changeset 0 b26acd06ea60
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b26acd06ea60
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "s_lib.h"
    20 #include "instreg.h"
    22 /* Exit codes */
    23 #define EXITCODE_SUCCESS    0   /* successful completion */
    24 #define EXITCODE_HELP       1   /* help printed, nothing done */
    25 #define EXITCODE_CMDLINE    2   /* command line parse error */
    26 #define EXITCODE_IOERR      3   /* cannot write installation registry */
    27 #define EXITCODE_NOMEM      4   /* out of memory (very unlikely) */
    29 /* Data structures */
    30 struct _MemContext {
    31     const MemHook * next;
    32 };
    34 typedef struct _AppContext {
    35     Bool unregister;            /* true if we are unregistering the product */
    36     StrBuf sb;                  /* temporary string buffer */
    37     DOMNode* root;              /* root node of the DOM tree */
    38     Str name;                   /* product name */
    39     Str ver;                    /* product version, NULL if unknown */
    40     Str loc;                    /* product location */
    41     Str exe;                    /* product executable */
    42     Str type;                   /* product type */
    43     Str nameEsc;                /* XML-escaped product name */
    44     Str typeEsc;                /* XML-escaped product type */
    45     Str verEsc;                 /* XML-escaped version */
    46     Str exeEsc;                 /* XML-escaped path */
    47     Str locEsc;                 /* XML-escaped location */
    48 } AppContext;
    50 /* Tags in the installation registry file */
    51 #define REGISTRY_TAG    "registry"
    52 #define PRODUCT_TAG     "product"
    53 #define NAME_TAG        "name"
    54 #define VERSION_TAG     "version"
    55 #define EXECUTABLE_TAG  "executable"
    56 #define LOCATION_TAG    "location"
    57 #define TYPE_ATTR       "type"
    58 #define EMULATOR_TYPE   "emulator"
    60 #define ROOT_TAG        REGISTRY_TAG
    62 /*
    63  * Some default values. Note that we are making an assumption that the
    64  * default values don't need to be XML-escaped.
    65  */
    67 #define DEFAULT_VERSION "1.0"
    69 /* Desctiption of the command line parameters */
    70 #define CMDLINE_PARAM   "PRODUCT"
    72 /* Modifiable global data */
    73 static Char* pname = "instreg";
    74 static Char regfile[] = "C:\\Nokia\\Registry\\installationRegistry.xml";
    76 /* Constants */
    77 static const Str commonHeader = "\
    78 <?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n\
    79 \n\
    80 <!DOCTYPE "REGISTRY_TAG" [\n\
    83 LOCATION_TAG")>\n\
    84 <!ELEMENT "NAME_TAG" (#PCDATA)>\n\
    89 ]>\n\
    90 \n\
    91 ";
    93 /* This template is used when we are creating a new file */
    94 static const Str newTemplate = "%s\
    95 <"REGISTRY_TAG">\n\
    96     <"PRODUCT_TAG" "TYPE_ATTR"=\"%s\">\n\
    97         <"NAME_TAG">\n\
    98             %s\n\
    99         </"NAME_TAG">\n\
   100         <"VERSION_TAG">\n\
   101             %s\n\
   102         </"VERSION_TAG">\n\
   103         <"EXECUTABLE_TAG">\n\
   104             %s\n\
   105         </"EXECUTABLE_TAG">\n\
   106         <"LOCATION_TAG">\n\
   107             %s\n\
   108         </"LOCATION_TAG">\n\
   109     </"PRODUCT_TAG">\n\
   110 </"REGISTRY_TAG">\n\
   111 ";
   113 /* This template is used when we are updating the existing entry */
   114 static const Str updateTemplate = "\
   115 <"PRODUCT_TAG" "TYPE_ATTR"=\"%s\">\n\
   116         <"NAME_TAG">\n\
   117             %s\n\
   118         </"NAME_TAG">\n\
   119         <"VERSION_TAG">\n\
   120             %s\n\
   121         </"VERSION_TAG">\n\
   122         <"EXECUTABLE_TAG">\n\
   123             %s\n\
   124         </"EXECUTABLE_TAG">\n\
   125         <"LOCATION_TAG">\n\
   126             %s\n\
   127         </"LOCATION_TAG">\n\
   128     </"PRODUCT_TAG">\
   129 ";
   131 /* Template for appending a new entry to the existing file */
   132 static const Str appendTemplate = "\
   133     <"PRODUCT_TAG" "TYPE_ATTR"=\"%s\">\n\
   134         <"NAME_TAG">\n\
   135             %s\n\
   136         </"NAME_TAG">\n\
   137         <"VERSION_TAG">\n\
   138             %s\n\
   139         </"VERSION_TAG">\n\
   140         <"EXECUTABLE_TAG">\n\
   141             %s\n\
   142         </"EXECUTABLE_TAG">\n\
   143         <"LOCATION_TAG">\n\
   144             %s\n\
   145         </"LOCATION_TAG">\n\
   146     </"PRODUCT_TAG">\n\
   147 ";
   149 /**
   150  * Memory hooks. If memory allocation fails, we exit the program with
   151  * EXITCODE_NOMEM status. Therefore, we don't need for check for memory
   152  * allocation failures in the code.
