Contribution of a new version of ORB and CXX DITA plug-in bug 1461 bug 1621 bug 1962
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"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
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This is the cxxapiref plugin for DITA Open Toolkit. This plugin allows you to build html from DITA specialised cxx XML.
After this plugin is installed you can use DITA Open Toolkit as normal or you can use the provided MPDOT tool, which is recommended.
Download the DITA Open Toolkit 1.5.1 and the plugin apiref from sourceforge
Uncompress the current package and copy the cxxapiref plugin directory into the %DOT_DIR%\plugins directory and put the python directory at the root of %DOT_DIR%.
The file structure should look like this:
\---cxxapiref <-- added
+---python <-- added
Registration of the Specialisations into DITA-OT
Open a DITA-OT command prompt
Run the startcmd.bat file from the %DOT_DIR%
This gives you a shell with the enviroment set up.
Try running the DOT demos from this shell:
ant all -f build_demo.xml
A good build will end with:
Total time: 42 seconds
This will populate the %DOT_DIR%\temp and %DOT_DIR%\out directories
Run the registration script
From the DITA-OT root directory run:
ant -f integrator.xml
This installs all of the addons plugins in the generic DITA-OT plugins folder.
Build the cxx sample:
ant -f plugins\cxxapiref\run-ant.xml all
Check the output in %DOT_DIR%\plugins\apiref\out\sample
Next steps
Now that the DITA Open Toolkit is set up, you can run it on your specialised cxx content. Either run DITA Open Toolkit as usual or use the MPDOT tool.
Follow the %DOT_DIR%python\doc\Using_MPDOT_to_build_html.txt guide.