Workaround for Bug 3917 - CWinsockInterface::DataSent calls NotifyDataSent which is not implemented.
# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
package SDK_utils;
use Exporter;
use File::Path;
use SDK_vars;
use Cwd;
use XML::DOM;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(apply_blacklist apply_Symbian_blacklist beautify_remove_list clean_previous_wa collect_apis collect_symbian_headers collect_symbian_libs dbgstrippi do_rmdir_all enter_sub exit_sub
fix_and_copy getBuildNo get_Symbian_OS_info initialize_gcc_part lowercase remove_target replace_strings replace_strings_common replace_strings_RnD repl_str repl_str2 repl_str3 rm_old_dirs
start_target strip_and_copy tidy_up record_time Collect_S60_apiset);
#Global vars
my $S_time;
my $E_time;
sub record_time
my $action=shift @_;
my $target= shift @_;
my $phase_dir=shift @_;
if($target eq "initialize.log")
#Build is started, clean and Print CSV header
open (TF,">$phase_dir/phase_duration.csv") or print ("ERROR: Can not open $phase_dir/phase_duration.log, $!");
print TF "Build_Phase,Duration,Start,Finish";
close (TF);
open (TF,">>$phase_dir/phase_duration.csv") or print ("ERROR: Can not open $phase_dir/phase_duration.log, $!");
if ($action=~m/start/i)
my $D_time=$E_time-$S_time;
printf TF "\n%s,%.2d:%.2d:%.2d,%s,%s",$target,(gmtime $D_time)[2,1,0],scalar localtime($S_time),scalar localtime($E_time);
close (TF);
sub start_target
my ($phase_target, $logs_dir) = @_;
redirect($phase_target, $logs_dir);
print "\nStart $phase_target ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
sub redirect {
my ($phase_target, $logs_dir) = @_;
$_ = $phase_target;
my $targetname = $2;
# Check if previous log exists
if ( -e "$phase_target" ) {
my $i = 1;
while ( -e "${logs_dir}\\$targetname.$i.log" ) {
rename "$phase_target", "${logs_dir}\\$targetname.$i.log";
open(STDOUT, ">$phase_target");
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
# This routine is called from 0_start to move existing target log file into log folder
# under new name with latest index
sub remove_target {
my ($phase_target) = $ARGV[0];
$_ = $phase_target;
my $targetname = $1;
if ( -e "phase\\$phase_target" ) {
my $i = 1;
while ( -e "logs\\$targetname.$i.log" ) {
rename "phase\\$phase_target", "logs\\$targetname.$i.log";
# Check phase directory through for target files from previous run and move them with new name
# to log directory.
sub tidy_up {
my ($phase_dir, $logs_dir) = @_;
my $file;
opendir (DIR, ${phase_dir}) or die "Couldn't open directory, $!";
while ($file = readdir DIR)
next if ( $file eq "." or $file eq "..");
$_ = $file;
my $filename = $1;
# Check if previous log exists
if ( -e "${phase_dir}\\$file" ) {
my $i = 1;
while ( -e "${logs_dir}\\$filename.$i.log" ) {
rename "${phase_dir}\\$file", "${logs_dir}\\$filename.$i.log";
close DIR;
sub beautify_remove_list {
my $file = shift;
# print "Beautify_remove_list $file === ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
open(OLD, "< $file") || die "can't open $file: $!";
open(NEW, "> bl.txt") || die "can't open bl.txt: $!";
while (<OLD>) {
s/^#.*//; #Remove comments
s/(?<= )#.*//; #Remove comments
s/\//\\/g; # / <- \
s/\s+$//; #Remove trailing spaces
s/^\\//; #Remove \ at the beginning of the line
s/\\$//; #Remove \ at the end of the line
# s/.*\\([^\\]+)/$1/g ; #Leave only filename, remove the path
print NEW "$_\n" if length;
rename("bl.txt", $file) || die "can't rename bl.txt to $file: $!";
sub collect_symbian_headers {
my ($api_file, $href_dirs_to_collect, $href_iniH, $sea_dir, $dest_dir) = @_;
#Find out the platform version for set of LIB directories to copy
my $platform_version = (exists $$href_dirs_to_collect{$$href_iniH{ Platform_Version }}) ? $$href_iniH{ Platform_Version } : "9.9";
open (API, $api_file) or die "Couldn't open $api_file: $!";
while (<API>) {
m/([^\\]+)$/; #We extract subdir and file parts into $` and $1 respectively
my $subdir = $`; #This is done for xcopy to know which is directory name and which is filename
my $file = $1; #otherwise it will ask it every time!
