Workaround for Bug 3917 - CWinsockInterface::DataSent calls NotifyDataSent which is not implemented.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
#! /usr/bin/perl
# Series 60 SDK build script.
# Reads the configuration from sdk_build.conf file located in the same
# directory as the build script. The comments in the configuration file
# descripe its format.
# The important feature of this script is that it's not only part of the
# nightly build, but also part of the SDK development environment.
# First, it re-generates the diffs after developer has
# modified a platform file. It uses the diff utility
# provided by the Symbian build environment (as opposed
# to taking it from the PATH, be it MKS Toolkit, cygwin
# or whatever else you may have installed). That makes
# sure that the diff is produced in a standard format.
# Also, if the diff didn't really change (the script will
# ignore non-essential changes in the diff, such as time
# stamps in the header) the diff file in platform_mod
# doesn't get updated.
# Second, the developers can (and do) re-run this script in
# their work area, and that will produce the same result as
# when it runs on top of a clean build area. Maybe not 100%
# the same, but accurate enough to provide, say 95% guarantee
# that if the build compiles on the developer's machine, it
# will do the same in the nightly build. That will help us
# to avoid broken builds.
# Third, the script has minimal dependency on the
# environment (i.e. environment variables, where the
# CodeWarrior/VisualStudio/Perl are installed, etc.)
# A typical problem of the build scripts is that they
# make too many assumptions about the environment, and
# it's only a matter of time when one build script starts
# conflicting with another. Most developers build multiple
# products on their machines. I've been in the situations
# when one development environment breaks another. Very
# frustrating and inefficient.
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
use File::Temp;
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use FindBin;
push (@INC, $FindBin::RealBin);
require "";
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime ();
# Log levels
$LOG_QUIET = -1;
# Build types
# Editable configuration
$DO_PATCH = 0;
$DO_DIFF = 0;
$LOG = 0;
$CLEAN = 0;
$DO_EMU_PATCH=0; ## Added to run optimize emulator patch only when complete build is given
$DO_DB_UPDATE=0; ## Added to update commsdb only when complete build is given
# Non-edtable configuration
$FS = '/'; # File separator
$PS = ';'; # Path separator
@PLATFORMS = ("winscw");
@VARIANTS = ("udeb", "urel");
$PATCH_LIST_FNAME = "sdk_build.conf";
$PLATFORM = get_plat_name ();
$SDK_PROJ_NAME = "PublicSDK/sdkcreationmw";
$PATCH_DIR = "$SDK_PROJ_NAME/sdkplatformupdates/";
$S60_TOOLS_DIR = $BUILD_ROOT . "$SDK_PROJ_NAME/sdkruntimes";
$PATCH_EXT = "diff";
$NOTE = "NOTE:";
$TMP_CONF = "$BUILD_SCRIPTS_DIR/__tmp.conf";
$LOG_FILE = sprintf ("sdk_build-%d%02d%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d.log",
$year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
# Define Java build configuration
$JAVA_SRC_ROOT = "${BUILD_ROOT}PublicSDK/sdkcreationmw/sdkconnectivityfw/emuconnectmanager/epdt_java";
$JAVA_DIST_DIR = "${JAVA_SRC_ROOT}/build/ecmt";
$JAVA_TARGET_DIR = "${BUILD_ROOT}epoc32/tools/ecmt";
# parse the command line
parse_cmd_line (@ARGV);
@bld_info = ();
if ($LOG && !(open (LOG_FH, "> $LOG_FILE"))) {
warn "Could'n open log file $LOG_FILE. Logging is turned OFF.\n";
$LOG = 0;
# Make sure that the required executables are there
if (!-e $DIFF_EXE) {
err ($DIFF_EXE . " is missing");
exit 1;
if (!-e $PATCH_EXE) {
err ($PATCH_EXE . " is missing");
exit 1;
msg ("Build script started at " . localtime());
msg ("Cmd line: $0 @ARGV");
#Apply OptimiseEmulator patch to improve the SDK performance
#Do not remove eval error handling, it will cause issues with build scripts
msg ("Starting Optimise Emulator Patch, " . localtime());
## do_apply_patch_OptimiseEmulator();
if ($@)
print "\n ERROR: $@";
msg ("End of Optimise Emulator Patch, " . localtime());
open PATCH_LIST, $patch_list_path or die "$DIED_MSG Could not find $patch_list_path!";
