changeset 0 b26acd06ea60
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b26acd06ea60
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <eikon.hrh>
    20 #include <coemain.h>
    21 #include <eikenv.h>
    22 #include <eikappui.h>
    23 #include <eiksbfrm.h>
    24 #include <aknsdrawutils.h>
    25 #include <aknslayeredbackgroundcontrolcontext.h>
    26 #include "JavaDebugAgent.hrh"
    27 #include "JavaDebugAgentLogScreen.h"
    28 #include "JavaDebugAgentBasicLogView.h"
    30 const TInt KMaxLogLineLength = 512;
    31 const TInt KMaxPrefixLength = 32;
    33 const TInt KTextMarginTop = 3;
    34 const TInt KTextMarginLeft = 3;
    35 const TInt KTextMarginRight = 5;
    36 const TInt KTextMarginBottom = 5;
    38 #define SUPER CCoeControl
    39 #define DEFAULT_FONT() CEikonEnv::Static()->DenseFont()
    41 CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen* 
    42 CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::NewL(CJavaDebugAgentBasicLogView* aView,
    43                                const TRect& aRect)
    44 {
    45     CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen* me = new(ELeave)CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen(aView);
    46     CleanupStack::PushL(me);
    47     me->ConstructL(aRect);
    48     CleanupStack::Pop(me);
    49     return me;
    50 }
    52 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
    53 {
    54     User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
    55     iFs.ShareProtected();
    57     CreateWindowL();
    58     SetRect(aRect);
    60     iSBFrame = new(ELeave)CEikScrollBarFrame(this, NULL, ETrue);
    61     iSBFrame->CreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(ETrue, EFalse, ETrue, EFalse);
    62     iSBFrame->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,
    63         CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn);
    65     iViewRect = Rect();
    66     DoLayoutL();
    68     iCharFormatMask.SetAttrib(EAttColor);
    69     iCharFormatMask.SetAttrib(EAttFontHeight);
    70     const CFont* font = DEFAULT_FONT();
    71     if (font) {
    72         iCharFormatMask.SetAttrib(EAttFontTypeface);
    73         iCharFormat.iFontSpec = font->FontSpecInTwips();
    74     } else {
    75         iCharFormat.iFontSpec.iHeight = 90;
    76     }
    77     iDefaultFontHeightInTwips = iCharFormat.iFontSpec.iHeight;
    78     iCharFormat.iFontPresentation.iTextColor = TLogicalRgb(KRgbDarkBlue);
    79     iCharFormatLayer = CCharFormatLayer::NewL(iCharFormat, iCharFormatMask);
    81     iParaFormatMask.SetAttrib(EAttLineSpacing);
    82     iParaFormat.iLineSpacingInTwips = iCharFormat.iFontSpec.iHeight;
    83     iParaFormatLayer = CParaFormatLayer::NewL(&iParaFormat, iParaFormatMask);
    85     iGlobalText = CGlobalText::NewL(iParaFormatLayer, iCharFormatLayer);
    87     CBitmapDevice* bmp = CCoeEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice();
    88     iLayout = CTextLayout::NewL(iGlobalText, iTextRect.Width());
    89     iTextView = CTextView::NewL(iLayout, iTextRect, bmp, bmp, &Window(),0,
    90         &iCoeEnv->WsSession());
    92     ActivateL();
    93 }
    95 CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::
    96 CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen(CJavaDebugAgentBasicLogView* aView) :
    97 iView(aView),
    98 iFontSize(KDefaultDebugAgentFontSize)
    99 {
   100 }
   102 CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::~CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen()
   103 {
   104     CloseLogFile();
   105     iFs.Close();
   106     iTextClipRegion.Close();
   107     delete iBgBitmap;
   108     delete iBgMask;
   109     delete iBgContext;
   110     delete iTextView;
   111     delete iLayout;
   112     delete iGlobalText;
   113     delete iCharFormatLayer;
   114     delete iParaFormatLayer;
   115     delete iSBFrame;
   116 }
   118 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::CloseLogFile()