my $file_trunk = substr($file,0,rindex($_,'.'));
my $cnt=0;
if (/.\.(h|rh|hrh|inl|lag|loc|rsg|mbg|pal|pan)$/i ){
foreach my $sub_root ( @sub_roots ){ # defined in
(-e "$sea_dir\\include$sub_root$subdir$file")
&& (system ("xcopy $sea_dir\\include$sub_root$subdir$file $dest_dir\\epoc32\\include$sub_root$subdir /f /r /i /Y")==0)
&& $cnt++;
($cnt > 0) or print "ERROR!!! HEADER NOT COPIED IN EPOC32\\INCLUDE: $subdir$file\n";
} else {
print "Unknown file type: $subdir$file\n";
close( API );
#Generate real file list of include dir
open (SDK_HDR_FILE_LIST, "> $S60_Root\\sdk_hdr_file_list.txt") or die "Can't create $S60_Root\\sdk_hdr_file_list.txt: $!";
open( SDK_HEADER_FILES, "dir /s /a-d /b $dest_dir\\epoc32\\include |") or die "Cannot open $dest_dir\\epoc32\\include: $!";
do {
my $target_dir = $_;
($target_dir =~ s/osextensions\\//i) #Remove osextensions level
|| ($target_dir =~ s/oem\\//i) #Remove oem level
|| ($target_dir =~ s/middleware\\//i)
|| ($target_dir =~ s/applications\\//i);
$target_dir =~ /(.+\\)/; #Take path\ -> $1
system ("xcopy $_ $1 /f /r /i /Y"); #Copy middleware upwards
} if (/applications\\/i || /middleware\\/i || /oem\\/i || /osextensions\\/i);
#delete subroots
for (my $i=1; $i < @sub_roots; ++$i){
my $subdir = "$dest_dir\\epoc32\\include\\$sub_roots[$i]";
print "Deleted dir - $subdir\n" if do_rmdir_all($subdir);
#Copy the sdk_special directory on top of include. Note: a file does not need to be on a sheet now.
my $cmd = "xcopy $sea_dir\\sdk_special $dest_dir\\epoc32\\include\\ /F /R /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n");
sub collect_symbian_libs {
my ($api_file, $href_dirs_to_collect, $href_iniH, $sea_dir, $dest_dir) = @_;
# print "Collect_apis from $sea_dir === started ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
#Find out the platform version for set of LIB directories to copy
my $platform_version = (exists $$href_dirs_to_collect{$$href_iniH{ Platform_Version }}) ? $$href_iniH{ Platform_Version } : "9.9";
#Generate the list of gcce specific part of the lib names (=%gcc_part), eg. {000a0000}, {00010000}
#by scanning the wanted lib directories for {wwwwwwww}. pattern
my $files ="";
my %gcc_part = ();
$gcc_part{""}++; #Initialize with empty key
foreach my $target (keys %{ $$href_dirs_to_collect{ $platform_version}}){ #e.g. winscw armi thumb
foreach my $u_dir ( @{$$href_dirs_to_collect{ $platform_version}{$target}}){ #$u_dir = udeb or urel , see lib_dirs_to_collect_from_platform above
opendir (DIR, "$sea_dir\\release\\$target\\$u_dir");
while ( defined (my $file = readdir (DIR))){
if ($file =~ /(\{\w{8}\})\./) { #e.g 3GPMP4Lib{000a0000}.dso {00020067}
open ($LIBS, $api_file) or die "Couldn't open $api_file: $!";
while (<$LIBS>) {
m/([^\\]+)$/; #We extract subdir and file parts into $` and $1 respectively
my $subdir = $`; #This is done for xcopy to know which is directory name and which is filename
my $file = $1; #otherwise it will ask it every time!