if ($DO_PATCH) {
# IMPORTANT! SDK now maintains two startup-lists, which both are modified
# versions of the original one, but patched differently. To achieve this
# we have to first make a copy of the original list. The copy is made of
# .orig, if such exists - if not (i.e. very first patch), then from then
# original file.
# Unfortunately there is no simple way to do this without hardcoding.
#$starter_path = "${BUILD_ROOT}sf/os/devicesrv/sysstatemgmt/starter/starterserver/data";
#$starter_list = "starter.rss";
#$starter_list2 = "starter_full.rss";
#if (not -e "$starter_path/$starter_list2") {
# dbg ("making a copy of the startup-list");
# if (-e "$starter_path/$starter_list.orig") {
# copy_or_die ("$starter_path/$starter_list.orig", "$starter_path/$starter_list2");
# } else {
# copy_or_die ("$starter_path/$starter_list", "$starter_path/$starter_list2");
# }
# }
#else {
# dbg ("full startup-list already exists");
# }
# This starter is commented by Dhanvantri For Integration
# $starter_non_critical_path = "${BUILD_ROOT}sf/os/devicesrv/sysstatemgmt/starter/starterserver/data";
# $starter_non_critical_list = "starter_non_critical_1.rss";
# $starter_non_critical_list2 = "starter_non_critical_1_full.rss";
# if (not -e "$starter_non_critical_path/$starter_non_critical_list2") {
# dbg ("making a copy of the startup-list");
# if (-e "$starter_non_critical_path/$starter_non_critical_list.orig") {
# copy_or_die ("$starter_non_critical_path/$starter_non_critical_list.orig", "$starter_non_critical_path/$starter_non_critical_list2");
# } else {
# copy_or_die ("$starter_non_critical_path/$starter_non_critical_list", "$starter_non_critical_path/$starter_non_critical_list2");
# }
# }
# else {
# dbg ("full startup-list for non critical section already exists");
# Collect full path names for all pathes.
@all_patches = find_all ("$BUILD_ROOT$PATCH_DIR");
$lineno = 0;
while (<PATCH_LIST>) {
# Input lines might end in backslashes to indicate continuation
if (s/\\$//) {
$_ .= <PATCH_LIST>;
redo unless eof;
s/\#.*$//; # Get rid of the comments
next if (/^\s*$/); # Skip empty lines
my @fdata = split /:/; # Split the input line
foreach (@fdata) { # Ignore spaces before and after delimiters
my $path = shift @fdata;
next if ($path eq "");
# The first field is a name of the patch file.
# By default it's "diff"
my $relative_path = $path;
my $patch_file = get_patch_fname ($path, @all_patches);
if ($patch_file eq "") {
$patch_file = "$BUILD_ROOT" . "$PATCH_DIR" . "$path.$PATCH_EXT";
dbg ("Looking for: $patch_file");
if (not -e $patch_file) {
# This means that there is an entry in the patch list file
# but there is no actual patch file under patch dir.
# If so skip the line. The exception is DO_DIFF case since do_diff
# can create patch files.
if ($DO_DIFF) {
$patch_file = "";
else {
msg("$WARNING $PATCH_LIST_FNAME:$lineno: Missing patch file for $path");
else {
$patch_file .= ".$PATCH_EXT";
# This shouldn't happen: there is a patch file name but no name for file
# to be patched. If so skip this line.
next if ($path eq "");
$path = "$BUILD_ROOT" . $path;
if (-e "$patch_file") {
dbg ("patch file: $patch_file");
} else {
dbg ("patch file does not exist: $patch_file");
dbg ("fdata: @fdata");
# Diff'ing files only. It will generate new "diff" files.
if ($DO_DIFF) {
chdir_or_die ($BUILD_ROOT);
do_diff ($path, $patch_file);
# Patch platform files
if ($DO_PATCH) {
my $res_file = $patch_file;
$res_file =~ s/\.$PATCH_EXT$//;
# Make a backup copy of the current version of the patched file.
if (-e $path) {
my $backup_path = get_last_backup_path ($path);
if (!run("$DIFF_EXE $res_file $path", $NULL_NAME)) {
dbg("$path is identical to $res_file");
elsif (-e $backup_path &&
!run("$DIFF_EXE $backup_path $path", $NULL_NAME)) {
dbg("$path is identical to $backup_path");
} else {
# file has changed, create a backup copy
my $backup_path = get_new_backup_path ($path);
dbg ("backup to $backup_path");
copy ("$path", "$backup_path") or
msg("$WARNING failed to copy $path -> $backup_path");
# If patch file does not exist, patch means a copy
if (-e "$patch_file") {
patch_files ($path, $patch_file);
} else {
copy_or_die ($res_file, $path);
msg ("Copied $path");
if ($DO_UNPATCH) {
do_unpatch($path, $patch_file);
# Process build info
if ($#fdata >= 0) {
process_bld_info ($path, @fdata);
# if temp conf-file was used (i.e. -t option given), remove tmp-file
if ($patch_list_path == $TMP_CONF) {
dbg("deleting $TMP_CONF");
unlink $TMP_CONF;
# Build Java first
if ($BUILD_JAVA) {
build_java ();
# build SDK modules
# NOTE: some of the hooks in the platform code depend on the headers
# exported by, for example, MsgRelay module
if ($BUILD_SDK) {
foreach $m (@SDK_MODULES) {
if ($m =~ m/^wsock$/i) {
# hack to make EXPORT work reliably
my $now = time;
my $esk = "$S60_TOOLS_DIR/wsock/data/wsock.esk";
dbg ("touching $esk");
utime ($now, $now, $esk) or msg ("$WARNING couldn't touch $esk\n");
# the rest is a standard procedure for all modules
build_series60_tools_component ($m);
dbg ("Build info: @bld_info");
do_platform_build (@bld_info);
#rebuild Java Subsystem in S60 (System AMS) except for C++ SDK
dbg ("Building java platform:");
foreach $m (@SDK_MODULES) {
check_series60_tools_component ($m);
dbg ("Build info: @bld_info");
check_platform_build (@bld_info);
