Workaround for Bug 3917 - CWinsockInterface::DataSent calls NotifyDataSent which is not implemented.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
package SDK;
use SDK_vars;
use SDK_utils;
use Remote_utils;
use File::Path;
use IO::Socket;
use Cwd;
use File::Find;
use SDK_checksum;
use ApiRef;
use Data::Dumper;
use Sys::Hostname;
use JarSegregator;
#use Mail::Sender;
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(initialize dump_sdk_ini validate_sdk_ini_paths copy_api_platform copy_platform_patch copy_sdk_source_components
copy_sdk_binary_components integrate build_examples_java create_sdk_api sce_prepare
get_CPP_Symbian_Ex create_api_ref create_sdk_common create_sdk_files publish_sdk run_installer rm_old_dirs unzip_some_source_zips);
sub initialize {
my ($start_time, $href) = @_;
system ("perl -v");
my $curr_dir = cwd;
my $s60_root_dir = "$$href{S60_Root_Path}\\$start_time";
#Put the start time to sdk.ini
my $TargetFile = "sdk.ini";
system ("perl -pi.old -e\"s/(Start_time\\s+=).*/Start_time = $start_time/;\" $TargetFile");
print <<KORVAUS;
$TargetFile: Start_time -> $start_time
$TargetFile .= ".old";
system ("del /F $TargetFile");
$$href{Start_time} = $start_time;
mkpath($s60_root_dir) unless (-e $s60_root_dir); #Make it
chdir ("$s60_root_dir") or die "Couldn't chdir $s60_root_dir: $!";
system ("subst $$href{S60_Root} /d");
print "$s60_root_dir\n";
system ("subst $$href{S60_Root} $s60_root_dir");
chdir $curr_dir or die "Couldn't chdir to $curr_dir: $!";
# Dump the contect of sdk.ini (which is loaded in %iniH)
# Takes array ref of dump of %iniH and validate the paths.
sub dump_sdk_ini($)
my $iniref=shift @_;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = \&my_filter;
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
my $foo = { %$iniref };
my @out;
@out= split(/\n/,Dumper[$iniref]);
#print "\n in dump";
#print @out;
sub my_filter
my ($hash) = @_;
# return an array ref containing the hash keys to dump
# in the order that you want them to be dumped
return [
# Sort the keys of %$foo in reverse numeric order
$hash eq $foo ? ( sort { $b <=> $a } keys %$hash ) :
# Only dump the odd number keys of %$bar
# $hash eq $bar ? (grep {$_ % 2} keys %$hash) :
# Sort keys in default order for all other hashes
( sort keys %$hash )
return \@out;
#Takes array ref and validate paths and notify by mail.
#Second input is $target or phase
#Third is %iniH hash ref
#Forth input is ignore pattern, inititally you can ignore Z: errors
sub validate_sdk_ini_paths($$$$)
my $sdk_ini_array_ref=shift @_;
my $phase_name=shift @_;
my $iniH_ref=shift @_;
my $ignore_pat=shift @_;
my $line;
my $val;
my $err_level=0;
my $MAX_RETRY=3;
my $MAX_TIME_WAIT=10;#Todo: Change to long time
my $i;
my @err_paths;
# Get Valid paths and check for its presense
print "\n \nValidating SDK.ini paths\n";
print "\n Ignore following pattern: $ignore_pat\n";
foreach $line (@$sdk_ini_array_ref)
next if($line=~m/\s*#/); #Skip the # commented
#Skip some known invalid keys
next if($line=~m/Target_Directory/);
#Skip ignore patterns
if (length ($ignore_pat)>0 && $line=~m/$ignore_pat/o)
print "\n SKIP: $line";
if($val=~m/^[A-Z]:|^\\\\\\\\(.*)\\+(.*)/i) #Should be valid drive or windows share
#Strip multiple \\ to \
if (! -d $val)
#Ohh , Got error, Take a nap and come back
for ($i=0;$i<$MAX_RETRY;$i++)
print "\n ".($i+1)."Retry to access : $val";
sleep ($MAX_TIME_WAIT);
if( -d $val)
if($err_level>=$MAX_RETRY) #Tried at max
print "\n ERROR: $val is not found. Key: $line";
push (@err_paths,"\n ERROR: $val is not found. Key: $line");
print "\n OK: $val";
if(@err_paths) #There are some errors, Looks like.
my $sub="$$iniH_ref{Platform_Name} Build has ERRORS";
my $msg= <<END_OF_MSG;
Hi ,
$$iniH_ref{Platform_Name} Build has errors due to following paths are not accessible.