my $file_trunk = substr($file,0,rindex($_,'.'));
my $cnt=0;
if (/.\.lib$/i) {
foreach my $target (keys %{ $$href_dirs_to_collect{ $platform_version}}){ #e.g. winscw armi thumb
foreach my $u_dir ( @{$$href_dirs_to_collect{ $platform_version}{$target}}){ #$u_dir = udeb or urel , see lib_dirs_to_collect_from_platform above
foreach my $gcce_ext (keys %gcc_part) {
foreach my $extension (qw ( .lib .dso )){
($file) = "$sea_dir\\release\\$target\\$u_dir\\$subdir$file_trunk$gcce_ext$extension";
(-e "$file") #Check if the file exists
&& (system ("xcopy $file $dest_dir\\epoc32\\release\\$target\\$u_dir\\$subdir /f /r /i /Y")==0)
&& $cnt++;
($cnt > 0) or print "ERROR!!! LIB NOT COPIED $file_trunk\n"; #We expect the lib to be found at least in one location
} elsif (/.\.dll$/i) { #dll or something
$file = "$sea_dir\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\$subdir$file";
(-e "$file") #Check if the file exists
&& (system ("xcopy \"$file\" \"$dest_dir\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\$subdir\" /f /r /i /Y")==0)
&& $cnt++;
($cnt > 0) or print "ERROR!!! DLL NOT COPIED $file_trunk\n"; #We expect the lib to be found at least in one location
} else {
print "Unknown file type: $subdir$file\n";
close( $LIBS );
sub collect_apis {
my ($api_file, $href_dirs_to_collect, $href_iniH, $sea_dir, $dest_dir) = @_;
#Find out the platform version for set of LIB directories to copy
my $platform_version = (exists $$href_dirs_to_collect{$$href_iniH{ Platform_Version }}) ? $$href_iniH{ Platform_Version } : "9.9";
#Generate the list of gcce specific part of the lib names (=%gcc_part), eg. {000a0000}, {00010000}
#by scanning the wanted lib directories for {wwwwwwww}. pattern
my $files ="";
my %gcc_part = ();
$gcc_part{""}++; #Initialize with empty key
foreach my $target (keys %{ $$href_dirs_to_collect{ $platform_version}}){ #e.g. winscw armi thumb
foreach my $u_dir ( @{$$href_dirs_to_collect{ $platform_version}{$target}}){ #$u_dir = udeb or urel , see lib_dirs_to_collect_from_platform above
opendir (DIR, "$sea_dir\\release\\$target\\$u_dir");
while ( defined (my $file = readdir (DIR))){
if ($file =~ /(\{\w{8}\})\./) { #e.g 3GPMP4Lib{000a0000}.dso {00020067}
open (API, $api_file) or die "Couldn't open $api_file: $!";
while (<API>) {
m/([^\\]+)$/; #We extract subdir and file parts into $` and $1 respectively
my $subdir = $`; #This is done for xcopy to know which is directory name and which is filename
my $file = $1; #otherwise it will ask it every time!
my $file_trunk = substr($file,0,rindex($_,'.'));
my $cnt=0;
if (/.\.lib$/i) {
foreach my $target (keys %{ $$href_dirs_to_collect{ $platform_version}}){ #e.g. winscw armi thumb
foreach my $u_dir ( @{$$href_dirs_to_collect{ $platform_version}{$target}}){ #$u_dir = udeb or urel , see lib_dirs_to_collect_from_platform above
foreach my $gcce_ext (keys %gcc_part) {
foreach my $extension (qw ( .lib .dso )){
($file) = "$sea_dir\\release\\$target\\$u_dir\\$subdir$file_trunk$gcce_ext$extension";
(-e "$file") #Check if the file exists
&& (system ("xcopy $file $dest_dir\\epoc32\\release\\$target\\$u_dir\\$subdir /f /r /i /Y")==0)
&& $cnt++;
($cnt > 0) or print "ERROR!!! LIB NOT COPIED $file_trunk\n"; #We expect the lib to be found at least in one location
} elsif (/.\.(h|rh|hrh|inl|lag|loc|rsg|mbg|pal|pan)$/i ){
do {
my $ret = 0; #Fix_and_copy status
foreach my $sub_root ( @sub_roots ){ # defined in
# ((-e "$sea_dir\\include\\$sub_root$subdir$file") && ($ret = fix_and_copy( "$sea_dir\\include\\$sub_root$subdir$file", "$dest_dir\\epoc32\\include\\$sub_root$subdir$file")));
((-e "$sea_dir\\include$sub_root$subdir$file") && ($ret = fix_and_copy( "$sea_dir\\include$sub_root$subdir$file", "$dest_dir\\epoc32\\include$sub_root$subdir$file")));
$ret; #Return the fix_and_copy status (of the last attempt)
|| print "ERROR!!! HEADER NOT COPIED IN EPOC32\\INCLUDE: $subdir$file\n";
} elsif (/.\.dll$/i) { #dll or something
$file = "$sea_dir\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\$subdir$file";
(-e "$file") #Check if the file exists
&& (system ("xcopy \"$file\" \"$dest_dir\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\$subdir\" /f /r /i /Y")==0)