## Remove the example application build: As example application build should happen only after SDK installation. So
## this has to be moved from build phase to sanity test phase
# dbg ("Finalizing S60 C++ examples:");
# do_s60ex_finalizing();
#TODO: Cleaning may not be required for 9.l check and add components in the below function
# }
msg ("Build script finished at " . localtime());
close ($LOG_FH) if $LOG;
# =======================================================================
sub usage
# =======================================================================
print "Usage: sdk_build [-p | --patch] [-d | --diff] [-u | --unpatch]\
[-b | --build] [-m | --module [mod]] [-a | --all]\
[-r | --rebuild] [-c | --clean] [-e | -- err] [-l | --log]\
[-s | --silent] [-q | --quiet] [-v | --verbose]\
[-f | --config <file>] [-h | --help]\
[-t | --target <file>]\
[--env] [--midp] [--cpp] [--udeb] [--urel] [--s60ex]\
-p, --patch patch the platform files\
-d, --diff diff the platform files and update patches\
-u, --unpatch undo patches and return platform to it's original state\
-b, --build build patched platform modules (implies -p)\
-m, --module [mod] build SDK modules (or one module if specified)\
-j, --java build Java mofules (EcmtManager, ...)\
-a, --all build everything (implies -b, -p, -m and -j)\
-r, --rebuild do complete rebuild rather than incremental build\
-c, --clean delete the output and intermediate files\
-e, --err check build errors\
-l, --log create log file in the current directory\
-q, --quiet be quiet\
-s, --silent be completely silent\
-v, --verbose be verbose (repeatable)\
-f, --config <file> use <file> instead of patches/$PATCH_LIST_FNAME\
-t, --target <file> patch/diff/unpatch a single target: <file>\
-h, --help print this help message and exit\
--midp MIDP build (don't build C++ specific components)\
--cpp C++ build (don't build MIDP specific components)\
--udeb only build debug (UDEB) targets\
--urel only build release (UREL) targets\
--s60ex finalize S60 C++ example applications\
--env print (some) build environment and exit\n";
# =======================================================================
sub parse_cmd_line
# =======================================================================
if ($#_ < 0) {
usage ();
} else {
my $n = $#_ + 1; # total number of options
my $u = 0; # number of unknown options
while(defined (@_[0])) {
my $arg = shift;
if ($arg eq "-v" || $arg eq "--verbose") { $LOGLEVEL++; }
elsif ($arg eq "--env") {
elsif ($arg eq "--midp") {
err ("--midp and --cpp options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
elsif ($arg eq "--cpp" || $arg eq "--c++") {
err ("--midp and --cpp options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
elsif ($arg eq "--udeb") { @VARIANTS = ("udeb"); }
elsif ($arg eq "--urel") { @VARIANTS = ("urel"); }
elsif ($arg eq "-m" || $arg eq "--module" ) {
if ($DO_DIFF) {
err ("--diff and --module options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
# optional module name
if (defined(@_[0])) {
my $mod = @_[0];
if (!($mod =~ m/^-/)) {
@SDK_MODULES = (shift);
elsif ($arg eq "-b" || $arg eq "--build" ) {
if (!$DO_UNPATCH) {
$DO_PATCH = 1;
if ($DO_DIFF) {
err ("--diff and --build options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
elsif ($arg eq "-p" || $arg eq "--patch" ) {
$DO_PATCH = 1;
if ($DO_DIFF) {
err ("--diff and --patch options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
if ($DO_UNPATCH) {
err ("--patch and --unpatch options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
elsif ($arg eq "-u" || $arg eq "--unpatch") {
if ($DO_DIFF) {
err ("--diff and --unpatch options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
$DO_PATCH = 0;
if ($DO_PATCH) {
err("--patch and --unpatch options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
elsif ($arg eq "-d" || $arg eq "--diff") {
$DO_DIFF = 1;
err ("--diff and --build options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
if ($DO_PATCH) {
err ("--diff and --patch options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
if ($DO_UNPATCH) {
err ("--diff and --unpatch options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
elsif ($arg eq "-l" || $arg eq "--log") { $LOG = 1; }
elsif ($arg eq "-q" || $arg eq "--quiet") { $LOGLEVEL = $LOG_QUIET; }
elsif ($arg eq "-s" || $arg eq "--silent") { $LOGLEVEL = $LOG_SILENT; }
elsif ($arg eq "-j" || $arg eq "--java") { $BUILD_JAVA = 1; }
elsif ($arg eq "-a" || $arg eq "--all") {
$DO_PATCH = 1;
if ($DO_DIFF) {
err ("--diff and --all options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
if ($DO_UNPATCH) {
err ("--all and --unpatch options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
elsif ($arg eq "-r" || $arg eq "--rebuild") { $REBUILD = 1; }
elsif ($arg eq "-c" || $arg eq "--clean") { $CLEAN = 1; }
elsif ($arg eq "-e" || $arg eq "--err") { $CHECK_BUILD = 1; }
elsif ($arg eq "-h" || $arg eq "--help" ) { usage (); exit; }
elsif ($arg eq "-f" || $arg eq "--config" ) {
err ("--config and --target options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
if (defined(@_[0])) {
$patch_list_path = shift;
else {
err ("-f should follow the filename");
exit 1;
elsif ($arg eq "-t" || $arg eq "--target") {
err ("--config and --target options are mutually exclusive");
exit 1;
err ("--target can only be used with --patch, --unpatch or --diff");
exit 1;