Build Phase: $phase_name
Invalid Paths
Please refer the Log files for more details.
Log Path: $init_dir\\phase
print ("\n All the paths is SDK.ini is valid!!\n");
sub unzip_some_source_zips {
print "unzipping some source zips...Jee\n" ;
sub platform_patch_duplicates {
my ($patch_dir) = @_;
my %files = ();
# my $patch_dir = shift || "y:\\Repository_area\\Platform_Patch";
# print "Checking duplicates from $patch_dir\n";
opendir(DIR, $patch_dir) or die "can't opendir $path: $!";
@zfiles = grep { /\.zip$/i } readdir(DIR);
# for my $zip (<$patch_dir\\*.zip>){
foreach (@zfiles) {
my $zip = "$patch_dir\\$_";
# print "Checking zip-file $zip\n";
for ( `tools\\unzip -l $zip` ) { #Get the filelisting of the zip
next if /\/$/; #Skip the path lines. They end with /
next unless (s/.+\d \b//); #Devour anything before path
$zip =~ s[.+\\][]; #Discard the path (of the zip)
push @{$files{$_}}, $zip;
foreach my $file (keys %files){
print "\n$file: ", join ", ", @{$files{$file}} if (@{$files{$file}} > 1); #Print if there are duplicates
print "\n";
sub copy_platform_patch {
if (-e $iniH{Platform_Patch}){
my $cmd = "xcopy $iniH{Platform_Patch} $iniH{S60_Root}\\sce\\Repository_area\\Platform_Patch\\ /F /R /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n\n");
$cmd = "unzip -o $iniH{S60_Root}\\sce\\Repository_area\\Platform_Patch\\*.zip -d $iniH{S60_Root}";
print ($cmd."\n"); system ($cmd);
sub copy_api_platform {
return if not $iniH{Api_Build} or $iniH{Api_Build} eq $iniH{Platform_Build};
my $temp_dir = "$iniH{S60_Root}\\temp2\\";
print "Copying api platform from $iniH{Api_Build} -> $temp_dir === \n" ;
my $cmd = "xcopy $iniH{Api_Build}\\* $temp_dir /F /R /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n");
$cmd = "xcopy $iniH{Api_Build}\\* $temp_dir /F /R /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n");
$cmd = "xcopy $iniH{Api_Build}\\* $temp_dir /F /R /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n");
$cmd = "unzip -o -qq $temp_dir\\*.zip -d $iniH{S60_Root}\\apis";
print ($cmd."\n"); system ($cmd);
print "Deleted dir - $temp_dir === ", scalar localtime(), "\n" if ((-e $temp_dir) && do_rmdir_all($temp_dir));
sub copy_sdk_source_components {
my ($href) = @_;
print "Copying the sdk components from $$href{SCM_Workarea} -> $$href{S60_Root}\n";
die "Workarea $$href{SCM_Workarea} not found!!!" unless (-e $$href{SCM_Workarea});
die "Sdk root not found!!!" unless (-e "$$href{S60_Root}\\");
#Clean the destination first
chomp (my @dirs = `dir /ad /b /o-d $$href{SCM_Workarea}`); #Subdir listining
for (my $i = 0; $i < @dirs; ++$i){
my $dir = "$$href{S60_Root}\\$dirs[$i-1]";
print "Deleted dir - $dir\n" if ((-e $dir) && do_rmdir_all($dir));
$cmd = "xcopy $$href{SCM_Workarea} $$href{S60_Root}\\ /F /R /I /E /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n");
sub copy_sdk_binary_components {
my ($href) = @_;
print "Copying the sdk binary components from $$href{SCM_Workarea}\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\SDKComponents-> $$href{Sce_Root}\\Repository_area === ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
my $dir = "$$href{S60_Root}\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\SDKComponents";
print "Deleted dir - $dir\n" if ((-e $dir) && do_rmdir_all($dir));
$cmd = "xcopy $$href{SCM_Workarea}\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\SDKComponents $dir\\ /F /R /I /E /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n");
$dir = "$$href{Sce_Root}\\Repository_area";
print "Deleted dir - $dir\n" if ((-e $dir) && do_rmdir_all($dir));
$cmd = "xcopy $$href{S60_Root}\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\SDKComponents $dir\\ /F /R /I /E /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n");
sub integrate {
my ($href) = @_;