&& $cnt++;
($cnt > 0) or print "ERROR!!! DLL NOT COPIED $file_trunk\n"; #We expect the lib to be found at least in one location
} else {
print "Unknown file type: $subdir$file\n";
close( API );
my $vg_api_dir = "Y\:\\SDK_files\\epoc32_api\\epoc32\\include\\osextensions\\vg";
print "Deleted dir - $vg_api_dir\n" if do_rmdir_all($vg_api_dir);
#Generate real file list of include dir
open (SDK_HDR_FILE_LIST, "> $sdk_root\\sdk_hdr_file_list.txt") or die "Can't create $sdk_root\\sdk_hdr_file_list.txt: $!";
open( SDK_HEADER_FILES, "dir /s /a-d /b $dest_dir\\epoc32\\include |") or die "Cannot open $dest_dir\\epoc32\\include: $!";
do {
my $target_dir = $_;
($target_dir =~ s/osextensions\\//i) #Remove osextensions level
|| ($target_dir =~ s/oem\\//i) #Remove oem level
|| ($target_dir =~ s/middleware\\//i)
|| ($target_dir =~ s/applications\\//i);
$target_dir =~ /(.+\\)/; #Take path\ -> $1
system ("xcopy $_ $1 /f /r /i /Y"); #Copy middleware upwards
} if (/applications\\/i || /middleware\\/i || /oem\\/i || /osextensions\\/i);
#delete subroots
for (my $i=1; $i < @sub_roots; ++$i){
my $subdir = "$dest_dir\\epoc32\\include\\$sub_roots[$i]";
print "Deleted dir - $subdir\n" if do_rmdir_all($subdir);
#Copy the sdk_special directory on top of include. Note: a file does not need to be on a sheet now.
my $cmd = "xcopy $sea_dir\\sdk_special $dest_dir\\epoc32\\include\\ /F /R /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print ($cmd."\n");
sub lowercase {
rename ($_, lc($_));
sub do_rmdir_all {
my $subdir = shift;
if (-d $subdir) {
sub getBuildNo {
my ($server_host, $PORTNO) = @_;
my ($sock, $msg, $port, $ipaddr, $hishost,
my $ret = "555-313";
$msg = "";
$MAXLEN = 64;
$server_host = shift;
$msg = "get";
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'udp',
PeerPort => $PORTNO,
PeerAddr => $server_host)
or do { warn "Creating socket: $!\n"; system ("color 0C"); return $ret;};
$sock->send($msg) or do { warn "send: $!\n"; system ("color 0C"); return $ret;};
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Alarm time out\n" };
alarm 5;
$sock->recv($msg, $MAXLEN) or do { warn "recv: $!\n"; system ("color 0C"); return $ret;};
alarm 0;
} or do { warn "recv from $server_host timed out after $TIMEOUT seconds.\n"; system ("color 0D"); return $ret;};
print "BuildNo ", $msg." acquired from $server_host\n" || $ret." NOT acquired from $server_host\n" ;
$msg || $ret;
sub dbgstrippi{
return if ((-d) || m/\.(abw|acl|aif|bat|bmp|bsc|bsf|ccc|cfg|cmd|cmi|cnf|conf|cre|css|dat|dbz|der|dic|dpf|dtd|esk|gdr|h
system ("dbgstrip", "$_");
sub apply_Symbian_blacklist {
my ($target_dir, $symbianlist ) = @_;
my $curr_dir = cwd();
return unless (chdir $target_dir);
print ("Remove read-only attribute: attrib /s $target_dir\\*.* -r\n");
system ("attrib /s $target_dir\\*.* -r");
open (SYMBIAN, $symbianlist) or do {print ("Couldn't open $symbianlist: $!: $_\n" ); system ("color 04"); chdir $curr_dir; return; };
print "Apply_symbian_list $symbianlist to $target_dir === ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
if( /^\\epoc32/i ) {
if(/^\\epoc32\\include/i ) {
unless ( /\.(h|rh|hrh|inl)$/i ) { #We leave these files in epoc32\include, i.e. we put them into SDK
((-e "$target_dir$_" ) && system ("del /q /s $target_dir$_")==0) or print "Failed to delete $target_dir$_\n";
else {
((-e "$target_dir$_" ) && system ("del /q /s $target_dir$_")==0) or print "Failed to delete $target_dir$_\n";
close SYMBIAN;
chdir $curr_dir;
sub apply_blacklist {
my ($root_dir, @lists ) = @_;
my $curr_dir = cwd();
return unless (chdir $root_dir);
foreach (@lists) {
print "Apply blacklist $_ to $root_dir === ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
open (BL, $_) or do {print ("$!: $_\n" ); system ("color 40"); next; };
my @bl = <BL>;
close (BL);
system ("attrib /s $root_dir\\*.* -r");
### Remove black list items
print ("Removing black list items...\n");
foreach (@bl) {
s/^(DIR|FILE) //; #To these harmonize list formats
# s/#.*//; # Remove comments
s/^#.*//; # Remove comments
s/(?<= )#.*//; # Remove comments
next unless length; # anything left?
