Orb version 0.1.9. Fixes Bug 1965, Bug 2401
Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved.
This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
This document explains how to use mpdot.exe on converted cxx specialisation xml to create html.
MPDOT.exe runs the DITA Open Toolkit for each cxx specialisation reference component in parallel. This decreases the time it
takes to build a large amount of reference xml documentation and also reduces the likelihood of java out of memory issues.
This supplied version of the DITA Open Toolkit is based onDITA-OT version 1.5.1. It contains the specialised cxxapiref plugin
DITA-OT1.5.1/plugins/cxxapiref and some specific python scripts.
To use this modified version of DITA Open Toolkit unzip it to a location on your build machine and follow the instructions below.
You should have already installed and run ORB and orb_process_cxx.bat on your content and as a result have a directory
with all the cxx reference and maps within it. This directory can be found here:
This directory should contain a set of files including maps and reference documents. Maps are named .ditamap
and reference documents .xml. All the files should have been renamed with a global unique id (GUID) and there should
be a file named GUID-445218BA-A6BF-334B-9337-5DCBD993AEB3.ditamap. This file is the main ditamap and this is passed to
the mpdot.exe for processing.
If you do not have these files see the README.txt document in ORB for instructions.
Building html with mpdot
Open a command prompt with startcmd.bat in the DITA-OT1.5.1 installation. This sets the required environment variables and opens
a command prompt.
envoke mpdot.exe with the path to the ditamap you wish to build and the path of the output directory.
If the output directory does not already exist then create it first.
mpdot.exe <DITA map> <output directory>
For example:
python\dist\mpdot.exe "C:\epoc32\release\doxygen\dita\GUID-445218BA-A6BF-334B-9337-5DCBD993AEB3.ditamap" "C:\epoc32\release\mpdot_out"
Other options
These options can also be passed to mpdot.exe.
* -j 0 This option detects and uses maximum processors on the build machine.
* dita.preprocess.reloadstylesheet=true This option reduces the amount of memory the java virtual machine uses and so will reduce
the likelihood of memory errors.
* transtype=xhtml This is the output type that DITA Open Toolkit will produce. Check DITA Open Toolkit help
for other options.
For example:
python\dist\mpdot.exe -j 0 "C:\epoc32\release\doxygen\dita\GUID-445218BA-A6BF-334B-9337-5DCBD993AEB3.ditamap" "C:\epoc32\release\mpdot_out" transtype=xhtml dita.preprocess.reloadstylesheet=true
In the output directory you will find these directories:
Directory tree Description
-------------- -----------
+---dot_comp Contains all components individually built in their own directories. The name of the ditamap built by DOT is in the name of the folder.
+---dot_src All component files and their maps and the main ditamap
+---dot_toc Contains the main toc only.
+---dot_toc_tmp Temporary directory