   119 {
   120     if (iLogFileName)
   121     {
   122         delete iLogFileName;
   123         iLogFileName = NULL;
   124         iLogFile.Close();
   125     }
   126 }
   128 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::SetFontSize(TInt aFontSize)
   129 {
   130     TRAP_IGNORE(SetFontSizeL(aFontSize));
   131 }
   133 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::SetFontSizeL(TInt aFontSize)
   134 {
   135     if (UpdateFontSizeL(aFontSize))
   136     {
   137         iTextView->FormatTextL();
   138         UpdateScrollBars(ETrue);
   139         DrawNow(iTextRect);
   140     }
   141 }
   143 // Updates char and para format, returning True if it has actually changed
   144 TBool CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::UpdateFontSizeL(TInt aFontSize)
   145 {
   146     iFontSize = aFontSize;
   147     TInt newHeight = (iDefaultFontHeightInTwips * iFontSize) / 100;
   148     if (iCharFormat.iFontSpec.iHeight != newHeight) {
   149         iCharFormat.iFontSpec.iHeight = newHeight;
   150         iCharFormatLayer->SetL(iCharFormat, iCharFormatMask);
   151         iParaFormat.iLineSpacingInTwips = iCharFormat.iFontSpec.iHeight;
   152         iParaFormatLayer->SetL(&iParaFormat, iParaFormatMask);
   153         return ETrue;
   154     }
   155     return EFalse;
   156 }
   158 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::DoLayoutL()
   159 {
   160     CEikAppUi* appui = iEikonEnv->EikAppUi();
   161     TRect appRect(appui->ApplicationRect());
   162     TRect appClientRect(appui->ClientRect());
   163     TRect clientRect(Rect());
   164     TRect screenRect(Position(),Size());
   166     TEikScrollBarModel m1;
   167     UpdateSBModel(&m1);
   168     TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel m2(m1);
   170     TRect inclusiveRect(Rect());
   171     iViewRect = inclusiveRect;
   172     TEikScrollBarFrameLayout layout;
   173     layout.iTilingMode = TEikScrollBarFrameLayout::EInclusiveRectConstant;
   174     layout.SetClientMargin(0);
   175     layout.SetInclusiveMargin(0);
   177     iSBFrame->TileL(NULL, &m2, iViewRect, inclusiveRect, layout);
   178     iTextRect = iViewRect;
   179     iTextRect.iTl.iX += KTextMarginTop; 
   180     iTextRect.iTl.iY += KTextMarginLeft;
   181     iTextRect.iBr.iX -= KTextMarginRight;
   182     iTextRect.iBr.iY -= KTextMarginBottom;
   184     iTextClipRegion.Clear();
   185     iTextClipRegion.AddRect(Rect());
   186     TRect subRect(iTextRect);
   187     subRect.iBr.iX++;
   188     subRect.iBr.iY++;
   189     iTextClipRegion.SubRect(subRect);
   191     // NOTE: gray-scale mask works as the alpha channel. We use that for
   192     // blending shadow with the background. Looks quite nice. The code is
   193     // written in such a way that even if alpha blending doesn't work, it
   194     // will still look OK.
   195     CFbsBitmap* m;
   196     CFbsBitmap* bg;
   197     TSize s(iViewRect.Size());
   199     m = CreateBackgroundBitmapLC(s,KRgbBlack,KRgbBlack,KRgbWhite,KRgbDarkGray);
   200     bg = CreateBackgroundBitmapLC(s,KRgbWhite,KRgbWhite,KRgbBlack,KRgbBlack);
   201     CleanupStack::Pop(bg);
   202     CleanupStack::Pop(m);
   204     // Replace the bitmaps
   205     delete iBgBitmap;
   206     delete iBgMask;
   207     iBgBitmap = bg;
   208     iBgMask = m;
   210     // Setup the background context
   211     if (iBgContext)
   212     {
   213         delete iBgContext;
   214         iBgContext = NULL;
   215     }
   217     if (screenRect == appClientRect)
   218     {
   219         iBgContext = CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
   220             KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaMain, clientRect, ETrue);
   221     }
   222     else
   223     {
   224         TRect statusRect(appRect);
   225         TRect controlRect(appRect);
   226         statusRect.iBr.iY = appClientRect.iTl.iY;
