# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
package JarSegregator;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy;
use Cwd;
use XML::DOM;
#Create new object
sub new
my $class=shift @_;
my $self={}; # New blank object
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
#internal function
# =======================================================================
# Recursive copy
# Copies a folder, its sub folders & files therein.
# Paramter 1: Source folder path.
# Paramter 2: Destination folder path.
# return 0 for success
# =======================================================================
sub CopyTree
# =======================================================================
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
my $CopyFrom = shift @_;
my $CopyTo = shift @_;
if(-e $CopyFrom)
$CopyFrom = abs_path($CopyFrom);
$CopyTo = abs_path($CopyTo);
my ($src,$RelativePath,$dest);
# Make sure that the source directory exists, create the top level
# destination directory
if (-d $CopyFrom)
eval { mkpath($CopyTo) };
if ($@)
print("WARN: Couldn't create $_[0]: $@");
#return -1;
} else {
print ("WARN: Directory $CopyFrom does not exist");
#return -2;
print("\n CopyTree: Copying $CopyFrom -> $CopyTo");
# Traverse file tree (highest level directory first)
if (-f $src)
{ # Copy file
if (!copy($src,$dest))
print ("ERROR: Couldn't copy $src: $@");
} else { # Make a duplicate directory if necessary
unless($dest eq '..'||$dest eq '.') {
unless(-e $dest) {
# mkdir($dest,0775);
return 0;
#This subroutine prepares the environment
#First parameter is the log file handle (optional)
#Second parameter is the j9 file name taken from sdk.ini file
#Third parameter is the j9 path name taken from sdk.ini file
#Fourth parameter is the temporary work area for this jars
sub Prepare_env
my $self=shift @_; # class name passed by default
my $j9filename = shift @_;
my $j9path = shift @_;
my $jsr_wa = shift @_;
my $cmd;
my @out;
my $filename="";
print "\n\n--------------Preparing J9 Extraction Env--------------\n\n";
$filename = "$j9filename";
# if directory exists it deletes it
if(-d $filename)
#copies the j9 file from the platform to the temp work area
if(-f "$j9path\\$filename.zip")
copy ("$j9path\\$filename.zip", "$jsr_wa\\$filename.zip");
$cmd = "unzip -o $jsr_wa\\$filename.zip -d $jsr_wa\\$filename/";
@out = `$cmd`;
if ($@)
print "\nERROR: $cmd is failed: $@";
return 1;
print @out;
#This subroutine segregates the jars using the jsr_specification.xml
#First parameter is the log file handle (optional)
#Second parameter is the temporary work area for this jars
#Third parameter is the hash reference to the information retrieved from jsr_spec.xml
#Fourth parameter is the j9 file name taken from sdk.ini file
sub segregation
my $self=shift @_; # class name passed by default
my $temp_path = shift @_;
my ($href) = shift @_;
my $j9filename = shift @_;
my $api="";
my $packagename="";
my @packagename="";
my $packagepath="";
print "\n\n--------------Segregating the JSRs --------------\n\n";
mkpath ("$temp_path");
foreach $api(keys (%$href))
$packagelist = %$href->{$api}->{'package'};
(@packagenames) = split(/\,/,$packagelist);
#copies the packages from the source path to the temp work area
foreach $packagenames(@packagenames)
$packagenames =~ s/\./\\/g;
$packagepath = $packagenames;
$ch = getcwd;
chdir "$temp_path" or die ("\nERROR: Can not chdir to $temp_path. $!");
mkpath ("$api\\$packagepath");
chdir "$ch" or die ("\nERROR: Can not chdir to $ch. $!");
if(($api=~m/midp20/g) or ($api=~m/midp21/g) or (($api=~m/jsr139/g)))
if($packagepath =~ m/javax\\microedition\\io/gi)
print "Package path : $packagepath\n";
system ("copy $j9filename\\$packagepath $temp_path\\$api\\$packagepath");
$cmd = CopyTree("$j9filename\\$packagepath","$temp_path\\$api\\$packagepath");
print "\n ERROR: $j9filename\\$packagepath is NOT copied to $temp_path\\$api\\$packagepath. $cmd";
print $cmd;
#This subroutine generates the manifest file for each jsr mentioned in jsr_specification.xml
#First parameter is the log file handle (optional)
#Second parameter is the temporary work area for this jars
#Third parameter is the hash reference to the information retrieved from jsr_spec.xml
sub manifest_file_process
my $self=shift @_; # class name passed by default
my $temp_path = shift @_;