my $target_item = "$root_dir\\$_";
#Delete directories
if( -d ) {
print "Deleted dir - $target_item\n" if do_rmdir_all($target_item);
#Notify that (upper)directory does not exist (One level up from item)
elsif ( not(-d (substr($target_item,0,rindex($target_item,'\\'))))) {
print "Could Not Delete $target_item\n";
# Delete files that exist or has a star in the name
elsif (-e "$target_item" or /\*/ ) {
system ("del /q /s \"$target_item\"");
#Try anyway
else {
system ("del /q /s \"$target_item\"");
chdir $curr_dir;
1; #Do not remove
sub replace_strings {
# print "replace_strings === started ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
my $TargetFile="\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\data\\";
print repl_str("sdk_swbuild", "$iniH{ Platform_Build_ID }" , $TargetFile);
print repl_str("sdk_emulator_title", "$iniH{ SDK_Product_name }" , $TargetFile);
print "Replacing strings === finished ", scalar localtime(), "\n";
sub replace_strings_RnD {
my $TargetFile;
my $curr_dir = cwd();
my $TargetDir = "$iniH{S60_Root}\\PublicSDK\\sdkcreationmw\\sdkruntimes\\emumenubar\\group";
chdir "$TargetDir" or warn "Chdir to $TargetDir failed: $!";
my $file = "SdkProductInfo.h";
open(SDKPRODUCTINFO, "< $file") or die "can't open $file: $!";
open(TMP, "> tmp.txt") or die "can't open tmp.txt: $!";
undef (local $/);
my $replaced = s/(?<=#define SDK_PRODUCT_VERSION \")(.+)(?=\")/$iniH{ Platform_Version }/m;
print "$file: #define SDK_PRODUCT_VERSION $1 -> $iniH{ Platform_Version }\n" if $replaced;
my $replaced = s/(?<=#define SDK_PRODUCT_NAME_CPP\s\s\")(.+)(?=\")/$iniH{ SDK_Short_name }/m;
print "$file: #define SDK_PRODUCT_NAME_CPP $1 -> $iniH{ SDK_Short_name }\n" if $replaced;
my $replaced = s/(?<=#define SDK_PRODUCT_NAME_MIDP\s\")(.+)(?=\")/$iniH{ SDK_Short_name }/m;
print "$file: #define SDK_PRODUCT_NAME_MIDP $1 -> $iniH{ SDK_Short_name }\n" if $replaced;
my $replaced = s/(?<=#define SDK_FULL_PRODUCT_NAME_CPP\s\")(.+)(?=\")/$iniH{ SDK_Product_name }/m;
print "$file: #define SDK_FULL_PRODUCT_NAME_CPP $1 -> $iniH{ SDK_Product_name }\n" if $replaced;
my $replaced = s/(?<=#define SDK_FULL_PRODUCT_NAME_MIDP\s\")(.+)(?=\")/$iniH{ SDK_Product_name }/m;
print "$file: #define SDK_FULL_PRODUCT_NAME_MIDP $1 -> $iniH{ SDK_Product_name }\n" if $replaced;
print TMP $_;
rename("tmp.txt", $file) or die "can't rename tmp.txt to $file: $!";
chdir "$curr_dir" or warn "Chdir to $curr_dir failed: $!";
sub replace_strings_common {
my $TargetFile;
my $curr_dir = cwd();
#Get a new build number if it not already specified
if ( $iniH{ Build_number } ) {
$iniH{ Build_ID } .= $iniH{ Build_number };
else {
my $TargetDir = "\\SDK_files\\epoc32_emu\\epoc32\\data";
my $cmd = "xcopy $iniH{Sce_Root}\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\data\\BuildInfo.txt $TargetDir\\ /f /r /i /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print "$cmd\n";