   227         controlRect.iTl.iY = appClientRect.iBr.iY;
   228         CAknsLayeredBackgroundControlContext* layerContext = 
   229             CAknsLayeredBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
   230             KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaStatus, statusRect, ETrue, 3);
   231         layerContext->SetLayerImage(1,KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaMain);
   232         layerContext->SetLayerImage(2,KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaControl);
   233         layerContext->SetLayerRect(1,appClientRect);
   234         layerContext->SetLayerRect(2,controlRect);
   235         iBgContext = layerContext;
   236     }
   237 }
   239 void 
   240 CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::DrawBackground(
   241     CBitmapContext* aGc,
   242     const TRect& aRect,
   243     TRgb aBgColor,
   244     TRgb aFillColor,
   245     TRgb aBorderColor,
   246     TRgb aShadowColor)
   247 {
   248     aGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   249     aGc->SetBrushColor(aBgColor);
   250     aGc->Clear(aRect);
   252     TInt x1 = aRect.iTl.iX;
   253     TInt x2 = aRect.iBr.iX;
   254     TInt y1 = aRect.iTl.iY;
   255     TInt y2 = aRect.iBr.iY;
   257     TRect rect(x1+1,y1+1,x2-3,y2-3);
   258     aGc->SetPenColor(aBorderColor);
   259     aGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
   260     aGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
   261     aGc->DrawRect(rect);
   263     rect.Shrink(1,1);
   264     aGc->SetPenColor(KRgbWhite); // White on both background and mask
   265     aGc->DrawRect(rect);
   267     aGc->SetPenColor(aShadowColor);
   268     aGc->DrawLine(TPoint(x1+3,y2-2),TPoint(x2-1,y2-2));
   269     aGc->DrawLine(TPoint(x1+2,y2-3),TPoint(x2-1,y2-3));
   270     aGc->DrawLine(TPoint(x2-3,y1+2),TPoint(x2-3,y2-3));
   271     aGc->DrawLine(TPoint(x2-2,y1+3),TPoint(x2-2,y2-3));
   273     rect.Shrink(1,1);
   274     aGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   275     aGc->SetBrushColor(aFillColor);
   276     aGc->SetPenColor(aFillColor);
   277     aGc->DrawRect(rect);
   278 }
   280 CFbsBitmap* 
   281 CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::CreateBackgroundBitmapLC(
   282     const TSize& aSize,
   283     TRgb aBgColor,
   284     TRgb aFillColor,
   285     TRgb aBorderColor,
   286     TRgb aShadowColor)
   287 {
   288     CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave)CFbsBitmap;
   289     CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
   290     User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(aSize, EGray256));
   291     CFbsBitmapDevice* bitmapDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(bitmap);
   292     CleanupStack::PushL(bitmapDevice);
   293     CFbsBitGc* gc = NULL;
   294     User::LeaveIfError(bitmapDevice->CreateContext(gc));
   295     TRect rect(aSize);
   296     DrawBackground(gc,rect,aBgColor,aFillColor,aBorderColor,aShadowColor);
   297     delete gc;
   298     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmapDevice);
   299     return bitmap;
   300 }
   302 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const
   303 {
   304     CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
   305     MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
   306     if (skin && iBgContext)
   307     {
   308 	    gc.SetClippingRegion(iTextClipRegion);
   309         AknsDrawUtils::Background(skin, iBgContext, gc, Rect());
   310         gc.CancelClippingRegion();
   311         TPoint p(0,0);
   312         TRect srcRect(iViewRect.Size());
   313         gc.BitBltMasked(TPoint(0,0),iBgBitmap, srcRect, iBgMask, EFalse);
   314     }
   315     else
   316     {
   317         gc.DrawBitmap(iViewRect.iTl, iBgBitmap);
   318     }
   320     TRAP_IGNORE(iTextView->DrawL(iTextRect, gc));
   321 }
   323 // Supplies background skin context for scroll bars.