   153  */
   154 static Bool APP_MemInit(MemContext* ctx, const MemHook* next)
   155 {
   156     ctx->next = next;
   157     return True;
   158 }
   160 static void* APP_MemAlloc(MemContext* ctx, size_t size)
   161 {
   162     void* ptr = MEM_Alloc2(ctx->next, size);
   163     if (!ptr) {
   164         TRACE_Error("Out of memory!\n");
   165         exit(EXITCODE_NOMEM);
   166     }
   167     return ptr;
   168 }
   170 static Bool APP_PrintTag(File* out, Str tag, const XMLAttr* a, StrBuf* sb)
   171 {
   172     if (FILE_Puts(out, TEXT("<")) && FILE_Puts(out, tag)) {
   173         int i;
   174         int n = XML_AttrCount(a);
   175         for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
   176             Str name = XML_AttrNameAt(a, i);
   177             Str value = XML_AttrValueAt(a, i);
   178             Str esc = XML_Escape(NULL, value);
   179             if (!esc) esc = XML_Escape(sb, value);
   180             if (FILE_Printf(out, TEXT(" %s=\"%s\""), name, esc) < 0) {
   181                 return False;
   182             }
   183         }
   184         return (FILE_Puts(out, TEXT(">")) > 0);
   185     }
   186     return False;
   187 }
   189 /**
   190  * Prints the DOM node to the specified stream.
   191  */
   192 static Bool APP_PrintDOM(File* out, DOMNode* node, StrBuf* sb)
   193 {
   194     if (APP_PrintTag(out, DOM_TagName(node),DOM_Attr(node), sb)) {
   195         if (DOM_ChunkCount(node) == 0) {
   196             Str charData = DOM_CharData(node);
   197             if (charData && FILE_Printf(out, TEXT("%s"), charData) < 0) {
   198                 return False;
   199             }
   200         } else {
   201             DOMChunk* chunk = DOM_FirstChunk(node);
   202             while (chunk) {
   203                 DOMNode* child = DOM_ChunkNode(chunk);
   204                 Str text = DOM_ChunkText(chunk);
   205                 ASSERT(text || child);
   206                 if ((text && !FILE_Puts(out, text)) ||
   207                     (child && !APP_PrintDOM(out, child, sb))) {
   208                     return False;
   209                 }
   210                 chunk=DOM_NextChunk(chunk);
   211             }
   212         }
   213         return (FILE_Printf(out, TEXT("</%s>"),DOM_TagName(node)) > 0);
   214     }
   215     return False;
   216 }
   218 /**
   219  * Matches the child tag of the product node against the expected value
   220  */
   221 static Bool APP_MatchInfo(DOMNode* p, Str tag, Str expect, StrBuf* sb)
   222 {
   223     if (expect) {
   224         DOMNode* node = DOM_FindFirst(p, tag);
   225         if (node) {
   226             Str data = DOM_CharData(node);
   227             if (data && StrStr(data, expect)) {
   228                 STRBUF_Copy(sb, data);
   229                 STRBUF_Trim(sb);
   230                 return STRBUF_EqualsTo(sb, expect);
   231             }
   232         }
   233         /* no match */
   234         return False;
   235     } else {
   236         /* nothing is expected, anything will do */
   237         return True;
   238     }
   239 }
   241 /**
   242  * Checks whether the node matches the product criteria specified on
   243  * the command line. This serves dual purpose. When registering the
   244  * product, this is how we find the existing entry to update. The
   245  * first entry that matches the criteria will be updated, all others
   246  * ignored. When unregistering the product, all matching entries are
   247  * removed.