if (defined(@_[0])) {
# patch or diff target-file given. create a temporary config-file
# note, makes sense only when doing just patch, unpatch or diff
# operation.
my $tmp_file = shift;
system("echo $tmp_file > $TMP_CONF");
$patch_list_path = $TMP_CONF;
else {
err ("--target should follow the path to the patched file");
exit 1;
elsif ($arg eq "--s60ex") { $FINALIZE_S60EX = 1; }
else {
warn "unrecognized commang line option $arg\n";
if ($n == $u) {
# not a single valid option
usage ();
$DO_PATCH = 0;
# =======================================================================
# Builds Java part of the SDK.
# =======================================================================
sub build_java
# =======================================================================
if ($REBUILD || $CLEAN) {
chdir_or_die ($JAVA_SRC_ROOT);
for $i (0 .. $#JAVA_CLEAN_DIRS) {
$dir = $JAVA_CLEAN_DIRS[$i];
dbg ("Deleting $dir");
chdir_or_die ($JAVA_BUILD_DIR);
run_build_cmd ("ant clean");
if (!$CLEAN) {
chdir_or_die ($JAVA_BUILD_DIR);
my $epdt_target = "build";
$epdt_target = "midp";
} elsif ($BUILD_TYPE == $BUILD_TYPE_CPP) {
$epdt_target = "cpp";
run_build_cmd ("ant " . $epdt_target);
open(DUMMY_FH, ">","${JAVA_TARGET_DIR}\\MIDP.txt");
msg("Couldn't copy file\n");
# =======================================================================
sub do_diff
# =======================================================================
my $path = shift;
my $patch_file = shift;
my $relative_path;
my $relative_orig;
($relative_path = $path) =~ s/^([A-Za-z])\:$FS//g;
$relative_orig = $relative_path . ".orig";
if (! -e $relative_path) {
msg ("$WARNING Missing $relative_path. No diff was done.");
if ($patch_file eq "") {
# if don't have patch file yet. Pehaps we running diff for a first time.
$patch_file = $PATCH_DIR . $relative_path . ".$PATCH_EXT";
dbg ("patch_file is empty. New patch_file is $patch_file");
my $patch_dir = get_dir_name ($patch_file);
if (! -e $patch_dir) {
mkpath ($patch_dir) or die "Couldn't create $patch_dir: $@";
$patch_file =~ s/^([A-Za-z])\:$FS//g;
my $result_file;
($result_file = $patch_file) =~ s/\.$PATCH_EXT$//;
my $esc_path;
($esc_path = $relative_path) =~ s/([\\\/\.])/\\$1/g;
my $ignore_match = "\"^[\\*-][\\*-][\\*-] $esc_path\"";
my $tmp_file = $patch_dir . $BACKUP_PREFIX .
File::Temp::mktemp (get_fname ($patch_file) . "XXXXX");
my $cmd = $REDIFF_CMD . " $relative_orig $relative_path";
my $res = 0;
my $derr = 1;
if (-e "$relative_orig") {
$res = 1;
dbg ("working on $relative_path");
run ($cmd, $tmp_file);
if (-e $patch_file) {
# Let's see if we got a different patch file that we already have.
# We don't want to just replace patch file we have with new one
# because source save might be too picky about changing time stamp
# and if new and old patch file are equal we will keep the old one.
$res = run ("$DIFF_EXE -N -I $ignore_match $tmp_file $patch_file",
if ($res == 2) {
die "$DIED_MSG Couldn't diff $tmp_file and $patch_file\n";
elsif ($res == 1) {
# New patch file is differerent so replace old patch file
# with new one.
msg ("Diffing $relative_path");
chmod 666, $patch_file;
rename "$tmp_file", "$patch_file";
else {
unlink $tmp_file;
