changeset 0 2e8eeb919028
child 3 e7e0ae78773e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2e8eeb919028
     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description: 
    15 #
    17 import StringIO
    18 import os
    19 import pickle
    20 import copy
    21 import logging
    23 from cone.public import *
    24 from import persistentdictionary
    27 class _StringStorageObject(container.ObjectContainer):
    28     def __init__(self, name):
    29         container.ObjectContainer.__init__(self, utils.resourceref.to_dottedref(name))
    30         self.path = name
    31 = ""
    33     def get_path(self):
    34         """
    35         Return the path of the configuration resource
    36         """
    37         return self.path
    39     def set_path(self,path):
    40         """
    41         Set the path of the configuration resource
    42         """
    43         self.path = path
    45     def path_to_elem(self, toparent=None):
    46         parent_path = ""
    47         # check if the parent is found at all from this hierarchy
    48         if toparent and not self._find_parent_or_default(match=toparent):
    49             toparent = self._find_parent_or_default(container=True)
    50         if self._find_parent():
    51             parent_path = self._find_parent()._path(toparent).replace(".","/") 
    52         return utils.resourceref.join_refs([parent_path,self.get_path()])
    54     def __getstate__(self):
    55         return self.__dict__.copy()
    57     def __setstate__(self,dict):
    58         self.__dict__ =  dict.copy()
    60 class StringStorage(api.Storage, container.ObjectContainer):
    61     """
    62     A general base class for all storage type classes
    63     @param path : the reference to the root of the storage.
    64     """
    65     def __init__(self, path):
    66         container.ObjectContainer.__init__(self,"")
    67         api.Storage.__init__(self,path)
    69     def __getstate__(self):
    70         dict = self.__dict__.copy()
    71         del dict['__opened_res__']
    72         return dict
    74     def __setstate__(self,dict):
    75         self.__dict__ =  dict.copy()
    76         self.__dict__['__opened_res__'] = {}
    78     def __dump__(self):
    79         """
    80         Dump the storage to the reference file
    81         """
    82         file = open(self.get_path(),"w")
    83         pickle.dump(self,file)
    84         file.close()
    86     @classmethod
    87     def __open__(cls,path, mode="r"):
    88         if mode.find("a")!=-1 or mode.find("r")!=-1:
    89             if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isfile(path):
    90                 file = open(path,"r")
    91                 obj = pickle.load(file)
    92                 file.close()
    93             else:
    94                 raise exceptions.StorageException("The given data file for storage does not exist! %s" % path)
    95         elif mode.find("w")!=-1:
    96             # check if the given storage path exists and delete it if it does
    97             if os.path.dirname(path) != '' and not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
    98                  os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path))
    99             obj = StringStorage(path)
   100             """ key value pairs of data. Key path = datastring """ 
   101         else:
   102             raise exceptions.StorageException("Unsupported creation mode given! %s" % mode)
   103         return obj
   105     @classmethod
   106     def supported_storage(cls,path):
   107         """
   108         Class method for determing if the given clas supports a storage by given path. 
   109         E.g., foo.cpd, foo/bar,
   110         @param path:
   111         @return: Boolean value. True if the storage of the path is supported. False if not.  
   112         """
   113         if utils.resourceref.get_ext(path) == "pk":
   114             return True
   115         else:
   116             return False
   118     def close(self):
   119         """
   120         Close the repository, which will save and close all open resources.  
   121         """
   122         super(StringStorage,self).close()
   123         self.__dump__()
   125     def save(self):
   126         """
   127         Save changes from all resources to the repository.  
   128         """        
   129         super(StringStorage,self).save()
   130         self.__dump__()
   132     def open_resource(self,path,mode="r"):
   133         """
   134         Open the given resource and return a File object.
   135         @param path : reference to the resource 
   136         @param mode : the mode in which to open. Can be one of r = read, w = write, a = append.
   137         raises a NotResource exception if the path item is not a resource.