$TargetFile = "$TargetDir\\BuildInfo.txt";
print repl_str("sdk_devfam", "$iniH{ Platform_Abbreviation}" , $TargetFile);
print repl_str("sdk_famrev", "$iniH{ PLATFORM_VERSION }" , $TargetFile);
#print repl_str("sdk_swbuild", "$iniH{ Platform_Build_ID }-$iniH{ Build_ID }" , $TargetFile) ,"\n";
open(CFR, "> \\SDK_installer\\script files\\configuration.rul")
or die "Can't open configuration.rul: $! Perhaps the directory \\SDK_installer\\script files does not exists.";
print CFR <<CONFRUL;
#define INSTALLPATH "$iniH{ Target_Directory }"
#define DEFAULTDEVICE "$iniH{ Kit_ID }"
#define DEVICEEXT "$iniH{ Device_Name }"
#define PRODUCTNAME "$iniH{ SDK_Product_name }"
#define SUBVERSION "$iniH{ Target_Phase }"
#define SHORTNAME "$iniH{ SDK_Short_name }"
#define SUPPORTURL "$iniH{ Support_URL }"
#define COMPANYNAME "$iniH{ SDK_Company_Name }"
#define STARTMENU_MAIN "$iniH{ Start_Menu }"
#define STARTMENU_SDK "$iniH{ Start_Menu1 }"
#define STARTMENU STARTMENU_MAIN ^ "\\\\" ^ STARTMENU_SDK ^ "\\\\$iniH{ Start_Menu2 }"
#define JAVAREQUIRED "$iniH{ Required_Java }"
#define PERLREQUIRED "$iniH{ Required_Perl }"
#define DIRECTXVER "$iniH{ Required_DirectX_user }"
#define DIRECTXREQUIRED "$iniH{ Required_DirectX }"
close CFR;
chdir "$TargetDir" or warn "Chdir to $TargetDir failed: $!";
$cmd = "xcopy $iniH{Sce_Root}\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\data\\epoc_*.ini $TargetDir\\ /f /r /i /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print "$cmd\n";
foreach my $file ( <epoc_*.ini> ) {
open(EPOCINI, "< $file") or die "can't open $file: $!";
open(TMP, "> tmp.txt") or die "can't open tmp.txt: $!";
undef (local $/);
$_ = <EPOCINI>;
my $replaced = s/^WindowTitle .*?$(.*)//m; #removed s from modifiers
print TMP $_;
rename("tmp.txt", $file) or die "can't rename tmp.txt to $file: $!";
print "$file: WindowTitle .. -> \n" if $replaced;
$cmd = "xcopy $iniH{Sce_Root}\\sdk_wa\\epoc32\\data\\epoc.ini $TargetDir\\ /f /r /i /Y";
system ($cmd)==0 or print "$cmd\n";
my $file = "epoc.ini";
open(EPOCINI, "< $file") or die "can't open $file: $!";
open(TMP, "> tmp.txt") or die "can't open tmp.txt: $!";
undef (local $/);
$_ = <EPOCINI>;
my $found = m/^WindowTitle /sm;
print TMP $_;
print TMP "WindowTitle\n" unless $found; #We add WindowTitle if we didn't find it
rename("tmp.txt", $file) or die "can't rename tmp.txt to $file: $!";
print "$TargetDir\\$file: .. -> WindowTitle \n" unless $found;
chdir "\\";
sub clean_previous_wa {
my ($dir) = @_;
my $curr_dir = cwd();
return unless (chdir $dir);
return unless (-e "Repository_area"); #Hope we are in right directory!
opendir (DIR, ".") or die "can't open . :$!"; #Remove subdirs
while (defined (my $subdir = (readdir DIR))){
next if $subdir =~ /(^\.\.?$|RECYCLER)/i; #Skip . & ..
