changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/src/xmlditadocvisitor.cpp	Fri Apr 23 20:47:58 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1409 @@
+#include "xmldita.h"
+#include "xmlditadocvisitor.h"
+#include "xmlditatrace.h"
+#include "docparser.h"
+#include "language.h"
+#include "doxygen.h"
+#include "outputgen.h"
+#include "xmlgen.h"
+#include "dot.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include <qfileinfo.h> 
+#include "parserintf.h"
+// If 0 there is no <simpletable> support
+// Need to lazily evaluate this so that <simpletable> is only written if
+// there is content in the table
+XmlDitaDocVisitor::XmlDitaDocVisitor(XmlStream &s,CodeOutputInterface &ci) 
+  : DocVisitor(DocVisitor_XML), xmlStream(s), xmlElemStack(s), m_ci(ci), m_insidePre(FALSE), m_hide(FALSE), 
+    m_insideParamlist(FALSE), paramMap(), paramDict(), currParam()
+	paramDict.setAutoDelete(true);
+  //--------------------------------------
+  // visitor functions for leaf nodes
+  //--------------------------------------
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocWord *w)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocWord*)", w)
+	if (m_hide) {
+		return;
+	}
+	// Catches normal text (text outside of a tag or command)
+	// and puts it in a "p"
+	if (xmlElemStack.isEmpty()) {
+		visitPreDefault("p");
+	}	
+	write(w->word());
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocLinkedWord *w)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocLinkedWord*)", w)
+	if (m_hide) {
+		return;
+	}
+	//printf("XmlDitaDocVisitor calling startLink() DocLinkedWord=`%s'\n", w->word().data());
+	Definition *d = w->getDefinition();
+	if (0) {
+		QString myName;
+		myName = d->qualifiedName();
+		//printf("XmlDitaDocVisitor calling startLink() DocLinkedWord [name]=`%s'\n", myName.data());
+		startLink("", myName, "");
+	} else {
+		//printf("XmlDitaDocVisitor calling startLink() DocLinkedWord [file]=`%s'\n", w->file().data());
+		if (w->file().find("namespace") != 0) {
+			startLink(w->ref(), w->file(), w->anchor());
+		}
+		startLink(w->ref(), w->file(), w->anchor());
+	}
+	write(w->word());
+	if (w->file().find("namespace") != 0) {
+		endLink();
+	}
+	endLink();
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocWhiteSpace *w)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocWhiteSpace*)", w)
+	if (m_hide) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (m_insidePre) {
+		write(w->chars());
+	} else {
+		write(" ");
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocSymbol *s)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocSymbol*)", s)
+  if (m_hide) {
+	return;
+  }
+  switch(s->symbol())
+  {
+    case DocSymbol::BSlash:  write("\\"); break;
+    case DocSymbol::At:      write("@"); break;
+	// NOTE: The XMl stream will translate entities i.e. "&" to "&amp;"
+    case DocSymbol::Less:    write("<"); break;
+    case DocSymbol::Greater: write(">"); break;
+    case DocSymbol::Amp:     write("&"); break;
+    case DocSymbol::Dollar:  write("$"); break;
+    case DocSymbol::Hash:    write("#"); break;
+    case DocSymbol::Percent: write("%"); break;
+	case DocSymbol::Apos:    write("'"); break;
+    case DocSymbol::Quot:    write("\""); break;
+	case DocSymbol::Copy:    xmlStream.writeUnicode("copy");	break;
+    case DocSymbol::Tm:      xmlStream.writeUnicode("trade");	break;
+    case DocSymbol::Reg:     xmlStream.writeUnicode("reg");		break;
+    case DocSymbol::Lsquo:   xmlStream.writeUnicode("lsquo");		break;
+    case DocSymbol::Rsquo:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode("rsquo");		break;
+    case DocSymbol::Ldquo:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode("ldquo");		break;
+    case DocSymbol::Rdquo:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode("rdquo");		break;
+    case DocSymbol::Ndash:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode("ndash");		break;
+    case DocSymbol::Mdash:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode("mdash");		break;
+	case DocSymbol::Uml:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode((const char*)(QString(QChar(s->letter()))+"uml")); break;
+	case DocSymbol::Acute:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode((const char*)(QString(QChar(s->letter()))+"acute")); break;
+	case DocSymbol::Grave:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode((const char*)(QString(QChar(s->letter()))+"grave")); break;
+	case DocSymbol::Circ:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode((const char*)(QString(QChar(s->letter()))+"circ")); break;
+	case DocSymbol::Tilde:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode((const char*)(QString(QChar(s->letter()))+"tilde")); break;
