Workaround for Bug 3917 - CWinsockInterface::DataSent calls NotifyDataSent which is not implemented.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Nokia/NMP/TWS S60 SDK TF
# Series 60 & Series 90 SDK example apps builder
# [TBD]
# Mike Smyslov
# 15.07.2003
$version = " v0.22";
# 0.21 -> 0.22: Smart handling of creating .sis files for ARMV5 and GCCE targets:
# .sis file is created from the .pkg file corresponding to target,
# both UREL armv5 and gcce are assumed; .pkg file is either
# <appname>_armv5.pkg or <appname>_gcce.pkg
# 0.20 -> 0.21: GCCE udeb / urel made valid targets
# 0.19 -> 0.20: .sis creation removed for armv5_udeb target
# 0.18 -> 0.19: Separate targets armv5_udeb & armv5_urel;
# separate targets winscw_udeb & wincw urel
# 0.17 -> 0.18: More correct parsing of example apps grouped in subdirs (openglex).
# 0.16 -> 0.17: Target "armv5" added".
# we will measure walking time in seconds
$starttime = (time);
# current time and date
chomp($time = `time /T`);
chomp($date = `date /T`);
# Target token to control build process' target
$target = $ARGV[0] || die "\nError!\nUsage: target sdk_location\n\n";
$target =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
# targets: wins, winscw, armv5, gcce, thumb, clean, reallyclean
if ( ($target ne "wins") &&
($target ne "winscw_urel") &&
($target ne "winscw_udeb") &&
($target ne "thumb") &&
($target ne "armv5_udeb") &&
($target ne "armv5_urel") &&
($target ne "gcce_udeb") &&
($target ne "gcce_urel") &&
($target ne "clean") &&
($target ne "reallyclean") )
print "\nError!\nTarget wins|winscw_urel|winscw_udeb|thumb|armv5_urel|armv5_udeb|gcce_urel|gcce_udeb|clean|reallyclean\n";
$path = $ARGV[1] || die "\nError!\nUsage: target [SDK location]\n\n";
$curd = `cd`;
$log = $curd."\\build_S60ex_".$target."_.txt";
# write script's starting information to logfile and console
print "\nStarting to build SDK example apps ($target)\n";
open( LOG, ">$log") || die "Cannot open file $log!";
print LOG "Starting to build SDK example apps ($target).\n";
print LOG "Path to example apps: $path\n";
print "Path to example apps: $path\n";
# try to follow the path to example applications
$dir_exist = chdir $path;
if (not $dir_exist)
print "Error: could not enter target path!\n";
print LOG "\nError: could not enter target path!\n";
close LOG;
# find all applications
@apps = `dir /S /B bld.inf`;
# the number of found applications
$appCount = @apps;
# write the number of found applications to logfile and console
if ($appCount eq 0)
print "Error: could not find Series 60 example applications!\n";
print LOG "\nError: could not find Series 60 example applications!";
close LOG;
print "Build started: $date $time\n";
print LOG "Build started: $date $time\n";
print "$appCount applications found.\n\n";
print LOG "$appCount applications found.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";
close LOG;
# set default target device prior to building
# NOTE: this has been dropped since SDK builds
# suppose to carry variable device mappings
#system("devices -setdefault \");
while( @apps ) # build all found applications
chomp($app = shift @apps); # parse application name from path
# debug # print "\napp=$app\n";
$app =~ /(.*)\\bld\.inf$/i;
$appPath = $1;
$appPathLC = $appPath;
$appPathLC =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
next if ($appPathLC =~ m /tsrc/); # skip /tsrc/ dirs from handling
# debug # print "appPath = $appPath\n";
$shortpath = $appPath;
$shortpath =~ s/\Q$path//; # remove common dir prefix from $path
# debug# print "\nshortpath = $shortpath\n";
$shortpath =~/\\(.*)/; # remove leading "\"
$shortpath = $1;
$shortpath =~/(.*)(\\group)/i; # remove trailing "\group"
$appName = $1;
# debug # print "\nappName = $appName\n";
# build application
build($appPath, $appName);
# walking time calculation in seconds
$endtime = (time);
$runtime = $endtime - $starttime;
# write ending information of building process to logfile and console
chomp($time = `time /T`);
chomp($date = `date /T`);
open( LOG, ">>$log") || die "Cannot open file $log!";
print LOG '_' x 80;
print LOG "\nBuild ended: $date $time ($runtime seconds spent)\n";
print "\nBuild ended: $date $time ($runtime seconds spent)\n";
close LOG;
# Subroutine for build commands
sub build($appPath, $appName)
# change dir
chdir $appPath;
print "$appName";
# write error messages to logfile
open( STDERR, ">>$log") || die "Cannot open file $log!";
$heading = $appName." (".$appPath.")";
$spc_count = length($heading);
print STDERR '-' x $spc_count . "\n";
print STDERR $heading."\n";
print STDERR '-' x $spc_count . "\n\n";
if ( ($target ne "clean") && ($target ne "reallyclean") ) # makefiles needs to be generated
{ # only for build process, not for cleaning
# generate makefiles and abld.bat from bld.inf
print STDERR "---> bldmake -v bldfiles:\n";
$res = `bldmake -v bldfiles`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
if ($target eq "winscw_urel") # WINSCW
# build winscw
print STDERR "---> abld build winscw urel (before freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build winscw urel`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# freeze exports winscw
print STDERR "---> abld freeze winscw:\n";
$res = `abld freeze winscw`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# build app after freeze
print STDERR "---> abld build winscw urel (after freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build winscw urel`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# generate Codewarrior IDE project file
print STDERR "---> abld makefile cw_ide:\n";
$res = `abld makefile cw_ide`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
if ($target eq "winscw_udeb") # WINSCW only UREL branch for S90 SDK
# build winscw
print STDERR "---> abld build winscw udeb (before freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build winscw udeb`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# freeze exports winscw
print STDERR "---> abld freeze winscw:\n";
$res = `abld freeze winscw`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# build app after freeze
