changeset 0 b26acd06ea60
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <in_sock.h>
    20 #include <ip4_hdr.h>
    21 #include "JavaDebugAgentKeepAlive.h"
    23 // CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::CReceiver
    24 class CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::CReceiver : public CActive
    25 {
    26 private:
    27     RSocket* iSocket;
    28     TSockXfrLength iLength;
    29     TBuf8<1> iBuf;
    30 public:
    31     CReceiver(RSocket* aSocket);
    32     void Recv();
    33     virtual void RunL();
    34     virtual void DoCancel();
    35 };
    37 CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::CReceiver::CReceiver(RSocket* aSocket) :
    38 CActive(EPriorityStandard),
    39 iSocket(aSocket)
    40 { 
    41     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    42 }
    44 void CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::CReceiver::RunL()
    45 {
    46     if (iStatus.Int() == KErrNone) Recv();
    47 }
    49 void CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::CReceiver::DoCancel()
    50 {
    51     iSocket->CancelRead();
    52 }
    54 void CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::CReceiver::Recv()
    55 {
    56     SetActive();
    57     iStatus = KRequestPending;
    58     iSocket->RecvOneOrMore(iBuf, 0, iStatus, iLength);
    59 }
    61 // CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive
    62 CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive* 
    63 CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::NewL(RSocketServ* aSocketServ, 
    64                                const TSockAddr* aAddr,
    65                                MJavaDebugAgentLog* aLog,
    66                                TInt aPeriod)
    67 {
    68     CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive* self = NewLC(aSocketServ, aAddr, aLog, aPeriod);
    69     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    70     return self;
    71 }
    73 CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive* 
    74 CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::NewLC(RSocketServ* aSocketServ, 
    75                                 const TSockAddr* aAddr,
    76                                 MJavaDebugAgentLog* aLog,
    77                                TInt aPeriod)
    78 {
    79     CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive* self = new(ELeave)
    80         CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive(aSocketServ, aAddr, aLog, aPeriod);
    81     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    82     self->ConstructL();
    83     return self;
    84 }
    86 CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::~CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive()
    87 {
    88     Cancel();
    89     delete iReceiver;
    90     iSocket.Close();
    91     iTimer.Close();
    92 }
    94 CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::
    95 CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive(RSocketServ* aSocketServ,
    96                          const TSockAddr* aAddr,
    97                          MJavaDebugAgentLog* aLog,
    98                          TInt aPeriodInMilliseconds) :
    99 CActive(EPriorityStandard),
   100 iPeriod(aPeriodInMilliseconds*1000),
   101 iSocketServ(aSocketServ),
   102 iAddress(*aAddr),
   103 iLog(aLog)
   104 {
   105     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   106     iMsg.FillZ(iMsg.MaxLength());
   107     iMsg[0] = KInet4ICMP_Echo;
   108     iMsg[8] = 'P';
   109     iMsg[9] = 'I';
   110     iMsg[10] = 'N';
   111     iMsg[11] = 'G';
   112 }
   114 void CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::ConstructL()
   115 {
   116     iReceiver = new(ELeave)CReceiver(&iSocket);
   117     User::LeaveIfError(iTimer.CreateLocal());
   118     User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.Open(*iSocketServ, KAfInet, 
   119         KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetIcmp));
   121     SetActive();
   122     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   123     iState = EConnecting;
   124     iSocket.Connect(iAddress, iStatus);
   125 }
   127 // CActive
   128 void CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::RunL()
   129 {
   130     TInt err = iStatus.Int();
   131     switch (iState)
   132     {
   133     case EConnecting:
   134         if (err == KErrNone)
   135         {
   136             iReceiver->Recv();
   137             Ping();
   138         }
   139         else
   140         {
   141             iState = EFailed;
   142             iLog->LogFormat(_S("KeepAlive connect error %d"),err);
   143         }
   144         break;
   146     case ESending:
   147         if (err == KErrNone)
   148         {
   149             Wait();
   150         }
   151         else
   152         {
   153             iState = EFailed;
   154             iLog->LogFormat(_S("KeepAlive send error %d"),err);
   155         }
   156         break;
   158     case EWaiting:
   159         if (err == KErrNone)
   160         {
   161             Ping();
   162         }
   163         else
   164         {
   165             iState = EFailed;
   166             iLog->LogFormat(_S("KeepAlive wait error %d"),err);
   167         }
   168         break;
   169     }
   170 }
   172 void CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::Wait()
   173 {
   174     SetActive();
   175     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   176     iState = EWaiting;
   177     iTimer.After(iStatus,iPeriod);
   178 }
   180 void CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::Ping()
   181 {
   182     TUint16* ptr16 = ((TUint16*)&iMsg[0]);
   183     ptr16[1] = 0;  // checksum
   184     iSeq++;
   185     iMsg[6] = (TUint8)(iSeq >> 8); // convert to network byte order
   186     iMsg[7] = (TUint8)iSeq;
   188     // Checksum is calculated in native byte order, and stored natively too
   189     TUint16 sum = 0;
   190     for (TInt i=iMsg.Length()/2-1; i>=0; i--) sum += ptr16[i];
   191     ptr16[1] = ~sum;
   193     // Send the message
   194     SetActive();
   195     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   196     iState = ESending;
   197     iSocket.SendTo(iMsg, iAddress, 0, iStatus);
   198 }
   200 TInt CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
   201 {
   202     iState = EFailed;
   203     return KErrNone;
   204 }
   206 void CJavaDebugAgentKeepAlive::DoCancel()
   207 {
   208     TRequestStatus *status;
   209     switch (iState)
   210     {
   211     case EConnecting:
   212         iSocket.CancelConnect();
   213         break;
   214     case ESending:
   215         iSocket.CancelSend();
   216         break;
   217     case EWaiting:
   218         iTimer.Cancel();
   219         break;
   220     default:
   221 		status = (&iStatus);
   222 		User::RequestComplete(status, KErrCancel);
   223         break;
   224     }
   225 }
   227 /**
   228  * Local Variables:
   229  * c-basic-offset: 4
   230  * indent-tabs-mode: nil
   231  * End:
   232  */