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+<h1 class="pageHeading" id="GUID-FDB2C970-1356-4749-A856-005D5D0166D1">
+<a xmlns:d="" name="GUID-FDB2C970-1356-4749-A856-005D5D0166D1">
+</a>List of example applications</h1>
+<li><p><a href="../AddressBook/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">AddressBook</a>
+ - provides an example, including source code, of the use of the Nokia
+ Web Services Framework so that developers can test and run the application
+ against a live server.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../Animation/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Animation</a> -
+ demonstrates how to use animation in client/server architecture.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../AIWConsumerBasics/doc/index.html">Application
+ Interworking Example</a> - demonstrates how to use the AIW Consumer APIs.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../AudioStreamExample/doc/index.html">AudioStreaming
+ Example</a> - demonstrates how to use Audio Streaming API.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../BrCtlSampleApp/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self><span style="font-style: normal;">Browser
+ Control</a> </span>- demonstrates how to create a browser control that
+ will enable you to display web related content. The example application
+ also demonstrates how to customize the browser control to fit the unique
+ needs of your host application, by showing you how to customize soft keys,
+ dialogs, scroll bars, etc.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../Chat/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Chat</a> - demonstrates
+ how to create a application that sends messages from one Bluetooth or
+ TCP/IP device to another.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../ClientServerAsync/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Client/Server Example
+ (asynchronous)</a> - demonstrates the architecture of a simple client
+ server application utilising asynchronous calls to the server</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../ClientServerSync/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Client/Server Example
+ (synchronous)</a> - demonstrates the architecture of a simple client server
+ application utilising synchronous calls to the server</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../CommonDialogsEx/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">CommonDialogsEx</a>
+ - demonstrates the usage of Common Dialogs APIs. </p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../Contacts/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Contacts Database</a>
+ - demonstrates how to use Contacts database.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../CLFExample/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Content Listing Framework</a>
+ - demonstrates how to use Content Listing Framework.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../DataMobility/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Data Mobility Example</a>
+ - demonstrates the use of Connection Settings UI and Mobility extension of Connection Manager API</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../DirectoryLocalizerEx/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Directory Localizer Example</a>
+ - demonstrates the usage of DirectoryLocalizer API.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../DriveInfo/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">DriveInfo Console Application</a>
+ - demonstrates how to create a console application with icon.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../DynamicSettingList/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Dynamic SettingList Example</a>
+ - demonstrates how the create setting item lists dynamically.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../Filelist/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Filelist</a>
+ - demonstrates how basic grid can be implemented in the Symbian OS and use
+ it to filelisting with graphics.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../FindItemTestApp/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">FindItem TestApp</a>
+ - demonstrates Find Item API functionality. The Find Item API offers methods
+ for parsing phone numbers, e-mail addresses or URI addresses from given
+ text.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../Focusevent/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Focus Event</a>
+ - demonstrates how to utilize focus-events.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../Graphics/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Graphics</a>
+ - demonstrates two methods of drawing bitmaps to the screen.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../GuiEngine/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Gui/Engine Split</a>
+ - demonstrates how to split an application into two components, an engine
+ dll and a GUI application.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../HelloWorldBasic/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Hello World Basic</a>
+ - demonstrates how to create a simple interactive application in the Symbian
+ OS.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../helpexample/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Help</a>
+ - demonstrates how to add support for context sensitive help to an application .</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../HierarchicalColumnList/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">HierarchicalColumnList</a>
+ - demonstrate the usage of hierarchical column list UI component. The application creates a hierarchical list, adds some data items to the list, and then allows the user to browse the list structure and change some of the list setting through options menu.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../HWRMTestApp/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">HWRMTestApp</a>
+ - demonstrates HW Resource Manager API functionality. HW Resource Manager
+ provides client APIs for controlling lights and vibra of the device. It
+ also has additional responsibillty of publishing certain power state related
+ Publish &amp; Subscribe properties.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../IMOpenAPIExample/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">IM Open API</a>
+ - demonstrates how to use the IM Open API. The example is a game, in which moves are sent as instant messages.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../IsvTelCallApp/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">IsvTelCallApp</a>
+ - demonstrates how to use the ISV ETel APIs.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../IsvTelInfoApp/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">IsvTelInfoApp</a>
+ - demonstrates how to use the ISV ETel APIs.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../Listbox/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Listbox</a>
+ - demonstrates how to use Listbox control and middle softkey (MSK).</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../Localization/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Localization</a>
+ - demonstrates how to localize an application to adapt to different languages.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../LocationLandmarksRefAppForS60/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Landmarks Reference Application</a>
+ - demonstrates Landmark reference application development.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../LocationLandmarksUIRefApp/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Landmarks UI Reference</a>
+ - demonstrates the usage of the selector and editor dialogs exported by
+ the Landmarks UI applicatio.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../LocationRefAppForS60/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Location Reference</a>
+ - demonstrates how to use the Mobile Location Framework to obtain position
+ information.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../Messaging/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Messaging</a>
+ - demonstrates the use of SendUI API for creating SMS, MMS and email messages.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../MyView/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">MyView</a>
+ - demonstrates the use of different user interface views.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../NPBitmap/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Netscape Plugin Control</a>
+ - demonstrates the use of Browser Plug-in API.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../Note/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Note</a>