print STDERR "---> abld build winscw udeb (after freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build winscw udeb`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# generate Codewarrior IDE project file
print STDERR "---> abld makefile cw_ide:\n";
$res = `abld makefile cw_ide`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
if ($target eq "wins") # WINS
# build wins
print STDERR "---> abld build wins (before freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build wins`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# freeze exports wins
print STDERR "---> abld freeze wins:\n";
$res = `abld freeze wins`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# build app after freeze wins
print STDERR "---> abld build wins (after freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build wins`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# generate MSVC project file
print STDERR "---> abld makefile vc6:\n";
$res = `abld makefile vc6`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
if ($target eq "armi") # ARMI UREL
# build armi urel
print STDERR "---> abld build armi urel (before freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build armi urel`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# freeze exports armi
print STDERR "---> abld freeze armi:\n";
$res = `abld freeze armi`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# build app after freeze
print STDERR "---> abld build armi urel (after freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build armi urel`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
if ($target eq "thumb") # THUMB UREL
# build thumb urel
print STDERR "---> abld build thumb urel (before freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build thumb urel`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# freeze exports thumb
print STDERR "---> abld freeze thumb:\n";
$res = `abld freeze thumb`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# build app after freeze
print STDERR "---> abld build thumb urel (after freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build thumb urel`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# make sis
print STDERR "---> makesis";
chdir "..\\sis";
$res = `cd`;
if (not ($res =~ m /sis/))
chdir "..\\..\\sis";
$res = `cd`;
$pkgPath = $res;
$res = `dir /b *.pkg`;
chomp ($res);
if ($res eq "")
print STDERR " failed: .pkg file is not found!\n\n";
$pkgName = $res;
print STDERR " $pkgName:";
$res = `makesis $pkgName`;
print STDERR "\n$res\n\n";
if ($target eq "armv5_urel") # ARMV5 UREL
# build armv5 urel
print STDERR "---> abld build armv5 urel (before freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build armv5 urel`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# freeze exports armv5
print STDERR "---> abld freeze armv5:\n";
$res = `abld freeze armv5`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# build app after freeze
print STDERR "---> abld build armv5 urel (after freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build armv5 urel`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# make sis
print STDERR "---> makesis";
chdir "..\\sis";
$res = `cd`;
if (not ($res =~ m /sis/))
chdir "..\\..\\sis";
$res = `cd`;
$pkgPath = $res;
$res = `dir /b *_armv5.pkg`;
chomp ($res);
if ($res eq "")
print STDERR " failed: .pkg file is not found!\n\n";
$pkgName = $res;
print STDERR " $pkgName:";
$res = `makesis $pkgName`;
print STDERR "\n$res\n\n";
if ($target eq "armv5_udeb") # ARMV5 UDEB
# build armv5 udeb
print STDERR "---> abld build armv5 udeb (before freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build armv5 udeb`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# freeze exports armv5
print STDERR "---> abld freeze armv5:\n";
$res = `abld freeze armv5`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# build app after freeze
print STDERR "---> abld build armv5 udeb (after freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build armv5 udeb`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
if ($target eq "gcce_urel") # GCCE UREL
# build armv5 urel
print STDERR "---> abld build gcce urel (before freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build gcce urel`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# freeze exports gcce
print STDERR "---> abld freeze gcce:\n";
$res = `abld freeze gcce`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# build app after freeze
print STDERR "---> abld build gcce urel (after freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build gcce urel`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# make sis
print STDERR "---> makesis";
chdir "..\\sis";
$res = `cd`;
if (not ($res =~ m /sis/))
chdir "..\\..\\sis";
$res = `cd`;
$pkgPath = $res;
$res = `dir /b *_gcce.pkg`;
chomp ($res);
if ($res eq "")
print STDERR " failed: .pkg file is not found!\n\n";
$pkgName = $res;
print STDERR " $pkgName:";
$res = `makesis $pkgName`;
print STDERR "\n$res\n\n";
if ($target eq "gcce_udeb") # GCCE UDEB
# build gcce udeb
print STDERR "---> abld build gcce udeb (before freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build gcce udeb`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# freeze exports gcce
print STDERR "---> abld freeze gcce:\n";
$res = `abld freeze gcce`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# build app after freeze
print STDERR "---> abld build gcce udeb (after freeze):\n";
$res = `abld build gcce udeb`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
if ($target eq "clean") # CLEAN
# clean
print STDERR "---> abld clean:\n";
$res = `abld clean`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
if ($target eq "reallyclean") # REALLYCLEAN
# reallyclean
print STDERR "---> abld reallyclean:\n";
$res = `abld reallyclean`;
print STDERR "$res\n\n";
print ".";
# close logfile
print STDERR "\n\n\n\n\n\n";
close STDERR;
print "\n";
sub checkHardcodedPath($pkgName)
unless (open FILE, "<$pkg")
print "\nError: can't open $pkg\n\n";
my @pkgFileLines = <FILE>;
foreach my $line (@pkgFileLines)
$line =~ s#;.*?\n##gs; # remove comment lines
$line =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if ($line =~ m /c:\\/)
print STDERR " Warning: hardcoded installation path!";
print " Warning: hardcoded installation path!";
close FILE;