+	case DocSymbol::Cedil:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode((const char*)(QString(QChar(s->letter()))+"cedil")); break;
+	case DocSymbol::Ring:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode((const char*)(QString(QChar(s->letter()))+"ring")); break;
+	case DocSymbol::Slash:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode((const char*)(QString(QChar(s->letter()))+"slash")); break;
+    case DocSymbol::Szlig:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode("szlig");					   break;
+    case DocSymbol::Nbsp:    xmlStream.writeUnicode("nbsp");					   break;
+    case DocSymbol::Aelig:	 xmlStream.writeUnicode("aelig");					   break;
+    case DocSymbol::AElig:   xmlStream.writeUnicode("AElig");					   break;
+    default:
+		err("Error: unknown symbol found\n");
+  }
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocURL *u)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocURL*)", u)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	if (u->isEmail()) {
+		startXref(QString("mailto:")+QString(u->url()), u->url());
+	} else {
+		// Need format attribute
+		AttributeMap myMap;
+		myMap["href"] = u->url();
+		myMap["format"] = "html";
+		push("xref", myMap);
+		write(u->url());	
+		//startXref(u->url(), u->url());
+	}
+	endXref();
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocLineBreak *lb)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocLineBreak*)", lb)
+	if (m_hide){
+	  return;
+	}
+	//pushpop("linebreak");
+	//if (lb->parent()->kind() == lb->Kind_Verbatim) {
+	if (m_insidePre) {
+		write("\n");
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocHorRuler *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHorRuler*)")
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	//pushpop("hruler");
+	xmlStream.comment("hruler not supported by DITA 1.1");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocStyleChange *s)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocStyleChange*)", s)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	switch (s->style())
+	{
+	case DocStyleChange::Bold:
+		if (s->enable()) {
+			push("b");
+		} else { 
+			pop("b");
+		}
+		break;
+	case DocStyleChange::Italic:
+		if (s->enable()) {
+			push("i");
+		} else {
+			pop("i");
+		}
+		break;
+	case DocStyleChange::Code:
+		if (s->enable()) {
+			push("tt");
+		} else {
+			pop("tt");
+		}
+		break;
+	case DocStyleChange::Subscript:
+		if (s->enable()) {
+			push("sub");
+		} else {
+			pop("sub");
+		}
+		break;
+	case DocStyleChange::Superscript:
+		if (s->enable()) {
+			push("sup");
+		} else {
+			pop("sup");
+		}
+		break;
+	case DocStyleChange::Center:
+		if (s->enable()) {
+			xmlStream.comment("center not supported by DITA 1.1");
+			//push("center");
+		} else {
+			//pop("center");
+		}
+		break;
+	case DocStyleChange::Small:
+		if (s->enable()) {
+			xmlStream.comment("small not supported by DITA 1.1");
+			//push("small");
+		} else {
+			//pop("small");
+		}
+		break;
+	case DocStyleChange::Preformatted:
+		if (s->enable()) 
+		{
+			push("pre");  
+			m_insidePre = TRUE;
+		} else {
+			pop("pre");
+			m_insidePre = FALSE;
+		}
+		break;
+	case DocStyleChange::Div:  /* HTML only */ break;
+	case DocStyleChange::Span: /* HTML only */ break;
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocVerbatim *s)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocVerbatim*)", s)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	switch(s->type())
+	{
+		case DocVerbatim::Code:
+			push("codeblock");
+			write(s->text());
+			pop("codeblock");
+			break;
+		case DocVerbatim::Verbatim:
+			pushpop("pre", s->text());
+			break;
+		case DocVerbatim::HtmlOnly: 
+			//pushpop("htmlonly", s->text());
+			break;
+		case DocVerbatim::ManOnly: 
+			//pushpop("manonly", s->text());
+			break;
+		case DocVerbatim::LatexOnly: 
+			//pushpop("latexonly", s->text());
+			break;
+		case DocVerbatim::XmlOnly: 
+			write(s->text());
+			break;
+		case DocVerbatim::Dot: 
+			//pushpop("dot", s->text());
+			break;
+		case DocVerbatim::Msc: 
+			//pushpop("msc", s->text());
+			break;
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocAnchor *anc)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocAnchor*)", anc)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	xmlElemStack.addAttribute("id", anc->file()+"_1"+anc->anchor());
+	//push("anchor", "id", anc->file()+"_1"+anc->anchor());
+	//pop("anchor");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocInclude *inc)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocInclude*)", inc)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+  switch(inc->type())
+  {
+    case DocInclude::IncWithLines:
+      { 