   138         """
   139         res = None
   140         # Add the current path in front of the given path
   141         path = utils.resourceref.join_refs([self.get_current_path(), path])
   142         dottedref = utils.resourceref.to_dref(path)
   143         (pathto,name)= utils.resourceref.psplit_ref(path)
   144         (dpath, dref) = utils.dottedref.psplit_ref(dottedref)
   146         # check for existence
   147         if self.get_mode(mode) == self.MODE_READ:
   148             try:
   149                 # Try to create a new StringResource in any case
   151                 res = StringResource(self, path, self._get(dottedref).data,mode) 
   152             except exceptions.NotFound,e:
   153                 raise exceptions.NotResource("Not found %s" % path)
   154         elif self.get_mode(mode) == self.MODE_WRITE:
   155             # Create a new StringResource in any case
   156             self._add_to_path(dpath,_StringStorageObject(name))
   157             res = StringResource(self, path, self._get(dottedref).data,mode) 
   158         elif self.get_mode(mode) == self.MODE_APPEND:
   159             # Append case, create the data reference if it is not existing
   160             if not self._has(dottedref):
   161                 self._add_to_path(dpath,_StringStorageObject(name))
   162                         # Create a new StringResource in any case
   163             res = StringResource(self, path, self._get(dottedref).data,mode)
   164   , os.SEEK_END)
   165         self.__opened__(res)
   166         return res
   168     def delete_resource(self,path):
   169         """
   170         Delete the given resource from storage
   171         @param res : Resource objcet to the resource 
   172         raises a NotSupportedException exception if delete operation is not supported by the storage
   173         """
   174         # First close all open resources
   175         # Add the current path in front of the given path
   176         path = utils.resourceref.join_refs([self.curpath, path])
   177         for res in self.__get_open__(path):
   178             self.__closed__(res)
   179         self._remove(utils.resourceref.to_dref(path))
   181     def close_resource(self, res):
   182         """
   183         Close the given resource instance. Normally this is called by the Resource object 
   184         in its own close.
   185         @param res: the resource object to close. 
   186         """
   187         try:
   188             self.__closed__(res)
   189             if not res.get_mode() == api.Storage.MODE_READ:
   190                 self._get(utils.resourceref.to_dref(res.path)).data = res.getvalue()
   191         except KeyError,e:
   192             raise StorageException("No such %s open resource! %s" % (res.path,e))
   195     def save_resource(self, res):
   196         """
   197         Flush the changes of a given resource instance. Normally this is called by the Resource object 
   198         in its own save.
   199         @param res: the resource to the resource to save. 
   200         """
   201         if not self.__has_resource__(res):
   202             raise exceptions.NotResource("No such %s open resource!" % res.path)
   203         else:
   204             if not res.get_mode() == api.Storage.MODE_READ:
   205                 self._get(utils.resourceref.to_dref(res.path)).data = res.getvalue()
   207     def is_resource(self,path):
   208         """
   209         Return true if the path is a resource
   210         @param path : reference to path where resources are searched
   211         """
   212         # Add the current path in front of the given path
   213         path = utils.resourceref.join_refs([self.get_current_path(), path])
   214         return self._has(utils.resourceref.to_dref(path))
   216     def list_resources(self,path,recurse=False,empty_folders=False):
   217         """
   218         find the resources under certain path/path 
   219         @param path : reference to path where resources are searched
   220         @param recurse : defines whether to return resources directly under the path or does the listing recurse to subfolders. 
   221         Default value is False. Set to True to enable recursion.
   222         """
   223         """ Get the given curpath element """
   224         try:
   225             curelem = self._get(utils.resourceref.to_dref(self.get_current_path()))
   226             dref = utils.resourceref.to_dref(path)
   227             if recurse:
   228                 return sorted([child.path_to_elem(curelem) for child in curelem._get(dref)._traverse(type=_StringStorageObject)])
   229             else:
   230                 return sorted([child.path_to_elem(curelem) for child in curelem._get(dref)._objects(type=_StringStorageObject)])
   231         except exceptions.NotFound:
   232             return []
   234     def import_resources(self,paths,storage,empty_folders=False):
   235         for path in paths:
   236             if not storage.is_resource(path):
   237                 logging.getLogger('cone').warning("The given path is not a Resource in the storage %s! Ignoring from export!" % path)
   238                 continue
   239             wres = self.open_resource(path,'wb')
   240             res  = storage.open_resource(path,"rb")
   241             wres.write(
   242             wres.close()
   243             res.close()
   246     def create_folder(self,path):
   247         """
   248         Create a folder entry to a path
   249         @param path : path to the folder
   250         """
   251         if not self._has(utils.resourceref.to_dref(path)):
   252             (dpath,name) = utils.dottedref.psplit_ref(utils.resourceref.to_dref(path))
   253             self._add_to_path(dpath, self._default_object(name))
   255     def delete_folder(self,path):
   256         """