# my ($href, $type) = @_;
print "Integrating emulator started === ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
my $curr_dir = cwd;
chdir "$$href{S60_Root}\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\sdkbuild" || (warn "Chdir to $$href{S60_Root}\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\sdkbuild failed. $!" and return);
#Export S60_Root_Drive environment variable with S60_Root, It will be used in the script
my $cmd = "perl -a -l --s60ex ";
system ($cmd); # or print ($cmd."\n");
#And check the errors
$cmd = "perl -e ";
system ($cmd);# or print ($cmd."\n");
chdir $curr_dir or die "Couldn't chdir to $curr_dir: $!";
sub build_examples_java {
my ($href) = @_;
my $curr_dir = cwd;
chdir "$$href{S60_Root}\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\sdkexamples\\javaexamples" || (warn "Chdir to $$href{S60_Root}\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\sdkexamples\\javaexamples failed. $!" and return);
my $cmd = "ant buildS60";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n");
chdir $curr_dir or die "Couldn't chdir to $curr_dir: $!";
sub create_sdk_api {
my ($href) = @_;
my $curr_dir = cwd; #org_dir
# my $repository_area = "$$href{S60_Root}\\sce\\Repository_area";
chdir "$$href{S60_Root}\\" or die "Cannot chdir to $$href{S60_Root}\\: $!";
unless ($$href{Common_Blacklist} && $$href{CPP_API}) {
# create_api_and_black_lists($$href{IFs_Platform_Version}, "$$href{Sce_Root}\\IFs", "sheets", "results", "$repository_area\\CPP_API", "$repository_area\\Common_Blacklist", $curr_dir);
create_api_and_black_lists($$href{IFs_Platform_Version}, "$$href{S60_Root}\\sce\\IFs", "sheets", "$$href{S60_Root}\\sce\\IFs\\results", "$repository_area\\CPP_API", "$repository_area\\Common_Blacklist", $curr_dir);
} else {
$cmd = "xcopy $$href{CPP_API} $repository_area\\CPP_API\\sdk_apis_nokia.txt /F /R /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n") ;
$cmd = "xcopy $$href{Common_Blacklist} $repository_area\\Common_Blacklist\\black_list.txt /F /R /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n") ;
chdir $curr_dir or die "Couldn't chdir to $curr_dir: $!";
#Beautify the blacklists, i.e. remove comments etc.
sub sce_prepare {
my ($href) = @_;
my $repository = $href;
my $curr_dir = cwd;
my $sce_root_dir = "$$href{S60_Root}\\sce";
my $jsrobj=new JarSegregator;
my $target_jar="extract_jars";
unless (-e $sce_root_dir) {
mkpath "$sce_root_dir";
chdir "$sce_root_dir" or die "Couldn't chdir from $curr_dir to $sce_root_dir: $!";
#Unsubst Sce_root
`subst $$href{Sce_Root} /d`;
print "sce_root_dir: $sce_root_dir\n";
print ("\n Run: subst $$href{Sce_Root} $sce_root_dir");
system ("subst $$href{Sce_Root} $sce_root_dir");
chdir ("$$href{Sce_Root}") or die "Couldn't chdir to $$href{Sce_Root} $!";
#Delete sdk_wa
print "Deleted dir - sdk_wa\n" if ((-e "sdk_wa") && do_rmdir_all("sdk_wa"));
# Copy common components from repositories to the local Repository_area
print "Copy common_comp from repositories to the Repository_area $repository_area started === ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
foreach $dir (keys %common_comp) {
next unless $$repository{$dir}; #Skip empty components
print "Deleted dir - $copy_pattern $repository_area\\$dir\n" if ((-e "$copy_pattern $repository_area\\$dir") && do_rmdir_all("$copy_pattern $repository_area\\$dir"));
print "common_comp: $dir\n";
foreach my $copy_pattern (@{$common_comp{$dir}}){
$cmd = "xcopy $$repository{$dir}$copy_pattern $repository_area\\$dir\\ /f /r /i /Y".(($copy_pattern =~ /\./) ? "" : " /E");
system ($cmd)==0 or print "$cmd\n";
print "\n------------------------ Jar Segregation (Start)---------------------------\n";
$target_jar = "$repository_area\\Java_API";
print "\n------------------------ Jar Segregation (End)---------------------------\n";
#Beautify the blacklists, i.e. remove comments etc.