next unless $subdir =~ /^sdk_/i;
print "Deleted dir - $subdir\n" if do_rmdir_all($subdir);
chdir $curr_dir or die "Couldn't chdir to $curr_dir: $!";
sub rm_old_dirs {
my ($base_dir, $cnt) = @_;
return unless ($cnt > 0 and -d $base_dir);
chomp (my @dirs2 = `dir /ad /b /o-d $base_dir`); #Subdir listining
my @dirs = grep (!/\D/, @dirs2); #Take those whose names contain digits only
for (my $i = @dirs; $i > $cnt; --$i){
my $dir = "$base_dir\\$dirs[$i-1]";
print "Deleted dir - $dir\n" if ((-e $dir) && do_rmdir_all($dir));
sub fix_and_copy {
my ($src, $dst) = @_;
open (SRC, "< $src") or warn "can't open $src: $!", return 1; #The file may not be in S60 platform
(my $dst_path = $dst) =~ s/[^\\]+$//; #Take the destination path
mkpath($dst_path) unless (-e $dst_path); #Make it
open (DST, "> $dst") or die "can't open dest file $dst: $!";
while (<SRC>){
if ( /\/\*/ ... /\*\//) { #We want to be inside a comment
s/\@(since|lib|released).*?(?=\*\/|$)//; #Remove references to S60 4.0 5.0 releases
s{#\s*endif\s+(//.*)}{$1\n#endif}; #Swap comment before endif
s/\s*$/\n/ if eof SRC; #Remove spaces from last line
print DST;
close SRC;
close DST;
print "$src --> $dst\n";
sub strip_and_copy {
my ($src, $dst) = @_;
open (SRC, "< $src") or warn "can't open $src: $!", return 0; #The file may not be in S60 platform
(my $dst_path = $dst) =~ s/\\[^\\]+$//; #Take the destination path
mkpath($dst_path) unless (-e $dst_path); #Make it
open (DST, ">", $dst) or die "can't open dest file $dst: $!";
while (<SRC>){
if ( /\/\*/ ... /\*\//) { #We want to be inside a comment
s/\@(since|lib|released).*?(?=\*\/|$)//; #Remove references to S60 4.0 5.0 releases
print DST;
close SRC;
close DST;
print "$src --> $dst\n";
sub repl_str {
my ($s1, $s2, $file) = @_;
open (FILE, "< $file") or return "Could not open $file: $!"; #The file may not be in S60 platform
open(TMP, "> $file.tmp") or die "can't open $file.tmp: $!";
undef (local $/);
$_ = <FILE>;
my $res = "$file: ";
$res .= (s/\Q$s1\E/$s2/smg) ? "$s1 -> $s2\n" : "\n";
print TMP $_;
rename("$file.tmp", $file) or die "can't rename $file.tmp to $file: $!";
sub repl_str2 {
my ($s1, $s2, $file) = @_;
open (FILE, "< $file") or return "Could not open $file: $!"; #The file may not be in S60 platform
open(TMP, "> $file.tmp") or die "can't open $file.tmp: $!";
my $res = "$file: ";
while (<FILE>){
$res .= (s/$s1/$s2/g) ? "$s1 -> $s2\n" : "";
print TMP $_;
rename("$file.tmp", $file) or die "can't rename $file.tmp to $file: $!";
sub repl_str3 {
my ($s1, $s2, $file) = @_;
open (FILE, "< $file") or return "Could not open $file: $!"; #The file may not be in S60 platform
open(TMP, "> $file.tmp") or die "can't open $file.tmp: $!";
undef (local $/);
$_ = <FILE>;
my $res = "$file:\n";
while (s/($s1)/$s2/m) {
$res .= "$1 -> $s2\n"
print TMP $_;
rename("$file.tmp", $file) or die "can't rename $file.tmp to $file: $!";
sub enter_sub {
my ($param) = shift;
print "\n===> ", (caller(1))[3] . "($param) ", scalar localtime(), "\n\n"
sub exit_sub {
print "\n<=== ", (caller(1))[3] . "() ", scalar localtime(), "\n\n"
sub initialize_gcc_part {
my ($sea_dir, $gcc_part, $platform_version) = @_;
#Find out the platform version for set of LIB directories to copy
$$platform_version = (exists $lib_dirs_to_collect_from_platform{$iniH{ Platform_Version }}) ? $iniH{ Platform_Version } : "9.9";
#Generate the list of gcce specific part of the lib names (=%gcc_part), eg. {000a0000}, {00010000}
#by scanning the wanted lib directories for {wwwwwwww}. pattern
my $files ="";
$$gcc_part{""}++; #Initialize with empty key
foreach my $target (keys %{ $lib_dirs_to_collect_from_platform{ $$platform_version}}){ #e.g. winscw armi thumb