   324 TTypeUid::Ptr CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId)
   325 {
   326     if (aId.iUid == MAknsControlContext::ETypeId && iBgContext)
   327     {
   328         return MAknsControlContext::SupplyMopObject(aId, iBgContext);
   329     }
   330     return SUPER::MopSupplyObject(aId);
   331 }
   333 TInt CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::CountComponentControls() const
   334 {
   335     return iSBFrame->CountComponentControls();
   336 }
   338 CCoeControl* CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
   339 {
   340     return iSBFrame->ComponentControl(aIndex);
   341 }
   343 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::ClearL()
   344 {
   345     if (iLineCounter > 0) {
   346         iLineCounter = 0;
   347         iGlobalText->DeleteL(0,iGlobalText->DocumentLength());
   348         iTextView->FormatTextL();
   349         UpdateScrollBars(ETrue);
   350         DrawNow(iTextRect);
   351     }
   352 }
   354 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::FormatPrefixL(TDes& aPrefix)
   355 {
   356     _LIT(KDateString5,"%-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%:3");
   357     _LIT(KDelim,"  ");
   358     TTime time;
   359     time.HomeTime();
   360     time.FormatL(aPrefix, KDateString5);
   361     aPrefix.Append(KDelim);
   362 }
   364 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::LogL(const TDesC& aString)
   365 {
   366     TBuf<KMaxPrefixLength> prefix;
   367     FormatPrefixL(prefix);
   368     LogToScreenL(prefix, aString);
   369     LogToFileL(prefix, aString);
   370 }
   372 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::LogToFileL(const TDesC& aPrefix,
   373                                           const TDesC& aText)
   374 {
   375     _LIT8(KCRLF8,"\r\n");
   376     if (iLogFileName)
   377     {
   378         TBuf8<KMaxLogLineLength> buf;
   379         buf.Copy(aPrefix);
   380         iLogFile.Write(buf);
   381         buf.Copy(aText);
   382         iLogFile.Write(buf);
   383         iLogFile.Write(KCRLF8);
   384     }
   385 }
   387 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::LogToScreenL(const TDesC& aPrefix,
   388                                             const TDesC& aText)
   389 {
   390     iLineCounter++;
   392     TInt pos = iGlobalText->LdDocumentLength();
   393     iGlobalText->InsertL(iGlobalText->LdDocumentLength(), aPrefix);
   394     iGlobalText->InsertL(iGlobalText->LdDocumentLength(), aText);
   395     iGlobalText->InsertL(iGlobalText->LdDocumentLength(), 
   396         CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter);
   398     FormatAndScrollL();
   399     DrawNow(iTextRect);
   400 }
   402 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::FormatAndScrollL()
   403 {
   404     iTextView->FormatTextL();
   406     // Scroll the last line into the view
   407     TInt yPos = Rect().Height();
   408     iTextView->SetViewL(iGlobalText->LdDocumentLength(), yPos);
   409     UpdateScrollBars(ETrue);
   410 }
   412 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::UpdateSBModel(TEikScrollBarModel* aModel) const
   413 {
   414     if (iLayout)
   415     {
   416         TInt height = iViewRect.Height() - KTextMarginTop - KTextMarginBottom;
   417         aModel->iThumbPosition = iLayout->PixelsAboveBand();
   418         aModel->iScrollSpan =  iLayout->FormattedHeightInPixels();
   419         aModel->iThumbSpan = Min(aModel->iScrollSpan, height);
   420         if (aModel->iScrollSpan > aModel->iThumbSpan)
   421         {
   422             // We've got something non-trivial
   423             return;
   424         }
   425     }
   427     // This essentially disables the scrollbar
   428     aModel->iThumbPosition = 0;
   429     aModel->iScrollSpan = 0;
   430     aModel->iThumbSpan = 0;
   431 }
   433 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::UpdateScrollBars(TBool aDrawNow)
   434 {
   435     TEikScrollBarModel m1;
   436     UpdateSBModel(&m1);
   437     TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel m2(m1);
   438     iSBFrame->Tile(&m2);
   439     iSBFrame->MoveVertThumbTo(m1.iThumbPosition);
   440     if (aDrawNow) iSBFrame->DrawScrollBarsNow();
   441 }
   443 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::SetLogFileL(const TDesC* aFileName)
   444 {
   445     if ((!iLogFileName && aFileName) ||
   446         (iLogFileName && !aFileName) ||
   447         (iLogFileName && aFileName && iLogFileName->Compare(*aFileName)))
   448     {
   449         CloseLogFile();
   450         if (aFileName)
   451         {
   452             iLogFileName = aFileName->AllocL();
   453             const TDesC& fname = *iLogFileName;
   454             TInt err = iLogFile.Open(iFs,fname,EFileWrite|EFileShareAny);
   455             if (err != KErrNone)
   456             {
   457                 iFs.MkDirAll(fname);
   458                 err = iLogFile.Create(iFs,fname,EFileWrite|EFileShareAny);
   459             }
   461             if (err == KErrNone)
   462             {
   463                 TInt sz;
   464                 iLogFile.Size(sz);
   465                 iLogFile.Seek(ESeekEnd,sz);
   466                 LogFormatToScreen(_S("Log file %S"),&fname);
   467             }
   468             else
   469             {
   470                 LogFormatToScreen(_S("Failed to open log file %S"),&fname);
   471                 LogFormatToScreen(_S("Symbian error %d"),err);
   472                 delete iLogFileName;
   473                 iLogFileName = NULL;
   474             }
   475         }
   476     }
   477 }
   479 // Internal formatting function, only used by SetLogFileL
   480 // Never logs to file, only to screen.
