.path.basename(ditamap))
   204     def _write_file(self, root, file_name):
   205         filepath = self.out_dir+os.sep+file_name
   206         logging.debug('Writing file \"%s\"' % filepath)
   208         if root is not None:
   209             with open(filepath, 'w') as f:
   210                 f.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>"""+'\n')
   211                 f.write("""<!DOCTYPE cxxAPIMap PUBLIC "-//NOKIA//DTD DITA C++ API Map Reference Type v0.5.0//EN" "dtd/cxxAPIMap.dtd" >"""+'\n')
   212                 f.write(etree.tostring(root))        
   213                 f.close()
   215     def _get_component_map_paths(self, tree):
   216         all_hrefs = []
   217         for element in tree.getiterator():
   218             if element.tag == "topicref":
   219                 all_hrefs.append(self.toc_dir+os.sep+element.attrib["href"])
   220         return all_hrefs
   222     def convert(self):
   223         try:
   224             tree = etree.parse(self.toc_path).getroot()
   225         except Exception, e:
   226             raise DitamapLinkConverterError("%s could not be parsed: %s\n" % (self.toc_path, str(e)))
   227         component_maps = self._get_component_map_paths(tree)
   228         for component_map in component_maps:
   229             self._handle_map(component_map)
   230         shutil.copyfile(self.toc_path, self.out_dir+os.sep+os.path.basename(self.toc_path))
   232 def publish_toc(toc_path, out_dir, argList, nervous):
   233     toc_name = os.path.basename(toc_path)
   234     tmp_out =  os.path.join(out_dir, DIR_TOC_TMP)
   235     dlc = DitamapLinkConverter(toc_path, tmp_out)
   236     dlc.convert()
   237     toc_to_publish = os.path.join(tmp_out, toc_name)
   238     out = os.path.join(out_dir, DIR_DOT_TOC)
   239     invokeDot(toc_to_publish, out, argList, nervous)
   240     final_destination = os.path.join(out_dir, DIR_DOT_SOURCE)
   241     if not os.path.exists(final_destination):
   242         os.makedirs(final_destination)
   243     try:
   244         shutil.copy(os.path.join(out, 'index.html'), final_destination)
   245     except IOError, err:
   246         logging.error('publish_toc(): %s' % str(err))
   248 def main():
   249     usage = "usage: %prog [options] <DITA map> <output directory> -Doptions without the -D"
   250     parser = OptionParser(usage, version='%prog ' + __version__)
   251     parser.add_option(
   252             "-l", "--loglevel",
   253             type="int",
   254             dest="loglevel",
   255             default=30,
   256             help="Log Level (debug=10, info=20, warning=30, [error=40], critical=50) [default: %default]"
   257         )      
   258     parser.add_option(
   259             "-j", "--jobs",
   260             type="int",
   261             dest="jobs",
   262             default=0,
   263             help="Max processes when multiprocessing. Zero uses number of native CPUs [default: %default]"
   264         )      
   265     parser.add_option("-n", action="store_true", dest="nervous", default=False, 
   266                       help="Nervous mode (do no harm). [default: %default]")
   267     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
   268     logging.basicConfig(level=options.loglevel, stream=sys.stdout)
   269     if len(args) < 1 or not os.path.isfile(args[0]):
   270         parser.print_help()
   271         parser.error("I can't do much without a path to the XML TOC.")
   272         return 1
   273     if len(args) < 2:
   274         parser.print_help()
   275         parser.error("I need an output path.")
   276         return 1
   277     # Dump out timestamp
   278     print 'Start time: %s' % time.ctime()
   279     execTime = time.clock()
   280     myResults = execute(args[0], args[1], args[2:],, options.nervous)
   281     publish_toc(args[0], args[1], args[2:], options.nervous)
   282     print 'Number of DITA maps processed: %d' % len(myResults)
   283     print 'End time: %s' % time.ctime()
   284     print 'Elapsed time: %8.3f (s)' % (time.clock()-execTime)
   285     print 'Bye, bye...'