foreach my $u_dir ( @{$lib_dirs_to_collect_from_platform{ $$platform_version}{$target}}){ #$u_dir = udeb or urel , see lib_dirs_to_collect_from_platform above
opendir (DIR, "$sea_dir\\epoc32\\release\\$target\\$u_dir");
while ( defined (my $file = readdir (DIR))){
if ($file =~ /(\{\w{8}\})\./) { #e.g 3GPMP4Lib{000a0000}.dso {00020067}
# This sub will collect the S60 Apis based on check in apis.xml
sub Collect_S60_apiset
my $S60_Root=shift @_;
my $apis_xml=shift @_;
my $api_dest_dir=shift @_;
my $platform_version=shift @_;
my $lib_dirs_to_collect_from_platform=shift @_;
#Parse it
my $parser=new XML::DOM::Parser;
my $doc=$parser->parsefile($apis_xml);
#Get the root node , <api_dataset>
my $root=$doc->getDocumentElement();
my @apis_nodes=$root->getElementsByTagName("api");
#Lib extentions to copy
my @lib_exts=qw (lib dso dll);
foreach my $api_node(@apis_nodes)
#Look for <release category="public"> only APIs
my $release_node_list=$api_node->getElementsByTagName("release");
my $release_node=$release_node_list->item(0);
next if ($release_node->getAttribute("category") =~/platform/i);
my $name_node_list=$api_node->getElementsByTagName("name");
my $name_node=$name_node_list->item(0);
print "\n ----------------------------------------------------";
print "\n Processing:",$name_node->getFirstChild()->getData();
#Get the Lib file
my $libs_node_list=$api_node->getElementsByTagName("libs");
my $libs_node=$libs_node_list->item(0);
my @lib_node_list=$libs_node->getElementsByTagName("lib");
foreach my $lib_node(@lib_node_list)
my $lib_file=$lib_node->getAttribute("name");
print "\n Looking Lib:",$lib_file;
my $lib_file_name="";
#Collect .lib,.dso files from platform
foreach my $target (keys %{$lib_dirs_to_collect_from_platform{$platform_version}})
{ #e.g. winscw armi thumb
foreach my $u_dir ( @{$lib_dirs_to_collect_from_platform{$platform_version}{$target}})
foreach my $lib_ext (@lib_exts)
#Copy Lib
my $cp_cmd="xcopy $S60_Root\\epoc32\\release\\$target\\$u_dir\\$lib_file_name.$lib_ext $api_dest_dir\\epoc32\\release\\$target\\$u_dir\\";
$cp_cmd.=" /C /F /R /I /E /Y";
print "\n $cp_cmd";
print "\n";
#Copy GCC part libname{00000}.dll
print "\n $cp_cmd";
print "\n";
#Get the header files
my $sources_node_list=$api_node->getElementsByTagName("sources");
next if ($sources_node_list->getLength()==0);
my $sources_node=$sources_node_list->item(0);
my @file_node_list=$sources_node->getElementsByTagName("file");
foreach my $file_node(@file_node_list)
my @path=$file_node->getElementsByTagName("path");
my $src_api_file_path=$path[0]->getFirstChild()->getData();
my @export=$file_node->getElementsByTagName("export");
my $export_api_file_path=$export[0]->getFirstChild()->getData();
#Copy the header
print "\n cp: $S60_Root\\$src_api_file_path -->$api_dest_dir\\$export_api_file_path";
mkpath(dirname("$api_dest_dir\\$export_api_file_path"))unless(-d "$api_dest_dir\\$export_api_file_path");
copy("$S60_Root$src_api_file_path","$api_dest_dir\\$export_api_file_path") or print "\n ERROR: Cp failed $!";
print "\n ----------------------------------------------------";
sub get_Symbian_OS_info {
my $readme_file = "$iniH{ S60_Root }\\readme.txt";
open (FH, "< $readme_file") or return "No Symbian OS info, $readme_file not found";
do { $line = <FH> } until $line =~ /^Symbian OS.+/ || do {$eof = eof}; #Read until Symbian OS -line is found
$line =~ /_(.+)/;
close FH;
return "No Symbian info in $readme_file" if $eof;
return $1;
sub where_when {
(caller(1))[3] . "() === ", scalar localtime()
sub where_when {
print "\n", (caller(1))[3] . "() === ", scalar localtime(), "\n\n"
sub where_when {
my ($param) = shift;
print "\n", (caller(1))[3] . "($param) === ", scalar localtime(), "\n\n"