+         push("codeblock");
+         QFileInfo cfi( inc->file() );
+         FileDef fd( cfi.dirPath(), cfi.fileName() );
+         Doxygen::parserManager->getParser(inc->extension())
+                               ->parseCode(m_ci,inc->context(),
+                                           inc->text().latin1(),
+                                           inc->isExample(),
+                                           inc->exampleFile(), &fd);
+         pop("codeblock"); 
+      }
+      break;    
+    case DocInclude::Include: 
+      push("codeblock");
+      Doxygen::parserManager->getParser(inc->extension())
+                            ->parseCode(m_ci,inc->context(),
+                                        inc->text().latin1(),
+                                        inc->isExample(),
+                                        inc->exampleFile());
+      pop("codeblock"); 
+      break;
+    case DocInclude::DontInclude: 
+      break;
+    case DocInclude::HtmlInclude: 
+	  //pushpop("htmlonly", inc->text());
+      break;
+    case DocInclude::VerbInclude: 
+	  pushpop("pre", inc->text());
+      break;
+  }
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocIncOperator *op)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocIncOperator*)", op)
+  if (op->isFirst()) 
+  {
+    if (!m_hide) {
+		push("codeblock");
+    }
+    pushEnabled();
+    m_hide = TRUE;
+  }
+  if (op->type()!=DocIncOperator::Skip) 
+  {
+    popEnabled();
+    if (!m_hide) {
+      Doxygen::parserManager->getParser(m_langExt)
+                            ->parseCode(m_ci,op->context(),
+                                        op->text().latin1(),op->isExample(),
+                                        op->exampleFile());
+    }
+    pushEnabled();
+    m_hide=TRUE;
+  }
+  if (op->isLast())  
+  {
+    popEnabled();
+	if (!m_hide) {
+		pop("codeblock"); 
+	}
+  }
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocFormula *f)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocFormula*)", f)
+	write(f->text());
+#if 0
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+  QString s;
+  s.setNum(f->id());
+  push("formula", "id", s);
+  write(f->text());
+  pop("formula");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocIndexEntry *ie)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocIndexEntry*)", ie)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	push("indexterm");
+	write(ie->entry());
+	pop("indexterm");
+#if 0
+	push("indexentry");
+	push("primaryie");
+	write(ie->entry());
+	pop("primaryie");
+	pushpop("secondaryie");
+	pop("indexentry");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visit(DocSimpleSectSep *)
+  //pushpop("simplesectsep");
+// visitor functions for compound nodes
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocAutoList *l)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocAutoList*)", l)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	if (l->isEnumList()) {
+		push("ol");
+	} else {
+		push("ul");
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocAutoList *l)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocAutoList*)", l)
+	if (l->isEnumList()) {
+		visitPostDefault("ol");
+	} else {
+		visitPostDefault("ul");
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocAutoListItem *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocAutoListItem*)")
+	visitPreDefault("li");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocAutoListItem *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocAutoListItem*)")
+	visitPostDefault("li");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocPara *p) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocPara*)", p)
+	if (canPushPara()) {
+		visitPreDefault("p");
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocPara *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocPara*)")
+	if (canPopPara()) {
+		visitPostDefault("p");
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocRoot *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocRoot*)")
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocRoot *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocRoot*)")
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSimpleSect *s)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSimpleSect*)", s)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	switch(s->type())
+	{
+		// Fall through
+		case DocSimpleSect::See:		
+		case DocSimpleSect::Return:		
+		case DocSimpleSect::Author:		
+		case DocSimpleSect::Authors:	
+		case DocSimpleSect::Version:	
+		case DocSimpleSect::Since:		
+		case DocSimpleSect::Date:		
+		case DocSimpleSect::Pre:		
+		case DocSimpleSect::Post:		
+		case DocSimpleSect::Invar:		
