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.. _cone-development:
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Development with ConE
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This page should describe all relevant information on any developer who has or will create any functionality on
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top of the ConE functionality.
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ConE in SF
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ConE is a open source project (Currently under Eclipse Public License v1.0), which can take contributions from anyone interested in ConE. In future the ConE
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will propably be split to two separate parts; ConE *core* and ConE *plugins*.
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The core of ConE is mainly the public interface and the storage agnostic functionality of ConE.
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This core part is intended to be more generic and functional on any platform.
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The plugin part is meant for extensions of ConE that could be for example platform specific implementation plugins
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that generate output files based on the configurations.
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Development environment
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The development environment requires a set of python packages, which you mostly install with easy_install after
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installation of setuptools. So you must install the necessary libraries in order to be able to do cone development.
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The best way to test whether your development environment has everything that is required is to run all the unittest
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of cone (See :ref:`cone-development-test-running`). When everything works, your environment is properly
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setup :)
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**Required Python packages**
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- jinja2
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- simplejson
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- lxml (at least version 2.2.2) run easy_install lxml==2.2.2
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- nose (for running testing)
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- epydoc (for documentation generation)
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- sphinx (for documentation generation)
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To install the above packages, run easy_install
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easy_install call::
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easy_install <package-name>
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easy_install jinja2 package::
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easy_install jinja2
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.. _cone-development-test-running:
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Running tests
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The different packages inside cone have a tests subpackage which contains all the tests for that particular package.
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Each package also contains a runtests.py file that runs all tests inside that package with `nose <http://somethingaboutorange.com/mrl/projects/nose/0.11.3/>`_.
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The higher levels packages also contain a runtests.py which also collect all subpackage tests, so you can basically
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run every test of cone source by running the runtests.py at the root of source directory.
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**Setting PYTHONPATH**
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The cone modules need to be set to the PYTHONPATH to enable test running. If you are using eclipse with PyDev as
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developement environment, the PYTHONPATH should be automatically correct as the eclipse .project file is included
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in version control.
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For command line testing you can run the testing_paths.cmd/testing_paths.sh to set the PYTHONPATH correctly.
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After that you should be able to run individual test are all test with a normal python call .
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running all cone tests::
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cd source
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python runtests.py
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running individual unittest example::
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cd source/cone/public/tests
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python unittest_configuration.py
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running all module tests::
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cd source/cone/public/tests
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python runtests.py
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running tests with nose::
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Tests can also be run with nose, effectively this is the same as running the runtests.py
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cd source/cone/
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nosetests --include=unittest
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Using ConE API
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.. toctree::
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:maxdepth: 2
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