   287 if __name__ == '__main__':
   288     multiprocessing.freeze_support()
   289     sys.exit(main())
   291 class TestDitamapLinkConverter(unittest.TestCase):
   292     def setUp(self):
   293         self._create_test_dir()
   294         self.dlc = DitamapLinkConverter('', self.out_dir)
   296     def tearDown(self):
   297         self._clean_test_dir()
   299     def _create_test_dir(self):
   300         self.test_dir = "ditamap_link_converter_test_dir"
   301         self.out_dir = self.test_dir+os.sep+"out"
   302         self.cmap_path = self.test_dir+os.sep+"cmap.xml"
   303         os.mkdir(self.test_dir)
   304         f = open(self.cmap_path, "w")
   305         f.write(cmap)
   306         f.close()
   308     def _clean_test_dir(self):
   309         shutil.rmtree(self.test_dir)        
   311     def _write_string_to_file(self, string, filepath):
   312         f = open(filepath, "w")
   313         f.write(string)
   314         f.close()        
   316     def test_i_can_change_a_link_to_an_xml_file_to_link_to_an_html_file(self):
   317         link = etree.Element("cxxStructRef", href="GUID-AE25CF37-B862-306B-B7B3-4A1226B83DA2.xml", navtitle="_SChannels")
   318         link = self.dlc._convert_link_to_html(link)
   319         self.assertEquals(link.attrib["href"], "GUID-AE25CF37-B862-306B-B7B3-4A1226B83DA2.html")
   320         self.assertTrue(link.get("scope", None) and link.attrib["scope"] == "peer")
   321         self.assertTrue(link.get("format", None) and link.attrib["format"] == "html")
   323     def test_i_can_find_all_link_elements_in_a_tree(self):
   324         tree = etree.parse(StringIO(cmap))
   325         tree = self.dlc._convert_links(tree)
   326         self.assertTrue(tree.find("cxxStructRef").attrib["href"].endswith(".html"))
   327         self.assertTrue(tree.find("cxxFileRef").attrib["href"].endswith(".html"))
   328         self.assertTrue(tree.find("cxxClassRef").attrib["href"].endswith(".html"))
   330     def test_i_can_write_a_converted_map_to_an_output_directory(self):
   331         self.dlc._handle_map(self.cmap_path)
   332         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.out_dir+os.sep+"cmap.xml"))
   333         self.assertEquals(open(self.out_dir+os.sep+"cmap.xml").read(), converted_cmap)
   335     def test_i_gracefully_handle_a_link_to_component_map_that_doesnt_exist(self):
   336         try:
   337             self.dlc._handle_map("non_existsant_ditamap.ditamap")
   338         except:
   339   "Didn't handle a component ditamap that doesn't exist")
   340         else:
   341             pass # Expected (silently handled non existant map)
   343     def test_i_parse_all_hrefs_in_a_toc(self):
   344         converter = DitamapLinkConverter(os.getcwd()+os.sep+'toc.ditamap', self.out_dir)
   345         tree = etree.parse(StringIO(toc))
   346         paths = converter._get_component_map_paths(tree)
   347         expected = [os.getcwd()+os.sep+"GUID-F59DFBA0-B60B-334A-9B18-4B4E1E756DFA.ditamap"]       
   348         self.assertEquals(paths, expected)
   350     def test_i_raise_an_exception_if_i_am_given_an_invalid_toc(self):        
   351         invalid_toc_path = self.test_dir+os.sep+"invalid_toc.xml"
   352         self._write_string_to_file(invalid_toc, invalid_toc_path)
   353         dlc = DitamapLinkConverter(invalid_toc_path, self.out_dir)