+		case DocSimpleSect::User:		
+		case DocSimpleSect::Rcs:		
+			if (canPushPara()) {
+				push("p"); 
+			}
+			break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Note:		
+			push("note", "type", "note"); 
+			break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Warning:	
+			push("note", "type", "caution"); 
+			break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Remark:		
+			push("note", "type", "other"); 
+			break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Attention:	
+			push("note", "type", "attention"); 
+			break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Unknown:	
+			break;
+		default:
+			ASSERT(0);
+#if 0
+		case DocSimpleSect::See:		push("simplesect", "kind", "see"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Return:		push("simplesect", "kind", "return"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Author:		push("simplesect", "kind", "author"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Authors:	push("simplesect", "kind", "authors"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Version:	push("simplesect", "kind", "version"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Since:		push("simplesect", "kind", "since"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Date:		push("simplesect", "kind", "date"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Note:		push("simplesect", "kind", "note"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Warning:	push("simplesect", "kind", "warning"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Pre:		push("simplesect", "kind", "pre"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Post:		push("simplesect", "kind", "post"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Invar:		push("simplesect", "kind", "invariant"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Remark:		push("simplesect", "kind", "remark"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Attention:	push("simplesect", "kind", "attention"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::User:		push("simplesect", "kind", "par"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Rcs:		push("simplesect", "kind", "rcs"); break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Unknown:	break;
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSimpleSect *s)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSimpleSect*)", s)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}	
+	switch(s->type())
+	{
+		// Fall through
+		case DocSimpleSect::Note:		
+		case DocSimpleSect::Warning:	
+		case DocSimpleSect::Remark:		
+		case DocSimpleSect::Attention:	
+			pop("note"); 
+			break;
+		case DocSimpleSect::Unknown:	
+			break;
+		default:
+			if (canPopPara()) {
+				pop("p"); 
+			}
+			break;
+	}
+  //visitPostDefault("simplesect");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocTitle *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocTitle*)")
+	if (!xmlElemStack.isEmpty() && xmlElemStack.peek().getElemName() == "concept") {
+		visitPreDefault("title");
+	} else {
+		if (canPushPara()) {
+			visitPreDefault("p");
+		}
+		visitPreDefault("b");
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocTitle *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocTitle*)")
+	if (xmlElemStack.peek().getElemName() == "title") {
+		visitPostDefault("title");
+	} else {
+		visitPostDefault("b");
+		if (canPopPara()) {
+			visitPostDefault("p");
+		}
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSimpleList *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSimpleList*)")
+	visitPreDefault("ul");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSimpleList *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSimpleList*)")
+	visitPostDefault("ul");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSimpleListItem *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSimpleListItem*)")
+	visitPreDefault("li");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSimpleListItem *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSimpleListItem*)")
+	visitPostDefault("li");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSection *s)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSection*)", s)
+	// Currently unsupported
+#if 0
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	QString sectNum;
+	sectNum.setNum(s->level());
+	QString sectAnchor(s->file());
+	if (!s->anchor().isEmpty()) {
+		sectAnchor.append("_1");
+		sectAnchor.append(s->anchor());
+	}
+	push("sect"+sectNum, "id", sectAnchor);
+	pushpop("title", s->title());
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSection *s) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSection*)", s)
+#if 0
+	// The original did not have the if(m_hide) test.