map (beautify_remove_list($_), grep {-e} @remove_lists);
chdir $curr_dir or die "Couldn't chdir to $curr_dir: $!";
#sub create_api_ref {
# my $parser4apiref = new XML::Parser(Style=>'Subs', Pkg=>'SH4ApiReference', Handlers => {Char => \&SH4ApiReference::baretext}, ErrorContext => 2);
## S60_api_reference("$init_dir\\apirefgen\\apidescr\\apidescr.xml", \$parser4apiref, $iniH{S60_Root}, "$init_dir\\$iniH{PTBase}\\apis");
# S60_api_reference("$repository_area\\CPP_API\\apidescr.xml", \$parser4apiref, $iniH{S60_Root}, "$iniH{ApisDir}");
# #Copy the results to the repository_area
# $cmd = "xcopy $init_dir\\$iniH{PTBase}\\plugins $repository_area\\Java_Doc_Eclipse_Plugin\\ /f /r /i /e /Y";
# system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n");
sub create_sdk_common {
my $curr_dir = cwd();
enter_sub("$iniH{Sce_Root}\\ ...");
# print "Create sdk common $iniH{Sce_Root}\\ ...\n";
chdir "$iniH{Sce_Root}\\" or warn "Couldn't chdir to $iniH{Sce_Root} - $!";
#Copy emulator stuff to \\sdk_wa
print "Copy emulator and tools from $iniH{S60_Root} to SDK work area \\sdk_wa === ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
# map { system ("xcopy $iniH{S60_Root}\\epoc32\\$_ \\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\$_ /f /r /i /s /Y /EXCLUDE:$init_dir\\tools\\Emu_dirs.txt" )} @emu_src_dirs;
# map { system ("xcopy $iniH{S60_Root}\\epoc32\\$_ \\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\$_ /f /r /i /s /Y " )} @tools_src_dirs;
map { my $cmd = "xcopy $iniH{S60_Root}\\epoc32\\$_ \\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\$_ /f /r /i /s /Y /EXCLUDE:$init_dir\\tools\\exclude_from_emu.txt"; print "\n CMD: $cmd\n"; system ($cmd)==0 or print "ERROR: $cmd is failed\n";} @emu_src_dirs;
map { my $cmd ="xcopy $iniH{S60_Root}\\epoc32\\$_ \\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\$_ /f /r /i /s /Y "; print "\n CMD: $cmd\n"; system ($cmd)==0 or print "ERROR: $cmd is failed\n";} @tools_src_dirs;
# Copy common comp to (sdk_wa)
foreach my $comp (keys %common_comp2) {
next unless $common_comp2{$comp};
print "common_comp2: $comp\n";
$cmd = "xcopy $repository_area\\$comp $common_comp2{$comp}\\ /f /r /i /e /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n");
#Beautify the blacklists, i.e. remove comments etc.