# check, if resulted .diff-file is zero-size. If so, abort.
# (either patch is obsolete or you manually messed things up)
if (-e $patch_file && not -s "$patch_file") {
die "$DIED_MSG $patch_file size is 0!\nCheck the patch!\n";
$derr = run ("$DIFF_EXE $relative_path $result_file", $NULL_NAME);
dbg ("derr: $derr, res: $res");
if ($res == 1 || $derr > 0) {
# Patch files are different so the result file has to be updated.
if (-e "$relative_orig") {
# This is normal condition, no need to display this message
# unless verbose output is on
dbg ("Copying $relative_path to $result_file");
} else {
# Or we don't have .orig file, so we just want to copy plat. file
# to patch dir. In that case issue a normal message
msg ("Copying $relative_path to $result_file");
copy ($relative_path, $result_file);
chmod 666, $result_file;
else {
msg ("Checking $relative_path ...");
# =======================================================================
sub patch_files
# =======================================================================
my $path = shift;
my $patch_file = shift;
# remove read-only bits from all the files in the dir of the file-to-be-patched
my $tmp_dir = get_dir_name ($path);
my $cmd = "attrib -r /s /d $tmp_dir*.*";
my ($p_err, $d_err) = do_patch ($path, $patch_file);
my $res_file;
($res_file = $patch_file) =~ s/\.$PATCH_EXT$//;
if ($p_err == 0) {
msg ("Patched $path");
if ($d_err == 2) {
die "$DIED_MSG PATCH RESULT: Diff failed while comparing $path and $res_file\n";
elsif ($d_err == 1) {
msg ("$WARNING PATCH RESULT: $path does not match $res_file\n");
else {
dbg ("PATCH RESULT: res $p_err, diff res: $d_err. Proceeding");
# additionally check, if .diff-file is zero-size. If so, print a note.
# (either patch is obsolete or you manually messed things up)
# note, that we still continue.
if (not -s "$patch_file") {
msg ("$NOTE $patch_file size is 0!\nCheck the patch!\n");
elsif ($p_err == -1) {
die "$DIED_MSG PATCH FAILED: Couldn't start the patch command!\n";
else {
die "$DIED_MSG PATCH FAILED for $path!\n";
# =======================================================================
sub chdir_to_build_specific_dir
# =======================================================================
my $dir;
$dir = "midp";
} elsif ($BUILD_TYPE == $BUILD_TYPE_CPP) {
$dir = "cpp";
} else {
if (-f "$dir/bld.inf") {
chdir $dir;
# =======================================================================
sub do_platform_build
# =======================================================================
# Build patched platform modules
foreach $b (@bld_info) {
my @modules = split /,/, $b;
my $group_dir = shift @modules;
chdir_or_die ("$BUILD_ROOT$group_dir");
dbg ("Building in $BUILD_ROOT$group_dir");
#modules are optional
foreach $m (@modules)
build_module ($m);
# =======================================================================
sub do_java_platform_build
# =======================================================================
# Build java system ams
my $java_group_dir = "sf/app/jrt/group";
chdir_or_die ("$BUILD_ROOT$java_group_dir");
dbg ("Building in $BUILD_ROOT$java_group_dir");
run ("cmd /c sbs export");
run ("cmd /c pbuild build winscw udeb midp2ams");
run ("cmd /c pbuild build winscw udeb wma");
run ("cmd /c pbuild build winscw udeb multimedia11");
my $s60ex_dir = $BUILD_ROOT . "$SDK_PROJ_NAME/sdkexamples/java";
chdir_or_die ($s60ex_dir);
run_build_cmd("ant IAPInfoMIDlet eSWTMIDlet SystemProperties");
run_build_cmd("ant copy_documentation");
$cmd = "unzip -o \\\\filerblr\\SP\\AM\\DT_SDK\\SDK_BIS\\Repository\\Java_API\\ -d Z\:\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\sdkexamples\\java\\dist\\examples\\IAPInfoMIDlet";
print ($cmd."\n"); system ($cmd);
$cmd = "unzip -o \\\\filerblr\\SP\\AM\\DT_SDK\\SDK_BIS\\Repository\\Java_API\\ -d Z\:\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\sdkexamples\\java\\dist\\examples\\eSWTMIDlet";
print ($cmd."\n"); system ($cmd);
$cmd = "unzip -o \\\\filerblr\\SP\\AM\\DT_SDK\\SDK_BIS\\Repository\\Java_API\\ -d Z\:\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\sdkexamples\\java\\dist\\examples\\SystemProperties";
print ($cmd."\n"); system ($cmd);
system("copy /V Z\:\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\sdkexamples\\java\\examples\\examples.html Z\:\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\sdkexamples\\java\\dist\\examples");
system("copy /V \\\\filerblr\\SP\\AM\\DT_SDK\\SDK_BIS\\Repository\\Java_API\\build.xml Z\:\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\sdkexamples\\java\\dist\\examples\\IAPInfoMIDlet\\targets");