   257         Delete a folder entry from a path. The path must be empty.
   258         @param path : path to the folder
   259         """
   260         self._remove(utils.resourceref.to_dref(path))
   262     def is_folder(self,path):
   263         """
   264         Check if the given path is an existing folder in the storage
   265         @param path : path to the folder
   266         """
   267         return self._has(utils.resourceref.to_dref(path))
   269     def export_resources(self,refs,storage,empty_folders=False):
   270         """
   271         export resources from this storage based on a list of reference to this storage
   272         @param refs : a list of resource names in this storage (references).
   273         @param storage : the external storage where to export.
   274         """  
   275         storage.import_resources(refs, self, empty_folders=empty_folders)
   277     def unload(self, path, object):
   278         """
   279         Dump a given object to the storage (reference is fetched from the object)
   280         @param object: The object to dump to the storage, which is expected to be an instance 
   281         of Base class.
   282         """
   283         # Add the current path in front of the given path
   284         path = utils.resourceref.join_refs([self.get_current_path(), path])
   285         if not isinstance(object, api.Configuration):
   286             raise exceptions.StorageException("Cannot dump object type %s" % object.__class__)
   287         res = self.open_resource(path,"w")
   288         data = persistentdictionary.dumps(object)
   289         res.write(data)
   290         res.close()
   291         return
   293     def load(self, path):
   294         """
   295         Load an from a reference.
   296         """
   297         # Add the current path in front of the given path
   298         path = utils.resourceref.join_refs([self.get_current_path(), path])
   299         if not utils.resourceref.get_ext(path) == "confml":
   300             raise exceptions.StorageException("Cannot load object from given path = %s!" % path)
   301         if self.is_resource(path):
   302             res = self.open_resource(path,"r")
   303             # read the dictionary from the resource with eval
   304             obj = persistentdictionary.loads(
   305             res.close()
   306             return obj
   307         else:
   308             raise exceptions.NotResource("No such %s resource!" % path)
   310 class StringResource(api.Resource):
   311     """
   312     A StringResource class that works on top of StringIO buffer. This class in 
   313     intended mainly for testing purposes.
   314     """    
   315     def __init__(self,storage,path,stringdata, mode=api.Storage.MODE_READ):
   316         strio = StringIO.StringIO(stringdata)    
   317         api.Resource.__init__(self,storage,path, mode)
   318         self.handle = strio
   319 =
   320         self.tell = self.handle.tell
   321 =
   322         self.readline = self.handle.readline
   323         self.getvalue = self.handle.getvalue
   325     def write(self, string):
   326         if self.get_mode() == api.Storage.MODE_READ:
   327             raise exceptions.StorageException("Writing attempted to %s in read-only mode." % self.path)
   328         else:
   329             self.handle.write(string)
   331     def read(self, bytes=0):
   332         if self.get_mode() == api.Storage.MODE_WRITE:
   333             raise exceptions.StorageException("Reading attempted to %s in write-only mode." % self.path)
   334         else:
   337     def save(self):
   340     def close(self):
   342         self.handle.close()
   344     def get_size(self):
   345         if self.get_mode() == api.Storage.MODE_WRITE:
   346             raise exceptions.StorageException("Reading resource size attempted to %s in write-only mode." % self.path)
   347         return len(self.handle.getvalue())
   349     def get_content_info(self):
   350         if self.content_info == None:
   351             self.content_info = utils.make_content_info(self, self.handle.getvalue())
   353         return self.content_info