map (beautify_remove_list($_), grep {-e} @remove_lists);
# Remove Symbian_List.TXT, Series60 blacklist.TXT and graylist items from SDK_wa
#? apply_Symbian_blacklist("\\sdk_wa", $symbianlist);
apply_blacklist("\\sdk_wa", ($blacklist, $common_graylist, $cpp_graylist, $java_graylist));
# apply_blacklist("\\sdk_wa", ($blacklist, $common_graylist, $cpp_graylist));
# Copy the paches after blacklist is applied
# Copy common comp to (sdk_wa)
foreach my $comp (keys %common_comp3) {
next unless $common_comp3{$comp};
print "common_comp3: $comp\n";
$cmd = "xcopy $repository_area\\$comp $common_comp3{$comp}\\ /f /r /i /e /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n");
# print "Copy common patch to $common_comp3{Common_Patch} === ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
# $cmd = "xcopy $repository_area\\Common_Patch $common_comp3{Common_Patch}\\ /f /r /i /e /Y";
# system ( $cmd ) if ($common_comp3{Common_Patch});
# print "Copy common tools to $final_dest_dirsH2{Common_Tools} === ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
# $cmd = "xcopy $repository_area\\Common_Tools $final_dest_dirsH2{Common_Tools}\\ /f /r /i /e /Y";
# system ( $cmd ) if ($final_dest_dirsH2{Common_Tools});
#Lisennoijapaketissa ei vaihdeta rekisteröintikomponenttia
#Rename Ecmtmenubar2.dll,
# (-e "\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\ECMTMENUBAR2.DLL")
# && (system ("del /q /s \\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\ECMTMENUBAR2.DLL")==0);
# && (system ( "rename \\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\ECMTMENUBAR2.DLL ECMTMENUBAR.DLL" )==0)
# and print "\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\ECMTMENUBAR2.DLL >-> ECMTMENUBAR.DLL\n";
#Rename Ekern2.dll
# (-e "\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\Ekern2.dll")
# && (system ("del /q /s \\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\Ekern.dll")==0)
# && system ("rename \\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\Ekern2.dll Ekern.dll")==0
# and print "\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\Ekern2.dll >-> Ekern.dll\n";
#muuten vaihdetaan
#Rename Ecmtmenubar2.dll,
(-e "\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\ECMTMENUBAR2.DLL")
&& (system ("del /q /s \\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\ECMTMENUBAR.DLL")==0)
&& (system ( "rename \\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\ECMTMENUBAR2.DLL ECMTMENUBAR.DLL" )==0)
and print "\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\ECMTMENUBAR2.DLL >-> ECMTMENUBAR.DLL\n";
#Rename Ekern2.dll
(-e "\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\Ekern2.dll")
&& (system ("del /q /s \\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\Ekern.dll")==0)
&& system ("rename \\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\Ekern2.dll Ekern.dll")==0
and print "\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\Ekern2.dll >-> Ekern.dll\n";
#Strip debug info on SDK_wa
my @dgbstrip_these_dirs = grep {( -e )} map {"\\sdk_wa\\$_"} @dirs_to_dbgstrip; #Add the sdk_wa prefix first
print "Stripping dlls ", join " ", @dgbstrip_these_dirs, " === ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
find \&dbgstrippi, @dgbstrip_these_dirs;
chdir $curr_dir or die "Couldn't chdir to $curr_dir: $!";
sub create_sdk_files {
#Delete SDK_files
my $target_dir = "$iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_files";
print "Deleted dir - $target_dir\n" if ((-e $target_dir) && do_rmdir_all($target_dir));
my $curr_dir = cwd();
chdir "$iniH{Sce_Root}\\" or die "Couldn't chdir to $iniH{Sce_Root}\\: $!";
print "Copy components to final destination === ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
foreach $dir (keys %final_dest_dirsH) {
next unless ($final_dest_dirsH{$dir});
print "Comp: $dir\n";
my $cmd = "xcopy $repository_area\\$dir $final_dest_dirsH{$dir}\\ /F /R /I /E /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print "$cmd\n";