   481 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::LogFormatToScreen(const TText* aFormat, ...)
   482 {
   483     VA_LIST va;
   484     VA_START(va, aFormat);
   485     TBuf<KMaxLogLineLength> buf;
   486     TPtrC format(aFormat);
   487     TBuf<KMaxPrefixLength> prefix;
   488     TRAPD(err, FormatPrefixL(prefix));
   489     buf.AppendFormatList(format, va, this);
   490     TRAP(err, LogToScreenL(prefix, buf));
   491 }
   493 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::ClearLog()
   494 {
   495     TRAP_IGNORE(ClearL());
   496 }
   498 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::SetLogFile(const TDesC* aFileName)
   499 {
   500     TRAP_IGNORE(SetLogFileL(aFileName));
   501 }
   503 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::SizeChangedL()
   504 {  
   505     const CFont* font = DEFAULT_FONT();
   506     if (font) {
   507         iDefaultFontHeightInTwips = font->FontSpecInTwips().iHeight;
   508         UpdateFontSizeL(iFontSize);
   509     }
   510     DoLayoutL();
   511     iLayout->SetWrapWidth(iTextRect.Width());
   512     iTextView->SetViewRect(iTextRect);
   513     FormatAndScrollL();
   514     DrawNow();
   515 }
   517 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::SizeChanged()
   518 {
   519     // This method is invoked during ConstructL when iTextView is still NULL
   520     if (iTextView) {
   521         TRAP_IGNORE(SizeChangedL());
   522     }
   523 }
   525 TKeyResponse CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::OfferKeyEventL(
   526     const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
   527 {
   528     if (aType != EEventKey) return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   529     TInt code=aKeyEvent.iCode;
   530     TCursorPosition::TMovementType movement;
   531     switch (code)
   532     {
   533     case EKeyOK:
   534     case EKeyEnter:
   535         iView->TryDisplayMenuBarL();
   536         return EKeyWasConsumed;
   538     // The rest has to do with scrolling
   539     case EKeyDownArrow:
   540         movement = TCursorPosition::EFLineDown;
   541         break;
   542     case EKeyUpArrow:
   543         movement = TCursorPosition::EFLineUp;
   544         break;
   545     case EKeyPageDown:
   546         movement = TCursorPosition::EFPageDown;
   547         break;
   548     case EKeyPageUp:
   549         movement = TCursorPosition::EFPageUp;
   550         break;
   551     default:
   552         return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   553     }
   554     iTextView->ScrollDisplayL(movement);
   555     UpdateScrollBars(EFalse);
   556     return EKeyWasConsumed;
   557 }
   559 // MJavaDebugAgentLog
   560 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::Log(const TText* aString)
   561 {
   562     TPtrC des(aString);
   563     TRAP_IGNORE(LogL(des));
   564 }
   566 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::LogFormat(const TText* aFormat, ...)
   567 {
   568     VA_LIST va;
   569     VA_START(va, aFormat);
   570     TBuf<KMaxLogLineLength> buf;
   571     TPtrC format(aFormat);
   572     buf.AppendFormatList(format, va, this);
   573     TRAP_IGNORE(LogL(buf));
   574 }
   576 // TDesOverflow
   577 void CJavaDebugAgentLogScreen::Overflow(TDes& /*aDes*/)
   578 {
   579 }
   581 /**
   582  * Local Variables:
   583  * c-basic-offset: 4
   584  * indent-tabs-mode: nil
   585  * End:
   586  */