my ($href) = shift @_;
my $api;
my $manifilename = "manifest.mf";
my @manifestinfo ="";
open OUT_TEMP,">Temp_log.txt";
print "\n\n--------------Manifest file process--------------\n\n";
open OUTMANIFEST,">$manifilename";
foreach $api(keys (%$href))
foreach $manifest_info(@{%$href->{$api}->{'manifest_info'}})
$manifest_info =~ s/^\n//;
#$manifest_info =~ s/\n$//;
if($manifest_info =~ m/API-Type/)
push (@manifestinfo,$manifest_info);
print OUT_TEMP $manifest_info;
print OUTMANIFEST @manifestinfo;
print OUTMANIFEST "\n";
mkpath ("$temp_path\\$api\\META-INF");
$cmd = copy ("$manifilename", "$temp_path\\$api\\META-INF\\$manifilename");
print "\nCopied $manifilename to $temp_path\\$api\\META-INF\\$manifilename";
open OUTMANIFEST,">$manifilename";
push (@manifestinfo,$manifest_info);
print OUT_TEMP $manifest_info;
close OUT_TEMP;
$cmd = unlink "$manifilename" or die ("\nERROR: Can not delete $manifilename, $!");
print $cmd;
#This subroutine generates the jars for each jsr and copies to target directory
#First parameter is the log file handle (optional)
#Second parameter is the temporary work area for this jars
#Third parameter is the target directory of the jar files to be copied
sub jar_files
my $self=shift @_; # class name passed by default
my $temp_path = shift @_;
my $target_jar = shift @_;
my $dirname="";
my @file="";
my $file="";
my $api_name="";
my $cwd="";
print "\n\n--------------Creating Jars --------------\n\n";
if(-d "$target_jar")
mkpath ("$target_jar");
opendir DIR, $dirname or print "\n WARNING: Can not open $dirname, $!";
@file = readdir DIR;
shift @file;
shift @file;
foreach $file(@file)
$cwd = getcwd;
$api_name = $file;
chdir "$temp_path\\$api_name" or die ("\nERROR: Can not chdir to $temp_path\\$api_name. $!");
$cmd = "jar cvfM $file.jar ./";
print "\n INFO: EXE $cmd \n";
@cmd = `$cmd`;
if ($@)
print "\nERROR: $cmd is failed: $@";
return 1;
print @cmd;
$cmd = copy ("$file.jar","$target_jar");
print "\nCopied $file.jar to $target_jar\n" ;
@cmd = unlink "$file.jar" or die ("\nERROR: Can not delete $file.jar, $!");
print @cmd;
chdir $cwd or die ("\nERROR: Can not chdir to $cwd. $!");
closedir DIR;
#This subroutine parses the jsr_specification.xml and stores in hash ref
#First parameter is the log file handle (optional)
#Second parameter is the jsr_specification file name
#Third parameter is the hash ref for the jsr information
sub parse_xml_file
my $self=shift @_; # class name passed by default
my $file = shift @_;
my ($href) = shift @_;
my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
my $doc = $parser->parsefile($file);
my $apiname;
my @symbol_nodes;
my $symbol_node;
my $symbol;
my @manifest_info;
foreach my $jsr ($doc->getElementsByTagName("jsr")) {
@symbol_nodes = $jsr->getElementsByTagName("api-name");
$symbol_node = $symbol_nodes[0];
$symbol = $symbol_node->getFirstChild->getData();
print "\n".$symbol."\n";
$apiname = $symbol;
@symbol_nodes = $jsr->getElementsByTagName("package");
$symbol_node = $symbol_nodes[0];
$symbol = $symbol_node->getFirstChild->getData();
$symbol =~ s/\s+/\,/g;
print $symbol;
$href->{$apiname}->{'package'} = $symbol;
print $href->{$apiname}->{'package'};
print "\n";
@symbol_nodes = $jsr->getElementsByTagName("manifest_info");
$symbol_node = $symbol_nodes[0];
$symbol = $symbol_node->getFirstChild->getData();
@symbol = split(/\n/,$symbol);
foreach $symbol(@symbol)
$symbol =~ s/^\s+//g;
$symbol =~ s/\s+$//g;
push @{$href->{$apiname}->{'manifest_info'}}, "$symbol\n";
print @{$href->{$apiname}->{'manifest_info'}};
print "\n";
# This subroutine is called from the build script from jsr_jar_segregation
# Second Parameter is the target destination directory
# Third Parameter is the hash reference for sdk.ini file
# Fourth Parameter is the log file directory as "phase"
sub jar_segregation
my $self=shift @_; # class name passed by default
my $target_jar=shift @_;
my ($href) = shift @_;
my $j9filename =$$href{Jsr_j9filename};
my $j9path=$$href{j9_filepath};
my $synergypath=$$href{jsr_spec_cm_path};
my $xml_file=$$href{jsr_specfile};
my $jsr_wa = $$href{jsr_wa};
my $temp_path ="$jsr_wa\\new_jars";
my %jsr_info="";
if(!(-d $jsr_wa))
mkpath ("$jsr_wa");
$ch = getcwd;
chdir "$jsr_wa" or die ("\nERROR: Can not chdir to $jsr_wa. $!");
chdir "$ch" or die ("\nERROR: Can not chdir to $ch. $!");
return 1;