+	// I assume that is an error so visitPostDefault() uses it.
+	QString level;
+	level.setNum(s->level());
+	visitPostDefault("sect" + level);
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlList *s)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlList*)", s)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	if (s->type()==DocHtmlList::Ordered) {
+		push("ol"); 
+	} else {
+		push("ul"); 
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlList *s) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlList*)", s)
+	if (s->type()==DocHtmlList::Ordered) {
+		visitPostDefault("ol"); 
+	} else {
+		visitPostDefault("ul");
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlListItem *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlListItem*)")
+	visitPreDefault("li");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlListItem *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlListItem*)")
+	visitPostDefault("li");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlDescList *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlDescList*)")
+	visitPreDefault("dl");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlDescList *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlDescList*)")
+	visitPostDefault("dl");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlDescTitle *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlDescTitle*)")
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	push("dlentry");
+	push("dt");
+	//push("varlistentry");
+	//push("term");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlDescTitle *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlDescTitle*)")
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	pop("dt");
+	//pop("dlentry");
+	// pop("term");
+	// pop("varlistentry");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlDescData *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlDescData*)")
+	push("dd");
+	//visitPreDefault("li");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlDescData *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlDescData*)")
+	pop("dd");
+	pop("dlentry");
+	//visitPostDefault("li");  
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlTable *t)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlTable*)", t)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	push("simpletable");
+#if 0
+	AttributeMap attrs;
+	QString vR, vC;
+	vR.setNum(t->numRows());
+	attrs["rows"] = vR;
+	vC.setNum(t->numCols());
+	attrs["cols"] = vC;
+	push("table", attrs);
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlTable *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlTable*)")
+	visitPostDefault("simpletable");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlRow *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlRow*)")
+	// FIXME look ahead to first cell
+	// if isHeading is true do
+	// visitPreDefault("sthead");
+	// else
+	visitPreDefault("strow");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlRow *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlRow*)")
+	visitPostDefault("strow");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlCell *c)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlCell*)", c)
+	visitPreDefault("stentry");
+#if 0
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	if (c->isHeading()) {
+	  push("entry", "thead", "yes");
+	} else {
+	  push("entry", "thead", "no");
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlCell *c) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlCell*)", c)
+  visitPostDefault("stentry");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlCaption *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlCaption*)")
+	// Caption is unsupported
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlCaption *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlCaption*)")
+	// Caption is unsupported
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocInternal *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocInternal*)")
+	//visitPreDefault("internal");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocInternal *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocInternal*)")
+  //visitPostDefault("internal");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHRef *href)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHRef*)", href)
+	push("xref", "href", href->url());
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHRef *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHRef*)")
+	visitPostDefault("xref");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlHeader *header)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlHeader*)", header)
