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<title>Overriding data with Value Editor</title>
Overriding data with Value Editor
Using value editor user can override the default values of settings in the configuration. To accomplish this follow the following steps:
<li>On the Project Explorer under <b>Feature Set</b> right-click the feature you want to edit and select <b>Open Feature Editor</b>.</li>
<li>Modify the values in the editor as needed. See the following graphic for an overview.<img src="../images/image020.jpg" ><br>
<b>Figure 9</b> modifying default values with value editor. All user modified settings will appear <b>bolded</b>.
<li>Save your changes at the end. The changes will be saved in active Configuration root file’s last layer. In this case <b>custom_layer/confml/data.confml</b><br>
<img src="../images/image022.jpg" ><br>
<b>Figure 10</b> Data overrides