Orb version 0.1.9. Fixes Bug 1965, Bug 2401
Demoing the link checker.
Before the demo
The linkcheck executable is at:
Fire up a shell and add to the path
C:\> set PATH=C:\apps\ditaot\DITA-OT1.5.1\python\dist;%PATH%
Navigate to a build, here I have assumed that a subst has been done, e.g.
C:\>subst S: E:\hydra\201006All
Move there:
During the demo
Show the knind of things that linkcheck does
S:\>linkcheck -?
This lists the errors that we check for and the options that it can take.
Optionally can show off running lincheck unit tests but this will probably hang on the servers as they have no internet access:
S:\>linkcheck -u -l30
Try it on raw Doxygen output:
S:\>cd S:\epoc32\build\esockserver\c_2a28510674fa652b\
S:\epoc32\build\esockserver\c_2a28510674fa652b>linkcheck esocksvr_dll\dox\dita
Should get something like:
CMD: linkcheck esocksvr_dll\dox\dita
2010-03-16 11:46:19,561 INFO DitaFileSet starting to read...
2010-03-16 11:46:24,108 INFO DitaFileSet.finalise() start...
2010-03-16 11:46:27,372 INFO DitaFileSet.finalise() done.
================================ Statistics ===============================
Maps: 1 [ 0.000 M]
Non-maps: 1670 [ 0.002 M]
Files: 1671 [ 0.002 M]
Bytes: 31033697 [ 29.596 M]
IDs: 19636 [ 0.019 M]
Refs: 37142 [ 0.035 M]
Read time: 4.543 (s)
Analysis time: 3.253 (s)
============================== Error Summary ==============================
Code Count Error
---- ----- -----
410 260 Can not resolve reference to file "..."
411 3195 Can resolve reference to file "..." but not to fragment "..."
505 40 Duplicate id="..." in files: ...
Show off multiprocessing:
S:\epoc32\build\esockserver\c_2a28510674fa652b>linkcheck -j0 esocksvr_dll\dox\dita
Read time is much faster.
Now process some MODE guide:
S:\epoc32\build\esockserver\c_2a28510674fa652b>cd \epoc32\release\doxygen\
Run linkcheck:
S:\epoc32\release\doxygen>linkcheck -j0 "GUID-27F4B43B-13E2-425C-95B2-87A840AF614B (guide)"
Show deeper analysis of error code 600:
S:\epoc32\release\doxygen>linkcheck -j0 -e 600 --file=specific "GUID-27F4B43B-13E2-425C-95B2-87A840AF614B (guide)"