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     4 <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
     5 <meta name="copyright" content="(C) Copyright 2005" />
     6 <meta name="DC.rights.owner" content="(C) Copyright 2005" />
     7 <meta content="topic" name="DC.Type" />
     8 <meta name="DC.Title" content="Working with Resources in Variant Proposals" />
     9 <meta name="abstract" content="A resource is an asset such as picture, sound, animation, video or theme included in the variant proposal." />
    10 <meta name="description" content="A resource is an asset such as picture, sound, animation, video or theme included in the variant proposal." />
    11 <meta content="XHTML" name="DC.Format" />
    12 <meta content="workingWithResources" name="DC.Identifier" />
    13 <link href="..\..\css/commonltr.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
    14 <title>Working with Resources in Variant Proposals</title>
    15 </head>
    16 <body>
    19   <div class="nested0" id="workingWithResources"><a name="workingWithResources"><!-- --></a>
    20     <h1 class="topictitle1">Working with Resources in Variant Proposals</h1>
    22 	  <p>A resource is an asset such as picture, sound, animation, video or theme included in the variant proposal.</p>
    24     <div class="nested1" id="importingResources"><a name="importingResources"><!-- --></a>
    25 	      <h2 class="topictitle2">Importing Resources</h2>
    27 		<div>
    28 			<div class="section">Situation: You want to add a new resource file (asset like picture or sound) that does not exist in the CPF yet.</div>
    30 			<ol>
    31 				<li>
    32 					<span>In the Resource Library select the target folder and click <span class="uicontrol">Import <img src="images/import_16_tlb.png" alt="Import resource." /></span> or click right mouse button and select <span class="uicontrol">Import Resource(s)</span> in the context menu.</span>
    33 				</li>
    35 				<li>
    36 					<span>Browse to the location of the resource file that you want to add.</span>
    37 				</li>
    39 				<li>
    40 					<span>Select the file and click <span class="uicontrol">Open</span> to add it to the Resource Library.</span>
    41 				</li>
    42 				<li>
    43 					<span>The other way is to use <span class="uicontrol">drag&amp;drop</span> functionality. Drag the image/video/sound file from the source folder and drop it directly to Resources Library. You can also remove resources from CPF by dragging them e.g. onto your desktop.</span>
    44 				</li>
    47 			</ol>
    49 			<div class="section">The file is added into selected folder. You can now preview the new resource file and use it in the settings. Here are the supported resource file types:</div>
    50       <br />
    51 			<div class="example"> <img src="images/supported_resources.gif" alt="Supported Resources." /> </div>
    53 		</div>
    55     </div>
    56 	<div class="nested1" id="exportingResources"><a name="exportingResources"><!-- --></a>
    57 	      <h2 class="topictitle2">Exporting Resources</h2>
    59 		<div>
    60 			<div class="section">Situation: You want to move or copy resource file from CPF to operating system drive.</div>
    62 			<ol>
    63 				<li>
    64 					<span>In the Resource Library choose resource file, which will be moved.</span>
    65 				</li>
    67 				<li>
    68 					<span>Using drag&amp;drop operation you can move file to destination folder, for example the Desktop folder. While file is dragged you can see windows cursor for move operation <img src="images/move_cursor.jpg" alt="Move cursor." /> .</span>
    69 				</li>
    71 				<li>
    72 					<span>Also, you can change move operation to copy operation using Ctrl key while resource file is dragged. The cursor will change to copy operation cursor <img src="images/copy_cursor.jpg" alt="Copy cursor." /> .</span>
    73 				</li>			
    74 			</ol>
    75 		</div>
    77     </div>
    78     <div class="nested1" id="removingResources"><a name="removingResources"><!-- --></a>
    79       <h2 class="topictitle2">Removing Resources</h2>
    81 		<div>
    82 			<div class="section">Situation: There is a resource file (asset like picture or sound) in the Resource Library that you do not need in the variant software proposal form.</div>
    84 			<ol>
    85 				<li>
    86 					<span>Select the resource file that you want to remove from the Resource Library.</span>
    87 				</li>
    89 				<li>
    90 					<span>Click <span class="uicontrol">Remove <img src="images/delete_16_tlb.png" alt="Delete resource." /></span> or click right mouse button and select <span class="uicontrol">Remove Resource(s)</span> in the context menu..</span>
    91 				</li>
    93 			</ol>
    95 			<div class="section">Carbide.v removes the selected resource from the CPF.</div>