# Ensure Nokia_EULA.txt in Synergy:S60_SDK_Docs\hybrid\External is copied to SDK_files\docs
# as S60_SDK_Docs\hybrid\External\Nokia_EULA.txt was removed to ensure only one
# EULA exists in the SDK build system
my $cmd = "copy /V \"$iniH{Doc_External}\\Nokia_EULA.txt\" \"$target_dir\\docs\\\"";
print ($cmd."\n"); system ($cmd);
print "\n Copying SDK_wa to \\SDK_files === started ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
#We take into toolchain everything but emulator dirs and ecmt
$cmd = "xcopy $iniH{Sce_Root}\\sdk_wa $iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_files\\epoc32_toolchain_cpp\\ /f /r /i /e /Y /EXCLUDE:$init_dir\\tools\\Emu_dirs.txt ";
system ($cmd)==0 or print "$cmd\n";
map { system ("xcopy $iniH{Sce_Root}\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\$_ $iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_files\\epoc32_emu\\epoc32\\$_ /f /r /i /s /Y " )} @emu_src_dirs;
map { system ("xcopy $iniH{Sce_Root}\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\$_ $iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_files\\epoc32_toolchain_common\\epoc32\\$_ /f /r /i /s /Y " )} @ecmt_dirs;
print "\n Copy midpODDUtility.sis and Disclaimer\n ";
$cmd = "copy /v $iniH{S60_Root}\\Series60SDK_dev\\Series60_tools\\Ecmt\\midpODDUtility.sis $iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_files\\epoc32_toolchain_common\\epoc32\\tools\\ecmt\\";
system ($cmd)==0 or print "$cmd\n";
$cmd = "xcopy /V /C /I /F /R $iniH{S60_Root}\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\sdkconnectivityfw\\series60_tools\\MIDP\\Disclaimer $iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_files\\epoc32_emu\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\z\\data\\disclaimer";
system ($cmd)==0 or print "$cmd\n";
#Copy language zips
$cmd = "xcopy $iniH{Sce_Root}\\sdk_lang $iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_files\\epoc32_toolchain_common\\ /f /r /i /e /Y ";
system ($cmd)==0 or print "$cmd\n";
if (-e "$repository_area\\CPP_API\\sdk_apis.txt")
collect_apis( "$repository_area\\CPP_API\\sdk_apis.txt", \%lib_dirs_to_collect_from_platform, \%iniH, "$iniH{S60_Root}\\epoc32", "$iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_files\\epoc32_api");
my $sea_dir = "$iniH{S60_Root}";
my $sdk_dest_dir = "$iniH{S60_Root}\\sce\\SDK_files\\epoc32_api";
#my $parser4coll = new XML::Parser(Style=>'Subs', Pkg=>'SH4ApiCollection', ErrorContext => 2);
my $apis_xml="$sea_dir\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\SDKComponents\\CPP_API\\apis.xml";
initialize_gcc_part($sea_dir, \%gcc_part, \$platform_version);
#collect_S60_apis("$repository_area\\CPP_API\\apidescr.xml", \$parser4coll, $sea_dir, $sdk_dest_dir, \%gcc_part, $platform_version);
collect_apis( "$repository_area\\CPP_API\\sdk_apis_symbian.txt", \%lib_dirs_to_collect_from_platform, \%iniH, "$iniH{S60_Root}\\epoc32", "$iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_files\\epoc32_api");
print "Filenames to lowercase on \\sdk_files\\epoc32_toolchain_common === started ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
find \&lowercase, qw(\\SDK_files\\epoc32_api \\sdk_files\\epoc32_toolchain_common \\sdk_files\\epoc32_emu);
print "Filenames to lowercase === finished ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
# apply_blacklist(("\\SDK_Java\\SDK_files\\bin"), ($java_graylist));
#Copy run-time JVM directory back to sdk (it is removed by java graylist)
my $cmd = "xcopy $iniH{S60_Root}\\epoc32\\release\\WINSCW\\udeb\\Z\\resource\\ive\\lib\\jclcldc11\\ext\\odc\\*.* $iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_files\\epoc32_emu\\epoc32\\release\\WINSCW\\udeb\\Z\\resource\\ive\\lib\\jclcldc11\\ext\\odc\\ /F /R /I /Y /EXCLUDE:$init_dir\\tools\\Emu_dirs.txt";
system ($cmd)==0 or print "$cmd\n";
# Copy patches to final destination area
#The copying is done in 2 phases to ensure the proper order of the copy (patches last; hash table does not preserve the order)