# =======================================================================
sub check_platform_build
# =======================================================================
foreach $b (@bld_info) {
my @modules = split /,/, $b;
my $group_dir = shift @modules;
if (!chdir ("$BUILD_ROOT$group_dir")) {
msg ("$DIED_MSG missing $BUILD_ROOT$group_dir!!!!!!!!");
#modules are optional
foreach $m (@modules)
check_module_build ($m);
check_module_build ('');
# =======================================================================
sub check_module_build
# =======================================================================
my $dir = getcwd;
my $module = shift;
dbg ("Checking $dir");
foreach $t (@PLATFORMS) {
run (" cmd /c sbs -c winscw $module");
# =======================================================================
sub build_series60_tools_component
# =======================================================================
my $name = shift;
my $dir = "$S60_TOOLS_DIR/$name/group";
chdir_or_die ($dir);
chdir_to_build_specific_dir ();
dbg ("Building in " . getcwd);
foreach $bt (@VARIANTS) {
if($REBUILD || $CLEAN) {
run_build_cmd ( "cmd /c sbs clean");
if (!$CLEAN) {
# Build only for winscw , No need to build for ARM targets
run_build_cmd ( "cmd /c sbs -c winscw");
# =======================================================================
sub check_series60_tools_component
# =======================================================================
my $name = shift;
my $dir = "$S60_TOOLS_DIR/$name/group";
if (!chdir ($dir)) {
msg ("$DIED_MSG Missing $dir!!!!!!!!");
chdir_to_build_specific_dir ();
dbg ("Checking " . getcwd);
run ("cmd /c sbs -c winscw");
# =======================================================================
sub build_module
# =======================================================================
my $module = shift;
foreach $t (@PLATFORMS) {
if (!$CLEAN)
run_build_cmd ( "cmd /c sbs -m winscw");
foreach $bt (@VARIANTS)
run_build_cmd ( "cmd /c sbs reallyclean");
run_build_cmd ( "cmd /c sbs -c winscw");
# =======================================================================
sub do_patch
# =======================================================================
my $dest = shift;
my $patch_file = shift;
my $res_file;
my $perr = 0;
my $derr = 0;
my $silent = ($LOGLEVEL > $LOG_NORMAL) ? "" : "-s";
($res_file = $patch_file) =~ s/\.diff$//;
# Overwrite the destination file with the .orig file. If .orig file
# is not found, assume that it's the very first patch and create the
# .orig file
if (-e "$dest.orig") {
copy_or_die ("$dest.orig", "$dest");
} else {
dbg ("creating new orig file $dest.orig");
copy_or_die ("$dest", "$dest.orig");
$perr = run ("$PATCH_EXE $silent -d $BUILD_ROOT -p0 -N --ignore-whitespace --no-backup-if-mismatch -i $patch_file $dest");
dbg ("PATCH: error $perr");
if ($perr == 0) {
$derr = run ("$DIFF_EXE $dest $res_file");
else {
$derr = run ("$DIFF_EXE $dest $res_file", $NULL_NAME);
dbg ("Diff for $dest and $res_file returned $derr");
return ($perr, $derr);
# =======================================================================
sub do_unpatch
# =======================================================================
my $dest = shift;
my $patch_file = shift;
my $backup_path = get_first_backup_path($dest);
my $res_file = $patch_file;
$res_file =~ s/\.$PATCH_EXT$//;
# try to restore the original version
if (-e "$dest.orig") {
# there is a "orig file", so just rename "orig" back to $dest
msg("restoring $dest from \".orig\"...");
copy_or_die("$dest.orig", "$dest");
elsif (-e "$backup_path") {
# there is no ".orig" file but there is backup file,
# restore from there.
msg("Restoring $dest from backup file.");
copy_or_die("$backup_path", "$dest");
elsif (!-e $patch_file &&
!run("$DIFF_EXE $dest $res_file", $NULL_NAME)) {
# there are no .orig and backup files and the result
# file ($res_file) is the same as in the platform ($dest).
# This is most likely the file that was copied to the platform,
# so remove it.
msg("Removing current copy of $dest");
unlink $dest;
# =======================================================================
sub process_bld_info
# =======================================================================
my $file = shift;
my $idx = 0;
foreach $b (@_) {
@bld_data = split /,/, $b;
$bld_inf_path = shift @bld_data;
die "$DIED_MSG Dir. name for bld.inf is empty. Line: $b\n" if $bld_inf_path eq "";
# Get the index of the $bld_info element that starts with $bld_inf_path.
$idx = bld_info_arr_idx ($bld_inf_path);