   248  */
   249 static Bool APP_MatchProduct(DOMNode* product, AppContext* app)
   250 {
   251     Bool match = False;
   252     if (product && StrCmp(DOM_TagName(product),PRODUCT_TAG) == 0) {
   253         Str type = XML_AttrValue(DOM_Attr(product),TYPE_ATTR);
   254         if (!app->type || (type && StrCmp(type,app->type) == 0)) {
   255             /* compare product information */
   256             if (APP_MatchInfo(product, NAME_TAG,  app->name, &app->sb) &&
   257                 APP_MatchInfo(product, VERSION_TAG,  app->ver, &app->sb) &&
   258                 APP_MatchInfo(product, LOCATION_TAG,  app->loc, &app->sb) &&
   259                 APP_MatchInfo(product, EXECUTABLE_TAG,  app->exe, &app->sb)) {
   260                 match = True;
   261             }
   262         }
   263     }
   264     return match;
   265 }
   267 /**
   268  * FILE_Save callback. If invoked from FILE_Save, this callback is actually
   269  * writing to a temporary file. The temporary file then gets renamed into the
   270  * actual output file. This guarantees that we either successfully update the
   271  * file, or don't change it at all. Note that we also invoke this callback 
   272  * directly, to write to stdout.
   273  */
   274 static Bool APP_FileSaveCB(File* out, Str fname, void * ctx)
   275 {
   276     AppContext* app = ctx;
   277     Str tag = DOM_TagName(app->root);
   278     if (FILE_Puts(out, commonHeader) &&
   279         APP_PrintTag(out, tag, DOM_Attr(app->root), &app->sb)) {
   280         Bool updated = False;
   281         DOMChunk* chunk = DOM_FirstChunk(app->root);
   282         while (chunk) {
   283             DOMNode* child = DOM_ChunkNode(chunk);
   284             Str text = DOM_ChunkText(chunk);
   285             if (child) {
   286                 if (APP_MatchProduct(child, app)) {
   288                     /* 
   289                      * If unregistering, skip this entry. Also, when 
   290                      * we find more that one matching entry when we are
   291                      * registering the product, we update the first one
   292                      * and remove the others.
   293                      */
   294                     if (!app->unregister && !updated) {
   295                         /* update the existing entry */
   296                         if (!FILE_Puts(out, text) ||
   297                              FILE_Printf(out, updateTemplate, 
   298                                         app->typeEsc, app->nameEsc, 
   299                                         app->verEsc, app->exeEsc, 
   300                                         app->locEsc) > 0) {
   301                             updated = True;
   302                         } else {
   303                             return False;
   304                         }
   305                     }
   306                 } else if (!FILE_Puts(out, text) ||
   307                            !APP_PrintDOM(out, child, &app->sb)) {
   308                     return False;
   309                 }
   310             } else if (text) {
   311                 if (!FILE_Puts(out, text)) {
   312                     return False;
   313                 }
   314             }
   315             chunk = DOM_NextChunk(chunk);
   316         }
   317         if (!updated) {
   318             if (DOM_ChunkCount(app->root) == 0) {
   319                 Str charData = DOM_CharData(app->root);
   320                 if (charData && FILE_Printf(out, TEXT("%s"), charData) < 0) {
   321                     return False;
   322                 }
   323             }
   324             if (!app->unregister) {
   325                 /* append a new entry */
   326                 if (FILE_Printf(out,appendTemplate, app->typeEsc, 
   327                                 app->nameEsc, app->verEsc, app->exeEsc,
   328                                 app->locEsc) < 0) {
   329                     return False;
   330                 }
   331             }
   332         }
   333         return (FILE_Printf(out, TEXT("</%s>\n"),tag) > 0);
   334     }
   336     /* some kind of I/O error */
   337     return False;
   338 }
   340 /**
   341  * The program entry point.