foreach $dir (keys %final_dest_dirsH2) {
next unless ($final_dest_dirsH2{$dir});
print "Comp: $dir\n";
my $cmd = "xcopy \"$repository_area\\$dir\" \"$final_dest_dirsH2{$dir}\\\" /F /R /I /E /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print "$cmd\n";
# Added by gvn
my $openc_plugin_dir = "$iniH{Sce_Root}\\sce\\SDK_files\\OpenC_Plugin";
my $cmd = "unzip -o $repository_area\\CPP_OpenC_Plugin\\ -d $openc_plugin_dir";
print ($cmd."\n"); system ($cmd);
print "\n\n Open C plugin directory: $openc_plugin_dir\\ \n\n";
if ( -f "$openc_plugin_dir\\" ) {
unlink "$openc_plugin_dir\\";
chdir $curr_dir or die "Couldn't chdir to $curr_dir: $!";
sub run_installer {
my $curr_dir = cwd();
my $cmd;
print "Building installer === started ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
chdir "$iniH{Sce_Root}\\" or print "Couldn't chdir to $iniH{Sce_Root} - $!", return;
my $result_dir = "$iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_installer\\Media";
print "Deleted dir - $result_dir\n" if ((-e $result_dir) && do_rmdir_all($result_dir));
$cmd = "\"C:\\Program Files\\Macrovision\\IS 12 StandaloneBuild\\IsSABld.exe\" -r $iniH{ Release } -p $iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_installer\\installer.ism";
print ( $cmd."\n" );
system ( $cmd );
#Zip them
print "\nZipping bundle === started ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
chdir ("$iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_installer\\Media\\$iniH{ Release }\\Disk Images\\Disk1") or die "Couldn't chdir to $iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_installer\\Media\\$iniH{ Release }\\Disk Images\\Disk1: $!";
my $output_dir = "\\Output";
print "Deleted dir - $output_dir\n" if ((-e $output_dir) && do_rmdir_all($output_dir));
mkpath($output_dir);#Unzip doesn't create deep direcories
# Copy external files to the directory which is to be zipped
foreach $dir (keys %root_levelH3) {
next unless ($root_levelH3{$dir});
print "Comp: $dir\n";
$cmd = "xcopy \"$repository_area\\$dir\" \"$root_levelH3{$dir}\\\" /F /R /I /E /Y";
print ($cmd."\n"); system ($cmd);
# zip_name Ex: Symbian ^
my $zip_name = "$iniH{Platform_Abbreviation} $iniH{Edition_number}-SDK-$iniH{Platform_Build_ID}$iniH{Build_ID}";
del $zip_name if (-e "$");
$cmd = "zip -r ".'"'."\\Output\\$".'"'." *.*";
print ($cmd."\n"); system ($cmd);
#Copy IF sheets to output directory
$cmd = "xcopy $iniH{Sce_Root}\\$IFs\\*.zip $iniH{Sce_Root}\\Output\\SDK_team_only /F /R /I /Y";
print "\n EXEC: $cmd";
system ($cmd)==0 || print $cmd."\n";
#print "Deleted dir - $IFs\n" if ((-e $IFs) && do_rmdir_all($IFs));
#Copy mataxml and api info to output directory
$cmd = "xcopy $iniH{Sce_Root}\\Repository_area\\CPP_API\\*.* $iniH{Sce_Root}\\Output\\SDK_team_only /F /R /I /Y";
print "\n EXEC: $cmd";
system ($cmd)==0 || print $cmd."\n";
#Calculate checksums
print "\n Calculating CRC for $iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_files/";
calc_checksums("crc","$iniH{Sce_Root}\\SDK_files/", "$iniH{Sce_Root}\\Output\\$zip_name");
print "\n CRC is calculated.";
# print "Building SDK installer === finished ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
print "$iniH{ SDK_Product_name } $iniH{ Platform_Version } $iniH{Platform_Build_ID}-$iniH{ Build_ID} Hybrid SDK created.\n";
chdir $curr_dir or die "Couldn't chdir to $curr_dir: $!";
sub publish_sdk {
my $curr_dir = cwd();
chdir "$iniH{Sce_Root}\\" or warn "Couldn't chdir to $iniH{Sce_Root} - $!", return;
my $cmd ="xcopy $iniH{Sce_Root}\\Output $iniH{Output_Base}\\$iniH{Release}\\$iniH{Platform_Version_Major}.$iniH{Platform_Version_Minor}\\$iniH{Start_time}\\ /f /r /i /e /Y";
rm_old_dirs("$iniH{Output_Base_substed}\\$iniH{Release}\\$iniH{Platform_Version_Major}.$iniH{Platform_Version_Minor}", $iniH{Nbr_of_nbs_to_keep});
do {system ($cmd)==0 or print "$cmd\n"} if $iniH{Output_Base};
chdir $curr_dir or die "Couldn't chdir to $curr_dir: $!";
#system ($cmd)==0 or print "$cmd\n";