if ($idx < 0) {
# There is no such entry in the $bld_info, so just add entire line.
push (@bld_info, $b);
} else {
# There is an entry that starts with $bld_inf_path, so just add
# modules that are not there to the $idx-th line (element of $bld_info)
@bld_data_idx = split /,/, $bld_info[$idx];
shift @bld_data_idx;
foreach $m (@bld_data) {
$bld_info[$idx] =~ s/\,$m\,/\,/g;
$bld_info[$idx] =~ s/\,$m$//g;
$bld_info[$idx] .= ",$m";
# =======================================================================
sub bld_info_arr_idx
# =======================================================================
my $val = shift;
my $idx = 0;
for ($idx = 0; $idx < $#bld_info + 1; $idx++) {
last if ($bld_info[$idx] =~ m/^$val\,/);
if ($idx == $#bld_info + 1) {$idx = -1;}
return $idx;
# =======================================================================
sub get_last_backup_path
# =======================================================================
my $orig_path = shift;
my $new_ver = get_last_file_ver ($orig_path);
my $dir = get_dir_name ($orig_path);
my $fname = get_fname ($orig_path);
my $backup_path = $dir . $BACKUP_PREFIX . $fname . ".$new_ver";
return $backup_path;
# =======================================================================
sub get_first_backup_path
# =======================================================================
my $orig_path = shift;
my $dir = get_dir_name ($orig_path);
my $fname = get_fname ($orig_path);
my $backup_path = $dir . $BACKUP_PREFIX . $fname . ".1";
return $backup_path;
# =======================================================================
sub get_new_backup_path
# =======================================================================
my $orig_path = shift;
my $new_ver = get_last_file_ver ($orig_path) + 1;
my $dir = get_dir_name ($orig_path);
my $fname = get_fname ($orig_path);
my $backup_path = $dir . $BACKUP_PREFIX . $fname . ".$new_ver";
return $backup_path;
# =======================================================================
sub get_last_file_ver
# =======================================================================
# Assupmtion: if file name is "foo.cpp" the n-th version of this file would be
# in the same directory and would have name "#foo.cpp.n"
my $path = shift;
my $dir = get_dir_name ($path);
my $fname = get_fname ($path);
my $basename = get_basename ($fname);
my $postfix = 0;
if ($dir eq "") {$dir = "."}
opendir (DIR, $dir);
@flist = grep {/^$BACKUP_PREFIX$basename.*\..*\.[0-9]+$/} readdir (DIR);
closedir DIR;
if ($#flist + 1 > 0) {
foreach $f (@flist) {
my $p = unpack ("A*", get_ext ($f));
$postfix = $p if $postfix < $p;
return $postfix;
# ========================================================================
sub get_basename
# ========================================================================
my $orig_name = shift;
my $basename;
($basename = $orig_name) =~ s/\..*$//g;
return $basename;
# ========================================================================
sub get_ext
# ========================================================================
my $orig_name = shift;
my $ext;
($ext = $orig_name) =~ s/^.*\.//g;
return $ext;
# =======================================================================
sub get_fname
# =======================================================================
my $orig_name = shift;
my $dir = get_dir_name ($orig_name);
my $fname;
($fname = $orig_name) =~ s/\\/\//g;
$fname =~ s/^$dir//g;
return $fname;
# =======================================================================
sub get_dir_name
# =======================================================================
my $orig_name = shift;
my $dir_name;
($dir_name = $orig_name) =~ s/\\/\//g;
$dir_name =~ s/[^\/]+$//g;
return $dir_name;
# =======================================================================
sub err
# =======================================================================/
my $m = "ERROR: @_[0]\n";
print $m;
print LOG_FH $m if $LOG;
exit 1;
# =======================================================================
sub quiet
# =======================================================================/
my $m = "*** @_[0]\n";
print $m;
print LOG_FH $m if $LOG;
# =======================================================================
sub msg
# =======================================================================/
my $m = "*** @_[0]\n";
print $m;
print LOG_FH $m if $LOG;
# =======================================================================
sub dbg
# =======================================================================
my $dbg_msg = "=== @_[0]\n";
print $dbg_msg;
print LOG_FH $dbg_msg if $LOG;
# =======================================================================
sub noisy
# =======================================================================
my $m = "=== @_[0]\n";
print $m;
print LOG_FH $m if $LOG;
# =======================================================================
sub run_build_cmd
# =======================================================================
my $cmd = shift;
my $dir = getcwd;
msg ("***********************************************************");
msg ("* DIR: $dir");
msg ("* BUILD: $cmd");
msg ("***********************************************************");
} else {
msg ($cmd);
my $err = run ($cmd);
dbg ("$cmd returned $err");
return $err;
# =======================================================================
sub run
# =======================================================================
my $cmd = shift;
my $out_name = shift;
my $close_out = 0;
my $out;
dbg ("Running: $cmd");
if (defined($out_name)) {
if ($out_name eq $NULL_NAME) {
# no output desired
undef $out;
} else {
open OUT, "> $out_name" or
die "$DIED_MSG $cmd couldn't write to output $out_name!!!\n";
$out = OUT;
$close_out = 1;
} elsif ($LOGLEVEL <= $LOG_SILENT) {
# output supressed by log level
undef $out;
} else {
$out = STDOUT;
open CHILD, "$cmd 2>&1|" or die "$DIED_MSG $cmd Err: $!";
while (<CHILD>) {
if (defined ($out)) {
print $out $_;
print LOG_FH $_ if $LOG;
close CHILD;
close $out if $close_out;
noisy ("return code " . ($? >> 8));
return $? >> 8;
# =======================================================================
# Changes the current direcctory, dies on error
# =======================================================================
sub chdir_or_die
# =======================================================================
my $dir = shift;
dbg ("chdir $dir");
chdir $dir or die "$DIED_MSG $dir: $!";
# =======================================================================
# Copies a file, dies on error
# =======================================================================
sub copy_or_die
# =======================================================================
my $src = shift;
my $dest = shift;
dbg ("copying $src -> $dest");
#if the file exists, rename it to .orig_X - safer than overwriting
#note: if we neither rename nor remove existing $dest, copy gives
#fatal error
if(-e $dest)
my $i = 1;
while(-e "$dest.orig_$i")
move($dest, "$dest.orig_$i");
copy ($src, $dest) or
die "$DIED_MSG : failed to copy $src -> $dest: $!";