+	visitPreDefault("b");
+#if 0
+  QString hdgLevel;
+  hdgLevel.setNum(header->level());
+  push("heading", "level", hdgLevel);
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlHeader *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlHeader*)")
+	visitPostDefault("b");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocImage *img)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocImage*)", img)
+	// Currently unsupported
+#if 0
+  AttributeMap imgAttrs;
+  // First the image type
+  switch(img->type())
+  {
+    case DocImage::Html:
+		imgAttrs["type"] = "html";
+		break;
+    case DocImage::Latex:
+		imgAttrs["type"] = "latex";
+		break;
+	case DocImage::Rtf:
+		imgAttrs["type"] = "rtf";
+		break;
+	default:
+		ASSERT(0);
+		break;
+  }
+  // Now the image name
+  QString baseName=img->name();
+  int i;
+  if ((i=baseName.findRev('/'))!=-1 || (i=baseName.findRev('\\'))!=-1)
+  {
+    baseName=baseName.right(baseName.length()-i-1);
+  }
+  imgAttrs["name"] = baseName;
+  // Image width
+  if (!img->width().isEmpty())
+  {
+    imgAttrs["width"] = img->width();
+  }
+  // Image height
+  // NOTE: In the original this was an else if. I assume that this is an error
+  if (!img->height().isEmpty())
+  {
+    imgAttrs["height"] = img->height();
+  }
+  push("image", imgAttrs);
+  // copy the image to the output dir
+  QFile inImage(img->name());
+  QFile outImage(Config_getString("XML_DITA_OUTPUT")+"/"+baseName.ascii());
+  if (inImage.open(IO_ReadOnly))
+  {
+    if (outImage.open(IO_WriteOnly))
+    {
+      char *buffer = new char[inImage.size()];
+      inImage.readBlock(buffer,inImage.size());
+      outImage.writeBlock(buffer,inImage.size());
+      outImage.flush();
+      delete[] buffer;
+    }
+  }
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocImage *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocImage*)")
+  //visitPostDefault("image");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocDotFile *df)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocDotFile*)", df)
+	// Currently unsupported
+#if 0
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	push("dotfile", "name", df->file());
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocDotFile *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocDotFile*)")
+	//visitPostDefault("dotfile");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocLink *lnk)
+	// The result of a \link...\endlink command
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocLink*)", lnk)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	if (0) {//lnk->getDefinition() != 0) {
+		//printf("XmlDitaDocVisitor calling startLink() DocLink [name]=`%s'\n", lnk->getDefinition()->qualifiedName().data());
+		startLink("", lnk->getDefinition()->qualifiedName(), "");
+	} else {
+		//printf("XmlDitaDocVisitor calling startLink() DocLink [file]=`%s'\n", lnk->file().data());
+		//startLink(lnk->ref(),lnk->file(),lnk->anchor());
+		startLink(lnk->ref(), lnk->file(), lnk->anchor());
+	}	
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocLink *) 
+	// The result of a \link...\endlink command
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocLink*)")
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	endLink();
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocRef *ref)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocRef*)", ref)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	if (!ref->file().isEmpty()) {
+		if (ref->getDefinition() != 0) {
+			//printf("XmlDitaDocVisitor calling startLink() DocRef [name]=`%s'\n", ref->getDefinition()->qualifiedName().data());
+			startLink("", ref->getDefinition()->qualifiedName(), "");
+		} else {
+			//printf("XmlDitaDocVisitor calling startLink() DocRef [file]=`%s'\n", ref->file().data());
+			startLink(ref->ref(), ref->file(), ref->anchor());
+		}	
+	}
+	if (!ref->hasLinkText()) {
+	  write(ref->targetTitle());
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocRef *ref) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocRef*)", ref)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	if (!ref->file().isEmpty()) {
+	  endLink();
+	}
+	write(" ");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSecRefItem *ref)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSecRefItem*)", ref)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	push("li", "id", ref->file()+"_1"+ref->anchor());
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSecRefItem *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSecRefItem*)")
+	visitPostDefault("li");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSecRefList *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSecRefList*)")