   342  */
   343 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
   344 {
   345     AppContext app;
   346     Bool toStdout = False;
   347     Bool help = False;
   348     Vector params;
   349     CmdLine* c;
   350     Str prog;
   351     int status;
   352     Char sysDirBuf[MAX_PATH +1];
   354     MemProc mp;
   355     MemContext mc;
   357     /* install memory hook so that we don't have to check for NULL */
   358     MEM_InitModule();    
   359     memset(&mc, 0, sizeof(mc));
   360     memset(&mp, 0, sizeof(mp));
   361     mp.memInit = APP_MemInit;
   362     mp.memAlloc = APP_MemAlloc;
   363     MEM_Hook(&mp, &mc);
   364     RANDOM_InitModule();    
   366     /* figure out the program name */
   367     prog = FILE_FilePart(argv[0]);
   368 #ifdef _WIN32
   369     if (STRING_EndsWith(prog, ".exe")) {
   370         int n = StrLen(prog)-4;
   371         pname = MEM_NewArray(Char, n+1);
   372         StrnCpy(pname, prog, n);
   373         pname[n] = 0;
   374     } else 
   375 #endif /* _WIN32 */
   376     pname = STRING_Dup(prog);
   378     /* 
   379      * determine the drive where Windows is installed. That's the drive
   380      * where installationRegistry.xml file is located.
   381      */
   382 #ifdef _WIN32
   383     if (GetSystemDirectory(sysDirBuf, COUNT(sysDirBuf))) {
   384         TRACE1("system drive is %c:\n",sysDirBuf[0]);
   385         regfile[0] = sysDirBuf[0];
   386     }
   387 #endif /* _WIN32 */
   389     memset(&app, 0, sizeof(app));
   390     c = CMDLINE_Create(pname);
   392 #ifdef _CONSOLE
   393     CMDLINE_AddTrueOpt(c,'h',"help","print this help and exit",&help);
   394     CMDLINE_AddTrueOpt(c,'c',"stdout","write updated installation registry "
   395         "to stdout",&toStdout);
   396 #endif /* _CONSOLE */
   398     CMDLINE_SetParamName(CMDLINE_AddStrOpt(c,'e',"executable",
   399         "path to the executable (required to register)",&app.exe), "FILE");
   400     CMDLINE_SetParamName(CMDLINE_AddStrOpt(c,'v',"version",
   401         "product version (default is "DEFAULT_VERSION")",&app.ver),"VERSION");
   402     CMDLINE_SetParamName(CMDLINE_AddStrOpt(c,'l',"location",
   403         "product location (default is the executable folder)",&app.loc),"DIR");
   404     CMDLINE_SetParamName(CMDLINE_AddStrOpt(c,'t',"type",
   405         "product type (default is "DEFAULT_TYPE")",&app.type),"TYPE");
   406     CMDLINE_AddTrueOpt(c,'u',"unregister","unregister the product "
   407         "(default is to register)",&app.unregister);
   409     VECTOR_Init(&params, 0, vectorEqualsString, NULL);
   410     if (!CMDLINE_Parse(c,argv+1,argc-1,PARSE_NO_DUP,&params) || 
   411         VECTOR_IsEmpty(&params) || help) {
   412         TRACE_Output(PRODUCT_NAME " Version %d.%d.%d\nCopyright (C) "
   413             PRODUCT_COPYRIGHT ". All rights reserved.\n\n", 
   415             PRODUCT_VERSION_MICRO);
   416         CMDLINE_Usage(c, CMDLINE_PARAM, 0);
   417         status = (help ? EXITCODE_HELP : EXITCODE_CMDLINE);
   418     } else if (VECTOR_Size(&params) > 1) {
   419         TRACE_Error("%s: unexpected command line parameters\n", pname);
   420         CMDLINE_Usage(c, CMDLINE_PARAM, 0);
   421         status = EXITCODE_CMDLINE;
   422     } else if (!app.exe && !app.unregister) {
   423         TRACE_Error("%s: product executable is required\n", pname);
   424         CMDLINE_Usage(c, CMDLINE_PARAM, 0);
   425         status = EXITCODE_CMDLINE;
   426     } else {
   428         StrBuf typeBuf;
   429         StrBuf nameBuf;
   430         StrBuf verBuf;
   431         StrBuf exeBuf;
   432         StrBuf locBuf;
   433         Char* dir = NULL;
   435         if (app.exe && !app.loc) {
   436             /* default location */
   437             if (FILE_FilePart(app.exe) == app.exe) {
   438                 int n = GetCurrentDirectory(0,NULL)+1;
   439                 dir = MEM_NewArray(Char,n);
   440                 dir[GetCurrentDirectory(n,dir)] = 0;
   441             } else {