+ - demonstrates the use of different kind of notes.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OcrExample/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Optical Character Recognition</a>
+ - demonstrates the use of Optical Character Recognition API.</p></li>
+<p><b><span style="font-weight: normal;">Open C examples:</span></b></p>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenC_Ex/antiword/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Antiword Example</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenC_Ex/handleglobalvar/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">DLL Usage Example</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenC_Ex/openchelloglibeventex/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Hello World with Glib Events Example</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenC_Ex/openclibz/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Libz usage example</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenC_Ex/opencmessagequeuelibraryex/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Message Queue Library Example</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenC_Ex/opencopenglex/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">OpenC OpenGL ES Example</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenC_Ex/opencproducerconsumerex/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Producer Consumer Problem Solution Example</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenC_Ex/OpenCStringUtilitiesEx/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">String Utilities Library</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenC_Ex/redirectprintf/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Redirect stdio to a file</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenC_Ex/simulateactiveobject/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Active Object simulation using Open C</a></p></li>
+<p><b><span style="font-weight: normal;">OpenGL ES examples:</span></b></p>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/Billboard/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Billboard</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/Bumpmap/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Bumpmap</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/EnvMapping/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">EnvMapping</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/FloatingDuck/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Floating Duck</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/Hierarchy/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Hierarchy</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/LensFlare/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">LensFlare</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/MipMapping/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">MipMapping</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/MultiTex/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">MultiTex</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/Particles/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Particles</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/PickSelect/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">PickSelect</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/Rain/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Rain</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/Shadows/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Shadows</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/SimpleCube/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">SimpleCube</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/SimpleCubePBuffer/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">SimpleCubePBuffer</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/SimpleCubePixmap/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">SimpleCubePixmap</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/SimpleLight/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">SimpleLight</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/Slideshow/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Slideshow</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/Snow/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Snow</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../OpenGLEx/Texture/doc/index.html"
+								target=_self
+								style="font-style: normal;">Texture</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../Popupfield/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Popup-field</a>
+ - demonstrates the use of Popup-fields.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../PopupList/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Popup-List</a>
+ - demonstrates the use of Popup-lists.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../ProgressBar/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Progress Bar Control</a>
+ - demonstrates how to use progress bars.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../Query/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Query</a>
+ - demonstrates how to use various query-dialogs.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../Registration/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Registration</a>
+ - demonstrates how to create a basic registration form containing different
+ input controls.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../RichTextEditor/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Rich Text Editor</a>
+ - demonstrates how to use of Rich Text Editor.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../LocationSatViewRefApp/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Satellite Info UI Reference</a>
+ - demonstrates the usage of the CSateliteInfoUI class that is exported by the BLID Application Satellite Info API.</p></li>
+<p><b><span style="font-weight: normal;">Touch Examples:</span></b></p>
+<li><p><a href="../TUIEx/ChoiceListEx/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">ChoiceList</a> -  demonstrates the use of CAknChoiceList. Using the Options menu, user can create choice lists and edit created choice list content. </p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../TUIEx/LongTapDetectorEx/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">LongTapDetector</a>
+ - demonstrates the use of CAknLongTapDetector. Receives pointer events from owner application or owner control and returns location if a long tap event occurs.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../TUIEx/NoughtsAndCrosses/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">NoughtsAndCrosses</a>
+ - demonstrate scalability and the usage of bitmaps and svg-t graphics .</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../TUIEx/StylusPopupMenuEx/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">StylusPopupMenu</a>
+ - demonstrates the use of CAknStylusPopUpMenu.A floating popup menu which is meant for stylus usage only.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../TUIEx/TactileExample/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">TactileExample</a>
+ - demonstrates how to use Tactile Feedback Client API on Symbian OS application.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../SensorExample/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">SensorExample</a>
+ - SensorExample is an example application that demonstrates Sensor API functionality. Sensor API provides clients the access to the data provided by various Sensors of the device.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../SIPExample/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">SIP</a>
+ - explains the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Example Application. The SIP Example
+ Application is a simple game for two players, but it is a complete application,
+ which demonstrates the use of the SIP API to set up a connection to a
+ remote device.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../UnitEditorEx/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Unit Editor</a>
+ - demonstrates how to use a multi field numeric unit editor</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../WebClient/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">Webclient</a>
+ - demonstrates how to create simple HTTP Client software.</p></li>
+<li><p><a href="../XeDomExample/doc/index.html"
+							target=_self
+							style="font-style: normal;">XeDomExample</a>
+ - demonstrates, how to use XML Engine Document Object Model APIs for creating, parsing, processing and destroying of XML documents and its variety of different components with which the document is formed.</p></li>
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