+	visitPreDefault("ul");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSecRefList *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSecRefList*)")
+	visitPostDefault("ul");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocParamSect *s)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocParamSect*)", s)
+	m_insideParamlist = TRUE;
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	switch(s->type()) {
+		case DocParamSect::Param: 
+			push("paraml", "class", "param"); 
+			break;
+		case DocParamSect::RetVal: 
+			push("paraml", "class", "retval"); 
+			break;
+		case DocParamSect::Exception: 
+			push("paraml", "class", "exception"); 
+			break;
+		case DocParamSect::TemplateParam: 
+			push("paraml", "class", "templateparam"); 
+			break;
+		default:
+		  ASSERT(0);
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocParamSect *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocParamSect*)")
+	visitPostDefault("paraml");
+	m_insideParamlist = FALSE;
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocParamList *pl)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocParamList*)", pl)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	QListIterator<DocNode> li(pl->parameters());
+	DocNode *param;
+	for (li.toFirst();(param=li.current());++li) {
+		if (param->kind() == DocNode::Kind_Word) {			
+			currParam = ((DocWord*)param)->word();
+		} else if (param->kind() == DocNode::Kind_LinkedWord) {
+			currParam = ((DocLinkedWord*)param)->word();
+		} else {
+			// FIXME, what should we use here
+			currParam = "";
+		}
+		paramDict.insert(currParam, new QString(""));
+	}
+#if 0
+	push("parameteritem");
+	push("parameternamelist");
+	QListIterator<DocNode> li(pl->parameters());
+	DocNode *param;
+	for (li.toFirst();(param=li.current());++li) {
+		AttributeMap attrs;
+		if (pl->direction() != DocParamSect::Unspecified) {
+			if (pl->direction() == DocParamSect::In) {
+				attrs["direction"] = "in";
+			} else if (pl->direction() == DocParamSect::Out) {
+				attrs["direction"] = "out";
+			} else if (pl->direction() == DocParamSect::InOut) {
+				attrs["direction"] = "inout";
+			} else{
+				ASSERT(0);
+			}
+		}
+		push("parametername", attrs);
+		if (param->kind() == DocNode::Kind_Word)
+		{
+		  visit((DocWord*)param); 		
+		}
+		else if (param->kind() == DocNode::Kind_LinkedWord)
+		{
+		  visit((DocLinkedWord*)param); 
+		}
+		pop("parametername");
+	}
+	pop("parameternamelist");
+	push("parameterdescription");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocParamList *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocParamList*)")
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	pop("parameterdescription");
+	pop("parameteritem");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocXRefItem *x)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocXRefItem*)", x)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	// \deprecated commands result in DocXRefItem
+	// with "deprecated" as the filename
+	if (x->file() == "deprecated"){
+		// Fall through to start new paragraph for deprecated description
+	} else {
+		QString hrefStr = x->file();
+		hrefStr.append(Config_getString("XML_DITA_EXTENSION"));
+		hrefStr.append("#");
+		hrefStr.append(x->file());
+		hrefStr.append("_1");
+		hrefStr.append(x->anchor());
+		push("xref", "href", hrefStr);
+		write(x->title());
+	}
+#if 0
+	push("xrefsect", "id", x->file()+"_1"+x->anchor());
+	pushpop("xreftitle", x->title());
+	push("xrefdescription");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocXRefItem *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocXRefItem*)")
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	// An xref will be top of stack unless the current 
+	// DocXRefItem was caused by a \deprecated command
+	if (!xmlElemStack.isEmpty() && xmlElemStack.peek().getElemName() == "xref") {
+		pop("xref");
+	}
+#if 0
+	pop("xrefdescription");
+	pop("xrefsect");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocInternalRef *ref)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocInternalRef*)", ref)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	//printf("XmlDitaDocVisitor calling startLink() DocInternalRef [file]=`%s'\n", ref->file().data());
+	startLink(0, ref->file(), ref->anchor());
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocInternalRef *) 
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocXRefItem*)")
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	endLink();
+	write(" ");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocCopy *c)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocCopy*)", c)