    97 		</div>
    99     </div>
   101     <div class="nested1" id="previewingResources"><a name="previewingResources"><!-- --></a>
   102       <h2 class="topictitle2">Previewing Resources</h2>
   104 		<div>
   105 			<div class="section">Situation: You want to check that a resource file (asset like picture or sound) is correct.</div>
   107 			<ol>
   108 				<li>
   109 					<span>Select the resource file that you want to see or hear.</span>
   110 				</li>
   111 				<li>
   112 					<span>Carbide.v shows the resource in the preview pane. If it is</span>
   113 					<ol type="a">
   114 						<li>
   115 							<span>a picture, Carbide.v displays it.</span>
   116 						</li>
   117 						<li>
   118 							<span>a sound file, Carbide.v displays the sound play controls with which you can listen to the sound.</span>
   119 						</li>
   120 						<li>
   121 							<span>an animation, Carbide.v displays the animation play controls.</span>
   122 						</li>
   123 						<li>
   124 							<span>a theme, Carbide.v launches the theme preview controls with screen thumbnails. Expand the preview pane for smooth theme navigation screen by screen.</span>
   125 						</li>
   126 						<li>
   127 							<span>not previewable in Carbide.v (yet), Carbide.v notifies that. Double-click the file to preview it in an external application to which the file type is associated on your PC.</span>
   128 						</li>
   129 					</ol>
   130 				</li>
   131 			</ol>
   133 			<div class="section">You can preview or listen to the resource with appropriate controls. You can also see the metadata details of the resource whenever available. For example, themes are previewed as follows:</div>
   134 			<br />
   135       <div class="example"><img src="images/theme_preview.png" alt="Theme preview" /> </div>
   138 		</div>
   140     </div>
   142     <div class="nested1" id="associatingResourcesToSettings"><a name="associatingResourcesToSettings"><!-- --></a>
   143       <h2 class="topictitle2">Associating Resources with Settings</h2>
   145 		<div>
   146 			<div class="section">Situation: you want to add a resource (asset like picture or sound) as a value in a setting. You may use the below steps or the file browse dialogue.</div>
   148 		<ol>
   149 			<li>
   150 				<span>Open the part of the software proposal form that includes the setting to which you want to add a resource as value.</span>
   151 			</li>
   152 			<li>
   153 				<span>Find and select the resource in the Resource Library.</span>
   154 			</li>
   155 			<li>
   156 				<span>Drag and drop the resource to the setting field.</span>
   157 			</li>
   158 		</ol>
   160 			<div class="section">Carbide.v shows the resource as the value of the setting.</div>
   162 					<span>Carbide.v shows the resource as the value of the setting. Carbide.v shows the resource in the preview pane. If it is </span>
   163 					<ol type="a">
   164 						<li>
   165 							<span>a picture, Carbide.v displays it.</span>
   166 						</li>
   167 						<li>
   168 							<span>a sound file, Carbide.v displays the sound play controls with which you can listen to the sound.</span>
   169 						</li>
   170 						<li>
   171 							<span>an animation, Carbide.v displays the animation play controls.</span>
   172 						</li>
   173 						<li>
   174 							<span>a theme, Carbide.v launches the theme preview controls with screen thumbnails. Expand the preview pane for smooth theme navigation screen by screen.</span>
   175 						</li>
   176 						<li>
   177 							<span>not previewable in Carbide.v (yet), Carbide.v notifies that. Double-click the file to preview it in an external application to which the file type is associated on your PC.</span>
   178 						</li>
   179 					</ol>
   180           <div class="section">You can preview or listen to the resource with appropriate controls. You can also see the metadata details of the resource whenever available. For example, images are previewed as follows:</div>
   181           <br />
   182           <div class="example"><img src="images/associated_file.png" alt="Associated file" /> </div>
   183 		</div>
   186     </div>
   188     <!--
   189     <div class="nested1" id="makingFormatConversions"><a name="makingFormatConversions"></a>
   190       <h2 class="topictitle2">Making Format conversions</h2>
   192 		<div>
   193 			<div class="section">In the future, Carbide.v will have a feature for converting resource files to the format that is required in variant creation.</div>
   195 		</div>
   197     </div>
   198     -->
   200   </div>
   201   <br/>
   202   <div id="footer">Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved.<br/> 
   203                    License: <a href=""></a>.
   204   </div>
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