   354         self.assertRaises(DitamapLinkConverterError, dlc.convert)
   356 cmap = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   357 <!DOCTYPE cxxAPIMap PUBLIC "-//NOKIA//DTD DITA C++ API Map Reference Type v0.5.0//EN" "dtd/cxxAPIMap.dtd" >
   358 <cxxAPIMap id="GUID-0D9E5D45-5A07-302C-BEB3-2D0252214F2E" title="wlmplatform">
   359     <cxxStructRef href="GUID-AE25CF37-B862-306B-B7B3-4A1226B83DA2.xml" navtitle="_SChannels" />
   360     <cxxFileRef href="GUID-E1984316-685F-394E-B71A-9816E1495C1F.xml" navtitle="wlanerrorcodes.h" />
   361     <cxxClassRef href="GUID-F795E994-BCB6-3040-872A-90F8ADFC75E7.xml" navtitle="MWlanMgmtNotifications" />
   362 </cxxAPIMap>
   363 """
   364                         # 
   365 converted_cmap = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   366 <!DOCTYPE cxxAPIMap PUBLIC "-//NOKIA//DTD DITA C++ API Map Reference Type v0.5.0//EN" "dtd/cxxAPIMap.dtd" >
   367 <cxxAPIMap id="GUID-0D9E5D45-5A07-302C-BEB3-2D0252214F2E" title="wlmplatform">
   368     <cxxStructRef format="html" href="GUID-AE25CF37-B862-306B-B7B3-4A1226B83DA2.html" navtitle="_SChannels" scope="peer" />
   369     <cxxFileRef format="html" href="GUID-E1984316-685F-394E-B71A-9816E1495C1F.html" navtitle="wlanerrorcodes.h" scope="peer" />
   370     <cxxClassRef format="html" href="GUID-F795E994-BCB6-3040-872A-90F8ADFC75E7.html" navtitle="MWlanMgmtNotifications" scope="peer" />
   371 </cxxAPIMap>"""
   374 toc = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   375 <!DOCTYPE map PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Map//EN" "map.dtd">
   376 <map id="GUID-445218BA-A6BF-334B-9337-5DCBD993AEB3" title="Symbian^3">
   377     <topichead id="GUID-6B11027F-F9AF-3FA0-8A9D-8EA68E3D0F8D" navtitle="Applications">
   378         <topichead id="GUID-4766FA96-56F3-3E37-9B2C-6F280673BBA1" navtitle="Camera Apps">
   379           <topichead id="GUID-34AB7AC3-E64C-39E0-B6B1-53FEF84566F2" navtitle="s60">
   380             <topichead id="GUID-4766FA96-56F3-3E37-9B2C-6F280673BBA1" navtitle="camera">
   381               <topicref format="ditamap" href="GUID-F59DFBA0-B60B-334A-9B18-4B4E1E756DFA.ditamap" navtitle="camera" />
   382             </topichead>
   383             <topichead id="GUID-A0EFE059-67DA-372B-AB98-9DB79584972E" navtitle="camera_help" />
   384           </topichead>
   385         </topichead>
   386      </topichead>
   387  </map>
   388  """
   390 invalid_toc = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
   391 <!DOCTYPE map PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Map//EN" "map.dtd">
   392 <map id="GUID-445218BA-A6BF-334B-9337-5DCBD993AEB3" title="Symbian^3">
   393     <topichead id="GUID-6B11027F-F9AF-3FA0-8A9D-8EA68E3D0F8D" navtitle="Applications">
   394         <topichead id="GUID-4766FA96-56F3-3E37-9B2C-6F280673BBA1" navtitle="Camera Apps">
   395           <topichead id="GUID-34AB7AC3-E64C-39E0-B6B1-53FEF84566F2" navtitle="s60">
   396             <topichead id="GUID-4766FA96-56F3-3E37-9B2C-6F280673BBA1" navtitle="camera">
   397               <topicref format="ditamap" href="GUID-F59DFBA0-B60B-334A-9B18-4B4E1E756DFA.ditamap" navtitle="camera" />
   398             </topichead>
   399             <topichead id="GUID-A0EFE059-67DA-372B-AB98-9DB79584972E" navtitle="camera_help" />
   400           </topichead>
   401         </topichead>
   402      </topichead>
   403  </map>
   404  """