+	// Currently unsupported
+#if 0
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	push("copydoc", "link", c->link());
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocCopy *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocCopy*)")
+//	visitPostDefault("copydoc");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocText *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPre(DocText*)")
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocText *)
+	DITA_DOC_VISITOR_TRACE_NOARG("XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPost(DocText*)")
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::startXref(const QString &href,const QString &text)
+	push("xref", "href", href);
+	write(text);	
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::endXref()
+	pop("xref");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::startLink(const QString &ref,const QString &file,const QString &anchor)
+  AttributeMap refAttrs;
+  /*
+  printf("XmlDitaDocVisitor::startLink(): ref: \"%s\", file: \"%s\", anchor: \"%s\"\n",
+	  ref.data(),
+	  file.data(),
+	  anchor.data());
+  */
+  if (!anchor.isEmpty()) {
+	  refAttrs["href"] = file+".xml#"+file+"_1"+anchor;
+  } else {
+	  refAttrs["href"] = file+".xml#"+file;
+  }
+  push("xref", refAttrs);
+#if 0
+  AttributeMap refAttrs;
+  if (!anchor.isEmpty()) {
+	  refAttrs["refid"] = file+"_1"+anchor;
+	  refAttrs["kindref"] = "member";
+  } else {
+	  refAttrs["refid"] = file;
+	  refAttrs["kindref"] = "compound";
+  }
+  if (!ref.isEmpty()) {
+	  refAttrs["external"] = ref;
+  }
+  push("ref", refAttrs);
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::endLink()
+  visitPostDefault("xref");
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::pushEnabled()
+  m_enabled.push(new bool(m_hide));
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::popEnabled()
+  bool *v = m_enabled.pop();
+  ASSERT(v!=0);
+  m_hide = *v;
+  delete v;
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::write(const QString &string)
+	if (m_insideParamlist) {
+		// TODO: Review the use of paramDict as I think that there is a
+		// memory leak here [PaulRo 2010-01-20]
+		QString *pStr = paramDict.find(currParam);
+		if (pStr) {
+			paramDict.replace(currParam, new QString(*pStr + string));
+		} else {
+			paramDict.replace(currParam, new QString(string));
+		}
+	} else {
+		xmlStream << string;
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::push(const QString &tagName)
+	if (m_insideParamlist) {
+		// TODO
+	} else {
+		xmlElemStack.push(tagName);
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::push(const QString &tagName, const QString &key, const QString &value)
+	if (m_insideParamlist) {
+		// TODO
+	} else {
+		xmlElemStack.push(tagName, key, value);
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::push(const QString &tagName, AttributeMap &map)
+	if (m_insideParamlist) {
+		// TODO
+	} else {
+		xmlElemStack.push(tagName, map);
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::pop(const QString &tagName)
+	if (m_insideParamlist) {
+		// TODO
+	} else {
+		xmlElemStack.pop(tagName);
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::pushpop(const QString &tagName)
+	if (m_insideParamlist) {
+		// TODO
+	} else {
+		xmlElemStack.pushpop(tagName);
+	}
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::pushpop(const QString &tagName, const QString &text)
+	if (m_insideParamlist) {
+		paramDict.replace(currParam, new QString(*paramDict[currParam] + text));
+	} else {
+		xmlElemStack.pushpop(tagName, text);
+	}
+const QString XmlDitaDocVisitor::query(const QString &paramName) const
+	if (paramDict.find(paramName)) {
+		return *paramDict[paramName];
+	} else {
+		// TODO positional option
+		return "";
+	}
+/// Returns true if it is OK to write a para element
+bool XmlDitaDocVisitor::canPushPara() const
+	if (!xmlElemStack.isEmpty()) {
+		QString e = xmlElemStack.peek().getElemName();
+		if (e == "xref" || e == "p") {
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	return true;
+bool XmlDitaDocVisitor::canPopPara() const
+	if (!xmlElemStack.isEmpty() && xmlElemStack.peek().getElemName() == "p") {
+			return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+/** Default treatment of a post traversal visit, this just
+pushes a single element with no attributes. */
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPreDefault(const QString& elem)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	push(elem);
+/** Default treatment of a post traversal visit, this just
+pops a single element. */
+void XmlDitaDocVisitor::visitPostDefault(const QString& elem)
+	if (m_hide) {
+	  return;
+	}
+	pop(elem);