   442                 dir = FILE_DirName(app.exe, 0);
   443             }
   444             if (STRING_EndsWith(dir, FILE_SEPARATOR)) {
   445                 dir[StrLen(dir)-1] = 0;
   446             }
   447             app.loc = dir;
   448         }
   450         status = EXITCODE_SUCCESS;
   452         /* XML escape the strings */
   453         STRBUF_Init(&typeBuf);
   454         STRBUF_Init(&nameBuf);
   455         STRBUF_Init(&verBuf);
   456         STRBUF_Init(&exeBuf);
   457         STRBUF_Init(&locBuf);
   458         STRBUF_Init(&;
   459 = VECTOR_Get(&params, 0);
   460         app.nameEsc = XML_Escape(&nameBuf,;
   461         if (app.exe) app.exeEsc = XML_Escape(&exeBuf, app.exe);
   462         if (app.loc) app.locEsc = XML_Escape(&locBuf, app.loc);
   464         if (app.type) {
   465             app.typeEsc = XML_Escape(&typeBuf, app.type);
   466         } else {
   467             /* we know there's nothing to escape here */
   468             app.typeEsc = DEFAULT_TYPE;
   469         }
   471         if (app.ver) {
   472             app.verEsc = XML_Escape(&verBuf, app.ver);
   473         } else {
   474             /* we know there's nothing to escape here */
   475             app.verEsc = DEFAULT_VERSION;
   476         }
   478         app.root = DOM_Load(regfile);
   479         if (app.root && StrCmp(DOM_TagName(app.root),ROOT_TAG) == 0) {
   480             if (toStdout) {
   481                 File* out = FILE_AttachToFile(stdout,"stdout");
   482                 APP_FileSaveCB(out, FILE_Name(out), &app);
   483                 FILE_Close(out);
   484             } else {
   485                 if (!FILE_Save(regfile, APP_FileSaveCB, &app, NULL)) {
   486                     status = EXITCODE_IOERR;
   487                 }
   488             }
   489         } else if (!app.unregister) {
   491             /*
   492              * either the file does not exist, or else it exists but 
   493              * contains some garbage (root tag does not match the 
   494              * expectation). Create a new file, unless the user has
   495              * given us -u (unregister) option in which case we have
   496              * nothing to do.
   497              */
   498             if (toStdout) {
   499                 printf(newTemplate, commonHeader, app.typeEsc, app.nameEsc,
   500                     app.verEsc, app.exeEsc, app.locEsc);
   501             } else {
   503                 /* create a new file */
   504                 File* f = FILE_Open(regfile, WRITE_TEXT_MODE, NULL);
   505                 if (!f) {
   506                     /* perhaps, the directory does not exist? */
   507                     Char* regdir = FILE_DirName(regfile, 0);
   508                     FILE_MkDir(regdir);
   509                     MEM_Free(regdir);
   510                 }
   512                 /* try again */
   513                 f = FILE_Open(regfile, WRITE_TEXT_MODE, NULL);
   514                 if (f) {
   515                     if (FILE_Printf(f, newTemplate, commonHeader, 
   516                                     app.typeEsc, app.nameEsc, 
   517                                     app.verEsc, app.exeEsc, 
   518                                     app.locEsc) < 0) {
   519                         status = EXITCODE_IOERR;
   520                     }
   521                     FILE_Close(f);
   522                 } else {
   523                     status = EXITCODE_IOERR;
   524                 }
   525             }
   526         }
   528         STRBUF_Destroy(&;
   529         DOM_Delete(app.root);
   530         STRBUF_Destroy(&typeBuf);
   531         STRBUF_Destroy(&nameBuf);
   532         STRBUF_Destroy(&verBuf);
   533         STRBUF_Destroy(&exeBuf);
   534         STRBUF_Destroy(&locBuf);
   535         MEM_Free(dir);
   536     }
   538     /* Cleanup */
   539     MEM_Free(pname);
   540     VECTOR_Destroy(&params);
   541     CMDLINE_Delete(c);
   542     RANDOM_Shutdown();
   543     MEM_Shutdown();
   544     return status;
   545 }