# =======================================================================
# Recursive copy
# Copies a folder, its sub folders & files therein.
# Paramter 1: Source folder path.
# Paramter 2: Destination folder path.
# =======================================================================
sub xcopy
# =======================================================================
my ($CopyFrom,$CopyTo) = @_;
my ($src,$RelativePath,$dest);
# Make sure that the source directory exists, create the top level
# destination directory
if (-d $CopyFrom) {
eval { mkpath($CopyTo) };
if ($@) {
err("Couldn't create $_[0]: $@");
} else {
err("Directory $CopyFrom does not exist");
dbg("Copying $CopyFrom -> $CopyTo");
# Traverse file tree (highest level directory first)
if (-f $src) { # Copy file
noisy ("$dest");
if (!copy($src,$dest)) {
err("Couldn't copy $src: $@");
} else { # Make a duplicate directory if necessary
unless($dest eq '..'||$dest eq '.') {
unless(-e $dest) {
noisy ("Creating $dest");
# ========================================================================
sub get_patch_fname
# ========================================================================
my $patch_name = shift;
my $res;
foreach $f (@_) {
if ($f =~ m/$patch_name$/i) {
$res = $f;
return $res;
# ========================================================================
sub find_all
# ========================================================================
my $base_dir = shift;
my @flist = ();
find (sub {
if (-f $File::Find::name) {
push (@flist, $File::Find::name);
}, $base_dir);
return @flist
# ========================================================================
sub get_plat_name
# ========================================================================
return "3.0";
# ========================================================================
sub do_s60ex_finalizing
# ========================================================================
my $s60ex_dir = $BUILD_ROOT . "$SDK_PROJ_NAME/tools_config/build";
chdir_or_die ($s60ex_dir);
run ("cmd /c finalize.bat");
# ========================================================================
sub do_s60_rndtools_cleaning
# ========================================================================
# List of tools that needs to be make cleaned to remove "rnd tools" from emulator menu
print "\n \n ======== Start Clean RnD Tools===========";
@rndtools_cleandirs = qw ( s:/s60/tools/commontools/group s:/s60/tools/performancetools/group s:/s60/tools/nettools/ConnTest/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/prism_rnd/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/btproxy_rnd/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/bappeaprofiler/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/analyzetool/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiAdmin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiAutoStart/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiCommPlugins/HtiBtCommPlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiCommPlugins/HtiIPCommPlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiCommPlugins/HtiIsaCommPlugin/HtiIsaCommEcomPlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiCommPlugins/HtiIsaCommPlugin/HtiIsaCommServer/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiCommPlugins/HtiSerialCommPlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiCommPlugins/HtiTraceCommPlugin/HtiTraceCommEcomPlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiCommPlugins/HtiTraceCommPlugin/HtiTraceCommServer/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiCommPlugins/HtiUsbSerialCommPlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiDeviceReboot s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiFileHlp s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiFramework/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiWatchDog s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiServicePlugins/HtiAppServicePlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiServicePlugins/HtiAudioServicePlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiServicePlugins/HtiEchoServicePlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiServicePlugins/HtiFtpServicePlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiServicePlugins/HtiIpProxyServicePlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiServicePlugins/HtiIsiMsgServicePlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiServicePlugins/HtiKeyEventServicePlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiServicePlugins/HtiMessagesServicePlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiServicePlugins/HtiPIMServicePlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiServicePlugins/HtiScreenshotServicePlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiServicePlugins/HtiStifTfServicePlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/rd_sw/hti/src/HtiServicePlugins/HtiSysInfoServicePlugin/group s:/ppd_sw/cs_salo_domain/aiemailplugin/group s:/s60/mw/securityservices/iaupdate/IAD/group );
# Make clean to remove "rnd tools" from emulator: suggestion given by pf team
foreach my $rndtools_cleandirs ( @rndtools_cleandirs )
print "\n\n=== Clean up of rnd tools: $rndtools_cleandirs\n\n ===";
chdir $rndtools_cleandirs or print " WARNING: Can chdir to $rndtools_cleandirs: $!";
$cmd = "call sbs -m winscw";
system ($cmd); #==0 or print ($cmd."\n\n");
$cmd = "call sbs reallyclean";
system ($cmd); #==0 or print ($cmd."\n\n");
# ========================================================================
sub do_Db_Update()
# ========================================================================
msg("Updating the commsDb\n");
my $CommsDb_update = "${BUILD_ROOT}epoc32/release/winscw/udeb";
chdir_or_die ($CommsDb_update);
run ("cmd /c ced -dtextshell -- -i c:\\cedout.cfg");
run ("cmd /c dbcreator -dtextshell --");
msg("Finished Updating the commsDb\n");
# ========================================================================
sub do_apply_patch_OptimiseEmulator
# ========================================================================
#return 0 if (! -d optEmuPatch);
msg("Start Apply Emulator performance boost patching...");
my $optEmuPatch = $BUILD_ROOT . "OptimiseEmulator";
#Add patch path to System path
chdir_or_die ($optEmuPatch);
run ("cmd /c OptimiseEmulator.bat");
msg("Finished Applying Emulator performance boost Patch...");